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9114723, 736 PM Appointment Reciept 23-0010390300, ‘ade tare wea BROT Ministry of External Affairs, Government of india Online Appointment Receipt ‘Applicant Details: ‘Application Reference No. (ARN) ‘Service Type ‘Type of Application Given Name ‘Sumame Gender Father's Name Mother's Name Date of Bith Place of Birth Mafital Status Employment Type Applicaton Submited Date Prosont Residential Address 23-0010380300 FRESH NORMAL, GOURAY KUMAR. MALE ‘VWAY KUMAR AMITA SHARMA, 05/09/2002 DELHI SOUTH WEST DELHLDELH! SINGLE STUDENT 08/2023, |WZ-597B, NARAINA VILLAGE, South West Det, 116028, DELHI, INDIA, Payment Details Total Fee (Rs.) Paid Foo (Rs.) Date and Time Transaction Id ‘Appointment Details: Passport Sova Kendra Addrose Appointment id Appointment Date and Time Reporting Date and Time Batch Sequence No. 1500.00 1500.00 062028 11:18 Pia cPACUOBBXS HERALD HOUSE- ITO, GROUND & FIRST FLOOR, HERALD HOUSE, 5A, BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI . LANDMARK - ADJACENT TO ITO. METRO STATION -A MINUTES WALK FROM EXIT GATE NO 4 100024532144323 03/08/2023 & 03:15 PM 03/08/2023 & 03:00 PM 190024532144323 25 9 Please reach Passport Sova Kendra (PSK) af 03:00 PM as mentoned above and you dont need to carry the printed copy of appointment reccipt. An SMS with your apporiment deals also acogpied as proof of appointment cing you vst Passport Ofc, + Ghsck Bocument Adviser on websts ‘ww pasepertindla govin to know the documents required at PSK.Canry orignal ocuments and thir selfatsted photocapios, Final ocean wth rogrd Io documonts rq a the dacreton of RPO sta PSK, In'case of minor appicania (eolow & years of age), cary te recent passport size photograph (4.5 X 2.5 om) wih white background Pease Cick he photograph gudeines. + Only appicats alowed ini the PSK, However, in case of excoptons suchas Senior Citzen / Physically Callenged / Mera Minor appleans, one person ‘rom the family may be alowed to accompany inside PSK. [ALPSK, a paper token wil bs loved fo you afer checking of documents Your application willbe processed at Counter A folowad by counters B and C. Atal to Passpor Portal to download acknowledgement sip. Alsou are requested to fil the feadback form atthe ex courte. Gorresive sustancea, explosven, weapons and ary sharp cbjctssrenot lowe ini tha PSK. Please co-operate with securty staf for feking before enty in SK. Your socuty i our primary concern “Take care of your belongings nsice the PSK. Keep your able in slat mode inside PSK. Also video photography isnt allowed inside £ Baiangs fo i appeabe) ar ediing te submited form wil be payable m cash a the Passport Sova Kenda, 1 Help us to serve you better 1 Details as por the Payment Dat Payment once made fo availing passport services wil not be refunds ‘Toe allowing documents neads to bo funshed at PSWPO for varfcation. ' ‘TansterfSchoo!eavingMaticulation Cerificate issued by the schon last attendesrecognized educational board + Aadhaar Card (Aderess Proof), hitpssportalt passportnela. gov in/AppOnlineProjectsecurslopenPdtForApolReciept 611423, 798 PM Appointment Reciept ‘The following table lsts Applicant Categories along with the Documents to be Submitted, The Document No, mentioned in Documents to be Submitted column is the reference given to the document mentioned in List of Documents table. Applicant Categories Documents to be Submitted [Granary Coca (okzen ofa by ora [23 (io applcant le Tor Non EGR) 7 Pot Poon Vercton read) [icon of ea by Descont (Som to san paver) oui 3) li), 2,3 ee appteantiseigoe or Non ECR) lnersee [Siren fii by Rogan! Neral (rated cizeraip by WHA] 3. fe applents oe for Non EORLT [Ropar repatriated rom aboad mt Govereent cost 1.2.2 (fie applantsebabe for Non FOR) 8 Wavaase) 3 [Ropoanscepones 1 naa Erergency Certfcate casas 1.2.2 (ibe apploantselabe for Non EGR) 6 Tavalooe). 8 (any [corer Puble Sect Salary body ompayscs lye {iy 2s ero Potca vesscasn irene 20 Pos Poles Verflenon i requred) ot [8 (to Paen Voreaton srogtes), Depardari ay marae of Govern ble Sao Satay boay enpbyaes For [Zatrenin ape group 10-15 yrs ae covered Por et clint Guar coe at ar ove) 1,23 apptants ele fr Non EGR). 27(4Post Poe Vrteation segue), let dena Rexred govermen ofa 3.102 Pos Poton Verdnaion = requree) laopoans having Dp! Otel Passper ard apping fr rary Pasepo whi fy 2, 1 (2 fourender confit snot avaliable) li) radar 24 faplcis Governments Set Statony body erayee, 27 (f lapacarti at a GararmaruPuble Sesorsatonyboayemsleyes ane Pom Pace Wentcaton a reaured) Iota: naa he aopleat subs “2% 7 ent requked epondon ny maar of Dplonate Ocal Papa rola wha are ot [poveramant srans (ro Jak Cnisen ape gous 0-18 years se covered) 12,3 oreo lr Non EO, 2,27 Pen aeons [Gun pris ard cedars of Companies whch are nantes TCI, FICCI Ixssochan, (es F Grnew rama), 2 oe naa) 3 he appease fr Non EGR - Doon lram are tows 25 [Grange haston i eurama dus a rarage [5.2.3 opatearti ge os Non COR) 2 Pol Poca Varistors Tegueah [Grange in nar in cao of Govrmen Publ Saco? Sauiar body ralayens 2.15.16 27 Poa Poca Veriicaton regard gata Residents 1.2.9 (fe appants ebb for Non ECR) te: Adtonal reused rom Guaanah 2vough NA. Noga orans resin outside Nagaland Fe 2.3 (tte applet sige for Non ECR) Note: tinal Pv reused ror Sunanah rough MOA. [Tana and Kanne Rendon 1.2.3 fe appants ober Non ECR [Jans ana Kasrnr Renders Sayng avlnde JER or noe Ran We yous 1.2.3 (ibe apsoants ela for Non EOR) 27 (¥ Post Pea Vrkeaton we eaareg) [seen saying away forthe parents cure resence 1-2-3 (tte appleant lhe for Non ECR). 17, 1,2 (F Post Polen VerFoason reais) [Season (Far JX Wan > years, Warman Gor yaa Farrer his 6S bears) {2.3 (te appants eb for Non ECR), 27 (i Post Pole Veriton ia egures) Document No. List of Documents © foo Tax Aseeamet rd 1 Gar conection st 1. Spouse spouses passpa Porat nop apy, ese of irae (rat an et page) | Aacnaor Lae Cord Rem agieoment ‘Address (POA) ar Proof of Phtosenty (POH a ‘Stross abemion wih AaahaaeStaoee, [root of Present Adare, For roots auch one ih own Soca «0. Watr ll Tateshene Yen gost pald obo il Etcty Photo passbook af amg Banc Acsounl(SehodledPuble Sat Banks, Schedla Pate Sacto Iran Banks and Regina ral Sanson) *: Gereente rom Emplye of pid an wcely known comania on ter haa (On pube Ped companies can gears proof on company eter ‘os tng wih se Conpseoedpntaus thal ol be etre) pon copy Fear page ncaa my erm (rovided the applcants rent acres matches he adress rantoned inthe |. Apptcants a requires osubmitihe proof adeoss fhe present adress ony raspectve othe cate rom whch else has bon resng ato ohen 2. Furishing of Achear cal wl exeste processing ofparspo epleatons 3 ahaa etext oe -Aadhaar fan olectonicalygoraris ts fom the wobstoof IDA, 35 the caso may bo, ml ang pespot lle serves, Accplae of Aadhar as BoA and Pol woul be scl 2 4. Any ofthe ering dcuent cota ates Ou of 12 dcumens lad unt Tt pica, cul slo be acaptad prot ol reidece it ‘Sith cocumess hav be samo pres esa adsous as qvon byte apart n be PasrpewAopleson Fem, 25 Prootot capi lara aa’ and mother, date of Bt, po of i nl, adocratan an pi pasa grad baron 4 Rar Carlé-Asohar hinge deo ith ha Span hitpsuportalt passportnela. gov in/AppOnlineProjectsecurslopenPdtForApolReciept Sih Catfcate nse bythe Regisar af Bite and Death ote Murcia Capeatn ony oat presced aot ahasceve: hasbeen empowered “dor theRegieaton of ih ara Dears Act 1888 rgstar tab of hid bon rl. ho Bot Cae »,TranslorsehealnavngNabefaon Certs eos byte schol atendearocogsed aueatonal bors Paving he date of ith of hs applant © Poly Sond sued by Pub Lie aurnes Grperatora\Conparis coraring We Gate cho he ode o he aurance ply. ld arena conta te are egiaton urbe and dete of opt. Ihe Bro Crate daar conan ie esd ob somitad spent nam of ci 29 911423, 736 PM Appointment Reciept © Cony ofan oxrat of he snice reso of the appleant only respect ot Gavarment servants) othe Pay Parlon Order (nrospect of retro Goverment ‘Serta dl atest by he ofcrin charge of the hdrrtation oe cancer hier Deparimet of Sppican hwgtie date oh «Drang iene nes oye rangpos Gnparron tne consemos Sine Goverment having dat for fhe apes 4, Elen Proto aniy Gard asad byte Electan Coniston ot cataring he ia ath of Oe appear FAW cardseue bythe ore Tx Depart Rain he ate o BF he apes. | Reclaraton gven byte Head one Opransgeicnd Cae ema one cea eter head ote organzation eanfming the DOS ot he aelant Note: Docuenis mensones in point’ 10 Ware eccepale a roof Dats of Bre ony haste erode Oats of Btn he spear. [Documentary reo anyone ofte NomECR (reves ECNR) calgaros, Reler Coun 2.16 under Seeton-8 of Beso nsvucon DooHel [sem RegvatonCorfiatessuadby Enbessy! 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' Parmanet hecoun Nooar PAN Cara) 14 DevingCzorae (ae an fbn the ute of State of submis tapas) ' Banc Baesnook or Kean Paerbook or Post ties Peasok " Student Pata lary Cars laura ny Govererant Recghaed Educational nstiuions 4 Bh Carfetes und unde the Regstraton of Brea Deaths et, 96918 08) F, Sarvie Pot ean Carsavedy Sate Covent or Cental Covemment,Puole Setar Underakgs ca bodes oPuble Lmtd Conganas | Ponsan Dacamert uch se oxsenecomens Peron Book or Porson Payton ode esd lo aed Govomran arpsjecs.extevcorans Sow ‘perder Crates, OF Ape Pension Oat J. Schecled Gane or Scheduled Tbe of Or Bacewarl class Cerise ‘Sums esnan eae er be ams As T6503 1959), i Raton Car i Las passport issued (neat of reissue ory) lwore 2:1 an apotcant stow he age of 18 yeas apples ora pastpr snd dese obi a passport on ou of um bal suomi Aadhaa! Cate Aadhaae Fair gt ach new ahead radon azar Eres sie he Unt en feson arty ha ON), 9, AadhaeCar-Aachar containing ha 12 det Aadhaaronoer sues by he Unig KentlestonAtnoty of Ida OA) -Parmanertheccat Nour (PAN Card Stuer Prato laity Cars sue by Government Recogrized Eauctoal ntons 143i Carretes nuns unae'the Regevatono Sirs ane Deaths At, "06018 0 1089) “Cast passport issuod nats o sue ony) Noto: The list of documents provided in the table above Is indicative. The dec'sion of APO/RPO shall be considered final hitpssportalt passportnela. gov in/AppOnlineProjectsecurslopenPdtForApolReciept

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