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My Final PSI Response

Overall, I have grown so much in many areas. Stepping into this space for the first time, I was
nervous that I would not deliver the right tone and that my lessons would not be practical.
However, as each lesson was done, I gained more confidence, and many positive aspects
started to present themselves.

At the outset of my venture into this new space, I was overwhelmed as I harboured doubts
about my capacity to strike the right tone and deliver practical and effective lessons. However,
as I progressed through each lesson, I felt my confidence surge and witnessed several positive
aspects emerge. Gradually, I became more assured and self-assured, and my students'
success further strengthened my resolve. Looking back, I see that this experience has been
instrumental in my growth, enabling me to develop my skills across several areas.
"I attribute a significant portion of my success to my teaching assistant, Mrs. Toth. She had a
unique way of explaining complex concepts that I could grasp quickly. Additionally, she set an
excellent example for me to follow.

By observing her initial lessons, I better understood what was expected of me. Most importantly,
she always encouraged me to be true to myself." Mrs. Toth was an incredibly supportive and
understanding mentor during my learning phase. She had a way of making me feel at ease,
regardless of the challenges I faced. Mrs. Toth's encouragement and openness to mistakes
helped me to be confident in my abilities while still exploring new ideas and pushing creative
boundaries. Her nurturing guidance allowed me to flourish and thrive personally and

As a teacher in a grade five class, one of the aspects that I have gained confidence in is the
ability to differentiate for students of varying levels. With each student having unique strengths
and needs, it can be challenging for educators to ensure that every student is engaged and
challenged in their learning journey. However, by implementing effective differentiation
strategies, I have provided targeted support to each student, allowing them to progress at a
pace that suits their needs.

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