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Below is a brief analysis of each country, comparing economic indicators:

Latin America:

- Ecuador: GNI per capita and PPP show a growing trend in recent years, although the difference
between the rich and the poor is significant. The literacy rate has increased, but the maternal and infant
mortality rate remains high.

- Peru: Similar to Ecuador, GNI per capita and PPP have experienced recent growth. The literacy rate
has increased, but the maternal and infant mortality rate remains a concern.

- Colombia: GNI per capita and PPP have increased in recent years, but economic inequalities
still exist. The literacy rate has improved, but the maternal and infant mortality rate remains high.

- Argentina: GNI per capita and PPP have decreased in recent years, although the economy has
recovered in recent years. The literacy rate is high, but the maternal and infant mortality rate
remains a concern.

- Brazil: GNI per capita and PPP have increased in recent years, and the economy has
experienced significant growth. The literacy rate is high, but the maternal and infant mortality
rate remains a concern.

North America:

- United States: GNI per capita is very high, but the distribution of wealth is unequal. The literacy
rate is high, but the maternal and infant mortality rate remains a concern.

- Canada: GNI per capita is high and the distribution of wealth is more equitable than in the United
States. The literacy rate is high, but the maternal and infant mortality rate remains a concern.

- Mexico: The GNI per capita is average, and the distribution of wealth is unequal. The
literacy rate is high, but the maternal and infant mortality rate remains a concern.


- Germany: GNI per capita is high and the distribution of wealth is equitable. The literacy rate
is high, and the maternal and infant mortality rate is similar to that of other countries.

- France: The GNI per capita is very high, and the distribution of wealth is equitable. The literacy
rate is high, and the maternal and infant mortality rate is similar to that of other countries.
- United Kingdom: GNI per capita is very high, but the distribution of wealth is unequal. The literacy
rate is high, but the maternal and infant mortality rate remains a concern.

Regarding the questions raised:

The analysis of the correlation between Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, Power Parity
Purchasing (PPP) and Human Development Index (HDI) ranking in the selected
countries shows the following:

- GNI per capita and PPP are moderately correlated with HDI ranking in these countries, indicating
that countries with higher per capita income perform better in human development.

Regarding the literacy rate and its potential impact on economic development:

- The literacy rate in these countries is generally high, suggesting that there is a high level of
education and possible higher labor productivity.

- Although no specific data was found on the impact of literacy rate on economic development, it
is reasonable to assume that a higher level of education can contribute to higher labor productivity
and ultimately sustainable economic growth.

Finally, regarding infant and maternal mortality rates and their relationship with the situation of
health systems:

- The infant and maternal mortality rates in these countries can reflect the situation of the
health systems and the quality of life of their citizens.

- Although no specific data was found on the effectiveness of health systems in these countries,
it is important to consider that an effective health system can contribute to reducing infant and
maternal mortality rates, which in turn can improve performance economic and quality of life of

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