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Diane S.

Alvarez Project : /40

December 5, 2023

My Leaders

Leni Robredo Ramon Magsaysay

Benigno Aquino III Manuel Quezon

How should a leader be a good leader? How will he treat the people?
A great leader weaves together various skills and qualities to create a vibrant team.
Effective communication, active listening, and empathy are essential for building trust
and camaraderie. Recognizing strengths and supporting each other fosters a tight-knit
group. Leadership involves setting a tone, guiding towards a shared vision, and instilling a
sense of purpose. Leading by example, being accountable, and embracing creativity are
crucial. Ultimately, a good leader treats their team as a community, emphasizing respect,
understanding, and inspiration to transform individuals into a powerhouse team.
Why do you like these people to be you leader I support these leaders because they share a
common vision for the country.
Here are some reasons why I consider them good leaders:
Leni Robredo: She focuses on social issues and aims to alleviate poverty.
Advocates for transparency and good governance.
Actively engages with communities through grassroots initiatives.
Ramon Magsaysay:
Known for his simplicity and strong commitment to public service.
Successfully combated corruption during his tenure.
Supported agrarian and economic reforms.
Benigno Aquino III:
Emphasized anti-corruption initiatives.
Oversaw economic growth and stability during his time in office.
Advocated for the "Daang Matuwid" (Straight Path) governance.
Manuel Quezon:
Made significant contributions to Philippine democracy.
Worked to promote the national language and culture.
Initiated projects to improve infrastructure and education.
I admire this leaders for specific policies and actions that align with the values and priorities
of the people during their respective terms. Public perception is shaped by historical context,
the political climate, and the impact of their policies on the nation.
What kind of a leader should Philippines have for us to become a successful country?
For the Philippines to really move forward, we need a leader who dreams big, stands firm
on principles, and brings everyone together. This leader should inspire us to work towards
a future where our economy is thriving, our society is healthy, and we play a significant
role on the global stage. Trust is key, so our leader must be open, honest, and take a strong
stand against corruption to build confidence in the government. Embracing our diversity
is crucial too – policies should cater to the unique needs of all communities, fostering a
united front. Driving our economic engine requires a leader who knows the ropes, creating
jobs, attracting investments, and addressing poverty head-on. Investing in education and
innovation is a no-brainer – it's an investment in our future workforce and ensures we're
not left behind globally. Taking care of our people through social welfare and healthcare,
as well as being responsible stewards of the environment, shows that our leader cares
about our well-being and the future of our planet. Adaptability is a must in this ever-
changing world, and so is skillful diplomacy on the international stage. But above all, our
leader needs to be in tune with us, the people. Understanding our diverse challenges and

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