10 English-1 - 100 Mcqs

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—_ CRRaten, 001, om MCQ Test Time: 2hrs FM: INVIGILATOR siGn:- i SETI Question 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: When Iwasa boy, there were many things that existed on earth for me. Ofcourse, music was always important, the chief household deity of a family, musical by tradition. The central hall of our house was given over to the ‘making of musical instruments for which my father and his father before him were famous. Music vibrate there constantly, sometimes harmoniously and sometimes discordantly, quality of the very air of our house. | was only a child, perhaps four years old, when my father began waking me at four o'clock every morning to go down to the hall with him and take lessons from him on the tanpura, the harmonium, the sitar and even table. He could play them all and wished to see for which I had an aptitude. I would display an aptitude that was never in question. My father taught me all the ragas, the raginis and tested my knowledge with rapid, persistent questioning in his unmusical grating voice, My father could see it clearly - I was a musician, not a maker, but a performer of music; that is what he saw. ‘There was a time when I cared more passionately for marbles than for music. How I loved my mother’s sweetmeats too - rather more than I did the nondescript, mumbling woman who made them. ‘Then, when I was older, there was a time when only the cinema mattered. I saw four, five, as many as six cinema shows a week, creeping out of my room at night barefoot, for silence, with money stolen from my father ormother oranyone clutched in my hand, then racing through the night in time for the last show. Meena kumara and Nargis were, to me, the queens of heaven. But al fell away from me, all disappointed into the shadows, on the side, when I met my ustad and began to play for him, He took the place of my mother’s sweet halwa, the cinema heroism, marbles, the stolen money all the pleasures and riches [had so far contrived to extract from the hard stones of existence in my father’s Ouse inthe music ane. | found such satisfaction that | no longer wished for anything else, {adopted from “The Accomplished” by Anita Desai a) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used tn the passage) from te options provided: (1 i) constantly Loccasionally 2, regularly 3.often ESSE “essere if) persistent 2.ending 3. occasional 1. continual a , ai Fahy iii) nondescript 2, distinctive inary . bl ’ adow” refers to the ti b) The expression disappeared into the shi ‘me until when the narrator RI 1.wasa child 2. was in high school. 3. was not introduced to his ustad: ©) Choose the option that states correctly 6 movies every week, Ry 4) He crept away barefoot at night. how the narrator managed to see 5, li) He stole money. Iii) He woke up early morning and arrange for the money. iv) He bunked his school. v) He raced to catch the last show. 1. (9, (ii) and (v) 2. (ii), (iv) and (v) 3.(0, (ii) and (v) 4) What did not happen after the narrator met his ustad? pI 1. He took the place of my mother’s sweet halwa. 2. He took the place of his studies. 3. He took the place of the cinema heroines. €) According to the narrator, as a boy, what were the “many other things that existed"? [2] 1. He was not fond of cinema. 2. He never stole money from his parents or anyone to see movies of Meena Kumari and Nargis stealthily at night. 3.He cared more for marbles, was fond of his mother’s sweetmeats, and was excessively fond of Cinema, ) How did music vibrate in the narrator's house? PR) 1.Constantly 2. Sometimes harmoniously 3, Both 1. And 2. g) The narrator's father isa 1. musician 2. doctor 3. Engineer h) What has the author sald about the importance of music for him and his family? Which of the following combination of sentences best su iz [8] B immarizes the answer? 1-The central hal oftheir house was given over to the making of musical instruments, for which the author’ father and his father before him were famous ae re famous. ‘There wasa tim more passionately for marbles than for music How) Joved my mother’s sweetmeats £00 - rather more than I did the nondescripe, mumbling woman who made hem i 2The central hall oftheirhouse was given oye to the making of musicalinstrumen's for whic the author's father and his father before him were famous. The author WS onlya eta Perhaps four years old, when his father tg ae me four o'clock every morning 060 /jown to the hall with him and take lessons from him on the tanpura. harmonium, the sitar, and even the table, ga sav four. five, a8 many as sk cinema shows a week, eeeping out of mY TEM aE NEN shows a week, creeping parefoat, for silénce, with money stolen from my father or mother oF anyone clutched in my father 01 hand, then ra through the night nme forthe la show The ator WAS OY 8 child, perhaps four years old, when his father began waking him at four rclock every morning to go down to the hall with him and take lessons from him on the tanpura. the harmonium, the sitar, and even the table. Question 2. 2) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words provided after the passage: {a ‘The orchards were well-stocked with pickers of all shapes and sizes during the next few days.1 __ (i) ____ (stop) to give two of them a ride into Bonnieux one evening, They — (i) ___ (be) students from Australia, red from the sun and __— (11!) —— (stain) with cherry juice, They (@v) ____ (exhaust) and_{v)__ (complain) about the hours ) and the tedium. ‘Well, atleast you (vi)__ (see) abit of France” “France?” (vii)___(ay) one of them. All _ (vii) __(see) is the inside of a flaming cherry tree” {) 1.has stopped 2, stopped. 3. have stopped ii) L.were 2.are 3.have been fii) 1. were stained 2, stained 3.are stained iv) 1-have exhausted 2. exhausted 3, were exhausted vy) 1. complained 2.have complained 3. complain vi) Lsaw 2. have seen 3.will be seeing vil) 1.has said 2.have said 3.said vill) 1. sees 2, have seen 3.had seen b) Choose the correct option to fil in the blanks. Bl )The cat sprang the mouse. ‘upon 2.on 3.at ii) He jumped _____ the well. ; Lin 2.inside 3.into iil) He has been sleeping_— 6 o'clock Lsince 2. from Sor Iv) He has been sleeping the last four hours. A.since 2.for 3rom ¥) He began learning Sanskrit_____—the a8 of five. Lat 2. from 3.since vi) He thanked the speaker ____——the staff. Linstead of 2. from 3.0n behalf of vii) The children slid the slide easily: Adown 2.0n 3.over vill) ‘Sit me; said mother to the toddler. (4 i 3.near 2. far Lbehind the ne rules: alot ix) They protested - 7 2.agains Lor any money: 3.in x) She is too miserly to part 2.By jon tojoin th lowers: were mi with ing sentences Witho following ‘ut using and, Bue or so. ©) Choose the correct opti , issing. (I)the leader was missing. The fol 1. The leader along with the fl! 2. The leader, along with the fol 3. The leader with the followers (5) He is nota doctor. He is nota lawyer LHe is neither a doctor, nota lawyer 2. he is eithera doctor or a lawyer rowers were missing lowers, was missing. were missing 3. he is neither a doctor nor a lawyer. (BD this is Ram. He isthe topper ofthe class. This is Ram, who is the topper ofthe class. is Ram, which is the topper ofthe class. 3. this is ram whose isthe topper ofthe clas. ® Iam tired, That is why am taking a break. 1am tired why lam taking a break. 2.1.am tired while | am taking break. 3. As lam tired, | am taking break. 9 ‘The train arrived. All the vendors began shouting. L.Before the train arrived, all the vendors began shouting. 2, Unless the train arrived, all the vendors began shouting, 3, When the train arrived, all the vendors began shouting, QD 1 fet in. twas absent fora week, ‘Though | fell il, was absent for a week 2. Since I fell ill, was absent for a week, 3, While I fell il, Lwas absent fora week. @ The rain stopped. The children resumed play, “After the rain stopped, the children resumed pay, 2, Before therain topped the cildren resumed pay, 2.Unless the rai stopped the children resumed pay Tam nota powerful man.leannothelp him, +L Although lam not a powerful man, 2. While lam nota powerful man, | sone him, ; im, 3.Sincetam nota powerful man, canoe tp yn (8) each sentence with i yptions fead ustructions, the 0} provided beneath cach: * Choose the correct answer from " is ina {10} F} The manager regretted hisinability to attend th he in (Use direct speech.) meeting. 1.the manager said, "Sorry, he is unable to attend th end the meeti 2, The manager said, “Sorry, \e meetin lwa was unable to attend the meeting.” 3. The manager said, “Sorry, lam unable to attend the meeting,” ‘ meeting: ast night's dinner was cooked for us by father, (Begin: Father 1.Father has cooked the dinner for us lastnight. 2, Father had cooked the dinner for us lastnight 3, Father cooked the dinner for us last night. G®) inspite of having a high fever, the girl came to school. (Begin: Despite. LDespite having a high fever, the girl came to school. 2. Despite having a high fever, the girl had come to school. 3. Despite having a high fever, the girl come to school. G I prefer going out with friends to staying alone at home. (Begin: I would rather. 1. would rather go out with friends, then stay alone at home. 2. [would rather go out with friends, than stay alone at home. 3.1 would rather go out with friends, than to stay alone at home. @) Hardly had the teacher left the room when al the children started making a noise. (Begin: No sooner. a) No sooner does the teacher leave the room than all the children started making a noise. 2. No sooner did the teacher leave the room than all the children started making a noise. 43, No sooner did the teacher leave the room than all the children start making a noise. Gai This is the funniest movie I have seen. (Begin: Never. ) Never has I seen a movie a: s funny as this one. 2. Never am I see a movie as funny as this one. nny as this one, will be distributed tomorrow." 3. Never have I seen a movie as fui @) The Principal said, “All the prizes (Begin: The Principal said that 1.The Principal said that all the pri 2. The Principal says that all the priz 3. The principal said that all the prizes Gi) As soon as ‘Arpita sat down to study, ) izes would be distributed the next day, es would be distributed the next day, ¢ will be distributed the next day, the lights went off, (Begin: No sooner.. quay than the IEHIS Went of, gtdown © 7 o & No sooner id areas 208 ay qnelights went of we fs 2N asat gown the evs (0 sooner Arpita o studs : Arpita saraown © Ss 3. ara ee AY Unless you train dog e2"l i 9:1 oo jisance. 3 (Begin: I oe) sew na nse mus 3 eae oes not cause a TUANEE in does 2. Ifyou train a dog carly qusea nuisance. se would 10! 3. Ifyou train adogearly, twould é 1am impressed by the quality of 0" ) work impressed me id me. ir work. (Begin: The quality. 1.The quality of your 2. The quality of your work has impresses 3. The quality of your work impresses Me SET-I Question 1, Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: “Technology is the human activity that changes the material world around us o satisfy our needs. Itseparates civilised men from primitive men. Primitive men had only a few tools, which they used for ‘many jobs. Civilised nen have many specialised tools which ae suited for particular jobs. The advanced technology of civilized people makes it possible fora given piece of land to support many times the population that it would under primitive conditions. Earlier, science consisted of the ideas of a few priests and philosophers, while technology was carried on by craftsmen whose names were never recorded. Science and technology first began to work together effectively during the scientific revolution that began in the 16% century. Galileo built an improved telescope, patented a system of lifting water and, by his calculations, helped a shipwright to design a new type of ship. The invention ofa simple device often sparked great changes in man's way of life. The brick mould, for example, made it possible to turn out building blocks of uniform size and shape at a relatively fast pace. The plentiful supply of bricks, in turn, made it possible to build more and larger houses. With the advent of the Industral Revolution in the 18% century came the invention of textile machinery by John Kay, James Hargreaves, Richard Arkwright and others, The steam engine was developed by Thomas Newcomen and greatly improved by James Watt, In the 198 century, methods of mass production were developed. Mass production brought about Break increase in the numberof goods avalabe, Over the yeas, the development ofthe aro, steams telegraph, and telephone shrunk the word oa fraction ft former si. THe VOY wie enved taneeS greatly. ly with sample scales Once, measurements were . production and the 2uch inaccuracy would be unthiniabe- BS acknowledge factories took the place of home WOM nice. nhanded from father to son oF fom m5 a) For each word given below choos the Is e din the options provided: ¢ the correct mea use Methods of manufacturing changed greatly, too, made rou and pieces of chalk or charcoal, Today, use of expensive machinery meant thai replaced the old craft lore that had be passage) from ning (a5 8) ijcivilized uncivilized mH 2. educated ii) effectively 3.cultured successfully 2compeay fii) uniform 3, productively identical = 2.different 19 The reason behind bringing great changes a.allke in man's way of lif con erate fe is because of the 1) 4. creation of a device. 2. invention of a simple device, 3 invention of a machine, wl the St ° ; on on the Sclentine Revolution begin? [2] 2.18" century 3.19% century d) according to the passage, technology 2] 1 isan activity that changed the material world to satisfy human needs. 2, separates ci sed men from primitive men, 3.isadevice. ¢) The development in the methods of mass production led to the increase in the 2 1 availability of a number of medicines. 2.availability ofa number of digital devices. 3.availability of a number of goods, {Textile machinery was developed by John Kay, James Hargreaves, and others. [2] 1. Richard Gere 2. Richard Arkwright 3. Daniel Rodericks @) Factories took the place of home workshops as a result of Rl 1. large-scale production and use of expensive machinery 2, use of small-scale production 3.use of cheap raw material 1) what has the author sald about the industrial development in the 19% century? Which ofthe following combination of sentences best summarizes the answer? 18] inthe 19! century, methods of mass production were developed, Mass production brought about rest increase in the number of goods available. Over the years, the development of the railroad, steamship, telegraphs and telephone shrunk the world toa fracton ofits former size, Methods of manufacturing changed greatly, too, 2 over the year, the development ofthe road stesmshi, telegraph and telephone shrank workdtoa fraction ofits former size. Galileo built an improved telescope, patented a system of lifting ‘water and, by his calculations helped a shipwright to design a new WYPe ofSHiP. The plentiful supply of bricks in rm Coot possible to build more and larger houses. i eat autn the 190 canturymethodsof mas production vere developed, Mass produton brow ae vite incon the a ods avaiable cvlsed men have many specialised tool whieh ate ue partial jobs The advanced technology of eile people makes It possible fora given peee support many times the population that it would under Primitive conditions, Question 2. 7 4] ded after the passage! E S a)Fillin the blanks with the correct forms of| the words provided after the p: > 5 mi ‘They () (poke) under the beds with Ribby’s umbrella, and they —— Ornate ee) . in cupboards. They even (iii) (fetch) a candle, and (iv) ie can) not find an thing but once they __— (1) h rate (bo) infested with rats,” said he back kitchen.” chest in one of the attics, They , a door bang and somebody scuttered downstairs. “Ves, it__—. (vii) 09 (catch) seven young ones out of one hole in Tabitha tearfully. "I (viii) 1. Poked 2. Have poked 3.Has poked fi) 1. Has rummages 2. Had rummaged 3. Rummaged fil) Lfetched 2. Was fetched 3.1s fetched iv) 1. Look 2. Looked 3. Looks y) L.Can 2. Would 3.Could vi) heard 2.hear 3. hears vil) 1. Was 2.were Bis vili) has caught 2. caught 3. have caught b) Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks. [5] i) Itrained 10:30 am. L.to 2.4 3.on fi) | have taught English two decades. Lsince 2.from 3.for iif) the president cut the ribbon ___a blunt knife. Lwith 2.by 3.to iv) This car runs__petrol only. Lat 2.in 3.0n v) Reach here _____ 10:00 am to 11:00 am, between 2.from 3.since vi) He had come ___— you left. before 2after 3. while vil) The match will be played __aweek, A.within 2.after 3.near vill) He read a Jesson philosophy, lat 2in 3.on {x) He fell asleep the film show, i.during 2. between 3, among, x) The woman was sheltering atree dundet 2. bene; ae ae 3. Below se the COFFECE OPtION to Join the g ¢ followh f ne forest Was dark and gloomy. Mr Sentences without using and, but or so. [} ihe forest by which Mr. Otivertravetogsg need tmrouRh it ravelh . ed was dark and gloomy. 2. The forest through which Mr. Oliver travelieg ‘avelled was dark and gloom} Olive detent ; WS travelling was dark and gloomy: aS accepted by al, Accepted by a 2, The budget she has propose ao 3. The forest through which Mr, 4i) she proposed the budget. It w: 1.The budget she proposed is d was accey ted by 3. The budget she proposed was accepted by id all. a iii) we hasa fever. She cannot attend her private tuition. 1,She cannot attend her priva i 2. She cannot attend pacha Siero ae 3. she could not attend her private Sa aes tion as she has a fever. iv) Brutus killed Caesar was ambitious. While Caesar was ambitious, Brutus killed him, 2. As Caesar was ambitious, Brutus killed him. 3. When Caesar was ambitious, Brutus killed him. ¥y) Adnan sang a wonderful song. It became a hit. 1. Adnan sang a wonderful song so that became a hit. 2. Adnan sang a wonderful song who became a hit. 3. Adnan sang a wonderful song which became a hit. vi) The son helped her mother to make breakfast. He washed the tomatoes. 4 Helping his mother to make breakfast, the son washed the tomatoes. 2. Helping his mother making breakfast, the son washed the tomatoes. 3. Helping his mother make breakfast, the son washed the tomatoes. vil) They bought a new car. They boughta new car that they can travel lon ces, ‘They can travel long distances. 1g distances. 2, They bought a new car to travel long distan 3, They bought anew car when they an travel long distances, vill) Niti opened her purse. She found the notes missing, Niti found the notes missing. opening her purse, Niti found the notes missin INiti found the notes missing, 1.0n opening her purse, 2. Before 3. After opening her purse, suctions. Choose the correct answer from the options provided d) Read each sentence with Its instr beneath each: fol {) All the children will receive a gift hamper (Begin: a gift hamper... 1. A gifthamper will receive by all the children. 2. Agift hamper will be received by all the children. 3. Agift hamper would be received by all the children, pow sad Madhav tO Bhan, now ing ssted in BO! ‘Tam not interes not interested in 80iNg out then, ws erste 8 ON Out then, f , rotinterested EOIME Out now, (Use reported speech) athe 1. Madhav to Bhavan OA 2. Madhav told Bhuva" 9 was 3. Madhav told Bhuvat! eto stop reading. Iii) This artiete is too interest" form (Use-'so ... that’) 1. This article is so interes 2. This article is so that interes 3. This article isso interestinB at | can’t stop reading, I can't stop reading, n't stop that reading, ting for eh sting for m forme ca Iv) Ifyou study, you will do well ) 1. Unless you study, you will do 2. Unless you study, you do well 3. Unless you stud you won't do well. (Begin: Unless. well. ‘¥) To stay up all night before an examination is not prudent, (Begin: It. 1. It is prudenttto stay upall night before an examination, 2. Itwas not prudent to stay up all night before an examination, 3. Itisnot prudenttto stay up all night before an examination. vi) She is the best artist inthis exhibition. (Use: better) 1. Noneis better than her in this exhibition. 2. She is better than any other artist in this exhibition. 3. Noneis the better artist then her in this exhibition. vii) Not only is he a good dancer butalso.a great singer. (Begin: Besides... 1. Besides a good dancer, he is also a great singer, 2, Besides good dancer, he sa great singer. ok 3. Beside a good dancer, he isa great singer, viti) Didn't meet you atthe mall yesterdayy (End: Didn't 12) 1, Imeet you at the mall yesterda edd 2. Ididn’t met youat the mallyesterdgn 4, 3, Imet you atthe mall yesterday, dG cr — > REPEC I ix) Has Santosh written a letter to you? (Begin: Have you .. 7. Have you written a letter by Santosh? 8. Have you been written a letter by Santosh? 9. Have you write a letter by Santosh? x) The monsoon is the best season in our country. (Rewrite using ‘good’) 7. No other season in our country is as good as the monsoon. 8. No other season in our country is good than the monsoon. 9. No other season in our country good as the monsoon. SARRRRhe EERE E Kee Skeh ibe CORES EEE EEE EES SE ore SO EERIE

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