Correction of Mistakes - Verb Complementation

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SOME of these sentences contain mistakes related to verb complementation.

mistakes and CORRECT them .JUSTIFY your correction.

1) I cannot imagine your living in Russia.

2) What is it like being a Daddy?

3) Who do you suppose gave him our address?

4) It’s no good insisting, he won’t change his mind.

5) They were taught that bricks are made with mud.

6) He has ordered a dictionary to improve his spelling.

7) Poor direction by management can cause employees to make many mistakes.

8) He strikes me as an intelligent man.

9) Suddenly the wind came. It was a mad wind that leapt down on the island and tried blowing
it into the sea..

10) His teacher called me and explained John’s mark had been lowered.

11) I’ve learnt that your baby has been ill for some time. I wish he could recover soon.

12) As the room was filling with smoke, I rushed to the door and tried to force it to open.

13) Doesn’t that child ever stop to cry?

14) The doctor said to him to go to bed and stay there.

15) The little girl was made repeat the whole story of her rape.

16) We have not known him to sing so beautifully before.

17) I implored her keeping calm.

18) We have proved your story completely accurate.

19) Don’t let me find you opening this door again.

20) Don’t these roses smell nicely?

21) Naturally I like that people tell me I am clever.

22) I have come to say you good-bye.

23) Teachers may sometimes choose conducting a full scale debate.

24) He reminded Eric saying a prayer at the knees of his mother the night before her death.
25) She couldn’t help to cry because she was an only child.

26) I wouldn’t recommend a boy to embark on a literary career.

27) I tried to use a hammer, but it was in vain. The door wouldn’t open.

28) Few people like being made fools of in public.

29) Peter told William that he had passed the exam

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