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Proposition Speaker-1 Motion-2

“Equality is the soul of liberty, there is in fact no liberty without it”.

Ladies and Gentlemen and the honourable judges, Istand before you as
the first speaker from house Proposition, for the motion- This house
believes that the world bank group must adopt a one country one vote
system. As the first speaker, I will be introducing the motion and
presenting my arguments on the motion.
The second speaker will refute and add arguments to support the case
and the third speaker will sum up our team’s case and refute.

Let’s begin by defining the key terms. The World Bank promotes
long-term economic development and poverty reduction by providing
technical and financial support to help countries implement reforms or
projects, such as building schools, providing water and electricity,
fighting disease, and protecting the environment. It currently works on a
weighted voting system where financial contributions heavily influence
decision making. The adoption of a one country one vote system would
significantly change the dynamics within the World Bank group and offer
multiple advantages to the developing nations. Developing countries
contribute to the World Bank's research and development activities
through their participation in the Bank's think tank, the World Bank
Institute. The World Bank Institute conducts research on a wide range of
development topics, and its findings are used to inform the Bank's
policies and lending decisions.

Developing countries are the primary beneficiaries of World Bank

projects and programs. In 2022, the World Bank approved over $100
billion in financing for developing countries. These projects and
programs support a wide range of development activities, such as
education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic development.

The World Bank Organization relies on the contributions of developing

countries in order to achieve its mission of reducing poverty and
promoting sustainable development. By working together, the World
Bank and developing countries can make a real difference in the lives of
people around the world.

As team Proposition we’ll be presenting three arguments:

-‘One country one vote system will help to reduce corruption and
-The One country one vote system will encourage worldwide
equality and fairness by giving equal representation to all’.
-The one country one vote system would Lead to empowerment of
developing nations which which encourages collaboration and

We will commence with our stance: Today, the side proposition clearly
stands out as we propose an affirmative action to sustain international
diplomacy and build a foundation for international organisations on a fair,
and democratic process. Secondly, we believe that equality is one of the
core founding principles of international organisations, irrespective of
their developmental status. Lastly, an inevitable fact in our world is the
circular flow of an economy. Everything is interconnected, and hence
each country influences the decision of another.

Throughout this debate, team proposition will elucidate on the impact of

having a democratic voting system, where each country has an equal
right to vote. This can build a strong foundation for international relations
and growth and can prove to assist in international diplomacy.

With this i present the first argument put forth by the house proposition,
‘One country one vote system will help to reduce corruption and
patronage’ If the power is taken away from financially strong
representatives and given to each country this will reduce the risk of
corruption as decisions will be made on the basis of the basic necessity
of each country rather than economic priorities. As in greed of money
many unfair practices can be undertaken by individuals. We have seen
multiple cases justifying this statement perfectly. Countries would now be
able to voice out their decisions more accurately and transparently to the
organisation after the collectivisation of votes.
Since there will now be fewer representatives to vote it will be more
convenient for the organisation to carefully examine each country and
ensure no unethical practices occur. It would make it more difficult for a
small number of countries to control the World Bank and use it for their
own benefit.

It would make it more difficult for a small number of countries to control

the World Bank and use it for their own benefit.

It would give developing countries more power to influence the World

Bank's lending and investment decisions, and to make sure that these
decisions are in their best interests.

It would make it more difficult for the World Bank to be used for
patronage, as the Bank would be more accountable to all of its

Now To recapitulate, if we want to build a more equitable financial

system its essential that we adopt the one country one vote system. This
change will not only align with moral and democratic values but also
reduce economic instability and inequality thereby empowering nations
to participate in the process of change. It will teach them the trivial skills
of collaboration, innovation and decision making. the weighted voting
system, which has been the core principle of the world bank, has caused
more harm than good, and hence, our policy of a one-country-one-vote
system is vital.

Thank you everyone for your time, I sincerely urge you all to vote for this
motion and help build a prosperous future.

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