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The author Langston Hughes made a poem about the period where the poet is
influenced by Martin Luther King’s famous speech. Langston made the poem short
and understandable so that readers can easily get what he is mainly pointing out.

2. Lanston Hughes wanted a world where nobody thinks they are about or superior to
anybody else, and he wants a world where love and peace is everywhere. The poet
influenced by Martin Luther King sounds like him. Greed is everywhere from then and
still today and he is pointing out that everyone should have the freedom and letting
others stop their greed can be a good thing and a bad thing, He wanted to have a
racial and social equality. Even in today's life we still face these challenges but are
now more educated about these things and more respectful to people. Just like
everyone else Lanston wanted a world where poverty has ended, where everybody is
happy and at peace.

3. The author wanted to change how humanity functions in a bad way, he wanted to
educate people and let them learn about different people all over the world to where
each and everyone of us can accept each other without any problem. He wanted to
give hope to people who are in poverty or facing challenges throughout their life.
Lanston also wanted a world where people are aware of what they say, act, think.

4. The language devices that the author used are repetition - ‘’I dream a world’’,
personification -’’love will bless’’, alliteration-‘’peace its path’’, rhyme-’’scorn/adorn’’,
opposites-’’black or white’’,Metaphor-’’wretchedness will hang its head’’, Simile -’’joy
like a pearl’’,

5. The author is talking about the history of slavery especially in the early times where
the African race were slaves. He is also pointing out the civil rights of people during
these times but racism and equality is a never ending problem in society the result of
that is why the Black Lives Matter movement occurred especially in the United States
where most black people are being abused.

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