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The Hindu The Government of India has proposed the

Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Care and

Needed: an anti-trafficking law
Rehabilitation) Bill, 2021. This Bill aims to tackle all
Kailash Satyarthi, JULY 28, 2021 aspects of trafficking including the social and
economic causes of the crime, punishment to
Human trafficking is a crime in itself, but it is also traffickers, and the protection and rehabilitation of
the propeller of several other crimes. survivors. This is achievable if the Bill has the
necessary checks and balances against potential
Sita was 13 years old when she was trafficked. Her misuse of power by agencies, periodic reviews of
parents worked in a tea garden in Assam for the law, and adequate allocation of resources for
meagre wages. She was trafficked to a placement effective implementation. The government must
agency in New Delhi, and bought for about include these crucial provisions in the Bill and
₹20,000 as a domestic worker by a couple. Sita facilitate its smooth passage in the current session
was not paid a single rupee. Instead, she was re- of Parliament.
trafficked, raped, and exploited by employers and
traffickers. Sita’s father and I found the young girl A problem worsened by COVID
trapped in a house in Delhi three years later. But COVID-19 has further intensified the need for the
she did not step out when we found her. She hid law. Traffickers are taking advantage of prolonged
behind a wall, crying. “I cannot show my face to school closures and loss of family livelihood. BBA
my father. I am impure now. I want to kill myself,” with government agencies has rescued almost
she said. 9,000 children from trafficking since the first
lockdown. In comparison, about half this number
This is the reality of thousands of women and of children were rescued during the same time
children from the poorest sections of our society. period of 14 months preceding the pandemic. The
No nation can call itself civilised if it tolerates the gravity of the situation cannot be undermined. We
buying and selling of its daughters. Of what will not recover from the effects of the pandemic
meaning is the wealth, power or progress of a without the wherewithal to address its human
nation if its children are traded as though in impact, which comes with this law and its
medieval slave trade, at a lower price than cattle? associated budgets.

A comprehensive Bill Human trafficking is a crime in itself, but it is also

BachpanBachaoAndolan (BBA) and various civil the propeller of several other crimes. It creates a
society groups have campaigned for decades for a parallel black economy which fuels child labour,
strong law to end this menace of human child marriage, prostitution, bonded labour, forced
trafficking. In 2017, Sita and thousands of survivors beggary, drug-related crimes, corruption,
like her marched in the Bharat Yatra alongside terrorism and other illicit businesses. The
students, governments, the judiciary, multifaith architects of our Constitution established the
leaders, businesses and civil society to demand for severity of the crime of trafficking by making it the
such a law. We covered 12,000 km with over 1.2 only offence punishable under the Constitution of
million people on foot with the single demand that India itself, besides untouchability. A strong anti-
India must pass a comprehensive anti-trafficking trafficking law is the moral and constitutional
legislation. The passionate chants of these brave responsibility of our elected leaders, and a
hearts who survived trafficking still reverberate in necessary step towards nation-building and
my ears, “Bikne ko taiyaarnahi hum, lutne ko economic progress. It is non-negotiable for the
taiyaarnahi hum (We are not ready to be sold, we realisation of an India that our Constitution-
are not ready to be stolen)”. makers envisioned, our freedom fighters struggled
for, our soldiers die for, and our children deserve.
India is stepping into its 75th year of
Independence. There can be no greater gift to


India than the freedom of our children. I call on Domestic violence is rooted in the inequities of
Parliament to urgently pass a strong anti- power and control. The abusers feel an enormous
trafficking law. loss of power and control over their own lives due
to the pandemic. They vent their frustration on the
Kailash Satyarthi is a Nobel Laureate women in the house. Mental health issues arise
out of isolation as well as reactive depression, but
The Hindu instead of recognising these issues and seeking
help, people become violent.
Women’s safety during lockdown

Jayanthi Natarajan, APRIL 13, 2020 The victims are not only unable to speak out
because they are quarantined at home with the
Steps to protect victims of domestic violence perpetrators, but also because the lockdown
must be made a part of the anti-COVID-19 agenda prevents them from seeking help outside. In Spain
and France, women can go to a pharmacy and
It is well-documented that during a war, a natural request a “Mask 19” — a code word that will alert
disaster or a pandemic, women’s bodies bear the the pharmacist to contact the authorities.
worse brunt of the crisis. Domestic violence
against women is already widespread and under- Tragically, traditional forms of support are now
reported in India. Now, at the time of the COVID- not available to domestic violence victims. They
19 pandemic, the United Nations recognises don’t go to their parental homes for fear of
domestic violence against women as a “shadow infecting elderly parents. Shelter homes are
pandemic”. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered crowded and so they are vulnerable to greater
a huge spike in domestic violence against women infection there. The police force is already
in China, Australia, France, the U.K., Spain, and overburdened with ensuring that people comply
Bangladesh, among others. In India, too, the with the lockdown. Hospitals do not have the
National Commission for Women has reported a space or time to look at domestic violence cases.
large increase in distress calls from victims of
domestic violence since the pandemic broke out. Protecting victims
Nevertheless, it is vital for policymakers to address
Home, not safe for many the needs of these women who are playing an
The national strategy against COVID -19 indispensable role on the front line in the war
emphasises that home is the safest place to be. against COVID-19 — as health workers, sanitation
Ironically, for domestic violence victims, home is staff, caregivers, scientists, and as long-suffering
the most unsafe place to be quarantined as they housewives. Priority measures to help domestic
are forced to live with their abusers. Although violence victims, without detracting from the
asking people to stay at home is an effective and overall anti-COVID-19 strategy of lockdown, should
welcome anti-COVID-19 strategy, home is not the be initiated by the government, and steps to
safe haven it should be for many women because protect victims of domestic violence be made a
abusers have increased access to their victims and part of overall anti-COVID-19 action plans.
survivors have decreased or no access to
resources. UN Women has said that “helplines, psychosocial
support and online counselling should be boosted,
Domestic violence can be verbal, financial, using technology-based solutions such as SMS,
psychological and sexual. It includes the abuser online tools and networks to expand social
withholding financial or medical assistance. support, and to reach women with no access to
Women are most often the caregivers for those phones or Internet.” Other priorities include a
quarantined at home and already infected with more responsive police force, and other
the virus, which makes them more vulnerable to government agencies who are not dismissive of
contracting the disease. domestic violence complaints. Social media posts


mocking and patronising angry or “suffering” men
in isolation who are helping in housework should
be reported and acted upon. The electronic media
can raise awareness in regional language
infomercials, since domestic violence is a crime
under the Indian Penal Code. SOS messaging to
police already exists in several cities, but this
should be enhanced with geolocation facilities.

Jayanthi Natarajan is a political activist and a

former Union Minister


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