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Maximize Instruction through Professional Development

Whitney DeBruhl

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD 523: Developing Professional Capacity

Dr. Lorise Goeke

November 9, 2023

Maximize Instruction through Professional Development

Learning Objectives

1. Participants will be able to identify and apply strategies for maximizing time spent on

quality instruction.

2. Participants will develop an understanding of how effective classroom engagement aligns

with the Camden Middle School Vision and Mission.

3. Participants will create actionable plans to implement data- driven, student-centered

instructional decisions in their classroom.

Maximizing Time Spent on Quality Instruction through

Effective Classroom Engagement
Section Duration Description
Introduction 5 minutes -Welcome
-Introduction to the session and agenda.
-Explain learning objectives and how the
session aligns to the CMS vision and mission.
Understanding 10 minutes -Define quality instruction and its importance.
Quality Instruction (Association for Supervision & Curriculum
Development, 2004).
- Explore how effective classroom
engagement contributes to an authentic and
connected learning experience.
-Discuss the role of supportive and positive
relationships in the classroom (Kaufman,
-Share data and CIP goals that align with the
need for quality instruction.
Strategies for 15 minutes -Present various strategies for effective time
Maximizing Quality management and high-quality instruction in
Instruction Time the classroom (Pappas, 2015).
-Engage participants with real-life examples
and case studies using the ARCS Model
(Learning Theories, n.d.):

Group Activity- 15 minutes -Participants work in small groups to identify

Identifying Barriers common barriers to quality instruction time.
and Solutions -Discuss and share potential solutions to
overcome these barriers.
Accountability Plan 10 minutes -Participants set personal goals and action
steps based on the session's content.
-Scheduled follow-up sessions will be
organized to review progress and address any
challenges or questions.
-During weekly PLCs, participants will share
their experiences, successes, and areas for
improvement with colleagues and
Discussion and 5 minutes - Open the floor for questions and encourage
Closing, On-going discussion.
Support - Share additional resources for further
- Summarize key takeaways from the session.
-Provide contact information for continued
support and guidance.
-Encourage participants to share their
progress and experiences along their journey.


Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. (2004, February 1). What Is High-

Quality Instruction?. ASCD.


Kaufman, T. (n.d.). Building Positive Relationships with Students: What Brain Science Says.



Learning Theories. (n.d.). ARCS Model Of Motivational Design Theories (Keller). Learning

Theories .

Pappas, C. (2015, May 20). Instructional Design Models And Theories: Keller’s ARCS Model Of

Motivation. eLearning Industry.

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