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Jessalyn DeVine -
a. Vibrational energy pooling
b. You don’t need extreme conditions to form C-C bonds in CO ices
c. Energy thresholds are due to dimer that acts as energy sink?
d. Lowest energy conditions are when products are accessed through a
spin-forbidden transition in a CO dimer
e. Lessons learned about speaking:
i. This talk was a bit difficult to follow because of how quickly the speaker
2. Nathan J. DeYonker - Big Trouble with Little Molecules
a. Electronic ground state carousel
b. strong=nondynamical correlations
c. Multireference methods?
d. Coupled cluster theory?
i. It fails when the molecule is displaced along the vibrational mode, even
when the molecule is close to equilibrium
e. Quartic force fields
i. The speaker extended this theory to better handle metal-containing
ii. Composite reference geometries for QFFs are a bad idea
f. Inner core electrons have effects -> composite shifts are important
g. Lessons learned about speaking:
i. Inflections matter during presentations! It makes it difficult to tell questions
apart from statements and it makes it difficult to figure out the main points
ii. Use transitions within slides as you go through the points to make it
easier to follow what step led to what results

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