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Name: Gallemit, Justin Patrick W.

_________________________ Date: 10/15/21__

Evaluator/Signature: Queenie Jane Ramel RN, MAN Grade: _


Infusion therapy is when medication or fluids are administered through a needle or catheter. The
common reasons to discontinue IV fluids are: the patient's fluid volume has returnable to baseline; the
patient is being discharged from the facility; the IV catheter needs to be replaced, or the IV site had become
unfavorable due to infection, infiltration, extravasation, or phlebitis.

 The patient’s fluid volume has returned to baseline
 The patient is being discharged from the facility
 The IV catheter needs to be replaced;
 The IV site has become unfavorable due to infection, infiltration, extravasation, or phlebitis.

 Assess the patient and be sure they are medically stable prior to removing SL.
 Check the following: lab values, ongoing need for fluids or IV medications, inability to eat or drink,
presence of nausea or vomiting.
 If patient has ongoing medical concerns requiring an IV, alert the physician.

 IV infusion set
 Clean gloves
 Antiseptic swab
 Tapes
 Sterile gauze 2x2 or 4x4

1. Check the orders To ensure that you are giving
carefully. It is painful as orders to the right pt.
well as expensive for
sfpatients to have an IV
restarted after it has been
discontinued by mistake.

2. Determine what Organization saves times and
equipment you will need. facilitates accomplishment of

3. Wash your hands for Deters the spread of

infection control. microorganisms.

4. Select the necessary Organization saves times and

equipment. facilitates accomplishment of
a. Sterile cotton ball or tasks.
an alcohol swab or a
2x2 sterile gauze
b. Adhesive bandage
such as plater or
c. Clean gloves.

5. Identify the patient to be To ensure that you are
sure you are performing administering the right fluids to
the procedure for the the right pt.
correct patient.

6. Explain to the patient what Explanation reduces anxiety

you plan to do. and facilitates cooperation.

7. Shut off the IV flow. So that when the cannula is

removed, it won't spill out.

8. Carefully remove the tape Removing the tape and

and dressing. dressing quickly may cause
discomfort to the patient.

9. Put on the clean gloves to Protects the wearer from pt.’s

protect yourself from bodily fluids.
exposure to blood.
10. Hold the cotton ball, The pressure compresses the
gauze square, or alcohol vein wall between the needle
swab (according to your and the swab and can damage
facility’s policy) above the the vein.
entry site. Be ready to
exert pressure as soon as
the needle is out, but do
not exert pressure on the
site while pulling the
cannula out. The pressure
compresses the vein wall
between the needle and
the swab and can
damage the vein.
11. Removed the cannula by To prevent any complications
pulling straight out in the
with the vein. Check the
cannula to make sure no
part of it has broken off
and remains in the

12. Immediately put pressure To control bleeding

on the site to control
13. Elevate the patient’s arm To decrease swelling and pain
for about 1 minute, keep
pressure on the site until
any bleeding is controlled.
14. Remove gloves. Proper disposal of used PPE
deters the spread of
microorganisms and infection.

15. Put the adhesive bandage To prevent bacteria from

over the site. entering the old IV site.

16. Remove all the Proper disposal of used PPE

equipment. Be sure to deters the spread of
note the volume of fluid microorganisms and infection.
remaining in the container
to record intake To promote continuity of care.

17. Wash your hands. Prevents the spread of


18. Evaluate, using the To save time and also ensure
following criteria: the accomplishment of
a. Intravenous infusion is procedure.
b. Any bleeding is
c. Cannula is intact.
19. Document appropriately: This provides for accurate
a. On the flow sheet or documentation of pt.’s
nurse’s notes, response to the infusion.
document that the IV
was discontinued with
cannula intact, your
assessment of the site
and the time.
b. On the intake and
output sheet,
document the intake
from the IV that has
occurred on your shift.
To do this accurately,
you will have to check
whether any fluid was
administered on the
previous shift and
subtract that amount
from the total amount
of fluid administered
from the container.

Learner’s Reflection: (What did you learn most of the activity? What is its impact Instructor’s
to you?) Comments:
I learned a lot in doing this activity. This activity taught me the proper way in
discontinuing an intravenous infusion. It is important to follow the appropriate
technique to prevent any complications from happening to the patient. Its impact
to me is great because now I want to learn how to administer an intravenous
fluid to a patient. I hope that I’ll experience applying and discontinuing an IV
during our clinical duty in the future.

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