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Blog update #3

Ray Palacios

Ive spent about two days now preparing what I have for my capstone. I have written out a lot of
information and research regarding the masks and the meaning behind it and everything else. Im having
trouble with making a certain part of my project and im not too sure how im going to be able to
complete it. Im not too sure how Im going to be able to make a certain part of the project but I am going
to reach out to my mentors and ask them about any advice they have to help me complete my project
without any other problems. I am trying to make a cup to represent a apart of my project, but I am
unsure of how to make this cup without going onto the wheel and instead making it by hand. I have
never done anything like this before so I don’t have any prior experience or knowledge on it and im
going to have to get help from my mentors.

As for the second mask, I already have my idea for its design and everything else that I going to need to
prepare for it, This time I was thinking instead of bringing it home and painting it there, id bring it to the
art room where Id paint it there ad use different materials available to me instead of risking carrying it
home and painting it there with not as many materials as the ones I have in my art class. I will get help
from my art teacher there with any other designs or anything else I need help with.

By the end of this week I want to have my mask completely sculpted and have it in the keln so I can take
it out on Monday or Tuesday to begin painting it there, After that all I need to do is put my reasoning
behind the masks and why I made them and after that itll be completed, I am planning to have It down
by the 5th or 10th of December.

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