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Human existence has been made easier, more pleasant, and possible thanks to

science and technology. Science and technology have made cooking, sleeping,
conversing, and commuting simpler and quicker thanks to devices like microwaves,
fans, cellphones, and autos. We also use technology to clean our clothes, prepare our
meals, and move from one location to another. These are technologies that we now
take for granted and that seem less impressive to us than self-driving cars or 3D
printing. We also use technology to share information with others around the world and
to communicate, as well as in all everyday items like floorboards, door locks, and
furniture. In fields like data visualization and mapping, crowdsourcing, and more, the
Internet and associated tools already play significant and vital roles. Nowadays, anyone
may share anything with a social network by just clicking or, possibly, tweeting about it.
This is made possible by the internet, which makes communication and word-of-mouth
easier. Due to the fact that transactions and other events are conducted via computers,
technology is also significant in business.

Every day, nurses assist in providing patients all around the nation and the world
with life-saving medical treatment. Additionally, they interact and speak with patients to
make sure they are relaxed and at peace while receiving medical care. As a result,
having a strong bedside manner and medical knowledge are essential for a nurse to
succeed in this sector. The success of medical professionals is also being fueled by
technology in nursing. Modern digital technologies and tools make a nurse's job easier
and ensure that patients get the finest care possible. Over the years, technology has
advanced, and this has had an impact on how it is used and valued in nursing. For
treating patients, collecting patient data, and sustaining good health even after patients
leave a healthcare facility, nurses use and support a variety of tech. When a doctor,
nurse, patient, or other health care provider uses a health record that is not in an
electronic format, numerous mistakes could happen. In a traditional filing system, a
paper record may be easily lost or damaged, officials at another facility may not be able
to fully comprehend or access a record from one site, and patients and professionals
may enter or misread the information included in the records. By providing a convenient,
secure, and complete means for keeping a patient's health information, EHRs assist in
resolving these problems.

Activities related to science and technology include clarification of enigmatic

phenomena, as well as to the discovery of novel natural laws and principles, which
results in the development of new knowledge; this knowledge is then put to use in
contemporary society. The creation of new knowledge and its subsequent application to
enhance human prosperity and address societal problems are the fundamental
components of science and technology's contribution to society. The image of rain
falling on a mountain can be used to illustrate the relationship between science,
technology, and society. On a mountain, rain does not quickly wash away as it
descends. Forests are the first to absorb it and retain it, bringing life to trees and other
plants and resulting in a lush environment. This can be likened to the development of
scientific knowledge and the ongoing pursuit of truth, both of which were attained
through fundamental study, and it may show that science has intrinsic value in and of
itself. In the meantime, a steadily growing torrent of rainfall that has been stored in the
forest bubbles out of springs and travels downwards. A single stream flow can split up
into a vast number of smaller streams, and it occasionally can travel underground to
form a network of tunnels. This circumstance can be compared to the variety of
research and development that can result from the application of scientific knowledge,
which can sprout the seeds of numerous new technological innovations. People won't
be able to survive if the forest is unable to collect enough of the rain that is pouring.
Society will shortly experience drought. In the same way, a significant body of scientific
knowledge is necessary to realize societal progress through science and technology.

The development of humans depends on the availability of natural resources. An

imbalance in the environment would result from the misuse of the resources. Thus, we
would be moving away from an environmentally friendly environment. The value of
natural resources drives the need for conservation. Water is a naturally replenishable
resource. We use water for drinking, producing electricity, irrigation, in various industries
and for a number of activities. Forest provides paper, furniture, timber, medicine, gum,
etc. Also, it maintains a balance in the ecosystem and prevents soil erosion and
protects wildlife. Fossil fuels are of great importance. Land also provides us food, cloth,
shelter, and other basic needs. Animals and plants offer a vast variety of biological and
commercial resources. It also has a variety of other purposes outside helping to make

The term nature includes both living things and the factors that shape the natural
world, including the weather, mountains, oceans, and landscapes. We frequently forget
how much we rely on nature. Even city dwellers in contemporary skyscrapers require
nature's gifts of air to breathe, water to drink, and food to consume in order to survive.
While ready-to-eat foods and bottled water are available in supermarkets, they were not
made there. Some fruits and vegetables, for instance, can only be grown in tropical
regions and must travel the world in chilled shipping containers to reach your local store
at the perfect time of ripeness. Since we still lack the technology to produce significant
quantities of water in a laboratory, all drinking water ultimately originates from a natural
source. Diversity of all living things on Earth, including various degrees of organization,
is referred to as biodiversity. The services provided by nature, often known as
ecosystem services, are made possible by biodiversity. Provisioning (such as food and
wood) and sustaining (such as soil formation and nutrient cycling) are two categories of
these services, while regulating (such as clean air and water purification) and cultural
services are the others ( recreation and eco-tourism). An oil spill can taint a million
drops of water with just one drop of oil. It contributes to air pollution and climate change
to travel in a car that runs on fossil fuels. Heat is trapped close to the Earth's surface by
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which function as a blanket.

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