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Group Term Report

Students are to submit a Term Report which would be Group wise.

The guidelines for the Groups are as follows:

1. Max. Number of persons in a group would be 3.

2. The persons should discuss amongst themselves and agree on the group members so as to
avoid frictions later.

Submission guidelines are as follows:

1. Groups are to decide the following:

a. Whether they are to work on the report as a Company or Bank
b. The instructor will approve the same and inform the group.
c. The report to be submitted during the second to last week of the Semester.
d. The group report should preferably be equally contributed by all group members.
2. The contribution to be both in terms of scope and scale of the report. By scope it is meant
that the contents of the report to be equally divided. By scale, the number of pages /
words to be equally divided as well.
3. Each group member to write at least 800 to 1000 words.
4. The report shall be provided in printed form with cover page and Table of Contents.
5. The report to be preferably formatted on word with justified paras, 1.5 spacing between
lines and the cover page to carry all requirements as per IOBM policy. Although format of
the cover page is at the discretion of the Group.
6. A word file or PDF shall also be submitted with the instructor so that the plagiarism can be
Topic guidelines are as follows:

1. The groups are to be provided with a hypothetical sum of funds which they shall treat as
For banks 15% of total funds would be Current Deposits
85% of total funds would be Savings or remunerative Deposits
For Company 40% of the funds would be considered as Equity
60% of the funds would be considered as Debt
2. With the funds hypothetically provided, the fund managers would now work towards fund
allocation strategy. The decision of the allocation strategy is to be specifically highlighted
with the right perspective and reasoning.
3. The group will then follow their allocation strategy and invest in the asset classes and
monitor them week on week. The ‘mark to market’ processing shall be clarified in class
which is to be followed as it is a standard process in Treasury and Fund Management.
4. At the end or near end of the exercise, the group will be encouraged to gauge their returns
and compare them with the cost of funds (COF will be provided / guided by the instructor).
5. The report would be closed with practical lessons, the To-Dos and the Don’ts, and conclusion
to the report.

Plagiarism and similarity of text:

1. If the plagiarism is deemed too high, the instructor will allow 1 change in the text and form
of the report.
2. If the plagiarism post 1 revision is still deemed to be high, the instructor may penalize on the
marks accordingly.
3. The standard Plagiarism policy of IOBM shall apply.
4. Students should take care that not only there should be no similarity of content from the
internet and other resources, but also that there should be no similarity of content from the
submissions made by the previous groups.

Learning Outcome:

1. The students are requested to take current topics and events to maximize their learning
content and outcome.
2. The instructor is available for guidelines and may be requested for support at any time.
However, the instructor can provide guidelines only. The Group reports may kindly reflect
group and individual effort for better representation with the effort being to maximize
3. The Group report is for 15 marks so the groups are requested to show maximum effort
4. The instructor shall mark the report with the numbers to be provided to the individual
persons within accordingly. Thereby group harmonization and collective effort is
requested to be reflected in the reports.

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