Subject Test 4 Writing Task

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Subject Test 4 writing task

In many countries around the world, the elderly popolation is growing with a really high speed. This
phenomenon could present lets of challenges and opportunities for society and governments. Some
people believe that having an elderly population has more benefits than negative effects. There are
Some pros and cons about this phenomenon that we're gonna talk aboat them on this essay.

It seems that the ageing population causes some negative impacts on society theyre living. One of the
most important reasons is that the older popalations are just too old to do some jobs that require
physical strength. For example the elderly can't do some jobs like builders nurses, pilots and.... Another
disadvantage is that overpopcolation could lead to some major problems such as pollation, lack of food

On the other hand, an ageing population offers name rous advantages to society. The most important
thing about them is that they can transfer Knowledge to the newer generations. Many older individuals
possess lets of wisdom and expertize they were achieved daring their lifetime. Without their knowledge
the society would be on a disaster.

In conclusion, despite the economic pressures the elderly might pab an Society, I think that the
advantages of this phenomenon easily outweigh the disadvantages

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