Hello World

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hello world

I’m Ukrainian and I’m proud of it

I want to tell you about my beautiful country -Ukraine
It was born in a warm summer day on August 24th 1991

it’s only 32 but it has big roots that grow deep in history
Our ancestors were wise and brave people and
instilled in my country a rich culture.
We have ours language ours traditions
ours cuisine.
Ukraine has seas meadows rivers deserts
fields and forests.
Ukrainians are strong brave
talented intelligent witty creative benevolent sincere
and free-spirited.
Im proud of them

Im proud of their inventions

their achievements
their creativity and their diligence
yes Ukraine has more than 40 million of them
and like in every large family they do
not always find a common language but
our happy moments
always outweigh the bad
all independent years Ukraine have cultivated in
us allow for freedom
and a desire to be free

but now
war has fallen on my native motherland
forces are
trying to destroy Ukraine and people’s
freedom to crush it forever
as in past generations
we've faced severe trials
dark times have fallen upon us again
and we protect
our homes and our families
they do skillfully despite the
difficulties because we are a real
united together
supporting each other with our bravery
and strength

today we fight
but we're not afraid
that's not how we were raised we will
stand i know it. Our wounds will heal
and children will live peaceful
I thank you the world for their support
we will persevere

My country is Ukraine and Im proud of being Urainian

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