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Government and Public Services

(GPS) Vendor Portal User Guide

PVQ – Foreign Vendor Federal-SLHE
Last Updated: 11/03/2022
GPS Vendor Portal


TO: Deloitte’s GPS Practice Vendors

As part of our due diligence to pre-qualify vendors for potential award of subcontracts/Purchase Orders under US GPS
Contracts, Deloitte GPS must gather information about its vendors to assess responsibility and eligibility for award. To
accomplish this, we require Deloitte GPS vendors to complete the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ).

Any vendor who desires to be considered for award must complete a PVQ within Deloitte’s GPS Vendor Portal.
Completion of the PVQ does not constitute approval of a company as a Deloitte GPS vendor, nor does it obligate Deloitte
GPS to solicit requests for proposal/quotation. Deloitte GPS will use the information provided within the PVQ to evaluate
and match a company to potential work as a Deloitte GPS vendor. All electronic communication from the Deloitte GPS
Vendor Portal will only come from email addresses which contain the “” domain.

Please note that in accordance with 15 U.S.C. 645 (d), any person who misrepresents a company's status as a small
business concern in order to obtain a contract to be awarded under the preference programs established pursuant to
sections 8(a), 8(d), 9, or 15 of the Small Business Act or any other provisions of Federal Law that specifically references
section 8(d) for a definition of program eligibility, shall (1) be punished by imposition of a fine, imprisonment, or both;
(2) be subject to administrative remedies, including suspension and debarment; and (3) be ineligible for participation in
programs under the authority of the Act.

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Table of Contents
Role: Vendor PVQ

I. Overview 4

II. Vendor PVQ Dashboard 6

III. Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ)

a. PVQ Overview 7
b. PVQ Navigation 9
c. Complete Your PVQ 11
i. Company Information 13
ii. General 15
iii. Capabilities 17
iv. Contract Vehicles 18
v. Past Performance 19
vi. Small Business /Disadvantaged Business 21
vii. Other 23
viii. Review & Submit 24

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Vendor Portal Registration Process
All vendors that wish to establish a profile in the centralized vendor repository for Deloitte’s Government
and Public Services (GPS) practice need to register in the GPS Vendor Portal. The following is an overview of
the steps vendors must take to access and use the portal.

This document provides information related to STEP 2: Completing the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire

Step 4:
Step 3: Submit
Vendor Invoices
Step 2: Completes
Complete Required
Prospective Forms
Step 1: Questionnaire
Vendor (PVQ)

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Overview (cont.)
Vendor Roles
• Vendor PVQ—This temporary role is for the first registrant of an organization who will complete and
submit the initial Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ). Once the PVQ is approved, this user will be
promoted to the Vendor Admin.
• Vendor Administrator—A Vendor Admin is responsible for managing their organization’s profile, form
submissions, user management (including approving new user requests), and can submit invoices.
• Vendor User—A Vendor User supports the Vendor Admin in submission of invoices and 75% Notifications.
A Vendor User can be promoted to Vendor Admin by their existing Vendor Admin.
• No Access—A user who no longer requires access to the portal should be assigned this role.

Vendor Vendor Vendor

PVQ Admin User
Register in GPS Vendor Portal Yes Yes Yes
Complete initial Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ) Yes
View Vendor Profile Yes Yes
Edit Vendor Profile Yes
Submit/Update/Renew Representations and Certifications Yes
Submit/Update/Renew Certificates of Insurance Yes
Submit/Update/Renew Adequacy of Accounting Yes
Submit 75% Notifications Yes Yes
Complete Property Survey Yes
Review submitted forms and attachments Yes Yes
Manage Users for your Vendor Account Yes
Accept/Reject Vendor User Requests Yes
Submit e-Invoices (not applicable to foreign IMPREST vendors) Yes Yes

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Vendor PVQ Dashboard

Understanding your Vendor PVQ user dashboard

A. Home button – returns to dashboard E. Complete your Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ)
B. About Us – vendor portal description F. User Guides – vendor portal instructions
C. Your User Role which is: Vendor PVQ G. User Notice – important updates
D. Contact Us – submit questions or issues



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PVQ Overview

Complete the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ)

By completing a PVQ, vendors provide relevant information that will assist Deloitte teams in evaluating and
matching subcontractors with potential work (such as the Office of Small Business Programs and
engagement teams). The more information provided in the PVQ, the more information the Deloitte teams
will have to understand vendors’ capabilities. Only one PVQ is completed per vendor. The PVQ should be
filled out by a company representative who can certify that the required information is accurate and
complete (i.e., a company’s business size, NAICS Code, Cage Code, types of services provide, past
performance, etc.).

When selecting the type of PVQ to complete, consider the type of project you will support or would like to
support in the future. There are two survey types of PVQs, and you will need to select a type before
completing the PVQ.

• State and Local Hire Education (SLHE)

• Federal Only – or – Federal and SLHE

IMPORTANT: The data from the PVQ is shared with other contractual forms utilized in the Vendor Portal. For
instance, data from the PVQ is linked to each vendor’s official Representations & Certifications form which is
required by Deloitte GPS prior to performing work on a contract.

REMEMBER: So that your company is considered for potential work, it is important to keep your vendor profile
current and to complete as much information as possible. Once your PVQ is approved, you can update the
Vendor Profile information by reviewing the instructions under ‘Edit Vendor Profile’ in the Vendor Admin Role
User Guide.

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PVQ Overview (cont.)

Complete the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ)

• Only one PVQ is to be completed per vendor.

• The PVQ should be filled out by a company representative who can:
− Provide information such as business size, NAICS Code, Cage Code, types
of services provided, past performance, etc.
− Certify that the representation information required is accurate and
• Depending on the type of survey, the PVQ may contain up to seven sections.
For each section, complete all required information. Required fields are noted
in red text.
• You can only submit the PVQ if all required fields have been completed.
• After you have completed all required fields within a section, a √ check mark
will appear in front of the section title.
• Some fields have help text designated with a icon. Click on the icon to
learn more about the information to be entered in the field.
• You can save and close your PVQ and come back to it later.
• You can export the PVQ to PDF.

Next steps: Once your PVQ is approved by the Deloitte Vendor Management Team, you are assigned the
role of Vendor Admin. If you are working with a Deloitte Professional, you will receive a request to complete
Representations and Certifications, Adequacy of Accounting Survey, and/or Certificate of Insurance forms.
NOTE: These forms are only required for vendors responding to a Request for Proposal / Request for
Quote or receiving a subcontract agreement / purchase order.
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PVQ Navigation

Navigating the Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ)

Utilize the following guide to navigate the PVQ:
A. Return to your home page/dashboard.
B. Select Contact Us to submit a question.
C. Navigate through the sections of the PVQ.
D. Utilize the Save & Close, Previous/Next, Export, and Show Activity icons (Note: Your information will
autosave and you can export to PDF at any time).
E. Required questions are highlighted in red text and asterisks.
F. View Help text by clicking on the question mark icon next to the question label for more field information.
G. Hide the Help text F next to the field labels .
H. For fields with an Add New option (e.g., Office Locations, Contacts), you can add information and select
Save. To Edit information previously entered, select the pencil icon, edit the information and then select
Save. To Remove information from these fields, select the  icon.
I. Select Save to save the Office Location or Contact information or Cancel to exit without saving.

Pencil icon

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PVQ Navigation (cont.)

Exiting PVQ

You can exit and complete the PVQ later. To exit the PVQ:
1. Select the Save & Close icon located in the upper right, or
2. Select the Home icon located to the left of the screen

1 2

Select ‘Go Back To PVQ’ to continue or ‘Save PVQ’ to exit and return to the dashboard.

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Complete Your PVQ

1. Create the PVQ—From the dashboard, select Complete your Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ).
2. Establish the Survey Type—
a) Foreign Businesses:
i. Self Employed or 1099 ICA = No 1
ii. Country of ownership = No
b) Foreign Independent Contractors (ICA)
i. Self Employed or 1099 ICA = Yes
ii. Country of ownership = No

Country of ownership is based on the primary office location, not the parent
company location. Example, if address is in Florida (US) and parent company is in
the United Kingdom (UK), the Country of ownership is United States.

c) Vendor Profile type

i. SLHE = select if supporting state and local or higher education projects only
ii. Federal Only – or – “Federal and SLHE” = select if supporting Federal and/or non-federal

Copyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Government and Public Services (GPS) Vendor Portal | Foreign Vendor Federal-SLHE PVQ User Guide 11
Complete Your PVQ

3. Complete the Survey

The PVQ will open with the screen positioned to complete 3
the Company Information section.

a) Survey Type is based on the responses to the initial

questions. If you chose the incorrect Survey Type, select
Start Over and change the responses.
b) Indicates the PVQ is in DRAFT status
c) “Create by” will display your name
d) “Created date” displays the date the PVQ was initiated

** This section appears if your business size is designated

as “Small”. **

NOTE: If Federal-SLHE survey type is selected, you will be

required to respond to questions related to Federal work.

c Individual completing the PVQ

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Company Information Section

Enter your company’s legal name. For individual ICAs, enter your name. If you are registered in Dun & Bradstreet,
enter the legal name as listed in the database. There is a 100-character limit.
Complete DBA if company is
D&B DUNS Number:
operating under another
name. Otherwise, leave • Businesses – Enter the 9-digit DUNS
See Note number (without hyphens). All
businesses are required to have a
Primary company telephone
DUNS number. To obtain a DUNS
Company website number
number, search the internet for Dun
& Bradstreet and click on the Globe
Country of Ownership must match the primary address. icon on the upper right.
• Select your company’s region
Select the appropriate organization type. For ICA/1099, select ‘Sole • Navigate to the option to obtain a
Proprietor’ or ‘Other’ and then indicate classification (i.e., Consultant). DUNS number. If this option is not
Answer “Does” if your company pays U.S. taxes, American Products, material or available, select the Contact Us
labor, etc. option to determine how to reach
your country’s Dun & Bradstreet
office for assistance.
• ICAs / 1099s –
o If registering under a company
U.S. Contribution Business Size name, DUNS number is required
o If registering as an individual,
Does Business Size depends on response to NAICS Code in Capabilities section
leave the DUNS Number field
Does Not Business Size not designated in PVQ; will indicate large in Reps & Certs blank.

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Company Information Section (cont.)

Leave blank, if neither applies.

If select Yes, enter legal ‘parent’ company name and DUNS number. Parent company must have a
different DUNS number than the DUNS enter for the Legal Company Name. This question is not
applicable to ICAs.

• Enter office address.

• Multiple addresses are allowed.
• Complete all fields.

Check this box if the address is the primary address. Primary address will appear on the Reps & Certs.

Enter your contact information. Use actual first and last names. • Select Save.
Do not use department names. Complete all fields. Add other • To enter another Address or
important contact information (i.e., President, contracts Contact, select +Add New.
• Select the 🖉🖉 to edit address.
personnel, etc.).

Select + Add New to enter additional Address or Contact.

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General Section

** NOTE: Some questions are not applicable to Self-Employed / 1099 ICAs and will not be visible.

Indicate the year business started. Enter number of employees.

Enter the average receipts over three (3) years in U.S. dollars.

If select ‘Yes’, enter the UEI and CAGE


If select ‘No’, a pop up appears indicating that the

UEI is still required. Enter the UEI or click on the symbol
for more information and instructions on obtaining the UEI.
You can continue filling out the PVQ while awaiting the UEI
from the system. However, the PVQ cannot be
submitted until the UEI is entered.

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General Section (cont.)

** NOTE: Some questions are not applicable to Self-Employed / 1099 ICAs and will not be visible.

Selecting ‘Yes’ indicates that your accounting system

has been approved by the United States Defense
Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). The letter of approval
must be provided. Accounting software such as
Quicken is not an approved accounting system. DCAA
reviews for specific contract awards is not an approval.

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Capabilities Section

NOTE: Northern American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a business classification by type of
economic activity. All ICAs and businesses must enter a NAICS Code. Contact your Deloitte Procurement
Professional to obtain the NAICS required for the project.

Enter either numbers or keywords to receive a drop down of approved values and select
the NAICS that meets the type of service you provide. Enter as many NAICS codes as
applicable. For each entry, select Yes or No as to whether you qualify as a Small Business
under the size standard (Mil US Dollars or number of employees). Refer to

• NAICS code selection(s) will determine whether your company is

designated as a Small Businesses. If multiple NAICS are
Large/Other than Small
designated as ‘large’ and ‘small’, a ‘Business Size’ prompt appears.
You will be required to designate the appropriate Business Size”.
To add the company’s Capabilities • If U.S. Contribution is ‘Yes’ and Business Size is designated as
Statement (Word, Excel, PDF, Image): ‘Small’, the Small Business section appears on the left.
• Select “Upload” and click “Browse”
• Locate the file and select Open Select geographical areas where you
• Select “Upload” again or your company currently provide
• To delete a statement, click the “x” support.

Click on the drop down and select the services that you or your company currently provide.

If you select ‘Yes’, enter the required level. This question is not applicable to ICAs.

List any quality certifications.

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Contract Vehicles Section

** The Contract Vehicles section is not applicable to Foreign ICAs and will not be visible.

• Select ‘Yes’ if you or your company is able to take full responsibility for a contract
or have ability to employ subcontractors to work on part of the contract.
• If ‘Yes’ is selected, completion of ‘Add Contract Vehicle’ is required. Select Save
when complete or Cancel to exit.

Deloitte practitioners search the Vendor Portal database for vendors who have
specific contract vehicles. To ensure that you or your company is included in all
related contract vehicle search results, list all current vehicle awards by selecting
‘Add Contract Vehicle’.

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Past Performance Section

Click on Add Performance to select a contract performance classification from the dropdown list. Provide
additional information about the Past Performance and select Save when complete or Cancel to exit. Repeat
this action for each Past Performance to be included.

Start typing the Agency/Organization Name

For State and Local Higher Education, type the ‘Certifying Agency’ name. In the ‘State/Territory’ field, enter the country (or
U.S. ‘State/Territory’).

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Past Performance Section (cont.)

1. Click on Add Incident to select an incident type from the dropdown list.
1 2. Select whether the incident is related to a Federal project or a SLHE project.
3. Depending on the selection, start typing the Agency/Organization Name or type the
Certifying Agency. For State and Local Higher Education, in the ‘State/Territory’
field, enter the country (or U.S. ‘State/Territory’).
4. Provide additional information about the Incident and select Save when complete or
Cancel to exit. Repeat this action for each incident to be included.

2 Is this a Federal or State and Local Hire Education (SLHE)/Commercial Performance?

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Small Business/Disadvantaged Business Certifications Section
The Small Business Info section will only be viewable if you selected ‘Small Business’ in the Business Size
field in the Company Information section. Prior to selecting your company’s socio-economic designation(s),
confirm that your company meets the eligibility requirements as defined by the Small Business
Administration (SBA). NOTE: HUBZones and 8(a) designations require a certification letter from the SBA for

** Select all that apply. IMPORTANT: The Small Business section appears if
“Small” is selected as the Business Size under the
Capabilities section.

If HUBZone is selected, you will be required to attach a copy of the

HUBZone certification when completing the Representations and

If 8(a) is selected, you will be required to attach a copy of the 8(a)

certification when completing the Representations and Certifications.

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Small Business/Disadvantaged Business (cont.)

Do you have a State or Local Government level Small Business certification?

If the certification response is ‘Yes’, provide details by selecting
+ Add New.

If HUBZone is ‘Yes’, enter anticipated approval date.

When approved, email a copy of the approval
certification to the Deloitte Procurement Professional.

If CVE is ‘Yes’, enter CVE Certification Date.

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Other Section

If Joint Ventures is ‘Yes’, enter required details and select ‘Add’. This question is not
applicable to ICAs.

If Mentor Protégé is ‘Yes’, enter required details and select ‘Add’. This
question is not applicable to ICAs.

If the response is ‘Yes’, enter name of the Deloitte Subcontracts

Representative (Procurement Professional) or Administrator.

List your company’s certified partnerships and/or alliances (e.g., Oracle, SAP, etc.)

Enter additional information that you would like to include to complete your profile. These comments
(along with all other data provided in the PVQ) may be viewed and considered by Deloitte professionals
conducting market research and/or considering teaming efforts.

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Review & Submit

NOTE: Once all sections are completed, you are ready to Submit the PVQ for approval. After approval, the
Reps & Certs, Adequacy of Adequacy of Accounting and Certification of Insurance forms can be submitted. If
your company is not responding to a Request for Proposal (RFP), these forms are not required.

• A √ appears on the left of each section to indicate that all required fields in that
section are completed.
• If a section does not have a √, click on that section and complete any fields
indicated in red.
• Once all sections have a √, select ‘Review & Submit’ on the left.
• Review all information you have provided within each section.
• To correct any details, select the corresponding section on the left and make the
desired revision. The √ will appear to the left of the section. Click on each
section to obtain the √.
o Select ‘Review & Submit’ again.
• Select ‘Submit’ in the upper right of the screen to move to the Authorized
Company Official page.
• On the Authorized Company Official page, enter your Name and Job Title.
• To confirm this submission, select the checkbox as authorization; this action will
activate the ‘Confirm’ button.
• Select ‘Confirm’ in the upper right to submit your PVQ for review.
• You will receive a confirmation statement that your PVQ has been submitted;
you can now download a copy of the PVQ and/or exit the Vendor Portal.

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Review & Submit (cont.)

Export PDF Version of PVQ

1. Download a PDF version of your PVQ submission at any time
• From the PVQ submission confirmation page, click on the down-arrow ‘Export’ button at top right of

• From the PVQ view

2. Access the Summary.pdf when the pop-up displays


Next Steps
• You will be notified via email when your PVQ has been approved by the Deloitte Vendor Management
Team. At that point, the next time you log in, you will have the role of Vendor Administrator (Vendor
Admin), and your dashboard will have a different view.
• The Vendor Admin Role User Guide provides information on the tasks required by the Vendor Admin
including completing forms (Representations and Certifications, Adequacy of Accounting Survey and
Certificate of Insurance), submitting e-Invoicing, approving additional users from your company and
notifying the project team when you have reach 75% of funding.

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We hope this GPS Vendor Portal User Guide
has been helpful in explaining how Deloitte’s
existing and prospective GPS industry
partners can submit key information in the
Prospective Vendor Questionnaire (PVQ).
For more information or assistance in
completing the PVQ or updating the Vendor
Profile, please contact the Deloitte GPS
Vendor Management Team via the Contact Us
option in the Vendor Portal or email

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About Deloitte
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and
their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not
provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the
“Deloitte” name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of
public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms..

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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