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MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 O41 #_QvLICK INTCO DUCTION - . * ——#% RUICK INTCO DUCTION *_|_MickosoFT AZURE, commonly referred as Azure, (Cor pare center ) *® | DEFINATION :~ AZURE Is a cloud Com puttha Servicer Created by micveosoFt tor building. Testing , Deploying and manging appli cation and servieen through microsott -managed data center Developers — MicucoFt Intral Release ~ 2% ocTOwet, 2008 Opevahing System — LINOK, Wins Dos, 105, Andvoid License — closed source, oper source, SDK. GLOBAL (OmTA CemtER)— 1,65,000 miles Heer + I40 County. Ww CONTAINERS — Azuve Used (Resouvee Group) to host resouny KKH He EK TYPE OF MiausoFt AZURE SEEVICES~ R | SaaS - (soeroare ac a Service) — 374 Party Sofhoare over Internet # | PaaS ~ (Platform as a Service) Tools over Mternet # | Laas ~ (infrastructure as a service) cloud based seavices (Storage) Kistoey Timerine- 9, Jove ;20m~ VIRTURL MACHINE APR, 20 1y—(W hspals ARLLE)—Te (MA) to DEC, 2ze- HPC SCHEDULE A JULY, 201y- MSH + Lom > OUTAGE w 7 Oct, 2010- PLATFORM ENHAccMENTY Sepirois- SuatTEH SONIC by JUNE /2010- | NET, OS VERSIONING YF Maen -2016- SERVICE FABLIC a) FEG,2olo- COMELERLL ALLY AVAUASLES Ste,act7- NEW LOGo \y Nov, 2009- PHP, JAVA, CON CTP oct, 2018- LINLY OLIENTER Ggour Mage, 2009- SOL Databare NRL I20B- AZURE FLONT Dook Seeve OCTOBER, 2008 > Announced Azure Maeiti2es0- 44 Millio. Daily Rene he Unkedin«hetps/ ww Bakedn conn sua sngh-61645522/ Content Introduction Azure Services Virtual Machine Virtual Network Storage Services Core Azure Solution Azure Security Identity, Privacy & Compliance Service SLA and Pricing nbs wikencmfasingh 8445522) iad | | MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 Mopule # OL UNATIS CLouP ComPUTINA? Is a delivay oF Computing Services over tne Internet. , enablii Faster Innovahon , Herible resources and economies oF Scale C) | Compote Provide tne Compute Power. (memory and processor) a) METWORKIWA- Connection of Compultr togemer oF VM. (int STORAGe- Store OF dake | Information Gy | AwacyTics- & IMPoRTAWT # KIND OF Coad, hows much memory required ete B® seevice peopek (miceotorT k2UCE) HOLTING AS’ A SEEVICE. Phondég-* CALL SELVICE PhoviDe By INTeQneT *) A PUBLIC §=cLouD~ |. RUIVATE CLOUD | wm HYBRID GLOUO & General public car # organizahon create | organizahon toda host they cerviceo- QA doud envevonement adopting ida hyond M thelr Aata Cenier Coud- whieh Come %® Puvlic cloud omed Combmation of Public by Goud seemceo | organiaation i & trovate ben: or hosted prowder Tesponsible For Opernhna tre Service| > Connecting exichng # Provide resources they provide dotecentey to Ayure and service +o data center vig Interner raul ple organizatan |¥ does not pronde woth help of VPN Tunnel. And uper. acess to user z outside of me (CExample-> App Ucaton hort * Recess Viaw intemal organi zahon. on Ayure. and ata Center BH And the Database in (tevanece> azuee) (#disnovaranes Cost $) | quent damm Center.) \nkedin - ftp: eva MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 02 TYPE oF cLouD iP ¥ Bs PUBLIC CLOVE PRIVATE CtouDd Hy grip Clove Public cloud setuhon ave| Are declicated 40 One Hybond soll ave a blend Yeady availiable From | organigahen and often OF puslic & private Azure, Reure prnde | have. much mere specific] Cloud. InPrastructuye @ Services | Secu Cont ten to tee public public ctoud. w AZURE USER ACCOUNT? open Free Azure account from Ink Cw azure. microsoft com /en-vs/ tree) that give you: 12 Monty | Free populay seaviceo + 200 § Credit fer 30 Joys + 2S senviceo He LAZLRE CERTIFICATION !— vw A2-900 CAZURE FUNDAMEN TALS) AZ-S500 Seepnly Engmeer, Msotroked EVORS ENGINEER Expert exeert Linkedin - hans: za ¥ ® * * MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 04 eLouo BENEFITS HIGH AVAILIBILITY:~ Application hosted to one dala center and cory ensting mto another pain Center > Replicate of Paka into hwo difterenr meckwre (Daa Center) SCALABILITY!- Two type ot erababiltty: (vern cox 0 Horna te) Veet CAT | HOtizon TAL ¥ SCALELP/ DOWN BIR ONE UM CULETUAL MACHINE) % INCREAS ING /DE CREA ING- | HIGLY LOTILIZE, THEN Te Atee — CompuTe Butity (Ram 4 Snitteo To pNOTHER UM mod Peoecsot) manne By (LOAD SArANceK ) | BLASTIUTY:— Only adding te Sealing \s called auehery: AGILITY t= (On-demand Services) + fast to deploy vm + Conbo| pave? / Porta} easy to Create Virtual Mache defne te pvopernits - DIASTER, Recov Eey:— Replicate tne dat~ mito anomer to prevent dunng diaster hme- Easy to vecovery. Zt ue part of Ayalutioiy: CONSUNPTION- BASEN MOOEL!— pay as per the Use. Cost OPTIMIZATION — CAPEW & OPE OPmI2ATION. ee eereerae | | [GLOBAL Reacn—— ArvalWeilihy oF data Cenky across globe. SECURITY:- Secure to access and use the applicahon Unhedin «htc fewest co mVinoar singh GANAE522) oO @ @ w (s @ MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 oo CLOUD— ervey 2 OPER CAP EP - Capitey Expenditure _ OrEx— Opevarionap Ep pens iture ® The up- Front Srendivg oF money on | # spends on products ama sevviceo Physical (nfrastructure- Os needed , pay ab yours. ¥ Costs From Carex have a value # ge willed wamediatedg- that reduces overtined - L_COMsumenion - Baseo— MOPEL!— Aauve er any cloud Service prouder Congumphon— operate on Giadissagtnan- based model. which mean end user only pay for tne wesourceS tat ney use- WHATEVER, Tney Use IT, Is WHAT Tney Pay ron | 7 Bettey Cost prediction. 7 Price for tndwidual resources and Services are povided. > Billing ts based on actual Usame- SE @@m CLouo Seevices:— (osEeCTIVE Domain). See Soup sbeu ices: | | TaaS ~( \nfaswucture -as-a- Service) Paas — ( PlaHtorm- a1- a— seavice) SaaS — ( Sottware—as- a —sewiie). Identity A Services type based on vse-care- Describe tne shoved Fes peuciteiity moder. describe — Servertess computing a Linkedin - http fora ikedin comin sure-sngh-61445522/ MICROSOFT AZURE - Az 900 66 W | Useeastevetuee - As— 4- service (TaaS)- Bn this cloud service Infrastructuve (build pay-as- yo-ge) by venting Servers, Vivtusd— ~machine , storage ,netisori® and operahrs, system From cloud providers: © ® @ skever NETOORKING Data CentER . PIeewacrs/ POWER Mem Aaement STORAGE Setotity MAINTENANCE ® | Puatfoem — As- A - Ceeuices (Paas)~ Provides environement for building , Testing and deploying sotteare applicaton ,ormout focusing on managing underying Infrastructure. x1 SERVERS & STORAGE OPERATING SYSTEM +! x2 ti (i‘CO;O;OO!O!!!!COC~* NETWOREIN , FRELNLE/ LecuRity +H | peveropment “Too.s* > | fea DATABASE Manacemen Ty | DTP CEMTER / Powee Mm AnAQeMeENT Rusimegs AV ALY TOS (Laas) CPaas) (3 |_ Soetw see -as- A- Service (SaaS) - user connets to and Use Cloud-basged capplicahor (app) over Ane mternets: Example > otice 365, emails, Teams sotroare | (Laas) + (faas) + | HOSTED APPLICATIONS / PrpP's: (saas) | Unkedin - httpd Aur Slnhein.comvind eure-inghe 61405522 MICROSOFT AZURE - Az 900 oF SHARED RESPOMSIBILITY MoveL:- Private cous | Laas PaaS Saas DATA k ACCESS ak or me ee APPLICATION ae +e FR PRORE RON TIME He te AZvee AZveE OPERATING SYSTEM ae ee AZ ee ARORE VIRTUAL MAtH INE eR ee AZvee nZuRe Comrute ae Azvee axzvee AZULE NETWORKING ¥e AZvke Anoe ROLE STORAGE em ARLE mAZURE Remote a ** KE -F cteent ave manage tre respons’ Ei 4 KR REseeve-cecs ComeoTinge CIMPOETANT) - In general cient + Shaved vequirement oF Infrastructure ( ex> Capa oF RAMs byocescor) , bur In Cate no-load en your Server but still we have to pay becauge we vesevved ine Capneaty: to host applicahon ty Datm- Center *-F Modem Way to werlK on Mu Approach. ts Change. tere (6 no reserved server fox workload, When requ est Come tt wil) nimmabeal allocated +e vesource en-need basts and yeleage the veXource once No -Ugage. In houre rebsoo below hoo enhty ave Important — * AZURE FUNCTLOWS!- IS Qa Code Yennt ne underlying platforms or based on an events: your services and not Infrastructure: T+ Creates infrashucture, w Azvee Loar Is @ Cloud Service tnat help you ab avtomate and Orchastale tasks, business process and workMocws women you needed to integrate applicahon bata, Systems and Services - Jad - tp: fwart nadie. comn/n/sura singh 41448522) Content Introduction Azure eenuices Virtual Machine Virtual Network Storage Services Core Azure Solution Azure Security Identity, Privacy & Compliance Service SLA and Pricing Linke itps/ am aed con/in/srsngh64852/ MICROSOFT AZURE - Az 900 os _* | Mopoce #: 62 CLoup Azuke SEevICES!— Azure Services are> divided into toe parts: AZLLE Cloup seevices ® AZ0 ee Cote re sovece'’s Regione and Pevailibit ity Zones 17 Compute ;" Netoork | Subsert prio; Re: ree . 4 | pion and Resource Sroug Storage I 7 Datmeace. (| AzUee— ARCHITECTURAL components: — Azure 1s an Operahn [ABO Bic ARCHITECTURAL cOnponEn Ty perahing Systern pohich manage a date center of micvosoft. Te manage below ave key arcittctrual componen & — P Regions @ Region’ Pairs [* availrbility Zone TP Azure Resources AZORE Ake) TECTULAL CompoNenTs “TP Resource Qmoug - “P Agere Resource Managers. > Subserip hong TY Ayre Management grouf's: Uedeades MIGguT BE A conection OF zones | REGION PAs:- For Availibility 1M saan Loorst Case scenario. @ complete region might be outage. Cmigat be due to nature provlem or some diasicr happer , food, power outage: To avoid Wh problem Statement a veaor ~ pairs ts done wohere mmicrosott Create a pa—zone {> prevent alata. clans such dlasier. Re Chom Region> Should be mm same Geographic lecatien ) K> CAt least 300 miles of Separanon beeen Yegion paws) > (Avtomatic veplicate for some sevvices- A> (Reels priorihzed yemon recovery tne event outage) *> Mair ane debmed fou Mcawolt ( Mxearotir) —POINTs — PAIRING ARE MIXED, DEFINED By > micRoSoF ony REGIONS | REGiows — PAR — Norm Cental US — Souty Cenpar us ~ East us ~ Wesrus — west vs2 - West Central Ut ~ US Eager ~ Cenbay U-+ India soutw - Dadta-Centyal ~ Canda centrt ~ anda task - Japan cart - Japan weet inked «hepa: fer MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 jo Yr) AVALLABILITY OPTIONS:- Availibility is a Factor Lelie, detide ee 5 | how much Hime & our applicahon—Up and yonning: Ex> 100%, mean ho down-tme , alsa y working | Porailibihity ts defned by Sta Service Level Sapare ment ) SJ BR SINGLE Vy Host owry. & Dependent on Smpe vm % Each Zone have independant} Pousey Backup , phy ical Sepovalid . a ee we tx> 99:397. DIASTER RECOvEtY vm vm | [vm J vm vu Zowes LOwe-2 Regon-} Regon-2 REGION-L Regionep protecttsn wih. Data Resideney Roundanes - SINQLE-VM AVALIBILITY— Zowes REG Iom— Paes fH AVA IBILITY ZONE — One Zone ‘treated as a One Date Center. Multiple zone lead for veqins, Each data Center te equipped toy independent power, cooling and ne hoorkingy, each Zone are IMierconnecttd via Fiber-optics nehdories [eearon-y [esse Keqon-> * \Uinkedin- tte: fora}-sngh 61445522) MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 qe | AZURE Ceenice. There ave vartous Services oteved i kzure service 7 feo pomt are Capture lagtous. GENERAL % Compute %_ Storage! NETWORK ING ~ Management Groupe —Nirtual machine |— Storage account | virtual Nehsore, Retource Groups ~ Kubernetes ~ Recoveng bypress Routt, ~ Martet place. — OS Image ~ Data lake ~ Pubbac-(P ~ Subsert phon ~ Vie seale sete | ~ Storage Expisrer | Nehoort Inky ince ~ Templates — Cloud Service, | ~ Data Go» ~ CON Profile - ~ Tag ~ Hosts - Bata Shaver | Route tavies [= Recourse Exptere | ~ ~ Hee caches | N@hoore Secunty 4 de | MAY AGEMENT & Kove! * Management groups Can include multiple Azure Subsea phon, age grour. ay P * 10/900 management aproug Con cuppared in a Single dwveetony. GY Management Grove AZU hE SUSSERIeTION-L AZ ee (2) Azure Subsertphon, Susser Ption-2- | Rescuece | Resou Ree Resource z Unk «heap fore lnk surl-singh 61445822) MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 12 AZURE RESOUFE!- ® Kev Setechng —7 Region and Zone oF Data Center. * Below are tne Importent Services as part oF Azure— | Virtual Machine- | 2 | Storage Accounts | 3 | Virtual Netusone CORE Seevicec | * | App Services | S | SQL varabases | ® | funchons RESOURCE GOLP!— Tr ic very Important to group the yesource Imto a Single vnit. So Every resource need to be part of vegource qror- ~> AFTER AZULE RCCOUNT 7 WE NEED To creme A ADE gemo4 eles * Every Recource Group have a Locakon “kX * Resource can exist in only One resource qroue. —E ® Resource) > Can exist th tre diferent Region, La Bis poscicte (Resource @ regun3) k (Kesource roup@ @-2) R A Resource Resource- Group Can be moved From One, yesource yrour to ander Nesour ce — groug loeop one Hinw€ obey ascoduted In I~ besource Opeur | REsouece— Gtovor Wee DATA as vn %K IF DELETE , RESOURCE Geour TF ite mertomaTicnyy) DELETE ALL RECOvLECEC tics ipedinibtellaernierddias onaotel Content Introduction Azure Services Virtual Machine Virtual Network Storage Services Core Azure Solution Azure Security Identity, Privacy & Compliance Service SLA and Pricing Len iad Paine coming 888522) iE) MICROSOFT AZURE - Az 900 os MoDULE #02 Hh | Mampi AZURE VIRTUAL MACHINE x* ee y B2ure Virtual Machice (AVM) (5 one of Several ty pes of on-demand , Scalacle compu hing resources that Agues Otters - Azure Virtual Machine CAVM) give you tre Flexicildy of Virtualization — Lattyout having to boy and maintain the Phish Coal hardware than vunite. THIN K ABOUT BEFOLE CREATING a VM (VIRTUAL MACHINE) t | Appucation Resource Name. S| operatisp Syskem ron on VA > Locahey Loheve resowce Store |6 Con Fri guratio ater Vm Start Size of vm T] vM Need vesource . s | | Mayimiuas number of VM LOCATIONS - Theve are multiple locahoy, im many qeeqraphical vegions around tye world. These are the veqion ts called Lecemens which — Specifiéo Ine Locahon OF virtual machine: The Wa to get the availlable locotin are — oO ® © @. Azuve parte? | Azuve Powersvel| | REST nes | AbvReE cut AVALCBILITY > A2ure Announced any Industry leading Single Instance = Vinal machine. Service level agG agrement of 99-97. provide you Ale ploy wwe VM tory premium Storage OF al) daiks . (BELOW SLA) 99-97 — Two or more. Instances deployed acres hoo or more hey 2 er move inctance deployed tn same Avarliby ty Set. 99-97 = Singe Insane Vm Using prem wn SSD/UlirA DUEL Pall ose 99-S¥. ~ Strgte Instance VM wit, standard SSD Managed Disks Ssy- Single Instance YM wit Standard HDD Mayme tic Dials | “Unkedin - tps:/wrmw MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 ay HE |_ AZURE RESOURCE MANAGER + Mowe The Azure resources Se Manager Cae) provides @ management Layer thot enables you te Create , Update and delete vesources ta your azure Salocon phon: Ae we Know, Aaure ue a an operating Syctem: hie manage claka Center OF microsoft: , Lohich Manage various service present In data Ccentty. CARM> help to mbract wort it) ARM Ie @ ‘Segper Deployment model which Can be ys , For eptockesed Creating & > Web application / Virtual machine /or data Storage. (aad 4 7 AZURE PORTAL 1s LLED TO CommuNmicate saem fh e (Ccrention- 0P7 ton for em ) Data $ torage SS Authentica ton — | | AZURE poR tal | ly - [awe Wer La AEORE REsDU RCE Vivtwet Mea che Lmanaqee Azure cit (Json) Seewres_Mo [Seure managmenc fe Gen, “remplate) : (wen am Creanon) Use 40 Created on - platform") (Caillng + Access Cub? Roun dando) de | AZURE SUBSORIPTION!— e | t To start Loorkn with §Q2ure, weneed Q Subccmphon oF Asare. Myuve Subcayphon prondes you With autnenncaton & auinnized accest to Agure account - BILLING Bounoaey:- Generate sepaval billy reports and voice for each Cubsatphen and tontal “resources. A2v@E CCOUNTS Development Teak Produch Cubsa'iphon Subs entphary Cubsuiphen ‘inadin «hetpc run Sinhedin.comieV eure singh 61448522) MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 Is kacacamwk Ae Pro AZURE COMPUTE SERUICES pea eS eS % Compute = MEmoty + PROCESSOR *® Compete coltve applicahan are ty, Computahon process, Inshuction are erecutect, Compute SERMCE Like!— Virtual Machine Applicahon Cervices Container Instances Aaure Kubernetés services CALS) lumdow virtuat Desttop. MieTuAL MAeHIN — Virtual Machwwes are Softoare emulations OF physteal Computer: which meluded te— (Virtue Processar, memory, Storage , and Rene) * | virtua macnine =Taas | | (Create viewer maediner (@ Azuce) lL gor All Servicen Option During Greasy Virtwet Machine Se, lo Upername T \ | 2 eUCKD Wrtuat Machine - "t [Basies 3. GD) Add -Virtat Machwe } 2 | Dis 4 Choose > Subseniphomn | 3 | NETWORKING ss Resoure qroup> Name. ' | Manag em GT be Virtual Machin Name 2 YM 1S | tate 1 Regen — Select Regen t 6 | Reviews creme oN e— OS Name (Wmdow) | a. see -(Procaser+ eam)- coat | \ mele (12,000 wR] HB) W Password . rs a ri g00 00> (Roe / wre Ces) (at last you will yer prices) "Ss" pen por For public te) | Penn Ri ot AA ae tesa) Linkedin» Renfree india cory nj sure-singh- 61445522) (Resource Group) MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 le APTER VI@TUAL MACHINE CeEATIO once virtual machine ts a (once we clic& create button the page coll scvop| to “nem Templateo (Azure Resovece Mmsag omens)” uw FR ARM iS Q@ Json docEMent (ovenew> mputy cutput> Templales) (JSON JAVA SckLPT OM ECTLON NOTATION) once Virtval machine Created It will] Show Fle are— ExAmrLle> (bEmMOvm) ARAME * Wee AR RESOLECE GRove|| Lociqion | SUBCCAIeIO (Resovu ece) Demovm Virtual Machine pemo-gdr Not Europe | beme ps-[ Demovm - lf Public Ie address Demo. uae Worm tury || oene pe-t Demoum nasa | Wehoore Secunty Yous] Demo Get Mom Exrere || nemo At bemovm 334 Uthosrk WMterte ce | Dems Ger wate Ewore || deme it-| Demo¥m-_os-vise} DIS Demo oer Wort Eureys |! De me AS bemo-grp-net | Virtual Nenoone, Demo- Gre Non turope-|| pemo As-1 Networtuatarer || Mehwork Watzney |] Olemo-qee wun Eurtr? | Oe mo RS-1 @ tor ‘ founect Dstart | oResanr | Oo pulp Qlapture | B delete | O Keres , ee we preys Ps Stop wean aie dilling SOP | Press-> Conwect Button 7 open 7 (RDP > Ss 4) | > [® Public [P= He Re RH “ * Roenumber= GO Dorontoad ROP File Linkedin « hatp://worwJinkedin comin sura-singh-61445522/ AZURE CONTAINER INetances AzvRE KUB MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 \e AZURE CONTAINER SERVICES CONTAINER 1S HELPING US IN CREATING IsoLATeo WORK Lome’ ON THE SAME PHYSICAL MACHINE, BUT AT SAME TIME TMEZE WORKLOAD DO NOT NEED OfbARATING SySTEM Qe In general 16 We wn 2 VMS both need @un as to Yun the yvesource, to avoid Such requirement need > containers ) Cimaye Fite Stave) (bevetoger pur Yio mage) [AZURE COV TMNER Consome Imrage) S bee ntoad Reaisty + (eevevoren ) B Cape storey (eres) Veer —7 ¥lontaner ave created to ron te Og pucaren at UAer bemnie “7% Contamer i hank weight, (does not have One rahig wet) De till alway vped +0 underline on cohich it & created. 7 ®& Contamer Jeet or Yeguived Operahng Lyctem a PaaS 0 Erering that yong a Contamner m Aaure, votthout tne needs to manage 4 virtual machine NETS SERVICES!- an orchesbations Services for Container | worn disbuted Grehite ture and lave HKUSERNETS > Is open Source Coftsare, Which & also Called a orchestahon Services. help to achve and Integrated multiple — Contamer colth \eart amount Cf elforts +e (Ta Azure-> BEL Commy 20 ARS.) , weed to creake multiple VM and top oF VM need te Create muthple tonminec- Ku@eewets Seevice > FREE Tnlendin hte: rae sere singh 61448822) ay MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 - VIRTUAL MACHINE seeies i= Gey TT * Gee-21) seeies|VM Size enmry | use cases PReCEssoK PRE EM star Per montis! A Entry level vn Test cevver, Server Pot 1393 > General Purpase Compute | kpplicanion , Dalnvase 299% bv Next Gen- General Purpose) Entenerde, applreahiny & Compute Ophinize VM | Batch Procesiig , Web Seay 2590 4 Memory A storage Optuag ECP, SAP, SOL 22,0%8 | 4 High pesformance-VM | High performace Conve Gl, Fey a Storage Ophmize-VmM | Mongo Db ,DB lahar tone! 32,08 N GPU enable — Vm Grapuits , video — Ur, 332 M Memory ophmised-VM [Required massive $0,e09 | Paratiel Compute - AVALIBILTY ZONE!- HELE TO MAINTAIN SUA 99-Gs/. IN Care OF Pisasteryw RE covey PRICING CaLedMtOki- HELP TO GET PotsiBLe Costs POL Hosting These Resource Im AZURE. AZURE MARKETALACE!- FOR DEPLOYING A2vKE tUbSUIP TION. ROVER VIETUR METWOREI- Dr hosts tue Wetnat machine Maurc Unkedin - tps /Awinkedincom/in/ sue sngh-£1645522/ \ 0a) MICROSOFT AZURE - Az 900 oe | Po. | | VIRTUAL RETOOKK os vigtome wea bisie maen ine |< [reste] NETweRe |__y |vietu AL SEcuniTy NETW onic ee Spnsmanes ae ciligpaqoa’ en | -VIRTUAL MACHINE! COMPUTE MACHINE ON AZUCE PLATFORM - + Tos disk VM having duk associated wih, VM,(storng \nformation) atached other dulk to hesr date Duk 3 {VIRTUAL HETOOLK le an Woloted netoerk on cloud, Virtual Nehoerk hulp te trecte a netoortity partis. (Who Interfnca Cord) F {WETORE SECLUTY ktached to Secure (nm Louk bound date [VIRTUAL NETWORK™ MHached on VM machine [bb o nehoost. luterface Card [POLEET VP AOPKESS™ Alou fo Comput tarnygt IMeret. TTL RESOUeCe GRP AM ave part OF Logical rong saled vesouree yore @ + Sue SCAIPTION — For wally perpose . ‘Unkadin - beeper. nadia comin/sur singh 61445522) MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 5° * FH sTep TO CREATE- VIRTUAL MaAeH INE:— NETOORKS Subs criphon — Fer billny Virtua} Netoote— Resource group Loncal group Submah— VM Nome- VM Wane Pubic [0 — Region — Ex—Luvage / UE WIC feeumty— Prraita lity Inbound Ror — Image — Operahng System Size— VM Size Cvefor-tabte) ([4.)Mawagemen T— Configure mrenthornuces Username ARK A management op hon for VM. fassond— x KK Woe Fos — ROK (3209) THe (S)rovrewcen Aeldthonal agent, Semper .oTTT or apetreation via VM (mas conardoted ville by agrty Os Dick- SSD/HDD Same tng to multiple resource Grouy SSH Energtion — Rov ews + Cheate Dada dick HOURLY Eftimiattons =(o-03 aD /e) * Mier Created we have belus vesource Hle In Vivtval machine Examples CDEMOVM) Resource af | Subsseoyehd Meme ge Merry + Gene gepavnct — TVintual we hee Tt clemogre MANE UME peed +} demovm [Yitwal Machine | Atmo-gre tne 16 + Aemovm - ig [Public It address — [ lemo-are tea ‘ ’ demovm - negr {Metacoct Secunty Guy | demo -gre toe to" demovm 33 + t Nehoot Menfa ce ‘ demo-grr ter t » demovm -0s Dis R-I- 1 DEMo-~qee tes : ” } Network watched { Reloore Welw i" ewcigininy ZONE > HELP) TOMMOIAIN SLA 999SY. IN CASE Disactee Recovery Cae nea eeepc Content Introduction Azure Services Virtual Machine Virtual Network Storage Services Core Azure Solution Azure Security Identity, Privacy & Compliance Service SLA and Pricing Lin Maori comin sr-singhHSS22/ MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 24 MODULE # 04 + rye CREATE VIRTUAL NETWORK ———SSSS= SSS VI@TUAL NETWORK: When We Created a virhial machine mh azure nekoork UF Lolll allocate a > Virtual hetoork Inter face VIRTUAL METWORK INTERFACE :— Mange all traffic moving In -and-ouk of the vital machine Cvia— virtnel nenserk—- ~iit¥ince). so tne data Flow via virinal nehoovs Interface 7p Apokess— help to locate a machine + [> Puettc IP Apoeess— help to locate machme on internet - | Pewate ie Aovesscs~ help to locate machine on Locat- nehoork 7 Su@NETS~ It help to Separate one or more subnets: AZURE VICTUAL Newore | VIRTUAL PRWATE Nho Umer] AZOLE BYPRESS ROUTE ® A Collechdy oF (VM) | Conmechon vita Dedicated lease routr Computer to each otner| Mrernet and Seneing Onty for tconnech # \nternet > Public. If Marre wile Cupporrot| beroeen (fyure Data © lntraet—> Private It Chomyenin | vecryphen Center Q user) when we created a WYtual Mache, frufomaheally Ur boil Crease a Vittuat Nehoork: NEtwore Sécval os VIRTUAL Disk Maen INE — Private 1°= 1009194 ~ Pubiclee (3-79. 9¢-72 SUBWETE 10°0+0:0/2y VIRTUAL NETIOORK = (l0:0:0°0/16) ‘iistiein -tnnpniiemadideiasnmindeningmmnans, MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 CREATED mio 5 Stepo— VIETOAL NETHORK ae Creahen of virtual nehoork Us divided © asres le AopRess Steverty TAGs | REVIEW + heme PSubcatphon, > \evqdaddvess |> Host Taryare | (Keven & create) |> Rept on qroug. \evé addrey |> DOvs Protect | Rane utne 7 MStance-wane [> subnets > Rrewaey | ev thar > Wetence hegion erates you + Capegran Linkedin -henpe://war.Sinkedin.comm/in/surs-singh-61445522/ MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 aw TYPE OF NETWORK ConmeCtion:- VIRTUAL NETIOoge (PEERING) >"Moee secure” naar Ponst—te- cre Stté-te- site “VIRTUAL METWoRK (PeERING):- Thi Basteally help 1D \ntevconnected too Ol\ferent virtmal machine loosed on Private IPaddress vu-t Ved Prwate |? addrew PrivaG [Paddrers aaa ie 1000-0) 16 Deo-oge Pomp -t0 -Site VPN Comnechery 2. PON T— TO- SITE 3 site-To- SITE VPN Galway Support (925) Pom t-te tL VPN Compecha ys: ! Ro vhug:- Hho Cuco vOwer er machine Mey vote haypie On internet Since In formahins Hoo how Initmet! 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AZURE Storage Access TIERS pee PE ao E AAG aCe es Ee Hor CooL ARCHIVE “ ophmized For s| " Opnmined tor storing) ophmazed For ston data thar to daka thab lb clota thar & raret Accessed Infrequenttr accessed | accessed 0 Starved, Frequentty wat least Bo days wat least 180 days + READ £ LITE hee VERY Fecaveanty (ess ee) (Rena btomte Weppensus) Mos, Cost Reads wnte Cost Thu ch to steve $) ( i seintecouf) \ (Tats cheng tostore) 2 will take true. inked «hap fer}-ingh-61448522/ MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 26 PLORE AZULE MARKETPLACE: tb Similar like Playstore, Azure marketplace allow customer +o Mind, try , purchase and process applicaton and services Prom hundred of lead Service providéy ,uhicl are all cerhtred to ron on Ayre. '7 Open source container plattorms 27 wiftue\ machine and atabase Images 37 Appucahen bulld and Deployment Sottuave +7 developers tools AZURE DATARACE SERVICES * AZURE Cosmos bataease:—> te a globally Atshruted datasase twat tlasheally and independently seate * AZVRE SQL DATABASE? Is arelatonal dambase as a Seriiceo (Daas) based on tne latest version of microsoft sau Server datavace eugiie- * | AZURE DATAGASE FOR MYSOL? & a Rallye managed My so datarase Services Far applicahin developers: B | azvRe pAwense for Posea SOL-> & a relahonat datacaze services based on tne Open-Source Postgres database — engune- Inein- http fr 61445522) Content Introduction Azure Services Virtual Machine Virtual Network Storage Services Core Azure Solution Azure Security Identity, Privacy & Compliance Service SLA and Pricing Lites ape medi comin sr-sine SAUSS22/ MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 ae MopuLe+# #| cere sotuotio CORE AZVEE SOLUTION AZVRE MANAGEMENT TooUs- ti |loT te Azure Spreve. Portal, Posersnet!, CLL ™ | Synapse Imatyhes to batabricks | |" Advisov WT) Arh Eicod Intellyence MW Monttor ™ | Machiwe learning W Seyvice Healt. | % | AZURE INTERNET OF —HINGS — {ee SEER oh Wats loT describe physical Objectt that ave embedded wstty sensors p processing ability » Softoare. and othtr technologies and tnat Connect and exchange date Leth otner device and Sqstem over tne Internet ¥* AZURE 1O0T CENTRAL:- & a Fully managed glovae l0T Saar Soluhon that makes ft easy to connect , monitor and manage loT ascets at seale- RX | Azoee lot hoe: 's a managed Services hosted m the cloud tnat actt “ile Cenwal = messa: hob bi-direattona) Communicanen | behween 107 Appucahon ang the device ft man age: %& loT (Guild top oF hub, tt has U2 to manaye multiple CEM AL de oe _ K lot to. | tub flings (dence Cound by lot we) K loT CENTER % ( DASHBOARO)=> Tor @ (let 108) vhadn - btpe:/forara ekedin.come/in/ourd-cngh-GiANSS22) iv # MICROSOFT AZURE - Az 900 Qa BIg DATA & AW MY TICS —-? OVer a period oF hme, mostly all Organizahon Is Cap turing a huge amount of dat. ( &y> beveloe eCommerce welosite)> hove rmmg many people vuiled ebe- Mere big- batn help to analxe te compete data. heve we dump all dedu and utiny ETL Tool and process the dare and create a data whorehouse - Relord ave me Sy-datm “Tools — R ARVLE SYNAPSE ANALYTICS — A Cloud -based enlerprise data wavehoupe: Solution, (Geampu> Hadoor) AZURE HO InstgHqi- & Fully - managed , Open souvced analytes Services for — enttrentes . DATA @BEICKS!~ Apache spark based analyhds services. ese three ave nay fommon ned {> analye huge Data ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE & MACHINE LEAQNING.- (MUIs wohen understand tne pattern ant leavn tne output wir help oF 2) AZURE MACHINE LEARNING!— Cloud-based to develop, and aleploy machine learnings mode} COGNITIVE SERVICE! OuicKLy enable app to see, hear, Speak, understand and imberpret a ugev's needs. ARURE BOT SERVICES! Develop Intelluent »ener Prue grade bo JAPRURG BOT SERVICES! P went > p on DidigdsiNange iia Tadiidh haat deldinein MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 2g | AZURE MANRUEMEnT Toous'!— below ave tne part oF AMT CAR hE Mav ace ment Tools) — ARVLE PORTAL ARVRE power mer | AZVLE MOBILE APP [ COMMAND LINE INTEFACE COLE) AZULE REST APL } AZ0RE Cvrovuo SneLr d 4 c A2URE RESOveCE Manacer (aem) | 4H | POWERSHELL Install power Sheil locally, Create a resource Group ang fae virtual machines acces and vped tre Cloud shell 4 renew mzure Aclvisor = reComme noLttiony AZURE CLE!— Install tne Azure CLE Locally Create a resource qroup and virtual machne , Use me Cloud shell anq revue ayure Tecommend WHEW ALL MODULE INSTHLLEO, WE NEED AOVUOR ( Azuee ADvIsok) —> Probabl we are not vse / ov viens: VM upto the Capa > Only one vm i Is ry Lae ,anotrer one m not LAE mods. 7 MSo;ehen deploy Coovm) tt & not posible to analge all vm be wwe sol) yo Azo ee aaa) * AZURE ADVISOR! — Amalyze depo yed Azuve Yesource and makes recommendation on best practice tooptme Azyve deployment “pReliatility TSeeun T performance | Cost & TT Operahon excetlen ce Linkin - http: fren nkedin com/in/sura-singh 61445522) MICROSOFT AZURE - AZ 900 20 (FReE)(Resouee) LAZzeRE Apdvisot Prnatyzes Aeployed Azure resource and make vecommendiahon on ect prahces to ophmize Deployemen€ se Operanownl Epectlience Performance 4 Azure monitor maximum tne availibelity and | performance oF appiicahon and Services boy collechyy , analy | ane aching en telemetry from clouck and on-premises environmenG Appludahan Ins AVALIBILITY @ PERFORM ete log Mmaligtics : > How Much Raw vse? Smarr merte ~> How mut capacity pRocescot Ose? Putomahon Actions >If Ord Customized Dashboard ls IweheaceD 2 Go> Resource 5 Powershet| 2a —» vm Group MONHOLING —> METLLCS (rose mebic ao per te weed.) aa MeThics Mee Ltice!— score Comeevm) 1 | cpu creat Remawine, METUC Nawe w | date disk Bader dhe EC EASY We | DatQ DUE LORE Consumyhon MeTeic iv. | Inbound Hows aR j we Dis write. Sige ae Nenwore ty Ton? AGG REG HAT IOVd vm, | RPEHHERYOSAAE Percentage - CPU. | (AG) -Kverage) ve L_——___| ‘Unkedin «https fora Sahedln.comn/in wart singh 61445522)

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