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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease




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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Table of Contents
Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease ...............................................................1
Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease ................................................................... 2
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Sinus Node Dysfunction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Diagnosis and Treatment of Sinus and AV Conduction Disease ...................................................................... 17
Indications for Pacing ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Future Directions ............................................................................................................................................. 21
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular

Conduction Disease

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular

Conduction Disease

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Nazem Akoum, MD, MS, FACC
This author has nothing to disclose.
Learner Objectives
Upon completion of this module, the reader will be able to:
1. Classify causes of bradycardia as impulse generation in sinus node dysfunction (SND) or impulse
propagation in atrioventricular (AV) conduction disease.
2. Recognize that, in AV conduction disease, the site of block can be in the AV node or further
downstream in the His-Purkinje system.
3. Distinguish AV dissociation, in which the ventricular rate is faster than the atrial rate, from AV block,
in which the atrial rate is faster than the ventricular rate.
4. Match the appropriate workup, including exercise testing, ambulatory monitoring, and invasive
electrophysiology testing, with the suspected cause of bradycardia.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease



The cardiac electrical system consists of

tissue capable of spontaneous electrical Key Point
depolarization and impulse propagation.
• The sinus node is located at the junction of the
Under normal conditions, the sinoatrial superior vena cava and lateral right atrium. A
(SA) node, located at the junction of the spontaneously depolarizing current, known as If or
superior vena cava and the right atrium, the “funny current,” drives spontaneous sinus
has the fastest rate of spontaneous node activity.
depolarization due to the presence of a
depolarizing current, called the “funny
current.” An impulse generated from the SA node propagates to the atria, resulting in atrial depolarization,
which manifests with the P wave on the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Following atrial depolarization,
the electrical wave traverses through the AV node, the bundle of His followed by the Purkinje system, and
ends in the ventricular myocardium. Ventricular depolarization manifests with the QRS complex on ECG.
Depolarization of the AV node, His bundle, and Purkinje fibers are not detected on the surface ECG.

Under normal physiologic function, SA node depolarization propagates to the ventricles with high fidelity so
that the sinus rate is the same as the ventricular rate, ranging from 60-100 bpm at rest. Electromechanical
coupling allows for sequential AV contraction, which ensures normal blood flow between the cardiac
chambers and out to the great vessels.

Normal physiologic function also includes input from the autonomic nervous system, which influences the
heart rate and AV conduction by exerting its effects on the SA and AV nodes. Nervous system input is
delivered through the vagus nerves, which provide the parasympathetic arm, and postganglionic
sympathetic nerves originating in the sympathetic trunk. Variations in the heart rate and AV conduction are
therefore expected, with shifts in the autonomic balance. The sinus rate is expected to increase with stress
or activity (vagal withdrawal and sympathetic stimulation) and to decrease with rest (increased vagal tone
and sympathetic withdrawal). The vagal tone is normally higher than the sympathetic tone. When both are
withdrawn (e.g., pharmacologically using simultaneous atropine and beta-blockers or in a denervated
transplanted heart), the intrinsic sinus rate is about 100 bpm.

In the remainder of this module, abnormalities in the sinus node function and AV electrical conduction will
be discussed, including their clinical presentations, workup, and treatment interventions.

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Sinus Node Dysfunction

Sinus Node Dysfunction

Sinus Node Dysfunction

The term “sinus node dysfunction,” or
“sick sinus syndrome,” encompasses Key Points
several ECG and clinical findings that
• Sinus node dysfunction comprises a number of
suggest abnormal impulse generation different manifestations including symptomatic
from the SA node. These ECG findings bradycardia, sinus pauses due to sinus arrest or
include sinus pause (Figure 1), sinus sinoatrial exit block, and chronotropic
bradycardia (<60 bpm), SA exit block, incompetence.
and failure of the SA node to increase its
firing rate relative to the physiologic • Sinus node dysfunction (SND) is a common and
often age-related cause of bradycardia, although
body demand (also known as
extrinsic causes such as drug therapy also may
“chronotropic incompetence”). cause apparent SND.

The etiology of SND is not clear and is • Age-related sinus node dysfunction also may be
likely multifactorial. Fibrotic infiltration associated with atrial fibrillation (AF), the so-called
of the sinus node region has been tachy-brady syndrome. This may be associated
reported and may slow the rate of with prolonged pauses, which can be symptomatic
after termination of AF. A common scenario would
spontaneous depolarization. Advanced
be an elderly patient with persistent AF who
age, atrial fibrillation (AF), hypertension, develops a prolonged pause on termination of AF.
valvular heart disease, ischemic heart This can be exacerbated by drugs, especially those
disease, and other conditions are that block sodium channels such as flecainide.
associated with SND. Aside from these
intrinsic problems with the sinus node,
SND can be extrinsic and caused by drugs, carotid sinus hypersensitivity or hypervagotonia, or metabolic
derangements (Table 1) .

In patients with AF or other tachyarrhythmias, sinus node disease manifests with the so-called tachy-brady
syndrome. The overdrive of atrial tachyarrhythmias suppresses SA nodal depolarization. Upon termination
of a tachyarrhythmia episode, a diseased SA node takes a long time to recover and initiate spontaneous
depolarization. The resulting pause and bradycardia may cause symptoms of lightheadedness, presyncope,
or syncope. Often, patients are treated with sodium channel blockers, beta-blockers, or calcium channel
blockers to suppress atrial tachyarrhythmias. These drugs exacerbate SND with more severe bradycardia and
prolonged pauses. Figure 2 shows an example of AF terminating with a prolonged pause and ensuing sinus

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Figure 1

Figure 1

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Table 1

Table 1

AV = atroventricular.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Figure 2

Figure 2

Disorders of AV Conduction

Disorders of AV Conduction

Key Point

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Whereas SA node disease is a problem

of impulse generation, AV conduction • Atrioventricular (AV) block occurs due to a
disease is one of impulse propagation. failure of impulse propagation through the cardiac
conduction system. Several types of AV block are
Electrocardiographically, AV conduction
recognized, most commonly first-, second-, and
disease manifests with conduction delay third-degree block. Prognosis of AV block is related
or conduction block and results in to the severity of block. AV block may be due to
bradycardia and pauses. Etiologies of AV failure of impulse propagation in the AV nodal
conduction disease are included in Table tissues (narrow QRS complex) or within the His-
1 and encompass a variety of reversible Purkinje system (intra- or infra-Hisian block).
Failure of impulse propagation due to infra-Hisian
and irreversible conditions, including
block may be associated with a wide QRS complex
iatrogenic following valve surgery or with bundle branch or fascicular block.
catheter-based procedures such as
transcatheter aortic valve replacement
and catheter ablation, ischemic heart
disease, age-related degeneration, infective endocarditis, Lyme disease, or drug effect/toxicity (beta-
blockers, calcium channel blockers, or digoxin).

Recognizable ECG patterns of abnormal AV conduction include five different types of block: 1) first-degree
AV block; 2) Mobitz type I second-degree or Wenckebach block; 3) Mobitz type II second-degree block; 4)
third-degree AV block; and 5) advanced second-degree AV block.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Table 1

AV = atroventricular

First-Degree AV Block

First-Degree AV Block
In this pattern, the timing between the onset of the P wave and the onset of the QRS complex is longer than
the upper limit of normal conduction time of 200 msec. This is not truly a block in the conduction, as all
atrial depolarization waves traverse to the ventricles. First-degree AV block is commonly seen during periods
of high vagal tone (e.g., during sleep or treatment with beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers).

Mobitz Type I Second-Degree or Wenckebach Block

Mobitz Type I Second-Degree or Wenckebach Block

This pattern is characterized by progressive prolongation of the P-R interval leading up to a nonconducted P
wave; the cycle then repeats itself with a shorter P-R interval and so on (Figure 3). The site of block in Mobitz

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

type I second-degree AV block is usually in the AV node. Like first-degree AV block, this pattern is seen
frequently during sleep or periods of high vagal tone and with drug treatment.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Figure 3

Figure 3

AV = atrioventricular.

Mobitz Type II Second-Degree Block

Mobitz Type II Second-Degree Block

Key Point

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Mobitz type II block is characterized by

an abrupt loss of AV conduction for one • Atrioventricular (AV) block occurs due to a
beat. This pattern is usually repetitive failure of impulse propagation through the cardiac
conduction system. Several types of AV block are
without any apparent P-R interval
recognized, most commonly first-, second-, and
prolongation (Figure 4). The site of block third-degree block. Prognosis of AV block is related
for Mobitz type II is more commonly to the severity of block. AV block may be due to
distal to the AV node (intra- or infra- failure of impulse propagation in the AV nodal
Hisian). Patients with this pattern often tissues (narrow QRS complex) or within the His-
show other signs of conduction system Purkinje system (intra- or infra-Hisian block).
Failure of impulse propagation due to infra-Hisian
disease such as bundle branch block or
block may be associated with a wide QRS complex
fascicular block. with bundle branch or fascicular block.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Figure 4

Figure 4

AV = atrioventricular.

Third-Degree AV Block

Third-Degree AV Block
In third-degree or complete heart block,
the electrical depolarizations of the Key Point
atrium are completely blocked from
• Atrioventricular (AV) block should be
conducting to the ventricles. Ventricular distinguished from AV dissociation, in which the
depolarization is provided through ventricular rate is faster than the atrial rate. In AV
backup or escape pacemakers found in block, the atrial rate is faster than the ventricular
the AV junction (junctional escape rate.
rhythm) or lower in the conduction
system or myocardial cells (ventricular
escape rhythm). The rate of the escape rhythm is slower than the sinus node and its morphology suggests its

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

site of origin (Figure 5). This form of AV dissociation observed in complete heart block is to be distinguished
from that present in ventricular tachycardia, in which the ventricular rate is faster than the atrial rate.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Figure 5

Figure 5

Note the presence of AV dissociation with no conduction from the atrium to the ventricle.

AV = atrioventricular.

Advanced Second-Degree AV Block

Advanced Second-Degree AV Block

This type of AV block is more severe than second-degree block, but not quite complete AV block. In high-
degree AV block, some P waves do conduct and AV dissociation is not present (Figure 6). In advanced-degree
AV block, two or more consecutive P waves are blocked; whereas, in second-degree block, one P wave is
blocked at a time.

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Figure 6

Figure 6

Note that AV conduction is present for the first two beats, followed by loss of conduction for the following
two consecutive p waves, followed by resumption of conduction.

AV = atrioventricular.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Diagnosis and Treatment of Sinus and AV Conduction


Diagnosis and Treatment of Sinus and AV Conduction Disease

The workup of suspected bradycardia

includes a detailed history for the Key Points
description of symptoms and correlating
• The diagnosis and treatment of sinus node
ECG findings with the patient’s account. dysfunction and atrioventricular block include a
thorough history and symptom evaluation, as well
Ambulatory Monitoring as examination of the electrocardiographic
evidence correlating these symptoms with
When patients present with symptoms electrical abnormalities.
of bradycardia or pauses such as
• When evaluating patients with lesser degrees of
syncope, lightheadedness, fatigue, loss
bradycardia, symptom–rhythm correlation is
of energy, or stamina, and when the 12- important. This can be achieved with ambulatory
lead ECG is not diagnostic, ambulatory monitoring (Holter or similar). More prolonged
monitoring is often undertaken to monitoring with an implantable subcutaneous
document SND, pauses, AV conduction monitor may be needed in some cases.
disease, or tachy-brady episodes, and to
correlate these with symptoms. Several • In patients with block at the atrioventricular (AV)
node level, only block will improve with exercise;
types of ambulatory ECG monitors are
with infra-Hisian block (i.e., below the AV node),
available, offering a wide range of block will get worse with exercise. An exercise test
monitoring periods. Holter monitors are should be recommended if there is a question
used with daily symptoms. Automatic regarding whether the bradycardia is intrinsic
trigger or patient-activated monitors (heart rate will not improve or may even worsen
can be used for weeks at a time when with exercise). In contrast, in patients in whom
bradycardia is due to high vagal tone (e.g.,
symptoms are less frequent. For even
athletes), there will be a normal and appropriate
more rare symptoms, especially with increase in heart rate with exercise.
syncope, implanted loop recorders are
sometimes used, and these extend the • In patients suspected of chronotropic
monitoring period for up to 3 years. incompetence (failure to achieve expected heart
rate with exercise), a treadmill exercise test can
Exercise testing can sometimes be used also be recommended.
to distinguish AV nodal block from intra-
• Much less commonly, an electrophysiologic
or infra-Hisian block. The former is study can be performed to assess atrioventricular
expected to improve with exercise, nodal and His-Purkinje function, although, in most
whereas the latter is expected to cases, this invasive approach is reserved for
worsen. Exercise testing also can be patients with worrisome syncope.
used to workup patients with

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

chronotropic incompetence, in which they typically fail to achieve the expected heart rate with exercise.

Invasive Electrophysiology Testing

When presyncope or syncope occurs without documented bradycardia or heart block on ambulatory
monitoring, yet suspicion for SND or AV conduction disease remains high, invasive electrophysiologic testing
is performed. SA node function is studied by measuring the sinoatrial node recovery time (SNRT), corrected
to different pacing rates. Corrected SNRT >525 msec is considered abnormal.

Intracardiac His bundle recording is occasionally used for assessing AV conduction disease. Findings such as a
split His bundle recording or eliciting infra-Hisian conduction block through rapid pacing or programmed
stimulation constitute evidence of a diseased AV conduction system. This invasive approach is reserved for
patients with unexplained and worrisome syncope.

Copyright © 2020 American College of Cardiology 18

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Indications for Pacing

Indications for Pacing

The treatment of sinus bradycardia and

pauses starts with investigating for any Key Points
reversible causes, most commonly
• Age-related sinus node dysfunction also may be
drugs. Permanent pacemakers are associated with atrial fibrillation (AF), the so-called
commonly implanted in symptomatic tachy-brady syndrome. This may be associated
patients with SND without a reversible with prolonged pauses, which can be symptomatic
cause. It is not uncommon for after termination of AF. A common scenario would
pacemakers to be recommended for be an elderly patient with persistent AF who
tachy-brady syndrome or for patients develops a prolonged pause on termination of AF.
This can be exacerbated by drugs, especially those
who need beta-blocker therapy
that block sodium channels such as flecainide.
necessary for coronary artery disease or
congestive heart failure, when • Implantation of a permanent pacemaker is
treatment with such drugs results in indicated for patients with irreversible
bradycardia. symptomatic bradycardia due to sinus node
dysfunction or atrioventricular block.
The prognosis of AV block is related to
• Atrioventricular (AV) block occurs due to a
the anatomic site (i.e., AV node, intra-
failure of impulse propagation through the cardiac
or infra-Hisian disease) and degree of conduction system. Several types of AV block are
block (i.e., first-, second-, advanced recognized, most commonly first-, second-, and
second-, and third-degree block). third-degree block. Prognosis of AV block is related
to the severity of block. AV block may be due to
Patients demonstrating evidence of failure of impulse propagation in the AV nodal
tissues (narrow QRS complex) or within the His-
significant AV conduction disease are
Purkinje system (intra- or infra-Hisian block).
indicated for permanent pacing , Failure of impulse propagation due to infra-Hisian
sometimes without a documented block may be associated with a wide QRS complex
correlation with symptoms. The with bundle branch or fascicular block.
rationale for these indications is based
on the higher risk of cardiovascular • Patients with symptomatic irreversible
events. The indications for permanent bradycardia due to sinus node dysfunction or
atrioventricular block require permanent
pacing for AV conduction disease are
pacemaker implantation.
summarized in Table 2.1

When patients present with

symptomatic bradycardia, temporary pacing is indicated for hemodynamic instability. This is usually
encountered in third-degree AV block with escape rates <40 bpm, in patients unresponsive to medical
therapy, or in the setting of an acute myocardial infarction or brady-dependent torsade de pointes.

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Recommendations for pacing following myocardial infarction should include an assessment of the extent of
myocardial damage as well as the location of the obstruction and territory affected.

Table 2

AV = atrioventricular; CHB = complete heart block; ASDB = advanced second-degree block; HR = heart rate;
bpm = beats per minute; EPS = electrophysiology study; LV = left ventricular; SND = sinus node dysfunction.

1. Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al.; American College of Cardiology Foundation, American Heart
Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, Heart Rhythm Society. 2012 ACCF/AHA/HRS focused update
incorporated into the ACCF/AHA/HRS 2008 guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm
abnormalities: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task
Force on Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;61:e6-75.
2. Park DS, Fishman GI. The cardiac conduction system. Circulation 2011;123:904-15.

Copyright © 2020 American College of Cardiology 20

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease

Future Directions

Future Directions

Certain genetic mutations have been linked to sinus node and conduction system disease. Sodium voltage-
gated channel alpha subunit 5 (SCN5A), hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium
channel 4 (HCN4), ryanodine receptor 2 (RYR2), calsequestrin 2 (CASQ2), and ankyrin-B mutations are
associated with SND, whereas mutations of SCN5A, sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 1 (SCN1B),
potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 2 (KCNJ2), T-box transcription factor 5 (TBX5),
and NK2 homeobox 5 (NKX2-5) are associated with conduction system disease. Neuromuscular genetic
disorders including emerin, lamin A/C, and myotonic dystrophy type 1 are also associated with AV
conduction disease.2 Gene- and stem cell–based therapies are currently being investigated as therapeutic
options for patients with either genetic or degenerative abnormalities of the cardiac electrical conduction

Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease



1. Kusumoto FM, Schoenfeld MH, Barrett C, et al. 2018 ACC/AHA/HRS guideline on the evaluation and
management of patients with bradycardia and cardiac conduction delay: a report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the
Heart Rhythm Society. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:e51-e156.
2. Park DS, Fishman GI. Development and function of the cardiac conduction system in health and
disease. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis 2017;4:7.

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Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrioventricular Conduction Disease


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