The Science Behind Sound Healing Pioneer John Stuart Reid - Inner Treasure Hunt

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The Science Behind Sound Healing: Pioneer John Stuart Reid - Inner...

The Science Behind Sound

1 de 5 07/12/2023, 17:40
The Science Behind Sound Healing: Pioneer John Stuart Reid - Inner...

Healing: Pioneer John Stuart

March 30, 2022 / Healing, Pioneers

• Who is John Stuart Reid?

• What is Cymatics?
• What was sound to the ancients?
• How did the ancients use sound for healing?
• What is sound healing?
• The Resonance Principle
• Resources

Is it really possible to heal pain and su�ering with sound? The ancients used sound for healing,
and in pioneer John Stuart Reid, a contemporary researcher in
the �eld of sound, explores the science behind sound healing.

John Stuart Reid is an acoustic physics researcher who has pioneered the study of sound for �ve
decades. After experiencing a signi�cant healing of his lower back during his acoustics study of
the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, he began a life-long career in the �eld of sound visualization
and sound healing.

Reid has undertaken signi�cant research in the �eld of audible sound therapy and has provided
fresh insights into this important new therapeutic modality. His �ndings support concepts
developed by Cyma Technology, a company that has developed sound healing devices that are
unique and powerful healing instruments.

Reid is one of only two people in the world to have studied the acoustics of the Great Pyramid. In
1997, he conducted a series of ground-breaking experiments in the pyramid’s King’s Chamber,
which led him to create his greatest invention: the CymaScope, a new device that makes sound

Cymatics comes from the Greek kyma, which means wave. Cymatics is a relatively new �eld in
modern science, which specializes in the study of wave phenomena, especially sound waves and

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The Science Behind Sound Healing: Pioneer John Stuart Reid - Inner...

their visual representations. This is the science of visualizing audio frequencies, in other words,
making sound visible. Cymatics is a science that bridges the visible and the invisible by showing
the transformational nature of sound and matter.

Cymatics explores the connection between sound, vibrations, and physical reality. The Big Bang
theory stipulates that a primordial sound occurred at the beginning of creation. Thanks to new
discoveries in the �eld of cymatics, it is now proven that sound is the primal organizing force in
the universe. Sound shapes everything, yet sound is an intangible force.

Cymatics has come to refer to a therapy in which sound waves are directed at the body with the
aim of promoting health, which raises the question: Do sound and vibrations have the potential
to in�uence matter, or even create it? This is a fascinating question, with profound implications
that are changing our paradigm about life and the world we live in. From the point of view of
sound, “we are all one” seems to be the guiding principle. Nothing is separated from the whole
and everything is united in interwoven �ows of modulations.

Sound creates form and order, which is a modern concept as well as a very old one. The ancients
of India, as well as Greek philosophers and Egyptian mystics, believed that all existence arises
from sound vibrations. Sacred texts of India talk about the previous Golden Age as a time in
which humans were spiritually more developed, spoke only one language, and lived united in

In essence, the ancients viewed sound, energy, and matter as one and the same. The language of
vibrations, unlike our modern use of languages that often create separation between nations
and religions, is a way to tap into the cosmic unity of all creation.

This is the question that Reid tried to answer with acoustic experiments done in the King’s
chamber. He discovered that the sarcophagus in the King’s chamber has extraordinary
properties of reverberation, which implies that the Egyptian architects possessed the knowledge
of acoustics and integrated it in the design.

In an experiment, Reid laid down in the sarcophagus of the King’s chamber and started to
modulate sounds in a glissando fashion. When he hit the keynote of the sarcophagus (the note
that corresponded to the wavelength of the sarcophagus) his entire body vibrated with the
powerful frequency and his back was healed.

In another particularly impressive experiment with sounds, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs

appeared on a membrane sprinkled with sand that was stretched over the sarcophagus. Based
on similar principles, this astounding result gave Reid the idea of the CymaScope, the world’s

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The Science Behind Sound Healing: Pioneer John Stuart Reid - Inner...

�rst instrument that allows sound to be made visible.

So, Reid established that the ancient practice of acoustics and sound healing were known to the
Egyptian priest architects. There is evidence that some of the Egyptian sonic inventions
in�uenced Greek and Roman technologies.

It is an established fact that sound has powerful healing properties. Ultrasound, which is sound
above the range of human hearing, is commonly used to accelerate bone and muscle healing.
Sound frequencies are also used to break up kidney stones and shrink tumors.

Sound is akin to vibration, and vibration touches every part of your physical, emotional, and
spiritual being. Sound is not just heard through your ears but through every part of who you are.
The cells of your body, basically liquid contained in a membrane, are the ideal recipients for
pressure waves, the waves produced by sound.

Imagine every cell of your body resonating in harmony with one of these exquisite cymatics
glyphs, that looks like a multidimensional �ower-mandala. Multiply this mandala by the
number of your cells and you get an idea of the power of sound.

Sound can address any imbalances and can play a bene�cial role in your healing process,
whatever your condition. Sound therapy was used by the ancients and is now on the path to be
rediscovered in its many possible usages.

The main principle of sound healing is resonance. Each organ and system of your body has its
own frequency. Your cells also have their own sound frequency. The goal of sound healing is to
bring your cells or organs back to their optimum frequency, their highest state of harmony and
health in which they can do their work and replicate.

Cells of your body absorb the healing sounds to re-harmonize cells that have been
hypothetically imprinted with disruptive frequencies. The vibrational frequency in which you
operate attracts similar vibration. What you experience through your life is the mirror that
allows you to know who you are in energy.

Learn more about John Stuart Reid and sound healing at Cymascope.

Take John Stuart Reid’s course at Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics: Musical
Medicine for Radiant Healing.

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The Science Behind Sound Healing: Pioneer John Stuart Reid - Inner...

Read more about ancient healing and inner consciousness at Meditation Script for Sound
Healing With Your Voice, Healing With the Moon, Collective Anxiety vs Compassion-How to Live
With Both, What Are Mandalas and How Can They Bene�t You?, Awakening Your Chakras, and 5
Ways You Can Build Resilience According to the Ancients.

Read about other important healing pioneers: Myofascial Release Pioneer John F. Barnes, and
Health and Wellness Pioneers Suteja and Paula Grace

Learn more about healing and consciousness at Inner Treasure Hunt. If you liked this post, you
can subscribe to the Inner Treasure Hunt newsletter to stay informed about new posts,
programs, and events. #innertreasurehunt

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5 de 5 07/12/2023, 17:40

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