Dsa 24 H Imp

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DSA Last 24 Hours Imp

1) Explain Max Heap

2) Explain N-Queens Problem
3) Explain Circular Queue
4) Apply Maximum Subarray algorithm to the following problem.
Input:-arr=[2,-4,1,9,-6,7,-3].Show step by step solution..
5) Explain Hamilton cycle with example? (prepare graph)
6) Explain AVL tree with example and construct avl tree for following
symbols.STA,ADD,LDA,MOV,JMP,TRIM,ZCHG,AIV,IN, show each step diagrammatically,specify for
that step.
7) Explain linear probing with suitable example
8) Construct binary tree on the following data 10,25,2,4,7,13,11,22 and determine
Inorder,Preorder,Postorder & 13,3,4,12,14,10,5,1,8,2,7,9,11,6,18
9) Sort the array using quick sort algorithm[24,30,27,32,1,21,19] , [28,17,53,13,9,82,8]
10) Explain concepts with algorithms and their operations-
Singly linked list
Doubly linked list
Circular linked list
Stack ,queue,array
11) Find the longest common subsequence for following string using dynamic programming
12) Explain Recursive Staircase problem
13) Explain Fwnwick tree
14) Explain pascal triangle,power set
15) Compare lenear queue and circular queue.
16) Explain Fibonacci number with respect to dynamic programming
17) Explain hash function 2 collision
18) Explain power set with example
19) Discuss use of priority queue
20) What is binary search tree ?
21) Write an algorithm to count number of nodes in singly linked list?
22) Explain jump game algorithm
23) Sort following data using merge sort algorithm [38,27,43,3,9,82,10].
24) Explain rules of tower of Honoi with an suitable ex.
25) Write algorithm to reverse the nodes of a linked list.
26) Construct AVL Tree [char,break,switch,if,int,struct,malloc,void,return,goto
27) Diff betwn BFS & DFS Algorithm
28) Apply Rain Terrace algorithm to the following problem.
Input-Height=[3,0,2,0,4].Draw The figure & find solution.,Height=[2,1,3,0,1,4,0,2]
29) Solve following O/I Knapsack problem
N=4, W={2,3,4,5},D={3,4,5,6},M=5 & n=3 m=4,P[1,2,3],W[4,5,1] find unique path problem with
30) Find Longest Common For The Subsequence for the sequences “AGGTAB” & “GXTXAYB”
31) Write a algorithm to delete first node from doubly,stack,queue,linked list.
32) Create Avl tree for 40,50,70,30,42,15,20,25,27,26,26,60,55 , create max heap-
33) Apply jump game algorithm on given array & return value Arr [-2,-3,4,-1,-2,1,5,-3]
34) Write recursive function for n disk in tower of honoi
35) Find Fibonacci number using dynamic prog.
36) Explain integer partition
37) Explain directed &undirected graph

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