Personal Statement Aditya Maulana Hasymi

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I am Aditya Maulana Hasymi and I am now 22 years old.

I was a student of International

Relations of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. I graduated with GPA of 3.67 (out of 4)
on the 15th of February 2014.

It is always fascinating for me to meet people with different characteristics, discuss

international issues, and share ideas. I believe that those activities could enhance my
knowledge and understanding toward the meaning of tolerance. Thus, I did not doubt when I
decided to take International Relations for my undergraduate. During my study, I always
fostered my comprehension of international issues through reading daily newspaper or
political books and having discussion with my friends and lecturers.

The current international issue on which I have focused recently is dealing with conflict
resolution. It is the hot issue discussed in this world nowadays since a lot of ongoing
conflicts, either bilateral or multilateral conflicts. Indonesia, as a biggest country at South
East Asia, indirectly has a responsibility to become a mediator to solve the problem. That is
the reason why I am interested in studying conflict resolution as the way to contribute to my

I have experience joining a conference and a short course on International Relations,

Security, and focussing on Conflict Resolution. I was selected as a participant of the Mahathir
Global Peace School at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on February 2014. A lot of peace
perspectives I understand by sharing and disscusion with the participants who came form
different states like Palestine, Thailand, Cambodia,Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Gambia and
Cambodia. I also got an invaluable experience and knowledge about conflict resolution from
Professor Johan Galtung, known as the professor who made a conflict resolution theory.

I am eager to broaden my horizons deaing with International Relations through pursuing my

master degree at University of Liverpool. I believe that this university provides 3 key factors
to study International Relations and Security deeper which are International Relations theory,
non state actor violence, and conflict resolution. Besides, University of Liverpool
internationally is well known for the university leading in international relations and security
topics. It is strengthened by Guardian survey in 2011 as top 100 social science departments in
the world
Accomplishing my master degree in United Kingdom more specifically University of
Liverpool, will surely provide me an opportunity of experiencing a research-active learning
environment that will give me excellent grounding in the study of international relations and
security. Pursuing master in University of Liverpool would be such an invaluable experience
since I would be able to comprehend the issue of International Security, Peace, and Conflict
Resolution as well as processes dealing with them. In my perspective, I believe that youth
should have awareness to create the peaceful world to live in. The fact tell us that the world
right now is full of conflicts, like when we see Middle East and Asia Pacific. Many people
have been killed massively. Therefore, I wish to be able to take part in those part by
completing master degree program of international relations and security in University of

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