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 Methods to create series

 Empty series


 Non-Empty series

1. By Numpy array

2. By list


3. By dictionary

QUE : Consider a series object ‘s’ that stores the number of students in each section of class 12
as shown, first two section have been given task for selling tickets at rate 100rs per ticket as a
part of social experiment. Write a code to create the series and display how much section A
and B have collected.

A 39
B 31
C 32
D 34
E 35

QUE: Consider a series S4 as given below:

A 6700
B 8000
C 5400
D 3400

Write a code to modify section A as 8800 and for section C and D, 7700. Print the changed

QUE: Create two series S1 and S2. Perform various mathematical operations (+,-,*,/) on both
the series
QUE: Write a pandas program to find out the biggest and smallest three area from given series
that stores the area of some states in km2.
QUE: Number of students in class XI and XII in each streams (science, commerce, humanities)
are stored in two series object C11 and C12.Write a code to create the series and find total
number of students in class XI and XII stream-wise.

C11 C12
Science 30 37
Commerce 40 44
Humanities 50 45


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