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B2 ABBAWorld LC001

Listen to the recording about the band ABBA. While listening, choose the correct answer
(A,B,C or D) and write it into the space in the answer box.


1. ABBAWorld is
A. an ABBA revival band founded in the 1970s.
B. an ABBA theme park in Stockholm .
C. a new ABBA exhibition in London.
D. a play based on Mama Mia.
2. The two ABBA members who were at the opening
A. were both blonde.
B. sang at the event.
C. were not aware of the existence of ABBAWorld
D. seemed to enjoy it.
3. Besides high-tech features visitors can
A. dance to ABBA music.
B. see films from ABBA's beginnings.
C. view photo books of ABBA.
D. dress themselves in ABBA costumes.
4. The Swedish ladies at the exhibition
A. are in London for the first time.
B. are proud of being Swedish.
C. take pride in what ABBA have achieved .
D. dance at home to ABBA songs.
5. Paul Beachy from Essex thinks that ABBA songs
A. are still popular today.
B. are not as good as rap music.
C. are only popular among older people.
D. are out of place in today's world.
6. It is in Stockholm that the exhibition
A. started out.
B. will be shown for a few months.
C. will go to after leaving London.
D. will be permanently displayed.

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