Health and Social Care

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Health and social care is the term which associated with the services that are obtainable form the providers working
in health and social care settings. This particular term is used to describe the complete healthcare provision to the
people. Health and social care is involves wide variety of topics. There are multiple health and social care
organisation working within UK. One of the organisation is health education England which is the national
organisation working to provide education, training, and a workforce in the field of healthcare. In healthcare
leadership and management are important as they can provide effective communication, improve productivity, and
priorities each member of the team (Grosios, Gahan and Burbidge, 2010). In this particular report the theoretical
perspective associated with health and social care will be discussed. Role of management and leadership in health
and social care, and reflection will also be discussed in this report.

Theoretical perspective

There are different theories associated with health and social care such as functionalism, Marxism, and
interactionism, and new right. The health and social care is sees as whole within the functionalism theory. The theory
suggest that an organism is comprised of different cells and system with different function, the society is established
on people an organisations, communities, and families. Inequalities within the society can b seen as helpful as they
maintain the particular system and make sure that the society’s ruins smoothly (Webber et al., 2015). The Marxist
theory suggest that there are inequalities within the society as it is divided in minority elite and majority underclass.
Marxist theory extended to healthcare. For example there are several healthcare system in the world of capitalism
which is based on the financial ability. Even within UK where NHS is established, tow tier healthcare system is seen.
In this system if a person can afford, they will decide to choose private health care facility (Porter, 2013). Another
theory associated with health and social care is interactionism. This particular theory discusses that the health and
illness are recognised as the social constructions. It also suggest that physical and mental health conditions have
minor or no independent reality but rather than are recognised as healthy or ill conditions if they are referred as such
by the society in associated members. Interactionism is defined as the theoretical perspective in the field of sociology
that emphases on the daily interactions between persons as the foundation for the improvement
of society. Interactionism emphases on humans as the social actors instead of just concentrating on the part of
society. It looks at the manner individual’s activities and behaviour forms society. This theory concerns more about
the minor things such as communication between individuals. Health and social care organisations must understand
that communication is the key form the development and progression of the society (Martins and Burbank, 2011).
Collectivism is another social term that is associated with the way in which humans classify themselves and highlight
their goals. Collectivism theory, which is the contrasting of individualism, emphases on the importance of the team
and not the individual. It suggests that in a collectivist society, individuals recognize themselves with the objectives
of the group highly so than the objectives of people”. Collectivism is recognised as a form of unity. At risk
individuals in society, for example elderly individuals and disable people are provided with pensions or living
stipends as they are not bodily capable to work or care themselves. One of the great example of the collectivism is the
Welfare State which was built after the Second World War. They main determination of it was to support the public
and families who were in requirement of support like money. The New Right is another theoretical perspective
associated with health and social care which is based on politics. It commonly emphases on the welfare organization.
The Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democratic all have dissimilar strategies on how the welfare organization
should function. The worker are supported by the Labour party want to progress the rights of working class
individuals. They are also supported the traditional beliefs such as being stricter on crimes (Jayasinghe, 2015).


Jayasinghe, S., 2015. Social determinants of health inequalities: towards a theoretical perspective using systems
science. International journal for equity in health, 14(1), pp.1-8.

Grosios, K., Gahan, P.B. and Burbidge, J., 2010. Overview of healthcare in the UK. EPMA journal, 1, pp.529-534.

Webber, M., Reidy, H., Ansari, D., Stevens, M. and Morris, D., 2015. Enhancing social networks: A qualitative study
of health and social care practice in UK mental health services. Health & Social Care in the Community, 23(2),

Porter, S., 2013. Capitalism, the state and health care in the age of austerity: a Marxist analysis. Nursing
Philosophy, 14(1), pp.5-16.

Martins, D.C. and Burbank, P.M., 2011. Critical interactionism: An upstream-downstream approach to health care
reform. Advances in Nursing Science, 34(4), pp.315-329.

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