Neal Robinson's Criticism of Nöldeke's Theory of The Chronology of The Qur'an

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ICEHoS - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

March 27th, 2021



Aramdhan Kodrat Permana, M.Ag.1*

1 STAI Samsul Ulum,

Abstract: this paper discusses about Robinson’s criticism and examination on Nöldeke’s theory of chronology of the
Qur’an. There are two primary questions that will be answered here, first, how does Robinson criticize Nöldeke’s theory
of the chronology of the Qur’an? Second, which method is used by him to do the criticism? Third, what theory does he
offer after his criticism? This research can be included into a qualitative research that bases itself on textual data. Here,
I use two approaches, first of all, socio-history approach which concentrates in analyzing their biographies. Lastly,
phenomenology approach, that is used to explain Robinson’s criticism on Nöldeke’s theory of the chronology of the
Qur’an. The prime data in this research are derived from Nöldeke’s, Geschichte des Qorans or Tarikh al-Qur’an, a
translation by Farid Yarisy Syafali and Neal Robinson’s, Discovering the Quran: A Contemporary Approach To a
Veiled Text. In the analysis of data, I use the criticism theory as theoretical framework in this research, which consist
of internal and external criticism. The results of this thesis are as follows: first, there is an agreement and disagreement
of Robinson on Nöldeke’s theory; second, using the similar methods with Nöldeke, Robinson criticizes his theory,
structure and content analysis; third, Robinson also uses some ideas other scholars who over criticized Nöldeke’s
theory, such as Bell, Neuwirth, and Islahi.

Keywords: Chronology, Robinson, Nöldeke

* Corresponding author’s e-mail:

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

INTRODUCTION third chapter, in which he focuses on

The dialectic between the Qur’an and the morpholog, structure an coherency
Arabic culture as well as Muhammad’s (Mustansir Mir, 2001: 216). Those three
life cannot be denied (Abu Zaid, 1994: 25- elements are used to analyze of Nöldeke’s
26). This is denoted by the formulation of between his theory of the chronology of
theory Meccan and Medinan surahs, the Qur’an and his application. It denotes
proposed by Muslim scholars. his sincerity in analyzing and examining
The chronology of the Qur’an, even Nöldeke’s theory.
though it is arranged differently of course These all make Robinsion a bit different
has a significance for Mulsims, notably from other non-Muslim scholars, when
when they try to understand the Qur’an. discussing Nöldeke’s theory. The most
interesting thing in Robinson’s citation of
However, to build the theory is not an
the works of al-Suyuti, Ibn Hisyam and
easy task. It can be seen from the
alBaidlawi to reconstruct his theory. This
theoretical diversity among Muslim
is an important reason why I am
scholars such as alZarkasy, al-Suyuthi, al-
interested in doing research on
Zarqani and alJabiri.
Robinson’s criticism of Nöldeke’s theory.
In the early nineteenth century, non-
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to
Muslim scholars began to study the
find out Robinson’s criticism of Nöldeke’s
Qur’an academically. One of their
theory, his methodology of criticism and
subjects was the chronology of the
his theory of the chronology of the
Qur’an. Among those, a person wo
Qur’an. This research is very important,
interested in doing research on this
because it can be developed an important
subject are Theodore Nöldeke and Gustav
discourse in the ‘Ulum al-Qur’an, i.e. the
Weil. Nöldeke, then, analyzed and
chronology of the Qur’an, in which I
criticized Muslim’s chronology of the
involve the Islamic classical heritage, al-
Qur’an is his famous work, Tarikh
Turats alQadim al-Islamy.
Neal Robinson, in his work, Doscovering
the Qur’an: A Contemporary Approach Neal Robinson is a one of the important
To a Veiled text criticizes Nöldeke’s of contemporary western scholars. This
chronology of the Qur’an depp-dyed. He can be proven from the fact that many
also compares Nöldeke’s theory of scholars who cite his thought no many of
chronology of the Qur’an with Muslim’s them concentrates on his criticism of
theory (Neal Robinson, : 2). In his preface Nöldeke’s theory.
of the book he says that he examines the First Literature
works of nonMuslims on the chronology Salwa M. S. El Awa in her work, Textual
of the Qur’an which is perfectly begun by Relations in the Qur’an: Relevance,
Nöldeke. He also discusses about Coherence and Structure, discusses about
Nöldeke’s theory comphrenesively in the Robinson’s thought. According to her,

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

Robinson does an analysis to differ the deeply and especially in form of critical
structure of the verses and surahs study as I present in this paper.
(chapters) that were revealed in Mecca METHODOLOGY
and Medina. Salwa says that Robinson Research Strategy
also uses and enriches Islahi’s thematic
This research can be included into a
concept to analyze the Qur’an (Salwa M.
qualitative research that bases itself on
S. El-Awa, 2006: 22-23). In this context, textual data. Therefore, the sources that
Salwa has not read the thought of used here are book and articles. It is also a
Robinson which is related to Nöldeke’s critical study, in the sense that I do not
theory. only describe the thought of Nöldeke and
The quantity of scholars who have made Robinson, but also try to make critical
comments on Nöldeke is relative by the comment on them.
same as that of those who have paid Primary and Secondary Data
attention to Robinson. In addition,
The primer data in this research are
Nöldeke’s theory is adopted by some
derived form, Nöldeke’s, Geschichtre des
scholars who came after.
Qorans or Tarikh al-Qur’an, a translation
Second Literature into Arabic by Faridl Yasirs Syafali and
Nicolasi Sinai in his article, “The Qur’an as Neal Robinson’s, Discovering the Qur’an:
Process”, says that there is the possaibility A Contemporeary Approach to a Veiled
that Meccan and Madinan surahs can be Text. Whereas the secondary data are the
subdivided into smaller textual clusters data which are taken from that are
that may be understood as consecutive relevant to the subject under discussion,
stages of textual growth. He also agrees such alZarkasyi’s, al- Burhan fi ‘Ulum
with Nöldeke’s formulation. (Nicolas alQur’an, al-Suyuthi’s, al-Itqan fi ‘Ulum
Sinai, 2010: 425). In his article, Sinai alQur’an, Shahin’s, Tarikh al-Qur’an,
discusses about Daniel Madigan’s view in Salim Muhaisin, Tarikh al-Qur’an al-
his work, The Qur’an’s SelfImage. He say Karim, W. Montgomery Watt, Pengantar
that Nöldeke’s theory is not more than Studi al- Qur’an, a translation by Taufik
completely circular (Nicolas Sinai, 2010; Adnan Amal, etc.
408). Madigan also questions Nöldeke’s The data, then, are already collected from
reason to take the word al- Rahman as on the sources are arranged and displayed
o the criteria for the Meccan period. In systematically. In this case. Nöldeke’s
other words, Watt says that appraisal of thought are, first of all, describe properly.
Nöldeke is enough to make benefit for the After that, Robinson’s critical responses to
development of the theory of chronology his thoughts are discussed here. Lastly,
of the Qur’an. my evaluation of Robinsons opinion is
Unfortunately, these scholars have not done as far as I can.
talket about Nöldeke’s and Robinson
theris of the chronology of the Qur’an

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

Data Analysis of Greece, Latin, Italian and English. The

In order that the concept which Robinson most famous of his works is Tarikh
purposes to criticize Nöldeke’s theory can alQur’an, Geschichtre des Qorans which
be understood clearly and rightly by the was for the first time printed in 1860. After
reader, I will analyze and explain the data an addition and a revision by Friedrich
deeply by using the criticism theory, which Schwally in the first chapter (Uber and
is considered as theoretical framework in Usprung des Qorans), this work was then
this research. several times in (1909-1938), and the
In a critical study, the criticism is necessary second chapter (Die Sammlung des
to clarify the matter. It is basically divided Qorans). Whereas the third one was edited
into two categories: internal and external by Gotthelf and Otto Pretzl. After finishing
criticism. the former can be called the this work, Nöldeke, then, wrote the history
higher criticism whereas the latter can be of Muhammad’s life (Faried F. Saenong,
considered the lower one (Counsuelo 2006: 164-15). Notably, it denotes that his
(, 2006: 54). study of the history of the Quran is a source
or root for his next and development
The internal criticism is to check the
knowledge. Biography of Neal Robinson
validity of a writer’s expression, by paying
attention to four factors: the ability, the He began his education in United
honesty, the circumstance and the Kingdom, Montgomery. Here Robinson
prejudice of a writer. Meanwhile the obtained a master degree in Oxford and
Phd in Birmingham. He was the Professor
external is a study the inventions of the
for Islamic Studies in Songang University,
writer. In this paper, both of criticisms will
be used together as the theoretical Seoul, and Wales University. In the same
framework to read and to analyze period, he was the senior lecturer in
Religious Studies in University of Leeds.
“Robinson’s criticism of Nöldeke’s theory
His expertise on Qur’anic studies was
of the Chronology of the Qur’an”. This is
proven, first, by scholarship he got to
the same manner as Sahiro Syamsuddin
spend the sabbatical year at the Sorbonne
does in his thesis, An examination Bint
working on classical Qur’anic
alShathi’s method of Interpreting the
Commentaries. Secondly, beside
Qur’an (Sahiron Syamsuddin, 1999: 7).
Discovering the Qur’an, he also wrote
DISCUSSION some works which theoretically cannot be
Biography of Theodore Nöldeke Theodore divested from Qur’anic Studies, such as,
Nöldeke, who was famous with his nick The Saying of Muhammad (1998), Islam A
name, “The Father of Historical Criticism Concise Introduction (1999), The Qur’an as
of the Qur’an” was born on March 2, 1836 The Word of God in A Linzey and P.
Hanover and died on December 25, 1930 in Wexler, Heaven and Earth, 1986, “The
Karlsruhe, German. He was famous an Structure and Interpretation of Surah al-
expert in semitic and also capable speaking Mu’minun, Ali Imran” in Journal of

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Qur’anic Studies, etc. On the basis of the unconsciousness, It is plain that we have
data, it may be concluded that Robinson’s here ta somewhat crude attempt of the
academic interest is Qur’anic studies, Prophet to represent to him the more or
especially in ‘ulum alQur’an. This can be less unconscious process by which his
known from those works which departed ideas arose and gradually took shape in his
from the Qur’an, although he is the master mind. It is no wonder if in such confused
of the classical Muslim commentaries. imagery the details are now always self-
Nöldeke’s view on the Qur’an and the consistent. When, for example, this
Chronology of Its Revelation Muslim heavenly archetype is said to be in the
scholars belive that the Qur’an is the hands of an exalted scribe, this seems a
revelation of God. He revealed to transition to a quite different set of ideas,
Muhammad verbatim (Aksin Wijaa, 2011 namely, the books of fate, or the record of
32-33). It means that the Qur’an is onl all human action – conception which are
Go’ds speech, not human’s (al- Ghazali, actually found in the Qur’an. It is to be
1322: 100). It is a reason why they used a observed at all events, that Muhammad’s
terminology of I’jaz, that means the human transcendental idea of god, as a being all
are not be able to following writing as well together above the world, excludes the
as the Qur’an. Because, it denotes to thought of a direct intercourse between the
Muhammad’s honesty, that is only God’s prophet and God. (N. A. Newman, 1892; 4).
speech. (Sasi salim al-Hajj, 2002: 256). Here, he admits that the Qur’an is
Unlike the Muslim belief, Nöldeke points Muhammad’s transcendental idea of God
put the Qur’an as Muhammad’s work (N. (Nöldeke, 2000: 4). However, he also
A. Newman, 1892: 21). On other hand, recognizes that the Qur’an is the book that
Nöldeke believed that the voice of God guides people to the faith, and is the best
always guided Muhammad to understand history book.
the revelation. Moreover, he says that Shortly, Nöldeke’s view of the Qur’an is
Muhammad di not collect the entire of very contradiction with Muslim scholar’s
revelation he accepted in Qur’an and he view. It is the impact of his historical
does not equivocate distinctly that all of his approach to analyse Muhammad’s whole
word is the Qu’ran (Nöldeke, 2000: 67). It life. Although he points out that
seems that Nöldeke’s view is contradiction Muhammad is a prophet, however he
in itself. However, according to me, the disagrees that the Qur’an is God’s speech.
God’s voice is only the first step of This approach of course has many
Muhammad inspirations and Muhammad difficulties, such as to find the relation
himself who made or produced the Qur’an. between God and Muhammad. Sasi Salim
Refusing some passages which are saying al-Hajj adds that this method is based with
that the Angel is the mediator of revelation the style of western thought. It sees
(QS. AlA’la: 6, al-Syu’ara: 193). Nöldeke Muhammad, for example, only as a
assumes that angle is only Muhammad’s merchant. Thus, it is not wondering that

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Nöldeke considers the angle as the chronology of the Qur’an is seen as

Muhammad’s unconsciousness. The something urgent, notably when
Sources and TheTheory of understanding the Qur’an (Taufik Adnan
Chronology of the Qur’an according to Amal, 2001: 81). In despite of an exegesis
Nöldeke Sirah literatures basically that based on the arrangement of Qur’anic
emphasize the whole life of Muhammad, chronology, or asbab al- Nuzul, comes ater
since his birth until his death. Menawhile, the narrative exegesis, as Herbert Berg
the magazi literatures focuses on more the says when he analyses the typology of
tribal battles and heroic deed of exegesis which arranged by
Muhammad and his entourage Nöldeke Wansbrough (Wansbrough, 1977: 120).
recognizes that sirah-magazi literatures are Regarding to the chronology of the Qur’an,
the most important sources to reconstruct there are many reports on the authority of
the chronology of the Qur’an (Nöldeke, Ibn ‘Abbas, and al-Kafi, Ikrimah and
2000: 16 and Neal Robinson, 2003: 37). alHusain, Ibn al-Nadim and qur’anic
Those literatures are Ibn Hisyam’s work, chronology of the Egypt. The chronological
Urwab bin al-Zubair’s work, Abu Bakar al- structures of the Qur’an are basically based
Zuhri’s work, Wahb bin Munabbih and al- on the reports, riwayah (Sahiron
Waqidi’s work. Syamsuddin, 2007: 95). This is the reason
Nöldeke considers the sirah-magazi why orientalists, especially Nöldeke, uses
literatures as the significant sources for the new paradigm and approach to
deciding the chronology of the Qur’an, an formulate and systematize the chronology
opinion that it also held by Muslim of the Qur’an.
scholars. In addition, he also sees the It is necessary to know that Nöldeke does
structural phenomena of verses and not only elaborate Muslim’s chronology of
chapters, their length, style and theological al-Qur’an, but he rather follows, elaborates
development as the basis for the and systematizes Gustav Weil’s fourfold of
chronological arrangement of revelations the chronology of the Qur’an. As the
(Nicolai Sinai, : 401). pioneer of this theory, Weil accepts the
Nevertheless, he is very critical of some assumption of Muslim scholars that all
historical works. The sirah of Ibn Ishaq, for chapters are the units of the genuine
example, is considered by him as the revelation (Taufik Adnan Amal, : 100). The
source providing significat information of reason is that the assumption is a starting
the Meccan phase (Nöldeke, 2000: 64). point of the development of Qur’anic
From this paradigm, he takes generally Studies, especially in the theory of the
summary, that the other literatures except chronology of the Qur’an. Here is the
ibn Ishaq’s – may be the worst – have less chronology of Qur’an that
information that it. Nöldeke elaborates it from Weil’s fourfold
The Chronology of the Qur’an according to bases on linguistics formal componenet:
Nöldeke In the view of Muslim scholars,

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a. The First period of Meccan Meccan Period

96, 74, 111, 106, 108, 104, 107, 12, 92, Speaking of Meccan period, Nöldeke says
90, 94, 93, 97, 86, 91, 80, 68, 87, 95, that the basis for deciding Meccan verses
103, 85, 7, 101, 99, 82, 81, 53, and chapters is Muhammad’s theological
84, 100, 79, 77, 78, 88, 89, 75, 83, 69, mission to make the people believe the
51, 52, 56, 70, 55, 112, 102, 113, 114, only God, masyahid al- Qiyamah,
1. borrowoing Sayd Qutb’s term and
alJabiri’s term (Sayd Quthb: 9, al- Jabiri,
b. The second period of meccan
2006 : 18), which contains a faith of the last
54, 37, 71, 76, 44, 50, 20, 26, 15, 19,
38, 36, 43, 72, 67, 23, 21, 25, 17, 27, day, the death, and consideration day
18 (Nöldeke, 2000: 65). It is in accordance
with his opinion that the main Meccan
c. The third period of Meccan
audience are polytheist, al-Musyrikun.
32, 41, 45, 16, 30, 11, 14, 12, 40, 28, The first thing that Nöldeke pays attention
39, 29, 31, 42, 10, 34, 35, 7, 46, 6, 13. is the structure of the sentence. In the first
d. The Medinan revelation, God talks about Himself to
2, 98, 64, 62, 8, 47, 3, 61, 57, 4, 65, 59, denote that He is the only God. Secondly,
33, 63, 24, 58, 22, 48, 66, 60, 110, 49, in relation to the style of sentence,
9, 5. Nöldeke says, the speech fully means
e. Meccan addition Median surahs 52 clear, distinct, and gracious rhyme by
(21, 29-49), 68 (17-52) 78, 37 using the sort sentence. Therefore, the
pressure of a sound looks like a pattern of
(41), 79 (27-46), 96 (9-19).
rhyme, filled with the rhythm (Nöldeke,
f. Meccan insertions in Medinan 2000: 65). To comment an inclination of
surahs rhyme of the first phase of meccan period,
2 (63-71, 200-204), 22 (1-24, 43-55, I can say that the Qur’an assimilate the
59-64, 66-74) rhyme that is popular among the pre-
g. Medinan addition to Meccan Islamic society (Aramdhan Kodrat
surahs Permana, 2010) before the revelation of
the Qur’an. In the poems of pre-Islamic
6 (91-94), 7 (157), 14 (9-35), 16 (41,
generally there are no long sentence in
110-125), 29 (1-11, 45, 69), 31 (11-
row. In some, Nöldeke bases his theory on
18, 25-28), 73 (20), 74 (31).
the length of the sentences and verses.
h. Addition to Meccan surahs, date
On other hand, Nöldeke’s theory seems to
receive support from a psychological
51 (24-60), 53 (23, 26-32), 55 (8,9, 33, explanation given by Ibn Khaldun who
except last five words), 56 lived long before Nöldeke. Ibn Khaldun
(75-96), 75 (16-19), 84 (25), 103 (3). says that the gradual process of the
Qur’anic revelation gives an ease to

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Muhammad and that in this process Weil, this shift is changed by Muhammad
Muhammad as a human looked like to be to avoid people’s accusation to him as the
an angle (Ibn Khaldun, 2009: 121). poet (Nöldeke, 2000: 105). The fiery poetry
Therefore, short passages made easier for of the previous period is replaced by
him to receive the revelation and chapters diatribe (e.g. Q. al- Mu’minun [23]; 80-90)
and to the people to comprehend it. In and by frequent references to god’s signs
relation to content aspect, Nöldeke sees in nature (e.g. Q. al-Nahl [16]: 3-18). Also
oath styles in the beginning of first characteristic is the frequent use of the
Meccan period. God makes oath with His divine name ‘The Most Merciful, al-
creatures, such a scenery, animals, a night Rahman’, the occurrence of the stock
and a day, glow and dark, sun, stars, sky phrase ‘those who believes and does good
and earth. However, Nöldeke seems to works’, and the presence of prophetic
have difficulty in determining the discourse prefixed with the command
purposes of the oaths, for example with “Say, Qul”. The name of al- Rahman
the al-Qur’an (Q. Sad [37]), the wind actually is known hypocrites. There are no
(alDzariyat [51]), the emissary wind or many causes that it happens but it denotes
angle (Q. alMursalat [77]), the running a hesitance which tells that Muhammad
hourse (Q. al-‘Adiyat [100]) (Nöldeke, glorified two gods (Robinson, 2003: 79,
2000: 6970). He also does not explain the Nöldeke, 2000: 107). But actually, the
oaths that he mentions before. He only name of al- Rahma is one of His names, al-
says that it only shows the greatness of Isra [17]: 110).
God. The oaths with the realm and the So, the third class comprises lengthy
time, such as, the stars, the night and the chapters without a discernible literary
day, according to Izutsu, are revealed in macrostructure. The structures are
the first Meccan Period. It is aimed to prosaic, no more poetic as in the second
deconstruct the preIslamic paradigm period of Meccan. Individual verses,
about the time, al-Dahr. They consider which are longer that those from the
that al-Dahr has the authority to end their above category, end in formulaic
life, even though they believe that its clausulae that exhibit an even more
creator is Allah (Toshihiko Izutsu, 2003: limited spectrum of rhyme schemes that
135-136). In regard to second Meccan text from the first and second calls. A large
priod, Nöldeke says that the number of these chapters give the
characteristics of the chapters of this impression of homilies dedicated to
period are similar to those of the first clarifying various matters of political or
Meccan period. The same phenomenon social controversy and frequently include
also happens to the characteristics of detailed regulations (Nicolas Sina, : 411).
the chapters of the last Meccan and first Other text, like al-Baqarah [2], appear
Medinan period. The style of sentences more like aggregations of originally
shifts to the prose style. According to independent text units. Surahs from the

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

third category are partly characterized by habitants in Medina are ahl Kitab. The new
distinctive terminology that is absent or at inbhabitants indirectly make the new cases
least very rare in classes (1) and (2) such as for Muhammad, as Nöldeke considers,
reference to a group called the munafiqun, from the themes verses, style and contents.
many instances of second-person address Moreover, Nöldeke agrees with the
of the Banu ISrail, and addressing the traditionalist’s view saying that the
text’s transmitter through the words ya sentence of ya ayyuha al-Ladzina amanu is
ayyuha alNabi (Nicolas Sinai, 2010 : 411- used in Medinan, and the sentence of ya
412). To call the Arabians, Muhammad ayyuha al-Nas is rare. Then, from the
revelaed to use the word Ya Ayyuha al- length of the surahs, Nöldeke says that a lot
Nas. It was exactly Arabians like to be call of verses were in one a verse, surah.
generally, ‘amman. Finally, he concludes that the Medinan
To arrange the surahs, Nöldeke considers surahs was the longest surahs ever in
that there is a hidden development which Qur’an (Nöldeke, 2000: 154), as Muslim
make hardly possible to do it (Nöldeke, scholars say.
2000: 129). Thus, sometime, to reconstruct Speaking of the reports of Medinan,
Muslims chronology of the Qur’an, he Nöldeke has different demeanor. Here he
compares the traditional matters. It believes that many of Medinan’s report,
implicated to his conviction. So, it is not riwayah are valid. He argues many of
surprised that he is used to use the word riwayaf of Meccans are only the story or
possibility. khurafat and not valid. However,
Medinan Period Medinan’s report are clear and explained
Actually, the influence of Muhammad’s year by ear. Nöldeke’s view is in line with
migration is the change of the khitab, his previous view about the sirah-maghazi.
audience of the Qur’an, which politically It is a reason why he does no pay enough
purposes to assemble the strength of attention the development of language
Muslim. Thus, the inhabitants are not only usage in Medinan period.
idolatries nor hypocrites, but also The compatibility between chapters or
Christians and Jews which had a same verses and the time accuracy, e.g. Nöldeke
religion rule with Islam, Abrahamic or mentions when explains Q. al- taubah [9].
divine religion. It exactly what Nöldeke This chapter is read by Muhammad with
notes and explains before his clarifying of ‘Ali as a mediator to Arabic People in
Medinan period (Nöldeke, 2000: 148: 151). Mecca, for a moment of the pilgrimage, in
Muhamad Ghalib in his dissertation, ahl- ninth of Hijrah. However, he occasionally
Kitab: Makna dan Cakupannya, does not mention the accuracy time. It
emphasizes that the term ahl-Kitab happens, for example, when he determines
appears 31 times in nine surahs of the surah al-Nasr [110] as Median. It seems
Qur’an, one of it (al- ‘Ankabut [29]) is that Nöldeke follows Muslim scholars’
Meccan. It describes that the most chronology such as Ibn ‘Abbas, al-Kafi,

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Ikrimah and alHusain with any criticism. Robinson says that the appearance of
On other hand, his view is contradictive alRahman in the second Meccan period is
with Mu’irs view which he places this true. Further he explains what Nöldeke
surah into third period of Meccan. purposes, In the earliest revelation, God
The Criticism of Neal Robinson of was simply refereed to as Muhammad’s
Nöldeke’s Thought of the Chronology of lord, Arabic Rabb). Then, some tome after
the Qur’an. There are two problems that Muhammad began to preach publicly, the
Robinson finds in Nöldeke’s chronology: names al- Rahman and Allah were
the female companion of righteous in the introduced. Both names were in some
hereafter and the usage of the word ways, problematical. We can deduce from
“Allah” and “al-Rahman”. Robinson notes the Qur’an that the Meccans already
that there are twelve passages talking acknowledged Allah as the High God who
about the female companions (Robinson, had created the universe, and that they
2003: 89). would even call on him exclusively in
It is the result of Robinson’s analysis of the time of crisis, but that they usually also
content of verses which the Meccan period worshipped other lesser deities (29. 61-65),
is talking about spouses that a person will including the three goddesses whom they
get in the hereafter. Moreover, he says, it regarded as his daughters. We can also
might be that the sensuous imagery of the deduce that, for them, belief in Allah was
early Meccan suras is intended to capture not accompanied by moral demands. It
the attention of the Meccan pagans and was therefore difficult to persuade them
misunderstood by the faithful, it is phased that Allah was the only God; that He alone
out and replaced by references to the should be worshipped; that he had sent
spouses of the believers. Finally, in the first messengers to instruct human beings on
problem, Robinson agrees with the order how to behave; and that on the day of
of the chapters in the context of female judgment they would be rewarded or
companions. punished in accordance with their deeds
(Robinson, 2003: 91). Basically, the above
In relation to the second problem,
mentioned citation is Robinson’s
Robinson refers to the appearance of the
summary of Nöldeke’s chronology.
word of “Allah” and “al-Rahman”.
Robinson does not explain further
Substantively, he compares Nöldeke’s
Nöldeke’s reason for the arrangement of
chronology with Egypt’s chronology and
the chapters. On other hand, Robinson
Bell’s one. From Nöldeke’s order of
finds problematical theory of Nöldeke’s
chapters, he concludes that name of “al-
chronology of the Qur’an.
Rahman” is absent from some earlies
revelations. It is used frequently during a Robinson’s examination of Nöldeke’s
short period, but the stopped to occur chronology of Q. al-Nasr [110]
except in combination with al-Rahim In Nöldeke’s chronology, this chapter is
(Robinson, 2003: 90). Answering this, included in Medinan. For it, he argues with

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

the content of its verses, indicating that It seems that Robinson pays attention to
Meccan people would become Muslim in some key words of the verse of the
the last of Muhammad’s era. He quotes chapters. In addition to ‘fataha’, he also
many reports which supports his examines the nash, afwaja and tawwaba.
argument. These reports denoted to the The paraphrase din Allah and the sentence
Conquest of Mecca (Nöldeke, 2000: 155). fasabbih bi hamdi rabbik are considered in
According to Robinson, many deciding the chronology of the chapters.
commentators also associated the surah to The word nasr may be related to the
the Conquest of Mecca, Fath Makkah, such anshar, helpers. Therefore, it might have
as Ibn Katsir, al-Baghawi and al-Alusi. been revealed at the time when the
Even he mentions that this represented the expectation of divine intervention is
scholar’s consensus. Robinson firstly sees heightened. However, Robinson admits
that the chapter resembles the beginning that Q. al-Nasr maybe also revealed in
surah al-Fath [48]: “Surely we have opened second Meccan period, which Muhammad
up a clear victory for thee that Allah may received pledges of support from
forgive thee thy former and thy latter sins”. sympathizers in Yatsrib, the first of the
He argues that is certainly reveled shortly ansar. From the cumulative evidences,
after the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, when fath Robison considers that it may be Medinan,
Makkah becomes a real as Nöldeke admits. But if it follows
Nöldeke’s category formulation, the
prospect. Secondly, that the word of al-
stylistic category, which Meccan chapters
Fath almost invariably means that
do not have more than 20 syllables. On the
conquest of Mecca. Nevertheless, the noun
above evidence, the chapters could have
and its cognate verb both occur in Meccan
been in fact revealed in the second Meccan
chapters, where they have rather different
period, according to Robinson. (Robinson,
connotations. Robinson notes it in the Q.
al-Shu’ara [26]: 118 (second Meccam
period), “faftah between me and them an Something important to note, that
rescue me together with the believers who Robinson does not reckon the basic
are with me”. argument of Nöldeke that he receives the
reports of Medinan without basing on his
This verse talks about Noah’s prayer when
own concept of chronology of the Qur’an,
confronts his people. So the word of iftah,
the stylistics, themes and style categories.
the root meaning it to open – in this context
Here, Robinson’s criticism is enough to
is to judge openly between him and his
see the idleness of Nöldeke when
people. According to Robinson, this
applying his criteria in his theory himself.
chapter has a tripartite structure, and the
story of Noah occurs in the central section. Robinson’s criticism on Nöldeke’s
In the end, Robinson concludes that it is chronology of early Meccan The first
possible for Muhammad expected already Meccan period contains forty-eight
a fath, conquest.

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

chapters surely will be examined by although only the second and third of
Robinson in their form and content. He these is imperatival, amr.
argues that his first step will adopt Finally, Q. al-Rahman [55] begins with the
Angelika Neuwirth's, Studien zur divine name of the All-merciful and
Komposition der mekkanischen continues with a hymnist signs lists." The
Sarem. (Nicolas Sinasi, : 410). last one, according to him, there is 8
According to Nöldeke and Robinson chapters open on an interrogatory note. In
most of the early Meccan chapters begin Q. alHaqqah [69] and al- Qari'ah [101], a
with oath, commands, questions, or catchword provides the cue for a didactic
other devices which achieve an question. Q. al-Ma'ārij (70) and al-Nabā
emphasis stronger than a direct (78) begin with reference to the question of
statement (Robinson,2003: 100), such as anonymous opponents. In Q. al-Gashiyah
with woes (Q. al-Mutaffifin[83] and Q. [88], Q. al-Duha [93], Q. al-Fil (105) and Q.
al-Humazah (104) and with a curse (Q al- Ma'un (107) respectively, a rhetorical
al-Masad [111]), with astatement, with question introduces an eschatological
the word "ina", with two verbs in the diptych, a reminder of God's favours, a
perfect tense (Q.'abasa [80]), and narration, and a polemical description of
reproach ( [102). In a the person who denies the coming
detail manner, first, seventeen of the judgment." Fourth, five surahs (Q. al-
chapters are opened with oaths, ten Waqi'ah (56], Q. al-Takwir (81). Q. al-
with impersonal oaths", one (Q. al- Infitar [82], Q. al-Insyiqaq [84) and
Qalam [68]) with an impersonal oath Zalzalah [99]) open with an eschatological
preceded by a detached letter, four prelude, in the form of a protasis, or series
with"rider oaths, and two with first- of protases, beginning with 'When". These
person oaths (al-Qiyamah [75) and al- four categories are exactly what Robinson
Balad[90])". For the second, Robinson examines this analysis focuses on the style
reckons that there are eleven chapters of early Meccan chapters of Nöldeke. In
open with a command or a liturgical this case, he summarizes that there are
bidding; four of them. (Q.alKafirun twentynine chapters containing polemical
(109).. al-Ikhlas 112], Q. alFalaq (113), materials, twenty-five chapters containing
and Q. al-Nas [114]) begin with singular eschatological materials, and which are
imperative, Qul. Two chapters (Q. al- easily classifiable as comprising preludes,
Muzammil [73] and Mudassir proceedings, diptychs and flashbacks.
(741) begin with vocative particle, yā Seventeen chapters contain material
ayyuha, followed by a word denoting addressed to the Messenger in the second
the Messenger, and then a series person singular. Fifteen chapters contain
singular imperatives. Q. al-Fatihah (1), signs sections, of which the principal
Q. al-A'lā [87), Q. al-'Alaq [96], and Q. constituents are either hymnic signs. Ten
Quraish [106] begin with biddings, chapters contain narrative sections.

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

Finally, six chapters contain sections Position of Neal Robinson's Criticism of

dealing with the status and authenticity of the Theory in Qur’anic Discourse
the revelation. All but a handful of very Development of qur'anic discourse by
brief surahs include one or more of these using historical perspective in Muslim
six types of section. These six types, scholars or in nonMuslim after
polemical aspects, eschatology, God's Nöldeke's criticism on theory of
personal communication with the Meccan and Medinan period is
Messenger, the signs of God's power and occurring massively. In Europe
beneficence, lessons from history, and the Nöldeke's view was followed by
status and authenticity of the revelation are Hirschfeld in New Researches into The
called by Robinson 'registers'. To explain Composition and Exegesis of the
the meaning of this terminology, he cites Qur'an," (W. Montgomery, 1995: 180)
the definition in his book, A Concise William Muir in The Life of Mohamet, H.
Glossary of Contemporary Literary Grimme in Mohamed and Richard Bell
Theory, which exactly Musicologists in Introduction to the Qur'an, Angelika
employ this term to denote the compass of Neuwirth and as Sinai. All those
a musical instrument, or of a human's voice scholars did the research in a same
and employed by linguist to refer to; theme with Nöldeke’s by using
context-dependent linguistic different and medley manners.
characteristics, either spoken or written, However, this development can be
and encompassing any set of choices which detached from the critical tradition
are made according to a conscious or which happen each other. i.e. Richard
unconscious notion of appropriateness to Bell who criticizes Nöldeke's view on al-
context (vocabulary, syntax, grammar, Rahman. It what has been happening in
sound, pitch and so on). If, for example, Muslims scholar's qur'anic discourses.
one switches on a commercial radio station Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, Muhammad
it is normally immediately apparent if an Abed al-Jabiri, 'Abd Allah al-Zanjani,
advertisement is being broadcast, for Muhammad Salim Muhaisin, and 'Abd
broadcast sound. advertisements generally Sabür Shahin are Muslim scholars who
conform to particular register did not follow Nöldeke's theory. Al-
characteristics that make them Zanjāni, for the example, he adopts the
immediately distinguishable as such, even riwayah from Ibn alNadim's al-Fihrist
if one hears them so badly that the actual and Ibrahim ibn 'Umar alBiqal's Nazm
words used are indistinguishable. There al-Durar wa tanāsuq al-Ayat wa al-
are similar accepted (if changing) registers Suwar." (Abd ‘Allah al-Zanjany: 37).
for church sermons, academic lectures, Here he only encloses the different data
political speeches, declarations of undying of dating revelation of the Qur'an. 'Abd
love, and so on. (Robinson, 2003: 22). Sabur Shahin, who wrote Tarikh al-
Qur'an, does the same thing with al-

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

Zanjani, adopting and citing oldest However, Salim in this case criticizes the
scholars without criticize Nöldeke's idea of non-Muslim scholars generally
theory. (‘Abd al-Shabur alSahib, 2007: not particularly. Besides he also uses the
34). Two mentioned scholars believe that internal criticism to criticize them.
the genuine of Qur'anic revelation are Neal Robinson takes different ways other
not only chapters but also verses. The scholars, either Muslim or non-Muslim
critical study of Nöldeke's theory from scholars in receiving Nõldeke's view. In a
Muslim Scholars maybe represented by certain case his method as same as Richard
Sasi Salim al-Haj with his monumental Bell's and Salim's criticism which also
work Naqd alKhitāb al- Istishraqi: al- criticize internally Nöldeke's view.
Zahirah alIstihraqiyyah wa Atharuha fi However, two of them do not criticize him
al-Dirasat alIslamiyyah. Here he deeply as Robinson does. Here Robinson
criticizes Nõldeke's criticism of riwayah. criticizes internally and examines it in each
Here Salim says "We believe that those period. He also develops Nöldeke's view
riwayah are really broke up between using thematic method and categorizes it
Meccan and Medinan period. Moreover, into smaller categorizes. Actually,
those are not influenced by something Robinson's criticism is cited and followed
such politics or other interests. It is also by Nicolas Sinai with little differences in
used to know the chronology of Islamic enclosing the data.
Law" (Sasi Salim al-Haj, 2002: 32).

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

1. In the discourse of the chronology of the Qur'an, Nöldeke is one the most scholars. His
theory of the Qur'anic chronology can be found in his work, Geschichte des Qorans.
Using the literary analysis, he adopts, systematizes and elaborates Weil's concept on
this subject. The length of Qur'anic verses and chapters, their style, and their theological
development are considered as the barometer of chronological arrangement of
revelations. On this basis, he divides three periods to Meccan chapters and one period
for Medinan ones. Many nonMuslim scholars after him, William Muir, Grimmc,
Hirschfeld, Bell, Angeulika Neuwrith, Sinai and Neal Robinson, have discussed his
theory. Some of them found many shortcomings and weakness in Nöldeke's theory,
Robinson's criticism discusses this theory.
2. Robinson's criticism of Nöldeke's theory includes, first of all, the issues of sources for
the chronological arrangement. Basically, Robinson agrees with Nöldeke in the
importance of the sirah-magazi literatures as one of the bases to the theory.
Unfortunately, Robinson finds that Nöldeke does not discuss the sources theoretically.
Therefore, Robinson goes in the theoretical discussion about the sources in detail.
Unless, Nöldeke says that the reports of Muhammad's life in mecca are small in number
for arranging the Meccan chapters and verses. Meanwhile, tha magazi sources talk
much more about his life in Medina. Lastly, the issue of the arrangement of the
chronology of the Qur'an. Robinson examines Q. Al-Nașr, which Nöldeke put it into
Medinan chapters. Afterward, he also critizes the usage of the word "al-Rahman" and
Allah's name. With regard to the theory of the Qur'anic chronology, Robinson criticizes
Nöldeke, using Bell's Neuwrith's, and Islahi's theories. This kind of criticism represents
Robinson's external criticism. In addition, he uses also an internal criticism, in the sense
that he criticizes Nöldeke, using the method that is used by the latter, i.e. content and
structure analysis, i.e. the female companions, the reason why it considered as Meccan
chapters. Thus, he analyzes deeper to show it. He does not reckon the basic argument
of Nöldeke, why he chose the stylistics, themes, and style analysis to arrange the
chronology of the Qur'an, especially in Meccan period. Actually, according to Nöldeke
the reports of Muhammad's life in Meccan is less than in Medinan. It is a reason why
he put Q. al-Nașr in Medinan period, although the chapter's structure, its length, and
its content support itself to be in a Meccan chapter.

Amal, Taufik Adnan. 2001. Rekonstruksi Sejarah al-Qur’an. Yogyakarta: FkBA.
El-Awa, Salwa M.S. 2006 Textual Relations in the Qur’an. London and New York:
Al-Haj, Sasi Salim, 2002. Naqd al-Khitab al-Istisyraqi: al-ahirah al-Istishraqiyyah wa
Atsaruha fi Dirasat al-Islamiyyah.
Beirut: Dar Mirar al-Islami.

1st ICEHoS 2021 - International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science

Hiersfeld, 1902. New Researches into The Composition and Exegesis of the Qur’an.
London: Royal Asiastic Society.
Izutsu, Toshihiko. 2003. Konsep-Konsep appears in early Meccan, and the m al-Qur’an.
Yogyakarta: Tiara
Wacana. . 2003. Relasi Tuhan dan appearance of al-Rahman. The last point that must be
noted here is that Robinson's forgetfulness about Nöldeke's arrangement of the
Qur'anic chronology. Here Robinson criticizes the place of Q. al-Nast, which
Nöldeke included it into the Medinan period. According to Robinson, this chapter
should be Manusia terj. Agus Fehri Hesein ( Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana.
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Noldeke, Theodore. 2000. Tarikh al- Qur’an. Translated by Faridl Yaris Syafali. Dar Nasyr.
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UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
Robinson, Neal. 2003. Discovering the Qur’an. A Contemporary Approach to A Veiled text.
London: SCM Press.
Sutopo, 2008. Pengantar Islam Komprehensif a translation by Anam Sutopo. Yogyakarta:
Fajar Pustaka Baru.
Saenong, Faried F. 2006. “Kesarjanaan alQur’an di Barat: Studi Bibliografis” in Jurnal Studi
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al- Qur’an. Kairo: Nahdlah al-Misr.
Sevilla, Counsuelo. 2006. Pengantar Metode Penelitian translated by Alimuddin tuwu.
Jakarta: Penerbit Unviersitas Indonesia.
Sinai, Nicolasi. 2010. “The Qur’an as Process” in Angelika Nuewirth, The Qur’an in
Context Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’anic Milieu.
Brill. Syamsuddin, Sahiron. 2008. An Examination Bint al-Shathi’s Method of Interpreting
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