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4 Calculation sheet for reinforcement concrete slab design of critical slabs (S1)
located between axes (5-6) & (A-D) as shown in fig.(2.6).
BS 8110 Calculations Output
Fig. (2.6) Show the layout of critical slab (S1) in plan

Characteristic strength of concrete = F cu=30 N /m m2
Characteristic strength of steel = F y =250 N /m m2
Proposed Finishing:
 Tilling thick is 20mm,
 cement mortar thick is 30mm
 Sand fill thick is 50mm,
 Cement plastering is 15mm,and
 Thickness of slab is 150 mm
Durability and fire resistance:
Table 3.3 Nominal cover for mild condition of exposure = 25 mm Cover 25 mm
Table 3.4 Max fire resistance is 1.5 hours >1 h 1h fire
resistance is ok.
Dead load due to;
1. sand fill=0.050∗17.5=0.875 K N /m

2. Cement mortar = .030 * 16.5 = 0.495 K N /m2

3. Tilling = 0.020 * 27.5 = 0.55 K N /m2
4. cement plastering = 0.015 * 16.5 = 0.248 KN/m2
5. Self-weight(thickness) = 0.150 * 24 = 3.6 K N /m2
Total dead load =5.76 K N /m
2 Gk =5.76 K N /m
BS-6399-2 Live load=2.5 K N /m
Table 1.0 We have used a suspended ceiling to carry air condition system. Assume
that load is 0.35 K N /m2 as imposed load. Qk =2. 85
Total Live load =2.5+0.035=2.85 K N /m K N /m

Design Load (n) = 1.4*Gk + 1.6*Qk =

n = 1.4 * 5.76 + 1.6 * (2.85) = 12.624 K N /m2 2
n=12.624 K N /m
Bending Moment coefficients(x-x): Fig. (2.7) Show Bending moment
l x =5 m∧l y =6.45 m coefficients in the plan
l y 6.45
Ratio= = =1.3
lx 5
panel type is (two adjacent edge
Table 3.14
Along short direction:
β sx =0.051
β sx =0.069

Along long direction:

β sy =0.034 ,
β sy =0.045
Bending Moment :
1. Sagging moments (+ve):
2 2
msx =β sx n ( l x ) =0.051 ×12.624 × 5 =16.1 KN . m
2 2
msy =β sy n ( l x ) =0.034 × 12.624 ×5 =10.73 KN . m

2. Hogging moments (-ve):

2 2
msx =β sx n ( l x ) =0.068 ×12.624 × 5 =21.461 KN . m
2 2
msy =β sy n ( l x ) =0.045 ×12.624 ×5 =14.21 KN . m

A) In long direction:

Design for bending moment:

1. Sagging moments (+ve):
For 25 mm cover and a bar of,12 mm diameter,
∅ 12 d x=119mm
The effective depth‘ d ’=h−cover− =150−25− =119 mm
2 2 Z=113.05mm

1.a. For short direction ( M =16.1 KN . m )

M 16.1∗10
K= 2 = 2
b d ∗Fcu 1000 ×119 × 30
Z=d 0.5+ (√ 0.25− 0.9K ))=119( 0.5+√( 0.25− 0.0378
0.9 ))
=113.77 mm

Z=113.77> 0.95 d=0.95∗119=113.05 mm → Z=113.05 mm

Mx 16.1∗10
A st ,req = = =599.64 mm
0.95 F y Z 0.95∗250∗113.05 provide
Table 3.25 0.24∗h∗b 0.24∗150∗1000 R 12@ 150 mm
A st ,min .= = =360 m m < A st , req 2
100 100 A st , prov =754 mm ¿

R 10 @200 mm
A st , prov =393 mm
1. b. For long direction:
∅ 12 d y =107 mm
‘ d ’=h−cover − − ∅ =150−25− −12=107 mm
2 2 Z = 101.65 m

My 10.73∗10
2 R 12@ 200 mm
A st ,req = = =444.5 m m 2
0.95 F y Z 0.95∗250∗101.69 A st , prov =566 mm ¿

1. Hogging moments (-ve):

2.a. For short direction (M =21.461 KN .m): provide
Mx 21.461∗10
2 R 12−100 mm
A st , x = = =807.6 m m 2
0.95 F y Z 0.95∗250∗111.89 A st , prov =1130 mm

2.b. For long direction: provide

My 14.2∗10
R 12−150 mm
A st , y = = =528.88 m m A st , prov =754 mm
0.95 F y Z 0.95∗250∗113.05

Check for Deflection:

Clause M 16.1 ×10
3.5.7 2
= 2
b d 1000 ×119
The design service stress in tension reinforcement is given by :
2 2
∗f ∗A ∗250∗599.64
3 y st−req. 3
f s= = =132.55 N /mm2
A st− pro . 754
( 477−f s )
Modification factor=M . F .=0.55+ ≤ 2.0

Table 3.9
( 120 0.9+ 2
) M
bd The slab is
( 477−132.55 ) satisfactory
M . F .=M . F .=0.55+ =1.96< 2.0 deflection
120 ( 0.9+1.08 )
Basic span/effective depth ratio = 26
span 5000
d min .= = =98.12 mm<d=119 mm
26∗M . f 26∗1.96

Torsion steel: -
AT Corner
As=3/4*As req
=0.75*599.64 =449.73 mm^2

R 8 @1 00 mm
A st , prov =503 mm ¿
R 12@ 150 mm

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