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What are your three favorite scenes or occurrences from the ones above
that you watched? Why? Be specific for each choice. I will call on several of
you to share your favorite scenes and why they were your favorite scenes.
"Favorite" can mean what you want it to mean: most interesting, shocking,
revealing (of the lives of the kids), humorous, etc., but explain why and refer
to the scene in detail.
Three Scenes that I enjoyed the most were the ones where Prez was first being
introduced, the violence scene, and the heroin scene.
I liked the first scene because it was a struggle for him. He was bombarded by
a lot of things he wasn’t used to, but a seasoned teacher came in to command
the space. This was a wake up call for him, and primed his growth in his
The violent scene was very shocking, because you would think a weapon like
that wouldn’t be allowed at school. I remember seeing cops around the school,
and she was playing with the weapon for minutes before the attack. There
were multiple opportunities to stop it. Her face will forever be ruined
I liked the heroin scene because it showed me what these kids went through.
The same guy who Prez went out his way to feed and clothe has now taken
advantage of him after dropping out. It is very sad.

2. Since Prezbo is learning the secondary Discourse of teaching at that

school, name:
a) two new words he learns,
I don’t know if he learned any new words other than vernacular the kids use,
but he does learn a lot.
b) two actions that he has to take to adjust to his new situation and student
He is more physical with students, and he shows a lot of compassion by
bending rules that he believes should be broken for the benefit of his students.
c) two changes in his clothes or appearance or his body positions, and how he
approaches the students
He has a scruffier look with a beard as he goes along. He seems to dress pretty
consistently professionally.
d) two new values he adopts in the new secondary Discourse of teaching at
that school
He values helping the students and being someone who they can call on when
they need help.

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