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TEST Step 2 : Give your opinion about TV series.

Ana I feelSeason 3 is very disappointing because to my mind,

there is too much frightening action and not so much
interaction between characters.
Burt You’re right: it is very scary,but I love that! 50 l disagree
with you. On the contrary,I am convinced that Season 3 is
better than Season 2 since the action is great and it seems
to me that it is far more fun!!!
jess I agree with you because the plot is very clever and I also
believe it is more fun.
Mac i'm not sure Season 3 is better asin my opinion, there is
“no more character development and there is not so much A
interaction; for example,the Byers family no longer interact v

1 – Soulignez en rouge les expressions permettant d’exprimer son accord ou son

désaccord.(3 points)

2 – Soulignez en vert les expressions permettant d’exprimer ses impressions. (2 points)

3 – Soulignez en bleu les expressions permettant de donner son opinion. (4 points)

4 – Encadrez les mots permettant de justifier son opinion. (4 points)

5 – Indiquez sous les prénoms par un + ou un – l’avis général de chacun. (2 points)

6 – A votre tour, imaginez un avis sur la série « Stranger Things 3 » que vous pourriez
poster sur ce site. (5 points)

You are strong , Ana beacause:

like the serie strenger thing,
because it is fun, it is a very cary. in my oppignon, i like a
I have a feeling that it is a very fantastique.
The season 3, it is my favorite season.

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