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IMC Portfolio Rationale

Leronald “Junior” Reid
Department of Communication Studies, University of North Carolina Wilmington
COM 590-801: IMC Graduate Capstone
Dr. Christine Willingham

Executive Summary
This digital portfolio was created to provide a comprehensive collection of IMC artifacts
that highlight my proficiency as a successful integrated marketing and communications
professional. My portfolio of work focuses on brand management for nonprofit organizations,
diversity and inclusion, and digital communication. It includes brand analyses, IMC strategies,
and theoretical strategies to highlight my understanding of IMC concepts. Comprised of eight
artifacts compiled during my graduate studies, my portfolio consists of brand analyses, relation
to IMC graduate courses, and theoretical integration of marketing and communications. Utilizing
knowledge gained through my graduate coursework, this portfolio displays my ability to develop
new strategies to reach a broader audience. This rationale serves as an overview for each chosen
artifact/deliverable, its correlation to IMC concepts and strategies, and its function within the
portfolio. The portfolio items, presented as appendices, highlight various strategies and tactics
employed to effectively communicate the importance of integrating marketing and
communication strategies into the nonprofit sector.

According to Kitchen and Tourkey, companies who appeal to universal needs, values,
and emotions also advertise their brands with global campaigns (Kitchen & Tourkey, pp. 142).
Creating engagement with stakeholders and followers provides nonprofits such as Living HAPI
an opportunity to establish an emotional connection with those who support the organization’s
mission of advocating for individuals living with HIV. Equipped with diversity and inclusion
IMC concepts, I have selected artifacts that would increase audience engagement with Living
HAPI. As a nonprofit organization, it’s extremely important to create a unique brand through
storytelling and other IMC concepts to strengthen the organization’s presence. As an institution
that primarily focuses on individuals living with HIV, it requires a commitment to promote a
diverse range of advocacy strategies to address the needs of those affected by the epidemic.
According to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), “the Housing
Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program is the only Federal program dedicated
to addressing the housing needs of low-income people living with HIV/AIDS and their families
(HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for persons with AIDS - HUD Exchange, n.d.).” Although the
need to increase HOPWA funding remains a public health issue, amendments to defund this
program are continuously introduced by members of Congress. HOPWA is currently funded at
$505M for FY24, a $6M increase over FY23 enacted levels. Due to the evolving economy and
limited access to affordable housing, the cost of living has increased over the recent years. While
efforts to increase funding has been successful, harmful threats to federally funded programs are
amidst. If HOPWA is defunded, over 50,000 households would be directly impacted. This could
further diminish the advocacy efforts that have been made to support federally funded programs
such as HOPWA and Ryan White services. As an IMC professional specializing in nonprofit
organizations, the chosen artifacts incorporate revised coursework recommendations for social
media content, public relations guide, templates, and planned social media content.

Project Rationale
The global pandemic has altered the traditional advocacy methods and practices, which
has led to a decline in traditional efforts to protect federal funded programs for individuals living
with HIV. By establishing a virtual advocacy campaign utilizing IMC concepts, Living HAPI
will be able to network with a broader audience outside of the Charlotte region. Currently,
Living HAPI lacks a collective brand identity, dedicated website, and a public relations team to
highlight its signature stories. As a result, the organization’s overall brand is saturated. In
addition, the organization does not have a presence outside of the Charlotte region. While local
efforts are important, Living HAPI could benefit by the offering a virtual platform that highlights
advocacy at its foundation. This includes the overall experience of individuals living with HIV
and supporters of ending the HIV epidemic. By offering a virtual advocacy platform, Living
HAPI would be able to make broader connections while enabling advocates the opportunity to
build, grow, and improve their current efforts through networking and sharing strategic tactics to
be more effective.
Through IMC theories and strategies, I will highlight the importance of virtual advocacy
to protect federally funded programs for individuals living with HIV. For example, Kenneth
Burke’s Dramatism theory allows nonprofit organizations to use language or other symbols to
induce cooperation among human beings. The term, dramatism or dramaturgy is defined as “is
an approach taken to understand the uses of symbols in the social world” (Littlejohn & Foss,
2009). Utilizing this theory organizations can create engaging graphics for its social media and
website. By highlighting statistics and stories of those with lived experiences, this can make an
emotional connection with viewers. In addition, the organization could offer educational
materials to guide viewers through their available services.

COM 532: Critical Issues in IMC – TED Brand Analysis

TED was founded in 1984 by Richard Saul Wurman. The nonprofit organization was
created with a mission to discover and spread ideas that spark imagination, embrace possibility
and catalyze impact. This piece provides an organizational overview, offerings, competitive
landscape, key audience, positioning, messaging, communication, SWOT and brand
recommendations for their overall communications and marketing strategies. I have applied IMC
theoretical concepts and strategies such as dramatism and argumentation to create realistic
recommendations for the organization. As a nonprofit that offers informational sessions, it often
provokes little effort from the learner to analyze data, theory, or controversy (Romanelli &
McNamara, 2014). TED provides a platform of infotainment content that creates impactful
insights for its audience. By offering these “TED Talks” or virtual learning sessions, the
organization holds a diverse collection of over 3,000 on-demand videos. These talks are now
viewed or listened to more than 3 billion times annually worldwide. The key messages of
“spreading ideas” are consistently identified across different social media channels and reinforce
one another without contradiction. I have conducted a brand analysis of TED that assesses its
current marketing and communications strategies to gain a better understanding of the
organization’s brand and its audiences. In addition, I offered recommendations rooted on major
concepts and theories of IMC. These suggestions will appeal a larger audience to become more
engaged after viewing a TED talk session.

I chose this piece to showcase my ability to analyze nonprofit organizations using IMC
recommendations. TED provides a platform that educates viewers through telecommunication
and offers non-traditional approaches for spreading ideas. Through its social media presence, the
organization has been able to foster communities while creating impactful relationships
worldwide. Due to the global pandemic, traditional advocacy efforts have significantly decline
due to social distancing. This has prompted me to recommend methods to continue advocacy
efforts that addresses federally funded programs that assist individuals living with HIV such as
HOPWA and Ryan White. After research of nontraditional advocacy efforts and an analysis of
the organization it was concluded that IMC strategies would benefit Living HAPI to reach a
broader audience. These IMC strategies will help develop a brand identity to intrigue other
advocates to join the virtual advocacy campaign and protect federal funding for individuals
living with HIV.

COM 533: Organizational Culture Identity & Brand - Communication Audit: Quality
Comprehensive Health Center

Since 2019, I serve as the Chairman of Community Advisory Board for Quality
Comprehensive Health Center (QCHC) in Charlotte, NC. This artifact is a comprehensive audit
of the organization’s communications infrastructure from March – April 2023. In this audit, I
analyzed the organization’s website, social media platforms, internal and external messaging
campaigns and communication strategies related to organizational culture and brand. By utilizing
the Critical Organizational Communication Theory, Organizational Control Theory, Stakeholder
Theory, and more IMC related theories. I was also able to make recommendations for improving
both internal and external communication strategies within the organization while increasing
productivity and reducing previous challenges.
While the brand analysis for TED offers an example for nonprofit organizations, it was
created for learning purposes. However, this communication audit applied organizational
theories to provide a foundation while offering a theoretical framework for QCHC to incorporate
IMC concepts into strategies. I was required to use qualitative and quantitative data to gain
insight on internal and external communications activities within the organization. This includes
the alignment between culture and brand, and assess the consistency, inclusiveness, and
effectiveness of the organization's communication efforts during March – April 2023.

COM 534: Communication Ethics & IMC - Nonprofit Rebranding Analysis

AIDS Foundation Houston recently unveiled its rebranding as Allies in Hope. The
nonprofit organization was the first AIDS Service Organization in Texas and remains a national
leader in HIV/STI programming. After holding the same name for over 20 years, the
organization has rebranded itself. This requires the use of digital technology and responsibilities
that enforce laws such as copyright, downloading standards, and privacy (Arnett et al., 2018, p.
225). This piece provides an overall analysis of the organization’s long-term goals, strategic
methods, and IMC concepts utilized throughout the rebranding process. Multiple factors went
into the rebranding process such as consulting with marketing firm Gilbreath Communications.
Gilbreth conducted focus groups with community partners, AFH staff, and board members.
There was a lot of research that was done to determine that there needed to be a name change.
This approach allowed the organization to deliver a well thought out message to its audience.

For this piece, I was able to highlight how language justice plays a role in the HIV
healthcare sector. Although the use of words such as “AIDS” or “people living with AIDS” may
have a medically related condensation, it can further stigmatize those living with HIV or even
those seeking preventative care. By rebranding from AIDS Foundation Houston to Allies in
Hope, the organization is adapting to a new historical norm of living with HIV.

COM 535: Addressing Diversity & Inclusion - Language Justice for HIV: Empowering
Community Health Workers

The LGBTQ+ community presents unique messaging challenges and opportunities.

While this community often faces challenges, strength is in its diversity. Most individuals create
their own unique and creative ways to express themselves through their personal experiences.
Historically, marketing strategies didn’t include many LGBTQ individuals. I chose to focus
specifically on language justice in the HIV community because language is important to further
address diversity and inclusion. Utilizing Colibrí Academy as a platform, I disseminated IMC
theoretical concepts during a Brown Bag presentation for Community Health Workers. During
this workshop I discussed how marketers have recently been able to integrate a variety of
strategies to acknowledge the LGBTQ community. These concepts are often seen in
advertisements for HIV prevention methods, which further stigmatized that it only impacts the
LGBTQ community. By incorporating more use of gay-vagueness marketers could reach a
broader audience of both LGBTQ and heterosexual individuals without alienating either and can
easily deny it if criticized for being gay (Cortese, 2016, pg. 51). By integrating marketing
strategies and language justice within the public health sector, individuals living with HIV can
receive adequate medical treatment.
This piece showcases my ability to professionally develop IMC branding strategies that
further enhances language justice within the public health sector. By offering IMC-based
suggestions, I can foster relationships between patients and their healthcare providers to ensure
clients are retained in HIV treatment. The intended audience for this piece includes Community
Health Workers and marketing professionals seeking to expand their knowledge. It displays my
ability to professionally address diversity and inclusion issues by applying IMC strategies to
improve the overall quality of services offered.

COM 536: Digital Storytelling & IMC - Digital Press Release

This digital press release represents an example for releasing information about the
National HIV/AIDS Housing Coalition’s (NHAHC) new virtual advocacy campaign into the
public. Using signature stories and IMC concepts, I was able to highlight the purpose of
developing a new virtual advocacy campaign. This allowed me the opportunity to utilize This
digital press release allows the National HIV/AIDS Housing Coalition to publicly address the
lack of advocacy efforts due to the global pandemic and announce the new advocacy platform.
The U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Appropriations recently released its FY24
draft Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) spending bill that's 8.7% below
the President’s FY24 Budget Request. These reductions in the budget request could negatively
impact successful advocacy methods that has increased funding for Housing Opportunities for
Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). In my press release, I provide the signature story of NHAHC,
which is rooted in advocating for federal funding to support individuals living with HIV

(PLWHIV). I chose this piece as an example to describe a new virtual advocacy campaign to
external stakeholders. Following this concept provides results through innovation while building
a loyal customer base (Aaker, 2020, p. 49).
This artifact showcases my capabilities as an IMC professional, emphasizing my
experience in proficient writing, and further qualifying me to produce tactical writing in the
future. The intended audience for this artifact is individuals with lived experiences of HIV,
supporters of NHAHC, and others passionate about ending the HIV epidemic.

COM 536: Digital Storytelling & IMC - Blog Post

This blog post provides viewers with insightful details about the new virtual advocacy
platform to support HOPWA funding through a virtual advocacy campaign. This artifact
showcases the brand's vision and values using storytelling concepts and techniques. In addition,
this campaign piece emphasizes my ability to produce elements that utilize the organization’s
vision and mission. By incorporating IMC concepts, I was able to use strategic messaging to
create content for telling NHAHC’s story. For example, I focused on the “Four C’s” model and
highlighted the brand’s vision for creating a virtual blog post (Aaker, 2018). This includes
customer, cost, convenience and communication. Applying IMC concepts can help further
strengthen an organization’s overall brand. This is especially noted when analyzing nonprofit
organizations as funding is typically rooted in donations.
For this piece, I was able to connect the brand's signature stories to advertising the new
virtual advocacy platform. Utilizing a cohesive style, this artifact provides an easy format to
follow. While the intended audience includes those living with HIV, supporters of NHAHC and
others passionate about ending the HIV epidemic, it could potentially include other businesses or
organizations. These organizations may borrow signature stories to create one of their own
(Aaker, 2018). This piece allowed me to highlight NHAHC’s signature story.

COM 536: Digital Storytelling & IMC - Planned Social Media Posts

This campaign piece highlights my ability to create engaging content on various social
media platforms while simultaneously utilizing IMC concepts and techniques to attract new
participants towards the virtual advocacy group. These planned social media posts were designed
to represent suggestions to increase engagement for the virtual advocacy campaign. By
integrating the use of strategic messaging, these planned social media posts highlights the shared
interest with consumers or followers. the millennial generation have increased the role of
coproduction in nonprofits' integrated marketing communications (IMC) efforts and turned
toward a more nuanced peer-production model (Crawford & Jackson, 2019). In addition, social
media platforms allow a brand to promote its visibility, image, personality, relevance and/or
value proposition (Aaker, 2018). As the world of digitalization continues to grow, it’s important
for organizations to integrate marketing concepts while disseminating information to consumers
or clients.
I chose these pieces of work because it shows my ability to attract a large audience on
social media platforms. As a nonprofit organization, funding typically is received through
donations and stakeholders can either volunteer, offer resources and monetary gifts.

COM 537: Crisis Communication & IMC - Paracrisis Identification and Response

In April 2009, an event involving two Domino's employees in Conover, NC, had a huge
impact on the organization's reputation. This example of an intentional crisis is caused by
unethical leadership, damaging the brand's reputation among consumers (Ulmer, R. R., et al.,
2019, p. 8-9). This event serves as a valuable example of a paracrisis cluster for understanding
the importance of social media presence and effective crisis management strategies. When
developing these strategies, it required response tactics and often includes re-evaluating and
reforming previous response strategies. For example, faux pas allows someone to generate
embarrassing, offensive, or insensitive content that can be attributed to the organization’s brand.
We will examine methods to refine, reformulate, and more precisely describe existing typologies
of paracrisis clusters and response strategies with strong external validity (Coombs & Holladay,
2022, pg. 121).
I chose this artifact because it highlights the concept of a paracrisis, also known as “going
viral.” In this case, the video went viral, spreading rapidly and causing significant harm to the
brand’s reputation on social media platforms. This incident serves as a reminder that any video
or social media post can go viral if not closely controlled and managed with response strategies.
Incorporating typologies of paracrisis clusters will help organizations respond effectively when
potential crises arise.

The journey of producing this portfolio has provided me an opportunity to reflect on my
overall growth as an IMC professional. Although I have worked in the communications field for
over two years, my IMC education has further enhanced my abilities to act as a consultant for
organizations seeking assistance for communication strategies. My portfolio demonstrates my
proficiency in various IMC concepts and strategies, showcasing my ability to apply theoretical
knowledge to real-world scenarios. For example, the organizational communication audit I
produced for Quality Comprehensive Health Care (QCHC) allowed me to apply IMC theorical
concepts to a real-life situation.
This assignment was at halfway through the program where I noticed IMC concepts to
make sense. For example, I did not realize how much organizational culture and branding plays a
huge role in reaching an audience on social media platforms. This is especially important as our
world moves into digitalization. I believe that the global pandemic only further perpetuated the
need to integrate traditional processes into virtual platforms. By making the connection between
theory and praxis while reflecting my knowledge gained through the IMC program, I was able to
offer Living HAPI a solution to increase engagement for a new virtual advocacy campaign that
would allow a platform to address HIV related issues.


Aaker, D. (2018). Creating signature stories: Strategic messaging that persuades, energizes and
inspires. Morgan James Publishing.

Aaker, D. (2020). Owning game-changing subcategories: Uncommon growth in the digital age.
New York, NY: Morgan James Publishing.

Arnett, R. C., Fritz, J. M., & McManus, L. M. (2018). Communication ethics literacy: Dialogue
& difference. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Coombs, W. T., & Holladay, S. J. (2012). The paracrisis: The challenges created by publicly
managing crisis prevention. Public Relations Review, 38, 408-415.

Cortese, A. J. (2016). Provocateur: Images of women and minorities in advertising. Lanham,

Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

Crawford, E. L. C., & Jackson, J. (2019). Philanthropy in the Millennial Age: Trends toward
Polycentric Personalized Philanthropy. The Independent Review, 23(4), 551-568.

Dahl, S., Eagle, L., & Low, D. (2015). Integrated marketing communications and social
marketing. Journal of Social Marketing, 5(3), 226-240.

HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for persons with AIDS - hud exchange. (n.d.).

Kitchen, P. J. & Tourkey, M.E. (2nd ed., 2021). Integrated Marketing Communications: A
Global Brand-Driven Approach (pp. 113-146). Palgrave Macmillan.

Littlejohn, S. W., & Foss, K. A. (2009). Dramatism and dramatistic pentad. In Encyclopedia of
Communication Theory (Vol. 2, pp. 321-322). SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Romanelli, F., Cain, J., & McNamara, P. J. (2014, August 15). Should Ted Talks be teaching us
something?. American journal of pharmaceutical education.

Ulmer, R. R., Sellnow, T.L, & Seeger, M.W. (2018). Effective Crisis Communication: Moving
from crisis to opportunity. SAGE Publications, Inc.

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