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Pie Chart DI for upcoming Prelims Exams

Direction (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
The given pie chart shows the percentage distribution of the number of red cars sold in five different
days in a week.

1) If the ratio of the number of black to white cars sold on Thursday and Wednesday is in the
ratio of 3:2 and 8:9 respectively and the number of red cars sold on Thursday is 45 less than the

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number of black car sold on the same day and the number of white cars sold on Wednesday is
20% more than the number of red cars sold on the same day. Find the difference between the
total number of cars sold on Thursday and Wednesday? (Total number of cars = number of red
cars + black cars + white cars)
2) The ratio of the number of red, black and white cars sold on Friday and Monday is 11:8:12 and
9:11:7 respectively. What is the ratio of the number of black and white cars together sold on
Friday to that of Monday?

3) The number of red cars sold on Tuesday is what percent of the number of red cars sold on

4) The number of red cars sold on Tuesday is 166 more than the number black cars sold on the
same day and the number of black color cars sold on Monday is 11(1/9)% more than the number

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of red cars sold on Monday. Find the total number of black cars sold on Tuesday and Monday

5) Find the difference between the number of red cars sold on Wednesday and Thursday?

Direction (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
The given pie chart shows the percentage distribution of the number of Ventilators manufactured in
six different companies. The total number of ventilators manufactured in D is 4800.

6) If the ratio of the number of sold to unsold ventilators in E is 3:2, then, find the number of sold
ventilators in E?
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7) Ratio of the number of sold to unsold ventilators in A and F is 21:29 and 2:3 respectively.
Then, the number of unsold ventilators in A is what percent of the number of the sold ventilators
in F?

8) Ratio of the number of ventilators exported to Chennai and Bangalore from C and D is 3:2 and
9:11 respectively. Find the number of ventilators exported to Chennai from C and D together?
9) What is the difference between the total number of ventilators manufactured in A and B
together and the total number of ventilators manufactured in E and F together?

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10) The total number of ventilators manufactured in all the companies together is 50% more than
the number of ventilators manufactured in G. If the number of sold to unsold ventilators in G is
5:3, then find the number of ventilators unsold in G?

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
The given pie chart shows the degree distribution of the marks scored by Ravi in each subject.
Note: The mark scored by Ravi in English is 180

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480 Maths
600 History


11) Find the ratio between the

total marks scored in Maths and English together to the total marks scored in History and Biology
A. 20:21
B. 19:21
C. 21:19
D. 21:17
E. None of these

12) Mark scored in Tamil is what percent more or less than the average marks scored in History
and Biology?
A. 27.98%

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B. 23.12%
C. 23.80%
D. 38.5%
E. None of these

13) Naveen scored 240 marks in English and the mark distribution angle are as same as Ravi, Find
the difference between the marks scored in Biology and Maths by Naveen?
A. 40
B. 100
C. 120
D. 80
E. None of these

14) In how many Subjects, the marks scored by Ravi is more than the average mark scored by Ravi
in all the subject together?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 1
D. 5
E. None of these

15) The mark scored by Keerthi in History, Tamil and Maths are 200, 250 and 180 respectively, and
remaining subject’s marks are as same as the Ravi scored in that subject. Total mark scored by
Keerthi is what percent of the total mark scored by Ravi?
A. 100%
B. 100.83%
C. 100.54%
D. 150%

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E. None of these
Directions (16-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
The given pie chart shows the number of satellites launched by five different countries.

Total number of Satellites

= 12000

30% India
10% Nepal


16) The number of satellites launched by Brazil is what percent of the number of satellites
launched by Nepal?
A. 80.55%
B. 82.22%
C. 83.33%
D. 84.44%
E. 85.55%

17) The ratio of the number of remote and communication satellites launched by China is 3:2. Find
the number of communication satellites launched by China? (Consider only remote and
communication satellites launched by China)
A. 720

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B. 750
C. 780
D. 800
E. 810

18) The number of satellites launched by the US is 20% more than the number of satellites
launched by India. Find the difference between the number of satellites launched by US and
A. 1640
B. 1660
C. 1670
D. 1680
E. 1630

19) Find the average number of satellites launched by India, Brazil and Nepal?
A. 2800
B. 3000
C. 3200
D. 3500
E. 3600

20) Ratio of the number of network and agriculture related satellites launched by Russia is 7:8.
Find the number of agriculture related satellites launched by Russia? (Consider only the network
and agriculture related satellites launched by Russia)
A. 640
B. 650
C. 660
D. 670

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E. 680

Directions (21-25): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions.
The given pie chart shows the percentage distribution of the total production of masks (surgical and
nonsurgical) in five different months i.e. January, February, March, April and May.

21) Out of the total production of masks in April, 33.33% are surgical masks and the ratio of total
production of nonsurgical masks in April to March is 6:5, then find total production of surgical
masks in March?
A. 550
B. 320
C. 640
D. 720
E. None of these

22) Total production of masks in January and April together is how much more/less than the
total production of masks in February and May?
A. 420 less
B. 180 less
C. 350 more

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D. 220 more
E. None of these

23) If the ratio of the total production of surgical and nonsurgical masks in February is5:3 and
80% and 60% of surgical and nonsurgical masks are sold in February, then find total production
of masks in February are unsold?
A. 216
B. 242
C. 278
D. 264
E. None of these

24) If the average of total production of masks in May and June is 980 and the ratio of total
production of surgical and nonsurgical masks in June is 8:7, then find total production of
nonsurgical masks in June?
A. 480
B. 210
C. 350
D. 540
E. None of these

25) Total production of masks in February and April together is what percentage more than the
total production of masks in March?
A. 70%
B. 45%
C. 20%
D. 65%
E. None of these

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Pie Chart DI for upcoming Prelims Exams

Directions (26-30): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions.
The given pie chart shows the percentage distribution of the total number of rupee notes (Rs.200 and
Rs.100) printed on five different days i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

26) If the ratio of the number of Rs.200 and Rs.100 notes printed on Monday is 8:7 and the ratio
of the number of Rs.200 and Rs.100 notes printed on Friday is 3:2, then find the average number
of Rs.100 notes printed on Monday and Friday together.
A. 645
B. 575
C. 735
D. 465
E. None of these

27) If total number of rupee notes printed on Saturday is 16.67% more than that of Tuesday and
40% of total number of rupee notes printed on Saturday are Rs.100 notes, then number of Rs.200
notes printed on Saturday is what percentage of total number of rupee notes printed on
A. 60%
B. 80%
C. 50%

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D. 70%
E. None of these

28) Total number of rupee notes printed on Tuesday and Friday together is how much more/less
than total number of rupee notes printed on Monday and Wednesday together?
A. Rs.800 more
B. Rs.500 less
C. Rs.900 more
D. Rs.700 less
E. None of these

29) If 62.5% and 40% of the total number of rupee notes printed on Wednesday and Thursday are
Rs.200 notes and then the number of Rs.100 notes printed on Thursday is what percentage more
than the number of Rs.100 notes printed on Wednesday?
A. 80%
B. 100%
C. 60%
D. 40%
E. None of these

30) Find the ratio of the total number of rupee notes printed on Monday to the average number
of rupee notes printed on Tuesday and Wednesday together.
A. 9:10
B. 15:11
C. 8:7
D. 5:9
E. None of these

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1. Answer: B
Number of red cars sold on Wednesday = 25/100 * 2700 = 675
Number of white cars on Wednesday = 120/100 * 675 = 810
Number of black cars sold on Wednesday = 810 * 8/9 = 720
Number of red cars sold on Thursday = 15/100 * 2700 = 405
Number of black cars sold on Thursday = 405 + 45 = 450
Number of white cars sold on Thursday = 2/3 * 450 = 300
Required difference = (675 + 810 + 720) – (405 + 450 + 300)
= 1050

2. Answer: E
Number of white and black cars sold on Friday = 20/11 * (22/100 * 2700) = 1080
Number of white and black cars sold on Monday = 18/9 * (20/100 * 2700) = 1080
Required ratio = 1080:1080 = 1:1

3. Answer: B
Required % = 18/20 * 100 = 90%

4. Answer: A
Number of black cars sold on Tuesday = (18/100 * 2700) – 166 = 320
Number of black cars sold on Monday = 1000/900 * (20/100 * 2700) = 600
Required total = 600 + 320 = 920

5. Answer: D
Required difference = (25 – 15)/100 * 2700 = 270

6. Answer: A
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Number of sold ventilator in E = 3/5 * 25/16 * 4800 = 4500

7. Answer: C
Number of unsold ventilator in A = 29/50 * 12/16 * 4800 = 2088
Number of sold ventilator in F = 2/5 * 15/16 * 4800 = 1800
Required % = 2088/1800 * 100 = 116%

8. Answer: D
Number of ventilator exported to Chennai from C = 3/5 * 14/16 * 4800 = 2520
Number of ventilator exported to Chennai from D = 9/20 *16/16* 4800 = 2160
Required total = 2520 + 2160 = 4680

9. Answer: A
Required difference = ((15 + 25) - (12 + 18))/16 * 4800
= 3000

10. Answer: B
Number of ventilator unsold in G = 3/8 * 100/16 * 4800 * 100/150
= 7500

Directions (11-15):
Mark scored in English = 180
Mark scored in English = 3600 – (78+60+78+48+42)0 = 540 = 180
Therefore total marks = 3600/540 * 180 = 1200
Mark scored in Biology = 780/540 * 180 =260
Mark scored in Maths = 600/540 * 180 = 200
Mark scored in Tamil = 780/540 * 180 = 260
Mark scored in History = 480/540 * 180 = 160

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Mark scored in Computer Science = 420/540 * 180 = 140

11) Answer: B
Required ratio = (200+180) : (160+260) = 380 : 420 = 19:21

12) Answer: C
Average marks of History and Biology = 160+260 = 420/2 = 210
Required % = (260-210)/210 * 100 = (50/210)*100 = 23.80%

13) Answer: D
Naveen: English = 540 = 240
Difference of maths and Biology = 780- 600 = 180
Required difference = (180/540)*240 = 80

14) Answer: A
Average mark = 1200/6 = 200
Biology and Tamil only scored more than average marks.

15) Answer: B
Keerthi’s total mark = 200+250+180+180+260+140 = 1210
Required Percentage = 1210/1200 * 100 = 100.83%
Directions (16-20):
16) Answer: C
Required % = 25/30 * 100 = 83.33%

17) Answer: A
Required total = 2/5 * 15/100 * 12000 = 720

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18) Answer: D
Required difference = 120/100 * 20/100 * 12000 – 10/100 * 12000 = 1680

19) Answer: B
Required average = (20 + 25 + 30)/300 * 12000 = 3000

20) Answer: A
Required total = 8/15 * 10/100 * 12000 = 640

Directions (21-25):
21) Answer: A
Total production of masks in April=18% of 5500=18*55=990
Total production of nonsurgical masks in April=66.66% of 990=990*2/3=660
Total production of nonsurgical masks in March=660/6*5=550
Total production of masks in March=20% of 5500=20*55=1100
Total production of surgical masks in March=1100-550=550

22) Answer: D
Total production of masks in January and April (%)=24+18=42
Total production of masks in February and May (%)=16+22=38
Required difference=(42-38)% of 5500=4*55=220 more

23) Answer: B
Total production of masks in February=16% of 5500=16*55=880
Total production of surgical masks in February=880*5/8=550
Total production of surgical masks in February are unsold=550*1/5=110
Total production of nonsurgical masks in February=880-550=330
Total production of nonsurgical masks in February are unsold=330*2/5=132

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Required sum=110+132=242

24) Answer: C
Total production of masks in May=22% of 5500=22*55=1210
Total production of masks in June=980*2-1210=1960-1210=750
Total production of nonsurgical masks in June=750*7/15=350

25) Answer: A
Total production of masks in February and April (%)=16+18=34
Required percentage=(34-20)/20*100=14/20*100=70%

Directions (26-30):
26) Answer: A
Total number of rupee notes printed on Monday = 18% of 7500 = 18*75 = 1350
Number of Rs.100 notes printed on Monday = 1350 * 7/15 = 630
Total number of rupee notes printed on Friday = 22% of 7500 = 22 * 75 = 1650
Number of Rs.100 notes printed on Friday = 1650 * 2/5 = 660
Required average = ( 630 + 660 ) / 2 = 1290 / 2 = 645

27) Answer: D
Total number of rupee notes printed on Tuesday = 24% of 7500 = 24 * 75 = 1800
Total number of rupee notes printed on Saturday = 116.67% of 1800 = 1800 * 7/6 = 2100
Number of Rs.200 notes printed on Saturday = 2100 * 60 / 100 = 2100 * 3/5 = 1260
Required percentage = 1260 / 1800 * 100 = 70%

28) Answer: C
Total number of rupee notes printed on Tuesday and Friday (%) = 24 + 22 = 46
Total number of rupee notes printed on Monday and Wednesday (%) = 18 + 16 = 34

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Required difference = ( 46 – 34 )% of 7500 = 12% of 7500 = 12 * 75 = 900 more

29) Answer: B
Total number of rupee notes printed on Wednesday=16% of 7500=16*75=1200
Number of Rs.100 notes printed on Wednesday=37.5% of 1200=1200*3/8=450
Total number of rupee notes printed on Thursday=20% of 7500=20*75=1500
Number of Rs.100 notes printed on Thursday=60% of 1500=900
Required percentage = ( 900 – 450 ) / 450 * 100 = 450 / 450 * 100 = 100%

30) Answer: A
Total number of rupee notes printed on Monday = 18% of 7500 = 18 * 75 = 1350
Total number of rupee notes printed on Tuesday and Wednesday = ( 24 + 16 ) % of 7500 = 40% of
7500 = 40 * 75 = 3000
The average number of rupee notes printed on Tuesday and Wednesday = 3000 / 2 = 1500
Required ratio = 1350:1500 = 9:10
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