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Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Tele: Intellectualrevolution
Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Printing paper sizes shown in the table from A0 to A6:

Sheet size Sheet

(millimeter) Simple
1189*841 A0
841*594 A1
594*420 A2
420*297 A3
297 * 210 A4
210*148 A5
148*105 A6

The printing paper sizes shown in the figure are from A0 to A6:




A6 A5

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

- Run the program:

If the program is not visible on your desktop (DeskTop) or within the programs in Start menu, follow the steps
The following:

Go from the Start menu, choose Run, and type photoshop as shown in the image:

If you want to make a shortcut to the program on your desktop, go to your computer Choose C: After that, choose the program files folder, then

choose the Adobe folder, then choose the Photoshop 7.0 ME folder, then Choose the operating file for the program and you will find it

It's called Photoshop, now right-click on it and choose Send to desktop.

- Understanding the idea of the program:

Photoshop is a high-tech image editing program that relies on... The idea of the program is to install (lips) layers on top of
each other, to be An image composed of several different layers of images, writing, or shapes. Photoshop Different from
Other drawing programs, in terms of dealing with images, place each part in of the image in a single layer, to make it easier to deal with

each layer without the other, so you can Changing the colors, sizes, and locations of each layer separately, while in regular programs such as

You cannot do this because of the Paint program attached to Windows. All applications are in one layer, and this makes the work more

difficult. See the following image, which is an image consisting of three layers: a layer that contains an image of ducks Class and class

Writing and background layer.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

The other tools of the program and knowing the function of each tool

A- Move tool:

This tool is used after selecting the desired part of the image with one of the selection tools. Carefully, notice that when you move the selected part, you

leave a space. The program fills it with the background color, and in this example the background was white and from You can choose

Transparent background if you want.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

2- Free drawing tool:

With this tool, you can draw freely, as well as fill empty areas with a color. Ain,
You can change the shape and size of the brush used by pressing the right mouse button. A menu will appear, from which you can choose the shape and brush size.

As follows:

3- Pencil drawing tool:

This tool is located next to the previous tool. Press the brush tool with the right button to This tool will appear for you, and use it the same

Previous use of the brush but differ in clarity and size.

4- Patching tool:

This is one of the most amazing magical tools of Photoshop (and I use it a lot to copy images from websites... (P), and one of the advantages of this tool is

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Fill in the areas you don't want in the layer so that they don't show any distortions or Clipped boundaries of the area you have dragged.

Try the tool as follows:

Choose the tool, then select the area you want to modify, then release the mouse and see the Result.

You can use this tool to erase the writings on images, for example: There are certain phrases in some of the pictures, such as a website address,

email, or nickname for a specific person. Using this tool, you can magically remove those words, and they will What are the results of the tool?

In the following example, we will experiment with removing writing from the image, and note that we have We have a white paper in this example and you can try

method on a color image or on a changed background, generally in the first step We choose the tool and then define the area

Desirable as in the picture:

After this step, we drag the selected area to the area we want to Fill the specified place with the same filling as in the picture:

Finally, we release the mouse button and see the result, which is that the writing area disappears and is replaced by An area such as the area where you left the mouse as

In the picture:

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

5- Healing brush tool:

To show the tool, click on the patch tool with the right button, then choose the tool. This tool is used This is the tool to correct image defects.

Useful if you want to add a specific texture to blemishes instead of pixels. A smudge from another place in the picture.

6- Copy stamp tool:

This tool allows you to correct some small imperfections in the image.
How to use it:
Choose the Clone Stamp tool, hold down the Alt key, and click in the that you want to copy.

7- Eraser tool:

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

There are 3 types of spaces in the program:

A- The main eraser:It is the one that is used frequently, is clear, and does not need to be removed. All you have to do is press it and then

Erase the area you want from the image.

B- Background eraser:This tool works by taking a sample of the color of the pixels located below the center of the Brush and erase colors

similar ones located at the bottom of the brush.

C- The magic eraser:This tool works by taking a sample of the color located below the mouse cursor, but it Clear similar pixels
In color of the entire layer.

Note: You can adjust the tolerance in both tools to control the amount Wipe each of them with it.

8- Painting tool (bucket):

When you choose this tool, you can fill the layer with the previously specified color and then I can select a specific part of the layer, and to fill only part

of the layer I must You can select that part first using one of the selection tools that we explained previously, and then Then click with the tool in

The specified area.

9- Gradient Fill Tool:

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

To display this tool, right-click on the paint tool.

With this tool you can fill the layer with a color gradient over the entire layer or over A specific part of it.

You can also choose the colors for the gradient, and you can also choose the shape of the gradient. You choose pie, chart, or
The appointed ones.

10- Finger tool:

Using this tool is like pressing your finger over a real drawn image while The colors are still wet, causing
Colors and soften the image.

This tool is often used to smooth the face and remove wrinkles from it.

11- Smoothing tool:

This tool allows you to make blurred areas in the image so that part of the image appears Clear and partly blurred.

12- Clarification tool:

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

This tool is used to clarify specific areas of the image by focusing or de-focusing them. To specific areas of the image.

13- Lightening tool:

This tool is used to lighten specific areas of the image. For example, if we have an image If there are dark areas, you can use this tool to lighten

those areas.

14- Burning tool:

The work of this tool is opposite to the work of the lightening tool, as it darkens the areas where Place the mouse on it.

15- Sponge tool:

This tool is used to modify the color saturation in the image, i.e. reduce the intensity Color.

16- Eyedropper tool:

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

You use this tool to take a sample of the color, so you can know the hue of the color. at a certain point, and it is useful if you want to add

An area of an image that is the same color as a specific one.

17- Zoom tool:

Very clear, its function is to enlarge and reduce the view for you, so you can Watch your work from near or far.

Q1: When I choose one of the fill tools (bucket) or color gradient, the color covers the entire image. No, it will disappear and I will not be able to work

Other additions or modifications to it?

A1: The reason for this problem is that you are placing the color in the same layer of the image, and the Its purpose is to create a new, independent class in which we place

The color we want

(We will discuss later in the lesson on working with layers how to add a new layer).

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Drop-down lists

1 - Menu: File

This list contains several different commands, such as the New command, which is used to A new working file is created, and
the Open command opens an image file that already exists on the disk. core or one of the disks connected to it, and from the
Open Recent submenu we can choose to open one Files opened in the Burn This menu also contains commands to save files, as
well as Save As. File export and import commands. This list also contains printing commands. Different Print, as well as the
Close command to close the open image and the Exit command to exit the program, and the usual d of commands Others that
we will learn about while working in the program.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

2- Menu: Edit

This list contains the Undo and Redo commands, as well as the Copy commands. Copy, Cut, Paste, the Fill command,
which is used to fill the current selection area with color, and the Stroke, which is used to make a frame around the
current selection area, the Transform and Free Transform commands, as well as the List sub
Which is used to deal with variable panels, and we will learn about the use of this These are the commands and the rest of the menu commands:

Manager Preset that are used to set up program options. It also contains This menu is also on the newPreferences command.

. While working in the programEdit

3- Menu: Image

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

This menu contains different commands for dealing with images, such as the Parish Mode, which is used to control the color system of
the image, as well as many Other image properties, and the Adjust submenu. This menu contains a number of commands that We can
modify many of the properties of the current image, The Image menu also contains the Duplicate command, which is used to make an
exact copy. Completely from the original image, as well as the commands to control the image dimensions (Size Image and Canvas
Size), as well as the Crop and Trim commands that It is used to crop specific parts of the image, and the new command Liquefy, which
we will use Explain it in detail With the rest of the commands of this list in the next parts.

4- Menu: Layer

This menu is specialized in dealing with layers, as it contains the New command because Create new layers, and many other commands such

as the Duplicate Layer command to copy the current layer, And the Delete Layer command to delete the selected layer,

And many other commands that are used to deal with layers, and we will learn about them. All of these commands are detailed in a lesson.

Working with layers.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

5 - Menu: Select

It contains various selection commands, such as the All command, which is used To select all contents of the current image,
The Deselect command is to cancel the current selection region, and the Inverse command is to invert the selection region so that it The

selected parts are not selected and vice versa, as well as the Save Selection command to save the current selection area, and Selection Load

command to load the selection region that we saved using the Save Selection command, as well as How many commands

Other options that we will learn about while working in the program.

6- Menu: Filter

This list contains a number of filters, which are used to create digital D of the wonderful effects on the image,
We will learn about these effects in detail in the upcoming lessons.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

- 7List: View

This menu contains various commands that deal with the field of view of the mind. program, such as the New View command that uses

To make a new scene for the current image, the commands to control the field of view are Zoom In and Zoom
Out, and the Show command Show Rulers, and the Show submenu where we can show the Guides and Grid,
As well as the Snap command, and the Snap To submenu where we can choose to snap the edges of items. When moving them
to network lines, or to auxiliary lines, and many other commands Which we will learn about in detail in the lessons
The next one.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

8- Menu: Window:

This menu is used to show and hide the different variable panels in the program. From this menu, we can also choose to show
The image we want is from the images open in the program, if more than one is opened One photo at work.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

9- Menu: Help

This menu provides a number of commands that are used to obtain instructions. Help, for various tools and commands
for the programme.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Create a new file and work with it

In this lesson, we will learn how to create a new work file.

Create a new file:

: , by doing one of the following steps: New dialog, we open the box
. From the keyboard, press Ctrl + N by pressing the keys.
Or by opening the File menu and choosing New.

2 - We make the following settings:

In the Name field, we write the name we want for the new file, and it is best to Enter a name that matches the contents of the file so that we

can easily recognize it. For later.

From the section: Image Size, we specify the dimensions of the image, then we enter the width value of the image In the Width field, and from

the list next to the Width field, we select the measurement units that we see Its hand, where we can choose the measurement units Pixels,

which are the default units of the program, or other Inch stream, or CM units Or other units of measurement provided by the program.

From the hidden: Height we determine the rise of the new picture, and to choose the measurement unit from the adjacent list.

In the field: Resolution, we enter the degree of resolution that we want for the image, which is a number The squares are Pixels in the unit of

area, and we mention here that the appropriate degree of accuracy for printing work is It ranges between 200 / 300 (Pixel/Inch), while the

appropriate degree of resolution for designing the images that will be M Putting it on the Internet is 72 pixel/inch, and the higher the image

resolution, the larger the file size.

From the Mode list, we choose the color system that we want to use in the file, and it contains This is a list of a number of
color systems that we can use, which are:
Color system: Bitmap, where only black and white are used to express The pixels that make up the image. Color
system: Grayscale, where shades of gray are used to represent the pixels of the image.
Color system: RGB, where three main colors are used: red, green, and blue. Each of these colors ranges between the
values 0 and 255, and by mixing the different gradation values Deterioration of these colors results in a number of

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Colors Up to millions of colors, RGB is the default color system used. In the program, the main colors
of the computer screen are red. And green and blue.
In the system: CMYK, each pixel in the image is expressed by mixing proportions. The four colors: Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow, and Black, and this system is used for printing purposes.
In the Lab color system, each pixel in the image is represented in three axes: The L axis represents the amount of lightness, and its value

ranges from 1 to 100, and the A axis represents the colors. Red and green, and the B axis represents the colors yellow and blue, and the

values of these colors range from -12 0 To +120, and this system does not depend on the type of material used to display the image.

We mention here that the file size changes depending on the color system that we select from these boxes. . From

the Contents part, we select a specific color to place it in the background of the image, as follows: By choosing:

White, the background of the file will become white.

When you choose: Background Color, the color specified in the Set Background Color box will be used as the color for The background
of the image.
When you choose: Transparent, the background of the image will become transparent.

3 - After making the settings for creating the new file, press OK, and the file will be created by repeating Tools that we have identified.

Open files:

The program provides us with the ability to open any of the image files on the device, To open a file or several files that already exist,

We do the following steps:

1 - We open the Open dialog box, doing one of the following steps:
Click on the Enables Ctrl + O from the keyboard.
Or we open the File menu and choose. Open

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

2 - We make the following settings:

From the list: Look In, we select the folder that contains the files we want.
From the file display part: We choose the image or group of images that we want from this part, Either by opening a selection window about

the image files we want to choose, or by using Hold down the Shift key to select a successive group of images, or use the Ctrl key

To select several different images.

3 - We press the Open key to open the image or group of images that we have chosen.
The program also provides us with the ability to open one of the images that was recently opened in The program, so we open the drop-down list, New, then choose

The image we want is from the Open Recent submenu, which contains a list of the most recent Several pictures were opened in

The programme.

When you open more than one image within the program, the program will perform the following steps: Scroll over the selected image only,

and to move between the images open in the program, We press the cursor inside the image we want, and the color of the Title Bar changes. In

the picture, it turns blue.

We can also choose the image within the program window by opening the Window menu, and choosing the name of the image. Image from the bottom of the menu

Save files:

In this part, we will learn how to save the image files that we design. or modify it within the program, but some basic points
must first be identified The policy that you must know before saving files is:
First, you must determine the purpose of using the file, whether it is for printing purposes, or for publishing. On web pages.

Determine whether you want to keep the image as layers for editing To use it later, or to use it in any page design applications.
Page Layout, if the image contains several layers and we want to keep these layers Qat, this file must be saved with the PSD
extension of the PhotoShop program. If the image is intended for display on web pages, it is saved as a live JPEG This type of
image compresses files to a large degree, which leads to To determine the size of files and the speed of uploading them to web
pages, we mention here that the extension P Only SD card works on... Save the existing layers in the image. As for the rest of the
types, they merge these layers. Layers.
If the image contains transparent areas, or if the image does not contain colors We save it with the GIF extension, but if
the goal of the image is to use it in... The printing process, you should first convert the image to the CMYK color system,
and then save this image A picture with one of the TIFF extensions Or EPS, but if we want to use the image in one of the
page layout applications, it is saved These images are in one of the EPS or . TIFF

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Steps to save image files:

1 - We open the File drop-down menu and choose Save As, and the dialog box appears. Save As
2 - We make the following settings:

From the list: Save In We choose the folder in which we want to save the
image. In the field: File Name, we enter the name we want for the image.
From the list: Format, we choose the extension in which we want to save this image. If we choose G For example, a warning message
will appear at the bottom of the dialog box, stating that Some of the data inside the image will not be saved, due to the wrong format.
Tar to save this image, and to keep To view the layers in the image as they are, we select PSD from the list. Format
3 - We click Save, and the file is saved with the extension and name we chose.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Working with transparency and layers

Explanation of the contents of the Layers panel:

We have numbered the contents of the Layers panel with numbers that we will use in... Hanna, pay close attention to this picture:

1-Create a new layer button:This button enables you to create a new layer. There is another way to create a layer: New, go to the Layer
menu, choose New, then choose. Layer
2- Delete layer button(:The layer must already be activated from the Layers panel, such as the layer in number (5). There is another way to

delete the layer. Go to the Layer menu and choose Delete Layer. It will appear for you. A dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK

if you want to delete.

- 3 Move layers button:First, activate the layer whose elements you want to move, then click the Move button. On the layer, click and drag inside the

image window.

4- Close layer button:When you choose this button, you cannot move or delete the closed layer or Edit it) and to unlock it, click
the same button again. )
- 5 effective layers:When the layer is like this, i.e. its borders are filled with blue, it is in this case It is activated and you can make
modifications and move it, unless it is closed in You cannot modify it.
- 6 degree of layer filling:You can reduce the fill level of the layer so that the contents of the layer that was based on it appear. None of them.

- 7 degree of layer transparency:You can reduce its transparency to allow the contents of the layer to be seen. Below it.

8 - Activate work with the layer button:When you choose this button, you activate the layer, and after that you can Edit, move,
and add effects to it.
9 - Close button:Prevent the user from modifying the transparent pixels in the layer.

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10- Activation tip:The layer next to which this mark appears is the active layer that will take all the Actions, modifications and
11- Hide layer button:With this button, you can hide the layer to help you see other layers, as well as It gives you the freedom to show the desired

layers and hide the layers that you do not want to appear without Delete her.

- 12 link button:With this button you can connect two or more layers to each other, so that you You can animate together, but you
cannot create effects on all of them. They only participate in moving.
- 13 Insert style button:We will discuss this in detail in Lesson Eight.
- 14 Insert Mask button:Frankly, I have not mastered this tool yet, so forgive me for that.
- 15 Create a folder button to arrange the layers:This button enables you to create a folder to place layers inside. For example, you can Arranging layers of images

in a folder with each other. Layers of text are also placed. They are in a separate folder in order to make it easy to refer to the layers, and it is not necessary to

restore them. Servants.

Q1: How do I change the order of layers above one another?

A1: Select the layer whose order you want to change from the Layers panel, and then click Move the layer up or down in the order you want.

Q2: What is the difference between the degree of filling a layer and the degree of its transparency?

A2: Reducing the fill value affects any options for merging layers or styles. It reduces the filling of colors, while reducing the value of
Transparency, as it does not affect any of the special options added to the layer, but rather makes them They appear transparent and

Q3: How do I merge two or more layers together?

A3: First, the layers you want to merge must be adjacent, meaning they are located directly on each other. At the top or at the bottom,

depending on the order in the Layers panel. From the Layer menu, choose Merge Dwon to merge the layer with the layer below it, or choose

visble Merge to merge. This is with the layer above it.

Q4: What is the benefit of merging layers?

A4: First, to save memory in the computer, merging layers leads to reducing the size of the computer. The file you are dealing with, and also to make it easier for you

to deal with the layers in terms of placing them. Effect on it, so you do not have to do the effects on each layer separately, but rather You combine them together

and then create the desired effects.

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

Writing and formatting texts

This lesson is for people who want to place specific writing on an image, such as Explaining or writing an email or website....

First, to add a text layer to the image, choose the Text tool from the toolbox:

Now click with the tool inside the image on the place where you want to place it, then it will An indicator will appear showing you that you can write now.

Write the text you see. This.

- If you want to enlarge or reduce the font, change its type, or change its color and format, Highlight the text first, then choose from the list at

the top the options that You would like it as in the following picture:

- If you want to move the text and change its location, click the move tool that was previously explained in the lesson below. Duat:

Then click on text and drag it to the area you want.

Q1: I added an effect (filter) to a text layer, but the effect did not appear. An hour?

A1: The reason is that Photoshop does not allow adding effects to layers. Text, the solution to this problem:
First, activate the text layer, as we learned previously, by clicking on it on p. Click the Layers panel, then go to the Selecte menu and
choose Selecte All, and then go to the Edit menu and choose See the copy command, then go back to the Edit menu and choose the
Paste command. This will do the job. Paste the text layer as an image In an independent layer, and on that layer you can apply the
desired effect.

Change the colors and lighting of layers

Learn Photoshop step by step____________________________________________________________________

- Change the layer color:

This option allows you to change the color of the entire layer or part of it, if you want to change the color of the layer. Layer, go to the Image menu,

choose Adjustmenets, then choose Saturation Hue. An options box will appear. Through it you will be able to move the arrows and preview the image as

it changes, if you want to change The color is on only part of the layer, select it with one of the selection tools that As explained previously, then follow the

same steps.

- Change the degree of lighting and contrast:

Some images appear dark and need to add lighting to them and change the lighting of the Layer Go to the Image menu, then choose

Adjustmentes, then choose the Brightness/contrast command. A dialog box will appear for you with With the sliders set to zero, click and drag

in the Brightness area to the right to increase the brightness. Light and drag it to the left to reduce the brightness. . To change the contrast,

drag the slider in Contrast left and right.

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- Adjusting the lighting:

Open the Image menu, then choose Adjustments, then choose Levels. A dialog box will appear. Use the tools... Slide the button to the left in the

Input area to adjust the brightness levels for dark widgets. For the halftone colors choose the middle, and for the light colors choose the right.

Q1: How can I quickly convert a color image to a grayscale image?

A1: Open the Image menu, then choose the Adjustments command, then Desaturate. This command will adjust the saturation levels. The colors in the

image are reduced to zero, thus converting them to grayscale.

Add a style to the layer

Adding styles to the layer gives it wonderful aesthetic shapes, especially on the layers Text.

This is the button to add a style to the layer.

First, we activate the layer to which we want to add the style, and then To do this, click on the style button shown above, which is located in the Layers


Or go to the Layer menu and choose Layer Style, then choose one of the existing styles, or choose the Blending Option to set it. You will be presented

with a box of options, such as the following:

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On the left you will find the styles that are placed on the layer. Mark them with You will use the mouse on the desired effect. After you choose the desired

effect, you can You can modify the degrees of clarity, colors, etc. by controlling the menu to the right of the effect Yarat.

Try adding styles to a text layer and see the results of each one. Individually, that is, for example, add an external shadow effect to the text layer

and see the text. Then, if you want to modify the shadow, go back to the effects menu and change the settings. No, directly. The effects you

chose for each layer will appear in the Layers panel, such as: All of the following:

You can hide the effect by using the hide button in the Layers panel, which we explained It was previously.

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It happened, thank God

Prepared by: Designer / Abdullah Mashhour Al-Saqqaf



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