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1:17 - He does not know Hindi?

1:20 - So you do understand me, right?

1:22 - I do...
1:23 - Well I too understand you a little
1:27 - We are proud? We are proud... Chattisgarhiya!!
1:32 - I am from Chattisgarh, and you?
1:35 - I am from Delhi.
1:37 - Ohh Delhi-Bhopal?
1: 41 - have you ever been to Delhi or Bhopal?
1: 44 - I have been there long back.
1: 49 - Observed it well
1: 51 - How was it?
1: 52 - Great…loved it, there were double and triple-storey buildings
1:55 - #flowingwithemotion
2:10 - So you need 20 rupees?
2: 11 - yes
2: 12 - Ok you will get it, no big deal.
2: 15 - ok then close it.
2: 16 - #what
2: 18 - Silver Coins make a ‘clinking’ sound, unlike the paper notes and if it does not sound we
discard it straight away. And the coin that ‘clinks’ is kept in the pocket.

So the paper note isn’t good?

No, it comes and slips off.
#yekyatha in buying apparel like watches and wallets.

3: 07 - Do you trust Banks?

3:10 - Banks have bloomed now, but back in our days there weren't any.
3: 30 - I travel to MORGA, on the motorcycle
3: 31 - Do you have to go there?
3: 33 - How far is it? 4kms
3: 36 - we will drop you there.
3: 38 - No, I have some work there, regarding my pension..#lost
3: 42 - Oh he has to go to the bank. Should i drop you to the bank?
3: 43 - No its ok, i don't travel in other vehicles.
3: 47 - So you don’t trust us…we will stab you! Isn’t it?
3: 52 - #uncle
3: 54 - I usually stab people. #confession
3: 57 - No i won’t go with you.
3: 58 - Come with us, please.
4: 00 - Not at all
4: 15 - you can come with us. Don’t be afraid.
4:27 - What happened? We can drop you
4: 29 - #mic drop

4: 36 - where did he exactly go?

4: 39 - #hein Where was he headed to?
4: 40 - he is going to the bank
4: 42 - which bank?
4: 44 - State Bank Morga
4: 45 - How far is it?
4: 46 - 4 km
4: 47 - How much time would it take?
4: 51 - Around 5 mins.
4: 53 - should we go? #cut-to
4: 54 - chalo sanju ji, State bank.
5:02 - #retrospection Guys did I freak him out?
5: 05 - It seems he doesn't trust new people.
5: 08 - he was actually scared
5: 12 - Pull over, we will walk from here.
5: 13 - there he is..
5: 19 - we need to calm him down
5: 22 - May i come in !?
5: 23 - I can sit, right?
5: 26 - Have your seats, it's ok. We are shooting from outside.
5: 38 - All good?
5: 41 - you could have come with us.
5: 48 - You seem like an alien, who knows where you would carry me!
5: 53 - What is your name?
5: 55 - Philisita Kindo
5: 58 - What brings you here?
5: 59 - To check my account balance, as I have to debit money.
6: 04 - My husband can’t work, he is paralyzed from this side. He has a stick to support his
walk. He gets no pension, neither for his disability.
6: 22 - And I have 3 children to feed and raise. Sometimes I work as a grass cutter. I had a son
who is no more and now I look after his children too.
6: 58 - How far have you studied?
7: 00 - not much…till 5th class.
7: 02 -

7: 08 - Yes, that one.

7: 12 - Education isn’t enough.
7: 16 - Yes I do agree.
7: 20 - There is a lack of teachers.
7: 22 - There are 2 or 3 teachers for 80 - 120 students.
7: 28 - So Is there no change coming?
7: 29 - there is no change at all.
7: 31 - the government should provide more teachers.
7: 35 - They provide 2 teachers and then one of them is busy in training and he is also working
as the BLO.
7: 40 - They also have to maintain records. So when will they teach?
7: 47 - If you go and ask the kids, they don’t even know the basics, so it's all meaningless.
7: 53 - We too studied there, but got nothing to learn. Everything’s the same.
8: 01 - Aren’t things getting any better?
8: 05 - if you visit the village, you will get to know yourself.
8: 09 - Most of the people come here for pension only.
8: 10 - Along with pension, they also get other benefits from government policies.
8: 15 - They usually don't deposit money, but they come to collect money credited by the
government under PM Kissan Nidhi, Pension, other bonuses and benefits that come into their
8: 21 - Bonus of Tendu Patta? So it means from both States as well as central Govt.
8: 30 - Yes, from all the sources the money comes straight into their accounts.
8: 34 - Okay.
8: 37 - What were you saying?
8: 39 - Sometimes, we can’t even have our KYC done.
8: 41 - Why is it so?
8: 42 - Since we aren’t that literate we find it hard to understand the process so we have to run
a lot for it.
8: 55 - Is he right?
8: 56 - Yes, he is my son.
8: 58 - what brings her here?
9: 03 - We came here for our KYC, and it was finally done today
9: 09 - Well, now you are a satisfied customer. So how long did it take for the entire process?
9: 14 - it took me around 5 months of constant effort.
9: 17 - Do you get enough help from the government?
9: 20 - Sometimes we get and sometimes we don’t.
9: 23 - What about the supply of water and electricity in your area?
9: 25 - it is fine, we are receiving water supplies.
9: 29 - what are the issues you have to face?
9: 33 - Usually we face issues because of server failure, and so the work gets delayed.
9: 40 - Since it is a remote area so we could not get fiber installed.
9: 48 - So we have to manage with mobile networks, wi-fi or dongle.
9: 53 - It does help but not enough.
9: 57 - So the villagers have to suffer the delay too, although we try to satisfy our customers.
10: 04 - Of course, being a local you can only try for it.
10: 08 - What is the population of MORGA?
10: 10 - the population would be around 1000 voters.
10: 22 - And in how much area does this branch provide services?
10: 24 - It's a wide area, you would have seen #ptani
10: 40 - So it covers around 30 - 50 km of radius all alone.
10: 44 - Do people travel 50km to reach here?
10: 48 - If you have work, then you will have to come over.
10: 50 - Isn’t there any electricity?
10: 52 - We face a lot of problems because there is no sub-station and we only get supply from
10: 55 - How long do you receive electricity for?
10: 57 - Around 4-5 hrs a day.
11: 15 - What were you saying?
11: 20 - Where are you from?
11: 21- I live here.
11: 23 - what’s your village name?
11: 24 - MORGA
11: 26 - Do you get a water supply at home?
11: 28 - not a proper one, there is drainage but we take water from the solar-powered tank set
up for school.
11: 38 - How much have you studied, Mahendra ji?
11: 43 - Studies? Only class 1. My parents didn’t teach me.
11: 48 - Did you teach your children?
11: 50 - Yes
11: 51 - How much?
11: 53 - up till college.
11: 54 - they have been to college?
11: 58 - Yes, he is a master now. It was very difficult for me to get provide education.
12: 07 - Why is education important?
12: 11 - We couldn’t study but we make sure that our children study and get a better living.
12: 19 - Without education, one can do nothing.
12: 25 - A.J.K.V Primary School, Jambahaar.
12: 30 - How are you? Is this Jambahaar? I didn’t know.
12: 36 - How are you? I am from Delhi,
12: 42 - UNFILTEREDBYSAMDISH #naamtosunahihoga
12: 44 - Youtube..
12: 46 - What do you do here?
12: 50 - I am into teaching
12: 53 - You are the teacher?
12: 56 - Good morning sir…good afternoon sir…
13: 03 - What subjects do you teach?
13: 07 - I am the only teacher here.
13: 10 - So you teach everything? - Yes
13: 12 - But there must be some subject you find difficult to teach.
13: 15 - One can teach Hindi or Environmental Science but I have to prepare at home for
teaching Maths and English.
13: 34 - So you are not well versed in English and Maths?
13: 40 - Yes, I need to prepare, or else I will have to look into the books for doubts.
13: 47 - Do you receive the salary on the 1st of every month in the account?
13: 51 - Salary? 29th, 30th or 31st.
13: 54 - You get it by then? -Yes, Before the month ends.
13: 58 - You do get paid on time. It's not delayed, right?
14: 00 - Not it’s never delayed until you are doing your job well.
14: 05 - So do you carry your work faithfully?
14: 09 - #333

14: 15 - What is happening here?

14: 17 - They are Drying the lentils in the sun, because of humidity.
14: 21 - So they are students?
14: 22 - Yes
14: 23 - Are they supposed to do all this work? Whose lentils are these, your?
14: 31 - These are for the school.
14: 33 - Oh it's for school. - How could it be mine?
14: 37 - So the students carry out these works? Do they have to do it?
14: 42 - No, why would I let them? It’s to be done by her.
14: 45 - That’s all I have been trying to ask you. Ajay ji!

14: 49 - What is this? Class 1,2 and 3 all together!

14: 55 - Class 4 & 5 together!?
15: 03 - What is all this? What’s happening?
15: 10 - You are the headmaster also, I mean the principal?
15: 20 - So you are the headmaster as well as the only teacher?
15: 28 - We got it repaired 2 times.
15: 30 - then?
15: 31 - during the rainy season, you can’t even sit here.
15: 36 - Water seeps all over the wall to the ground.
15: 39 - throughout the rainy season?
15: 40 - yes it leaks throughout.
15: 45 - this place is still better but the books in the office have all gone to waste.
15: 53 - There is no electricity? - No
15: 58 - Do you get an electricity supply over here?
16: 01 - During the rainy season, due to leakage the entire wall had a current so all plugs went
16: 10 - the students were sitting right below this.
16: 14 - So when you were teaching maths the ceiling fell.
16: 20 - Children were lucky that they were alert, else things could have gotten serious.
16: 28 - Since then I do not let any child sit here.
16: 29 - How many students are there?
16: 30 - 9 in total.
16: 33 - only 9? Including all the 5 classes!
16: 40 - Ajay ji? Has any CM or MLA/MP ever come around this school?

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