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2 Grammar ★ Name:

Present perfect would you like

1 Match the sentence halves. 3 Complete the words in the questions.
1 Tomás has eaten d 1 When w o u l d you like to go to the
2 I’ve cleaned the cinema? Today or tomorrrow?
3 We’ve found some 2 W t would you like to do tomorrow?
4 Our grandparents have bought Go swimming?
5 Josefina hasn’t tried 3 What t e would you like to have
6 Mum and Dad haven’t seen this dinner? Eight o clock?
7 I haven’t met 4 W e would you l to
8 I haven’t read have your party? At home?
5 W t day w you like to
a a new apartment.
meet? On Tuesday?
b film at the cinema.
6 W n would you l e to play
c that new book.
football? Tomorrow morning?
d all the biscuits.
e Japanese food before.
f great music online. shall
g your brother.
h kitchen for Mum. 4 Choose the correct answers.
1 Shall … windsurfing?
2 Choose the correct words. a we go b we going
1 Have you or Ian been to Spain? 2 Shall we … at half past six?
No, we hasn’t / haven’t. a meeting b meet
2 Has / Have Julieta bruised her arm? 3 Shall … make dinner tonight?
Yes, she has. a I b us
3 Has your teacher given you extra homework? 4 Shall we … a cold drink?
No, she haven’t / hasn’t. a has b have
4 Have / Has your friends played volleyball? 5 Shall … the dog for a walk?
No, they haven’t. a I taking b I take
5 Have you bought some new shoes? 6 Shall we … to a concert?
Yes, I have / haven’t. a go b goes
6 Have they gone to school?
No, they haven’t / have.

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2 Grammar ★★ Name:

Present perfect would you like

1 Complete the sentences with the correct 3 Complete the questions with the correct
present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets. question words.
1 Tomás has eaten (eat) all the biscuits. 1 When would you like to go to the
2 I (clean) the kitchen cinema? Today or tomorrow?
for Mum. 2 would you like to do tonight?
3 Mum and Dad (not see) Go out for dinner?
this film. 3 time would you like to have
4 Josefina (not try) lunch? 12.30?
Japanese food. 4 would you like to have your
5 Our grandparents (buy) party? At home?
a new apartment. 5 day would you like to meet?
6 I (not meet) your Saturday or Sunday?
brother. 6 would you like to play football?
7 We (find) some great This afternoon?
music online.
8 I (not read) that new book. shall
2 Complete the conversation with the words below. 4 Read the answers. Then write suggestions with
has  has been  have you been  have you met Shall we … ?
I have  I haven’t  she has 1 Shall we go windsurfing?
Yes, let’s go windsurfing!
Lucía: 1 Has Lara been to Spain?
Rosa: Yes, 2 . I think she’s
No. 6.30 is too early. Let’s meet at 7.00.
got family there. Why?
to Spain? 3

Lucía: No, 4 . But I’d really Yes, I’d love to go out for dinner.
like to go to Europe one day. 4
Rosa: I’d like to go Italy. I’ve always wanted to Good idea. I’d love a cold drink.
visit Rome. 5
Lucía: Oh! 5 Ignacio? No, thanks. I don’t want to play tennis today.
He’s the new boy in my class. 6
Rosa: Yes, 6 . He was at Great idea. I love watching funny videos.
basketball practice yesterday. 7
Lucía: That’s right. Well, his cousins live in Rome!
Rosa: Really? Then I expect he No, let’s watch a different film. I don’t like
there lots of times. Tom Cruise!

No, sorry, I can’t go on holiday to London with

you. I haven’t got enough money.

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2 Grammar ★★★ Name:

Present perfect would you like

1 Complete the present perfect sentences with 3 Write complete questions with the correct
the correct affirmative (✓) or negative (✗) verbs. question words and would you like. You don’t
Sometimes more than one answer is possible. need to write the words in brackets.
1 Tomás has eaten all the biscuits. 1 you / go to the cinema? (Today or tomorrow?)
There aren’t any left! (✓) When would you like to go to the cinema?
2 Your shirt is clean now. I 2 you / do tonight? (Go out for dinner?)
it with special soap. (✓)
3 Mum and Dad this film.
They don’t like Tom Cruise. (✗) 3 you / have dinner? (At eight o’clock?)
4 Josefina to Japan. But
she’d love to go one day. (✗)
5 Our grandparents a new 4 you / have your party? (At home?)
apartment. It was very expensive! (✓)
6 I in Rosario all my life.
I was born in Mendoza. (✗)
5 day / you / meet? (Saturday or Sunday?)
7 Nahuel his homework
already. Now he can go out with his friends. (✓)
8 I a cake for Dad’s
6 you / play football? (In the morning or
birthday. I decided to buy one instead. (✗)
2 Complete the conversation with the correct
words. Use the present perfect and short
answers. Sometimes more than one answer
is possible.
Lucía: 1 Has Lara been to Spain?
Rosa: Yes, 2 . I think she has 4 Write suggestions with Shall we … ? and the
family there. Why? 3 prompts. Then write your own answers.
to Spain? 1 go / windsurfing?
Lucía: No, I 4
. But I’d really like Shall we go windsurfing?
to go to Europe one day. No, let’s go kayaking instead.
Rosa: I’d like to go Italy. I’ve always wanted to 2 play / tennis today?
visit Rome.
Lucía: Oh! 5 Ignacio?
He’s the new boy in my class. 3 have / a cold drink?
Rosa: Yes, I 6
. He was at
basketball practice yesterday.
Lucía: That’s right. Well, his cousins live in Rome! 4 stay / at home tonight?
Rosa: Really? I expect he 7

there lots of times.

5 watch / a funny video?

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2 Vocabulary ★ Name:

Personality adjectives Relationship expressions

1 Match 1–8 to a–h to make personality 2 Complete the relationship expressions.
adjectives. Then label the pictures A–H with the 1 f a l l in love with someone
2 go o with someone
1 re a ious
3 c a t on someone
2 am b sitive
4 go on a d e with someone
3 hard- c liable
5 h v an a gu e t with
4 sh d going someone
5 ser e working 6 s i t up with someone
6 ki f bitious 7 get b k together with someone
7 sen g y 8 a k someone out
8 out h nd

Put it together

3 Tick (✓) the sentences that are true for you.

1 My parents fell in love on their first date.
2 I’d like to be more outgoing.
A reliable B 3 I haven’t cheated on anyone.
4 My best friend is quite ambitious.
5 I don’t like going on a first date
because I’m shy.
6 If two people have a lot of arguments,
they should split up.
C D 7 I’m very reliable.
8 I’ve been on a date with someone recently.



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2 Vocabulary ★★ Name:

Personality adjectives Relationship expressions

1 Look at the pictures and complete the 2 Reorder the letters in brackets to complete the
crossword with personality adjectives. relationship expressions.
1 2 1 Did you fall (l a f l) in love
(v o l e) with Eva on your first date?
2 Luis and Malena are going to get
(c k a b) (r t e t g h o e). That’s great!
3 I’d like to (o g) (t u o)
3 4 with Felipe.
4 You shouldn’t (h e a c t)
(n o) anyone. That’s awful.
5 Have you been on a (t a d e)
(t i h w) Ernesto?
5 6
6 Don’t worry. I didn’t (v a e h) an
(u e r t a g n m) with Sol.
7 I think Julián and María are going to
(l i s p t) (p u).
7 8 They aren’t happy together.
8 When are you going to (k a s)
Pilar (t u o), Franco?

Put it together
1 2 3
A 3 Do you agree with these sentences? Write a tick
4 (✓) or a cross (✗) and then write your own ideas.
1 Girls are more sensitive than boys. ✗
- That isn’t true! Boys are sensitive, too, but
W sometimes they don’t show it.
O 2 People sometimes fall in love on
R their first date.
8 3 It isn’t OK for a girl to ask out a boy.

4 It’s a good thing to be ambitious.

5 You shouldn’t go on a date with someone

you’ve met on the internet.

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2 Vocabulary ★★★ Name:

Personality adjectives
1 Read the clues and complete the crossword with personality adjectives.
1 2 3
2 This person doesn’t like meeting new people. H
4 This person doesn’t smile or laugh much. A
6 This person loves meeting new people and doing R
different things. D

7 This person is nice to everyone and always helps.

8 This person often gets upset and cries easily.
Down 6
1 This person wants to have a great career and do well
in their job. 7
3 This person always does their homework and never K
misses class. I
5 This person is always there for their friends. N

Relationship expressions
Put it together
2 Complete the sentences and questions with
relationship expressions.
3 Answer the questions for you.
1 Did you f all in
1 What type of person are you? Describe
l ove with Eva on your first date?
yourself using adjectives from Exercise 1.
2 Luis and Malena are going to g
b t again. Isn’t
that great?
3 I’d like to g o
2 Who is the kindest person in your family?
w Felipe.
What do they do to help?
4 You shouldn’t c o
anyone. That’s awful.
5 Have you been o ad
w Ernesto?
6 Don’t worry. Ramiro hasn’t had an 3 Would you prefer to go to the cinema or have
a w Sol. a meal on a first date? Why?
7 I think Julián and María are going to
s u . They aren’t happy
8 When are you going to a Pilar 4 What should you do if you have an argument
o , Franco? with someone?

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2 Skills Name:

Reading 3 Read the article again. Then answer the

1 Read the article. Then answer the question.
1 Why does Olivia like Snapchat and Instagram?
‘Instagram and She likes them because she thinks they give you
Snapchat are my more control over what people see about your life.
favourite apps because 2 What has she learned to do on a bad day?
you have more control
over what people see
about your life,’ says
16-year-old Olivia.
‘If I’ve had a bad day, 3 What has she done recently to keep her profile
then I’m careful about up to date?
what I post. I’ve learned that it’s sometimes better
not to post anything at all,’ she admits.
Olivia, who has 1,000 followers on Instagram,
4 What kind of image does she present of herself
uploads about 100 photos a day. ‘I’ve deleted a
lot of photos recently, because I like to keep my on Instagram?
profile up to date. I want to look good because
of my followers, and, yes, I like to appear more
outgoing than I really am. I’ve always been shy, 5 Why does she feel more relaxed when she uses
but I’m also ambitious, and social media can give
you a career.
Snapchat is just for my friends though, and that
means I can be more relaxed. I don’t worry as
much about how I look, or about the quality of the 6 What does she think about social media?
photos. I can just be myself. I’ve used Snapchat
for over a year now.
Social media has had its problems, but I think
people are better at using it now.’
Which social media app does Olivia use just
for friends? Put it together

4 Think about how you have used social media this

2 Read the article again. Then complete the week. Write sentences with the present perfect.
sentences. Use some of the words below, or your own ideas.
1 Olivia says that Instagram and Snapchat are
chat  have  meet  message  post
her favourite apps .
read  see  send  write
2 Olivia uploads about a day.
3 She likes to keep her profile looking 1 I’ve posted some great photos on my
. Instagram account.
4 Olivia wants to on 2
Instagram because of her followers.
5 She’s always been , but 3
she’s also .
6 She for over a 4
year now.
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Brian: There’s a football match I’d like to watch
Put it together on TV.
Sofía: 6
! I can’t stand
5 Look at the article in Exercise 1 again. Now write football! Wait a minute. I know!
a short paragraph about your experience of Brian: What?
social media. Think about the following things: Sofía: There’s a new ice-skating rink in town.
• What social media apps do / don’t you like? It sounds great. Shall we try it?
Why? / Why not?
Brian: Well, I guess that doesn’t sound
• How / When / How often do you use 7
. When would you
social media?
like to go? Saturday afternoon?
• What have you learned about using social media?
Sofía: 8
Brian: OK, then.

Put it together

7 Complete the conversation with your own ideas.

Kevin: Hi there! What would you like to do this

Sol: Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

6 Complete the conversation with the phrases Sol: Hmm, I’m not sure about that. Shall we
below. do something different?
don’t think so  no way  so sure  suppose so You:
that sounds  too bad  we could
what would you like Sol: Well, there’s a new horror film I’d like to
see at the cinema.
Brian: Hi, Sofía. 1 What would you like to do this
weekend? You:
Sofía: Shall we go shopping?
go to the new
shopping mall in town. Sol: What?
Brian: Oh, I 3 . You:
I don’t like shopping malls much.
Sofía: OK, then, how about playing a video game? Sol: Well, that sounds quite interesting. When
Brian: I’m not 4
about would you like to go? Saturday afternoon?
that. Shall we do something different? You:
Sofía: I 5 . What would Sol: OK, then.
you like to do, then?

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2 Unit summary Name:

Vocabulary The present perfect describes an action that happened

in the past.
Review the vocabulary. Write your own study notes We don’t use it to talk about a specific time in the past.
(or translation) for each word. We form the present perfect with have / has and the past
participle form of the main verb.
Personality adjectives
To make the past participle form of a regular verb, we
add -ed.
kind Present perfect yes /no questions
outgoing have Subject Past participle
reliable Have I / you / we / you / they fallen in love?
sensitive Has he / she / it fallen in love?
serious Present perfect short answers
shy Affirmative Negative
Yes, I / you / we / No, I / you / we /
Relationship expressions you / they have. you / they haven’t.
ask someone out
Yes, he / she / it has. No, he / she / it hasn’t.
Wh- questions
cheat on someone
Where have your friends gone?
We don’t use the words do / don’t to form questions in
fall in love with someone the present perfect.
We put have / has before the subject of the question.
get back together with someone
been / gone
go on a date with someone been = left and returned
I’ve been to Argentina. = I went there and came back.
go out with someone gone = left and not returned
He’s gone to Argentina. = He went to Argentina and hasn’t
come back.
have an argument with someone
would you like
split up with someone What would you like to do?
Where would you like to go?
We can use a question word + would you like to ask
polite information questions.
Present perfect affirmative and negative shall
Subject have Past Shall I book a tennis court?
participle Shall we have a picnic?
Affirmative Negative
Shall I go?
I ’ve / have have not / talked.
haven’t Shall we go?
You ’ve / have have not / talked. We use shall to make suggestions.
haven’t We use shall with I and we only.
We use shall with the infinitive without to.
He / She / It ’s / has has not / talked.
We / You / They ’ve / have have not / talked.

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4603720 Together (Argentina) 3 Worksheets.indb 2 05/07/2018 09:16

2 Unit self-evaluation checklist Name:

1 Complete the self-evaluation. Tick (✓) the box that best matches your ability.

Unit 2 I can do this I can do I can do this I need

very well. this well. with some some more
help. practice.

Describe people’s personalities

Page 22: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Talk about things that have happened in the past
Page 23: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4,
Page 25: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Discuss relationships
Page 24: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Arrange to go on a date
Page 26: Exercises, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Page 27: Exercise 5
Ask polite information questions and make suggestions
Page 27: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4
Read about the effects of social media on teenagers
Page 28: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, The world around you
Write about someone who inspires you
Page 30

2 Complete the tables.

What I remember


Practical English

One thing
I need to
To improve, I
can …

I feel about this unit.

together Level 3 • Unit 2 self-evaluation checklist PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

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2 Project self-evaluation Name:

A description of an inspiring person

1 Complete the self-evaluation. Tick (✓) the box that best matches how you feel about your project.

Unit 2 Excellent Very good Good Developing

Preparing I read Jack’s description of his friend,

Roesie Percy, and answered questions
about it.
Planning I chose a person to write my
description about and made notes.
Writing a I wrote sentences for my description.
draft I used my notes from Stage 2 to help
me. I used the present perfect and
personality adjectives.
Checking I swapped my work with a partner.
I checked my partner’s work, and he / she
checked mine.
Finalising and I wrote or typed my description. I added
presenting photos and pictures to my description.
I read my description to the class.
I listened to the other descriptions
and chose my three favourites. I told a
partner why I liked them.

I’m proud of For next time, I want to improve

2 Write what people say about your project.

Me My classmates My teacher

3 Tick (✓) how you feel about your project.

Before my project, I felt about the unit grammar and vocabulary.

Now I feel about the unit grammar and vocabulary.

I think my project is ★★★★★

together Level 3 • Project self-evaluation Unit 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

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