Schoool of Mathematic: Topological Groupoids

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Schoool of Mathematic

topological groupoids

Nino Chkhapelia

Kutaisi International University

January 5, 2021

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic


A groupoid G is called a topological groupoid if G (1) is a
topological space containing G (0) as a subspace and the range
map, source map and the inverse

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic


A groupoid G is called a topological groupoid if G (1) is a
topological space containing G (0) as a subspace and the range
map, source map and the inverse

Following are examples of topological groupoids:

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic


A groupoid G is called a topological groupoid if G (1) is a
topological space containing G (0) as a subspace and the range
map, source map and the inverse

Following are examples of topological groupoids:
A topological space;

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic


A groupoid G is called a topological groupoid if G (1) is a
topological space containing G (0) as a subspace and the range
map, source map and the inverse

Following are examples of topological groupoids:
A topological space;
A topological group

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic


A groupoid G is called a topological groupoid if G (1) is a
topological space containing G (0) as a subspace and the range
map, source map and the inverse

Following are examples of topological groupoids:
A topological space;
A topological group
Action groupoid obtained from action of a topological group
on a topological space.

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic

If G is a groupoid in which G(1) is topological space containing
G(0) such that source map and inverse map are continuous then G
is a topological groupoid.

The range map is obtained by composing the source map with
an inverse map.
Source map is continuous by definition.
Inverse map is also continuous by definition.
It two maps are continuous, then so is there composition.
Thus the range map is continuous.

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic


V. Müller, and A. Soltysiak

Spectral radius formula for commuting Hilbert space operators
Studia Math.103. (1992), 329-333.

M. Cho and W. Zelazko

On geometric spectral radius of commuting n-tuples of operators
Hokkaido Math. J., 21(2): 251-258, 1992.

Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic


Nino Chkhapelia Schoool of Mathematic

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