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Statement of Profit and Loss for the Year Ended 31st March 20CY

Particulars Rs in Crores
Opening Inventory:
Raw Materials 12.59
Finished Goods 107
Work-in-Progress 6.34
Stock-in-trade 4.56
Purchases of Raw materials 456
Purchases of stock-in-trade 15.56 471.56
Factory Wages
Other manufacturing expenses
Gross Profit c/d 229.18

Total… 831.23

Office employee benefit expenses (salaries)….Note

4 41.1

Finance costs 24.39

Depreciation/Amortization expenses…Note 1 27.14
Other expenses…Note 5 39.32
Total expenses before income tax

Tax expenses….Note 2
Net Profit carried to balance sheet

Total… 229.48
for the Year Ended 31st March 20CY
Particulars Rs in Crores
Sales 840.08
Other operating revenue (Scrap sales) 7.43
Closing Inventory:
Raw Materials
Finished Goods

Total… 934.9

Gross profit b/d 229.18

Other (non-op..) income (interest on
advances) 0.3

Total… 229.48
Equity and Liabilities Rs in crores
Equity share capital:

Authorized: 25 crore equity shares of Rs 10 each 250

Issued, subscribed, called-up and paid-up: 15
crore equity shares 150
Less: Calls-in-arrears -0.5 149.5

Other Equity
Retained Earnings:
Balance as on beginning of the year 36.05
Less: Previous year's final dividend -22.43
Add: Net profit for the year
Transfer to General Reserve: 15% of 68.27

General reserve …..created during the year

Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities:
Borrowings (Term loan from BOI) 65.3

Current liabilities:
Financial liabilities:
Borrowings (Working capital limit from BOI)
Trade Payables
Expenses payables…..Note 3
Current tax liabilities…..Note 2

Total Equity and Liabilities…..

Assets Rs in crores
Non-current Assets:
Fixed Assets (Note 1)

Property, Plant and Equipment

Other Tangible Assets: Investment
Intangible Assets

Financial Assets:
Advances to employees 4.7

Current Assets:
Financial Assets:
Investments….Reliance Equity Shares 2
Trade Receivables 115.08
Cash in hand 1.34
Balance with PNB 3.3

Total Assets…
1 Fixed Assets and Depreciation/Amortization
As per TB Less: Depreciation/amortization
A. Property, plant and equipment
Freehold land 18.02
Factory Building 71.86
Plant and Machinery 133.05

B. Investment Property
Land 18
C. Intangible Asset
Goodwill 12

2 Adavance tax, Tax expense/current liabilities tax

A. Income tax paid in advance 24.5
B. As per the statement of Profit and Loss:
Gross profit plus other non-operating income 229.48
Less: Total expenses before income tax 0

Hence, PBT 229.48

Therefore, tax @30% of PBT, (Payable to central govt).. To P&L 68.844
C. Net tax liability as on 31-03-20CY….Taken to balance sheet 68.844

3 Expenses payable
As per TB 2.74
Add: Commission to managing director 2.35
As at 31.03.20CY: To Balance Sheet 5.09

4 Office Employee's benefit expenses (Salaries)

As per TB 38.75
Add: Commission to managing director….Note 3 2.35
Total taken to statement of profit and loss 41.1

5 Other expenses
Selling and distribution expenses 22.73
Administrative expenses 16.49
Unrelaized loss on Reliance shares 0.1 39.32
Total….To statement of profit and loss
ess: Depreciation/amortization As at 31.03.20CY

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