Genetics of The Andean Bear Tremarctos Ornatus Ursidae Carnivora in Ecuador When The Andean C - 1

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Mitochondrial DNA Part A

DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis

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Genetics of the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus;

Ursidae, Carnivora) in Ecuador: when the Andean
Cordilleras are not an Obstacle

Manuel Ruiz-García, Armando Castellanos, Jessica Yanina Arias-Vásquez &

Joseph Mark Shostell

To cite this article: Manuel Ruiz-García, Armando Castellanos, Jessica Yanina Arias-Vásquez
& Joseph Mark Shostell (2020) Genetics of the Andean bear (Tremarctos�ornatus; Ursidae,
Carnivora) in Ecuador: when the Andean Cordilleras are not an Obstacle, Mitochondrial DNA Part
A, 31:5, 190-208, DOI: 10.1080/24701394.2020.1769088

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Published online: 29 May 2020.

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2020, VOL. 31, NO. 5, 190–208


Genetics of the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus; Ursidae, Carnivora) in Ecuador:

when the Andean Cordilleras are not an Obstacle
Manuel Ruiz-Garcıaaa,b, ,Armando Castellanosb,c
, Jessica Yanina
, Jessica Yanina Arias-Vasquezaaand
Arias-Vasquez Joseph Mark Shostell dd
and Joseph
Laboratorio de Genetica de Poblaciones Molecular-Biologıa Evolutiva, Unidad de Genetica, Departamento de Biologıa, Facultad de Ciencias,
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia; bInstituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INABIO), Quito, Ecuador; cAndean Bear Foundation,
Quito, Ecuador; dMath, Science and Technology Department, University of Minnesota Crookston, Crookston, MN, USA


One of the top carnivores in the Andean mountains is the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus, Ursidae), Received 9 February 2020
the only bear in South America. This is a flagship and key umbrella species in Ecuador because its con- Accepted 10 May 2020
servation has a positive impact on the conservation of many other species in the Andes. But to pre-
serve, first one must know the genetic characteristics of a species, among other things. For this, we
Andean bear; Cordilleras;
analyzed six mitochondrial genes and seven nuclear DNA microsatellites of 108 Andean bear specimens Ecuador; DNA
sampled throughout Ecuador. We adopted three strategies for analyzing the data: by Province, by microsatellites; mitochon-
Region (north vs south), and by Cordillera. Four main results were obtained. First, the mitochondrial drial genes; spatial patterns;
genetic diversity levels were elevated, but there were no differences in genetic diversity by Province or Tremarctos ornatus
by Cordillera. By Regions, southern Ecuador had higher genetic diversity levels than to northern
Ecuador. The genetic diversity for the microsatellites was only medium for the Andean bear at this
country. Second, there was clear and significant evidence of female population expansions, for the
overall sample, by Province, Region, and Cordillera. This population expansion was determined to have
occurred in the time interval of 30,000–20,000 years ago (YA), during the last phase of the Pleistocene.
We detected a population decrease to have occurred more recently, within the last 5000 years. It con-
tinued until about 300–200 YA when a population increase was again detected. Third, there were, prac-
tically, no phylogeographic pattern nor genetic differentiation among Andean bear populations in
Ecuador by Province or by Cordillera for either mitochondrial or microsatellite markers. There was a lit-
tle more genetic differentiation between northern and southern areas. Fourth, there was no trace of
significant spatial genetic structure for the Andean bear in Ecuador in agreement with the genetic dif-
ferentiation analyses. This shows that the Andean Cordilleras in this country did not present an obs-
tacle to the dispersion of this species. Therefore, all of the Andean bear specimens in Ecuador should
be treated as a unique Management Unit (MU) for conservation purposes, differently to that deter-
mined for other countries as Colombia.

Introduction origin of this specimen, as coming from the Libertad

Department, near the city of Trujillo, in Peru.
The Andean or spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus, Ursidae,
The Andean bear has been classified as Vulnerable
Carnivora, Mammalia; other common names, Frontino, Careto
(A3c þ 4c) by the IUCN and in Appendix I (endangered situ-
Enjaquimado, Congo, Ucumarı, Manaba, Mashiramo, Wii) is
ation) by CITES. This is a flagship (it is an icon and symbo for
currently the only living bear in South America. From a the people living in the Andes because it is very charismatic)
molecular and karyotype perspective, Tremarctinae subfamily and umbrella (its protection indirectly protects many other
is unique and separated from the living bears around 11 mil- species of its ecological community) species in the Andean
lions of years ago (MYA) (Kumar et al. 2017). The Andean ecosystems in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia,
bear has a chromosome number of 2n ¼ 52, whereas the and possibly a small fraction of northern Argentina (Del
Ursus genus has 2n ¼ 74 (Nash and O’Brien 1987; O’Brien Moral and Bracho 2009; Del Moral and Lameda 2011).
and Knight 1987; Goldman et al. 1989; Waits et al. 1999). This species lives in a wide variety of Andean ecosystems
Cuvier (1825) became the first to describe an Andean bear (Rodrıguez et al. 1986, 2003) within an elevation range
specimen. He had obtained it from a Chilean port and classi- between 200 and 4750 m above sea level (masl) and across
fied it as Ursus ornatus. Gervais (1855) described the genus approximately 260,000 km2 (7.71%) of the 3371 million km2
Tremarctos, where the Andean bear was included. As this of the Andes cordillera. The great variety of ecosystems
species is not present in Chile, Cabrera (1957) clarified the inhabited by this bear species in the Andes includes dry

CONTACT Manuel Ruiz-Garcıa, Laboratorio de Genetica de Poblaciones Molecular-Biologıa Evolutiva, Unidad
de Genetica, Departamento de Biologıa, Facultad de Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

forests, moist lowland and montane forests, dry and moist the genetic structure of the Andean bear in Colombia, where
shrub lands, and high altitude shrub land, grasslands, and some evidence of significant differences and spatial structure
paramos (Garcıa-Rangel 2012). was found. Thus, the current study is the second one to sim-
In Ecuador, the Andean bear is threatened by habitat deg- ultaneously apply mitochondrial and nuclear markers to
radation, habitat fragmentation, hunting, conflict with cattle describe the genetic structure and spatial patterns of the
ranchers, road construction and illegal trade. Destruction and Andean bear in a country, in this case Ecuador.
fragmentation of the habitat are probably the leading threats Mitochondrial DNA sequences (mtDNA) are interesting for
to this species. The expansion of the agricultural frontier, phylogenetic and phylogeographic tasks because they
together with inadequate agricultural practices have been include a rapid accumulation of mutations, rapid coalescence
the main drivers of the loss of natural ecosystems (Peyton time, lack introns, have a high number of copies per cell, a
et al. 1998; Yerena 1998; Portillo-Quintero et al. 2012). Mining negligible recombination rate, and haploid inheritance (Avise
and oil exploitation are becoming an increasing menace for et al. 1987). Despite representing a single linked locus, selec-
Andean ecosystems and their species, with loss of habitat tion pressures and evolutionary rates are highly heteroge-
connectivity (including road building) as well as contamin- neous across the mtDNA (Galtier et al. 2005; Nabholz et al.
ation of water and soil (Bebbington et al. 2008). Furthermore, 2013). For all of these reasons, mtDNA sequences are more
as a consequence of habitat loss, human-Andean bear con- precise in reconstructing the divergence history within spe-
flicts are likely to increase with dangerous consequences for cies than other molecular markers (Moore 1995). We also
this species (Sanchez-Mercado et al. 2008; Garcıa-Rangel analyzed seven nuclear microsatellite DNA markers to deter-
2012; Zukowski and Ormsby 2016). Illegal killing is also an mine possible significant genetic heterogeneity among the
important threat for Andean bears. Many of these bears are allele frequencies of these microsatellites. Nuclear microsatel-
killed for retaliation against crop or livestock depredations as lites are composed of tandem, repetitive units of 2–6 base
well as for medical beliefs, and for commercial trade pairs in length (Weber and May 1989). Microsatellites are ran-
(Orejuela and Jorgenson 1999; Peyton 1999; Yerena domly distributed, highly polymorphic and frequently found
et al. 2007). inside eukaryotic nuclear genomes.
Additionally, projections of effects of climate change show Thus, we addressed four objectives: (1) to determine the
a general pattern toward upslope displacement of the moun- mitochondrial genetic diversity levels for the Andean bear in
tain biome, suggesting that the Tropical Andes is among the Ecuador as a whole, and in different areas of this country
most vulnerable region to climate change (Beaumont et al. (Provinces, Regions, Cordilleras); (2) to estimate the possible
2011; Tovar et al. 2013 ). With an increment of 0.74  C in the existence of historical demographic changes for this species
last century, and with a projected increase of around 3.6–5  C in Ecuador as a whole, and in different areas of this country;
by 2100 (IPCC 2013), extensive changes in Andean habitat (3) to determine possible phylogeographic patterns and tem-
areas are expected. Henceforth, all ecosystems associated poral splits among different Andean bear populations in
with Andean bears will probably exhibit reductions in the Ecuador as well as to estimate the levels of genetic hetero-
near future. geneity and gene flow among Andean bears among different
To date, there have been ten population genetics studies areas of Ecuador by means of mt and microsatellite markers;
of this species (Ruiz-Garcıa 2003, 2006, 2007, 2013; Ruiz- and (4) to determine the possible spatial autocorrelation gen-
Garcıa et al. 2003, 2005, 2020a, 2020b; Viteri and Waits 2009; etic structure for both microdatellite and mitochondrial genes
Cueva et al. 2018). The major part of these studies used in the Andean bear in Ecuador.
nuclear microsatellite markers, and mainly focused on the
genetic diversity levels of populations of this species, popula-
tion analysis for possible Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, geo- Methods
graphical assignment, and the possible historical effective Study area
population sizes for the overall range of the species as well
as for the Andean bear populations in Venezuela, Colombia, In Ecuador, there are three Cordilleras where the Andean
and Ecuador. The work of Viteri and Waits (2009) was based bear lives. The Western Andean Cordillera (WAC) has the
exclusively on Ecuadorian Andean bears, but basically highest peaks with Chimborazo at 6267 m above the sea
repeated and obtained the same results previously obtained level (masl), Illiniza Sur at 5263 masl, Illiniza Norte at 5116
by Ruiz-Garcıa (2003) and Ruiz-Garcıa et al. (2005) in Ecuador. masl, Carihuairazo at 5018 masl, and Cotacachi at 4944 masl.
Only recently, mitochondrial markers have been used to The highest peaks in the Central Cordillera (Cordillera Real;
determine the phylogeographic patterns of this species. CAC) are Cotopaxi (5897 masl, the tallest active volcano on
Cueva et al. (2018) analyzed 38 samples of hairs in a very the world), Cayambe (5790 masl), Antisana (5753 masl), El
restricted area in the Metropolitan District of Quito at the mt Altar (5319 masl), Sangay (5230 masl), Tungurahua (5023
control region. Ruiz-Garcıa et al. (2020a) analyzed 302 speci- masl), and Sincholagua (4873 masl). The Eastern Andean
mens of Andean bears at three mt genes (ND5, 12 s rRNA, Cordillera (EAC) is the smallest Andean Cordillera in Ecuador
and COI) including specimens from Venezuela, Colombia, and has no outstanding peaks. The cordilleras were formed
Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia and describing geographical pat- earlier in the Cenozoic era, when the Nazca Plate subducted
terns at a macro-geographic level. More recently, Ruiz-Garcıa underneath the South American Plate and raised the moun-
et al. (2020b) carried out a study, using the same microsatel- tain range. In southern Ecuador, the cordilleras are not well
lite and mitochondrial genes as here employed, to describe separated. These three Cordilleras have connection points

(named ‘nudos transversales’) that split the inter-Andean carried out in a BioRad thermocycler. The six mitochondrial
region into different ‘hoyas’. Andean bears were sampled in genes we studied equaled up to 2901 base pairs (bp).
these three Cordilleras. All amplifications, including positive and negative controls,
were checked in 2% agarose gels. The gels were visualized in
a Hoefer UV Transilluminator. Both mtDNA strands were
Sampling strategy sequenced directly using BigDye Terminator v3.1 (Applied
A total of 108 Ecuadorian Andean bears were sequenced at Biosystems, Inc.). We used a 377 A (ABI) automated DNA
six mt genes (ND5, 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, COI, COII, and control sequencer and sequenced in both directions to ensure
region). A fraction of the specimens were captured to carry sequence accuracy.
out studies of radio-telemetry (field projects of A. The final PCR volume reaction for nuclear microsatellites
Castellanos). These specimens provided samples of blood (DNA obtained by the phenol–chloroform procedure) was 25 ll
and hairs. Another fraction of the samples were pieces of with 2.5 ll of MgCl2 3 mM, 2.5 ll of buffer 10x, 2 ll of dNTPs
skins, teeth and bones collected in Andean communities, 1 mM, 10 pmol of each primer (forward and reverse), 13 ll of
where these specimens were hunted by local people. H2O, 2 ll of DNA and one unit of Taq Polymerase. For the PCR
From the 108 Ecuadorian Andean bears sequenced by with template DNA extracted from hairs, using 10% Chelex
Province, the numbers were as follows: Imbabura (37 speci- resin, the overall volume was 50 ll, with 20 ll of DNA and two-
mens), Pichincha (10), Santo Domingo de Tsachilas (2), Cotopaxi fold amounts of all other reactants. Seven microsatellites were
(4), Tungurahua (3), Bolivar (1), Can ~ar (1), Sucumbios (2), Napo used: G1D, G10B, G10C, G10L, G10M, G10P and G10X, originally
(25), Azuay (10), Loja (5), Morona Santiago (3), and Zamora- developed for the black bear (Ursus americanus) by Paetkau and
Chinchipe (5). By North vs. South, the sample sizes were 83 and Strobeck (1994) and Paetkau et al. (1995). The PCR reactions
25, respectively. By Cordillera, the sample sizes were 53 (WAC), were carried out in a BioRad thermocycler. The temperatures
52 (CAC), and 3 (EAC), respectively. For the microsatellite ana- were 95  C for 5 min, 35 cycles of 1 min at 95  C, 1 min at the
lysis, we analyzed 92 specimens (some of the specimens ana- most accurate annealing temperature (52, 55 or 60  C depend-
lyzed for the mtDNA did not work well for all seven ing on the microsatellite) and 1 min at 72  C. Following the
microsatellites and some for some specimens we spent all the cycles, the sample was kept 5 min at 72  C. The amplification
DNA on microsatellites and it was not possible to study the products were kept at 4  C until used. The PCR amplification
mtDNA). The specimens represented the three Cordilleras were products were run in denaturant 6% polyacrylamide gels and
60 from CAC, 28 from WAC, and 4 were from EAC. The follow- visualized with a Hoefer SQ3 sequencer vertical camera. They
ing seven Provinces were represented: Imbabura, Pichincha, were stained with silver nitrate. The PCR reactions were
repeated three times for DNA extracted from hairs, teeth and
Can~ar, Napo, Azuay, Loja, and Zamora-Chinchipe. Samples from
bones in order to confirm the genotypes obtained from these
each of these 92 specimens were genotyped for seven microsa-
tissues. Therefore, genotyping errors due to allelic dropout
tellites. The localities sampled in Ecuador for the 108 specimens
were minimized.
of Andean bears analyzed at the mt genes can be seen in
The GenBank accession numbers of the different specimens
Figure 1. As out-group, a sample of Giant Panda (Ailuropoda
of Andean bear studied are from MH163059 to MH163166.
melanoleuca) was employed.

Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses

Laboratory procedures
Mitochondrial DNA
The DNA from blood and skin was extracted using the phe-
nol-chloroform procedure (Sambrook et al. 1989). Skin sam-
ples were crushed and macerated with a pestle and mortar Genetic diversity and historical demographic statistics
and then added to a 300 ll of lysis buffer. Two microliters of The following genetic diversity statistics were used for the
proteinase-k and 6 ll of DTT were added and the solution overall Ecuadorian sample, Province, Region (North vs.
digested at 56  C for two days. A solution of phenol-chloro- South), and Cordillera: haplotype diversity (Hd), nucleotide
form-isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) was added to the digested diversity (p), and h statistic by sequence. These genetic diver-
sample to obtain DNA. To extract DNA from hair we added sity statistics were calculated with DNAsp v5.1 software
200 ll of 10% Chelex resin, 7 ll of DDT, and 4 ll of protein- (Librado and Rozas 2009).
ase-k and digested at 56  C overnight (Walsh et al. 1991). To We relied on three procedures to determine a possible his-
prep osseous tissues for DNA extraction, bone samples were torical female in the overall Ecuadorian Andean bear sample as
ground to a powder. We obtained DNA from osseous tissue well as for Province (where sample sizes were large enough),
by processing one to five grams of bone powder with the Region (North vs. South), and Cordillera. First, we used the Fu
Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Inc.) following the protocol pro- and Li D and F tests (Fu and Li 1993), the Fu FS statistic (Fu
vided by the manufacturer. 1997), the Tajima D test (Tajima 1989) and the R2 statistic
The conditions of PCR amplifications (Polymerase Chain (Ramos-Onsins and Rozas 2002). A 95% confidence interval and
Reaction) and the primers at the six mt genes (ND5, 16S probabilities were obtained with 10,000 coalescence permuta-
rRNA, 12S rRNA, COI, COII, and control region) follow those in tions. Second, the mismatch distribution (pairwise sequence dif-
Folmer et al. (1994), Zhang and Ryder (1993, 1994), Waits ferences) was obtained following the method of Rogers and
et al. (1999), and in Yu et al. (2004). PCR reactions were Harpending (1992) and Rogers et al. (1996). We used the

Andean Bears sampled

by Cordilleras

Imbabura (n=37)

Pichincha (n=10)
Sucumbíos (n=1)
Santo Domingo
Napo (n=25)
Cotopaxi (n=4)


Bolívar (n=1)
Morona SanƟago
Cañar n=1)
Azuay (n=10)

Loja (n=5)

Western Andean Cordillera (n=53) (WAC)

Zamora Chinchipe Central Andean Cordillera (n=52) (CAC)

(n=5) Eastern Andean Cordillera (n=3) (EAC)

Figure 1. Map of Ecuador showing the geographical points (by Provinces, by North vs. South, and by Cordilleras) where 108 Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus)
were sampled to sequence six mitochondrial genes.

raggedness rg statistic (Harpending et al. 1993; Harpending evolutionary mutation model for the sequences analyzed of
1994) to determine the similarity between the observed and the six mt genes studied in the Andean bears. The Akaike
the theoretical curves generated in this procedure. Stirling information criterion (AIC; Akaike 1974; Posada and Buckley
(1993) determined that the female sexual maturity ranged from 2004) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC; Schwarz
four to seven years. Based on this, to determine the time when 1978) were used to determine the best evolutionary nucleo-
possible population expansions began, we used six years for a tide model.
generation in this species. Third, a Bayesian Skyline Plot (BSP) A Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree was constructed by using
was obtained for the concatenated six mt genes by means of RAxML v7.2.6 software (Stamatakis 2006). We used the parti-
the BEAST v1.8.1 and Tracer v1.6 software programs. The tioning scheme and best-fit models chosen by the
Coalescent-Bayesian skyline option in the tree priors was PartitionFinder software (Lanfear et al. 2012). This program
was used to objectively determine the optimal model of evo-
selected with four steps and a piecewise-constant skyline model
lution and partitioning scheme simultaneously (for the parti-
with 30,000,000 generations (the first 3,000,000 discarded as
tions, codons 1 þ 2 combined, and codon 3, for each gene,
burn-in), kappa with log Normal [1, 1.25] and Skyline population
and including the control region). Best-fit models were
size with uniform [0, infinite; initial value 80]. In the Tracer v1.6,
selected using Bayesian information criteria under a ‘greedy’
the marginal densities of temporal splits were analyzed and the
search scheme using a subset of models specific to RAxML.
Bayesian Skyline reconstruction option was selected for the
We estimated support for nodes using the rapid-bootstrap-
trees log file. A stepwise (constant) Bayesian skyline variant was ping algorithm ( f a -x option) for 1000 non-parametric
selected with the maximum time as the upper 95% high poster- bootstrap replicates (Stamatakis et al. 2008).
ior density (HPD) and the trace of the root height as the tree To estimate possible divergence times among the haplo-
Model root Height. types, we constructed a Median Joining Network (MJN)
(Bandelt et al. 1999) using Network v4.6.0.1 software (Fluxus
Technology Ltd). Additionally, the q statistic (Morral et al.
Phylogenetic analyses
1994) and its standard deviation (Saillard et al. 2000) were
jModeltest v2.0 (Darriba et al. 2012) and Mega v6.05 software estimated and transformed into years. The q statistic is
(Tamura et al. 2013) were applied to determine the best unbiased and highly independent of past demographic

events. This approach is named ‘borrowed molecular clocks’ Spatial Genetic statistics applied to mitochondrial gene
and uses direct nucleotide substitution rates inferred from sequences and microsatellites
other taxa (Pennington and Dick 2010). We used an evolu-
A Mantel’s test (Mantel 1967) was used to detect possible
tionary rate of 1.22% per one MY, which represented one
overall relationships between a genetic matrix among the
mutation each 28,257 years for the 2,901 bp analyzed. This
individuals of Andean bears sampled in Ecuador (Kimura 2 P
evolutionary rate is that estimated by Culver et al. (2000) in
genetic distance) and the geographic distance matrix among
some species of carnivores for the genes herein employed.
the individuals analyzed for both mitochondrial and microsat-
One advantage of the MJN procedures compared to trad- ellite data. In this study, Mantel’s statistic was normalized
itional trees is that they explicitly allow for the co-existence according to Smouse et al. (1986). This procedure transforms
of ancestral and descendant haplotypes, whereas traditional the statistic into a correlation coefficient. Both genetic and
trees treat all sequences as terminal taxa (Posada and geographic distances were logarithmized. The probability was
Crandall 2001). Use of the MJN procedures allows us to estimated by means of 10,000 replicates.
observe which current haplotypes began to evolve first and A spatial autocorrelation analysis was done employing the
to identify the more recently derived haplotypes. Ay statistic (Miller 2005) with 10 distance class (DC) for both
mitochondrial and microsatellite data. Ay can be interpreted
as the average genetic distance between pairs of individuals
that fall within a specified DC. Ay takes on a value of 0 when
Genetic heterogeneity all individuals within a DC are genetically identical and takes
Mitochondrial analyses on a value of 1 when all individuals within a DC are com-
Some statistical heterogeneity procedures (table of contin- pletely dissimilar. The probability for each DC are obtained
gency, HST, KST, KST, cST, NST and FST, Hudson et al. 1992) using 10,000 randomizations. The 10 DCs were as follows for
were applied to the overall sample, by Province, Region mitochondrial genes: 0–16 km; 16–29 km; 29–46 km;
(North vs. South), and Cordillera. Some indirect gene flow 46–54 km; 54–68 km; 68–82 km; 82–95 km; 95–109 km;
109–132 km; 132–250 km, each DC of equal number of speci-
estimates were obtained assuming an infinite island model in
men comparisons. The 10 DCs were as follows for the micro-
both cases (Wright 1965). Significance was estimated with
satellite data: 0–22 km; 22–43 km; 43–65 km; 65–87 km;
permutation tests using 10,000 replicates. We also estimated
87–109 km; 109–130 km; 130–152 km; 152–174 km;
the genetic heterogeneity by Province pairs, North vs. South,
174–196 km; 196–218 km, each DC of equal size. The real dis-
and by Cordillera pairs. For this task, we used the FST statistic
tances among the specimens studied are higher than that
with permutation tests using 10,000 replicates. All of these
used in this analysis because we used geographic coordi-
heterogeneity statistics were calculated with the DNAsp v5.1
nates that do not take into the geomorphology of the area
(Librado and Rozas 2009) and Arlequin v3.5.1.2 programs
studied. This analysis was carried out with AIS software
(Excoffier and Lischer 2010). (Miller 2005).
A last spatial analysis was carried out with the
Monmonier’s Algorithm Analysis (Monmonier 2010; MAA)
with the AIS software (Miller 2005). This geographical region-
Nuclear microsatellite DNA analyses alization procedure is used to detect the locations of putative
We performed genic differentiation analyses to determine if barriers to gene flow by iteratively identifying sets of con-
the Ecuadorian Andean bear specimens by Provinces, North tiguous, large genetic distances along connectivity networks
vs. South, and by Cordilleras had significantly different signa- (Dupanloup et al. 2002; Manel et al. 2003; Manni et al. 2004).
tures of population differentiation using nuclear markers. This A Delaunay triangulation (Watson 1992; Brouns et al. 2003)
was done for each microsatellite individually as well as all was used to generate the connectivity network among sam-
together. Exact probability tests were applied. For this, we pling points. A graphical representation of putative ‘‘barriers’’
relied on the Markov chain method (with Genepop v4.2.1 inferred by the algorithm is superimposed over the connect-
software), with a 10,000 dememorization number, 50 batches ivity network to detect rapid identification of important geo-
and 5000 iterations per batch (Raymond and Rousset 1995). graphical features reflected by the genetic dataset. In this
case, we used this procedure to detect the five most import-
The probability value for all the loci taken together was
ant geographical barriers to the Andean bears in Ecuador at
obtained with Fisher’s method. Also, we analyzed genetic
the mitochondrial genes sequenced.
heterogeneity among Province pairs and among Ecuadorian
Andean Cordillera pairs for genic differentiation with exact
probability tests with the same parameters as aforemen- Results
tioned. With this same software, we used the private allele
Mitochondrial genetic diversity and demographic
model to measure possible theoretical gene flow estimates
trajectories for the Andean bears at Ecuador
among the different Ecuadorian Provinces studied as well as
between North vs. South, and among the different The overall mitochondrial genetic diversity for the Andean
Ecuadorian Andean Cordilleras (Slatkin 1985; Barton and bear in Ecuador was high (Table 1). All the Provinces showed
Slatkin 1986). high mitochondrial genetic diversity. Of those Provinces with

Table 1. Genetic diversity and historical demographic change statistics in the total sample, in two geographical regions (northern and southern Ecuador), in 3
Ecuadorian Andean Cordilleras, and in 12 Ecuadorian Provinces for the Andean bears, Tremarctos ornatus, sampled in Ecuador at 6 mitochondrial genes.
Populations Ramon-
of Andean h Statistic by Onsins and
bear studied Haplotypic Nucleotide sequence Tajima D Fu and Li Fu and Li Fu’s FS Raggedness Rozas
in Ecuador diversity (Hd) diversity (p) (¼ Nel) (1989) D (1993) F (1993) (1997) rg (1993) R2 (2002)
Total 0.845 ± 0.033 0.0104 ± 0.0013 9.706 ± 2.648 2.37þ 4.74þ 4.51þ 44.8þ 0.0123þ 0.032þ
(n ¼ 108)
North 0.818 ± 0.041 0.0082 ± 0.0021 7.014 ± 2.085 2.18þ 4.29þ 4.16þ 30.8þ 0.014þ 0.031þ
(n ¼ 83)
South 0.910 ± 0.045 0.0154 ± 0.0041 7.945 ± 2.876 1.88 2.35 2.59 6.98þ 0.023 0.091
(n ¼ 25)
Western 0.824 ± 0.050 0.0081 ± 0.0012 6.198 ± 2.025 2.14þ 3.76þ 3.79þ 16.2þ 0.014 0.041þ
(n ¼ 53)
Central 0.863 ± 0.045 0.0104 ± 0.0016 6.860 ± 2.208 1.93þ 2.64 2.84 18.4þ 0.012þ 0.046
(n ¼ 52)
Eastern 1.000 ± 0.272 0.0049 ± 0.0016 1.333 ± 1.980 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 3)
Azuay 0.911 ± 0.077 0.0092 ± 0.0036 3.181 ± 1.604 0.86 1.00 1.09 2.51 0.058 0.153
(n ¼ 10)
Ca~nar- 1.000 ± 0.500 0.042 ± 0.026 12.000 ± 9.491 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 2)
Cotopaxi 0.500 ± 0.265 0.0073 ± 0.0039 2.182 ± 1.489 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 4)
Imbabura 0.755 ± 0.072 0.0064 ± 0.0012 3.833 ± 1.444 1.76 2.43 2.61 8.26þ 0.033 0.057
(n ¼ 37)
Loja (n ¼ 5) 1.000 ± 0.126 0.0204 ± 0.0048 6.240 ± 3.446 – – – – – –
Morona- 1.000 ± 0.275 0.0073 ± 0.0026 2.000 ± 1.512 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 5)
Napo (n ¼ 25) 0.807 ± 0.078 0.0087 ± 0.0022 4.502 ± 1.767 1.65 2.44 2.57 5.23þ 0.017þ 0.084
Pichincha 0.978 ± 0.054 0.0103 ± 0.0015 3.888 ± 1.895 1.20 1.25 1.40 5.76þ 0.165 0.088þ
(n ¼ 10)
Santo 1.000 ± 0.500 0.0112 ± 0.0054 3.000 ± 2.449 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 2)
Sucumbios 1.000 ± 0.500 0.0180 ± 0.0091 6.000 ± 4.582 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 2)
Tungurahua 1.000 ± 0.272 0.0097 ± 0.0036 2.667 ± 1.919 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 3)
Zamora- 0.700 ± 0.218 0.0029 ± 0.0011 0.960 ± 0.758 – – – – – –
(n ¼ 5)
Ne : effective female population size; l : mutation rate per generation. Values ± standard deviation; n: sample size; p < 0.05; þp < 0.01.

sufficiently large sample sizes to determine precise genetic similar evolutionary trajectories in each Cordillera due to their
diversity estimates, Pichincha and Azuay showed the highest similar genetic diversity levels.
levels of genetic diversity. In contrast, the Imbabura Province The overall Ecuadorian sample showed that all the six
had a large sample size and the lowest genetic diversity. tests we used, including the mismatch distribution, agreed
Nevertheless, if we take into account the magnitude of the quite well with a significant female population expansion
different sample sizes, the levels of genetic diversity were (Table 1 and Figure 2). For Provinces, many cases of signifi-
similar for all the Provinces. cant female populations were also detected. Imbabura
The comparison between North vs. South showed a sig- yielded six significant tests, including the tch distribution.
nificantly higher mitochondrial genetic diversity level for the Napo showed five significant tests, including the mismatch
southern area of Ecuador. distribution. Azuay showed two significant tests, including
For the Cordilleras, there was similar genetic diversity lev- the mismatch distribution, and Pichincha also yielded two
els for the WEC and CEC (Table 1). The genetic diversity esti- significant tests, but not the mismatch distribution.
mate for EEC was less precise because of its small sample The six tests, including the mismatch distribution, were
size and therefore it is not comparable with the two other significant for the North and South. This was also true for the
Cordilleras. At least, WEC and CEC should be correlated with WEC and CEC—including the mismatch distribution for

Figure 2. Analysis of significant mismatch distributions (pairwise sequence differences) at six concatenated mitochondrial genes for the Andean bear (Tremarctos
ornatus) in Ecuador. (A) Overall sample; (B) Imbabura Province (northern Ecuador); (C) Napo Province (northern Central Andean Cordillera); (D) Azuay (southern
Central Andean Cordillera); (E) Northern Ecuador; (F) Southern Ecuador; (G) Ecuadorian Western Andean Cordillera; (H) Ecuadorian Central Andean Cordillera.

female population expansions. Thus, there was evidence of We estimated the time when the female population
significant traces of population expansions for the Andean expansions began for those cases where the mismatch distri-
bear across the entire territory of Ecuador. butions were significant. The beginning of the population

Figure 3. Bayesian skyline plot analysis (BSP) to determine possible demographic changes across the natural history of the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in
Ecuador for six mitochondrial genes.

expansion for the overall sample (representing all the current Imbabura (WEC) (51%). The fourth cluster contained one spe-
Ecuadorian territory) was dated to 23,537 YA. For Provinces, cimen from Oyacachi (Cayambe-Coca National Park; Napo;
Imbabura showed a female population expansion dated CEC) and another near Antisana (Pichincha; CEC) (57%). In
around 21,634 YA, Napo around 16,567 YA, and Azuay addition, the fifth contained two specimens from Cotacachi
around 34,799 YA. On the other hand, the Andean bear pop- (Imbabura; WEC) (83%).
ulations from North and South also showed significant Therefore, the mitochondrial genes of the Ecuadorian
female population expansions around 25,037 YA and 12,096 Andean bear have no obvious genetic structure.
YA, respectively. Also, WEC and CEC showed significant mis- The MJN procedure (Figure 5) showed that the two more
match distributions, with population expansions around frequent haplotypes (H1 and H2) were expanded, one (H1),
29,434 YA and 29,011 YA, respectively. Therefore, the popula- for the three Ecuadorian Cordilleras, and the other (H2) for
tion expansions in both Cordilleras occurred at practically the two Cordilleras (WEC and CEC). The haplotypes 14 and 19
same time. were also recorded in the three Ecuadorian Cordilleras. There
The BSP analysis for the overall Ecuadorian sample (Figure were many other less frequent haplotypes detected in WEC
3) showed a continuous female population declination in the or in CEC, but intermixed across the MJN. Henceforth, such
last 4500 Y, during the Holocene, but especially in the last as it was found with the ML tree, the haplotypes detected
2500 Y with a considerable population increase in the last were intermixed independently if they were classified by
200–300 Y. Province, North vs. South, or by Cordillera. This agrees quite
In whatever case, all of these temporal estimates were in well with the absence of genetic structure of the Andean
the last phase of the Pleistocene and in the Holocene, which bear in Ecuador.
shows that the Andean bear colonization of the current This last procedure estimated the temporal split between
Ecuadorian lands, was a relatively recent process. the two more frequent haplotypes (H1 and H2) to have
occurred around 53,651 ± 23,344 Y. Other temporal splits esti-
mated were those between H1 and the five haplotypes dir-
Phylogeographic analyses ectly derived from it (104,085 ± 56,774 YA), and similarly
between H2 and its six derived haplotypes (227,930 ± 65,603
The best nucleotide substitution model found for the overall
YA). Additionally the star-like form of the MJN was indicative
Ecuadorian Andean bear data analyzed was T92 þ G
of a population expansion for the overall sample of the
(14,192.670) for BIC and TN93 þ G (12,306.944) for AIC.
Ecuadorian Andean bears. This agrees quite well with the
The ML tree (Figure 4) showed that the most differenti-
data obtained with the six procedures to detect possible
ated specimen was one from Can ~ ar. In the remaining tree,
demographic changes.
only five small significant clades (bootstrap percentages
higher than 50%) were found.
The first small cluster was formed by two specimens from Genetic heterogeneity among Ecuadorian Andean bear
Gualaquiza (Morona-Santiago; CEC) (52% bootstrap). The populations with mitochondrial sequences
second small cluster was integrated by two specimens from The overall genetic heterogeneity for all of the Provinces
Tandapi (Pichincha; WEC) (51%), and the third had two speci- taken together for the Ecuadorian Andean bears did have
mens, one from Santo Domingo (WEC) and another from some significant statistics (Table 2). Nonetheless, some

Figure 4. Maximum likelihood tree (ML) with 108 Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) sequenced at six mitochondrial genes sampled in Ecuador. Numbers in the
nodes are bootstrap percentages. A sequence of Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant Panda) was used as the outgroup. Only the clusters with bootstraps higher than
50% are shown.

statistics (GST, cST, NST, and FST) offered insignificant differen- heterogeneity among Ecuadorian Andean bear populations,
ces. The gene flow estimates were substantially higher than 1 but they were highly connected from a genetic and repro-
(Nm-GST ¼ 15.74; Nm-cST ¼ 2.15; Nm-FST and NST ¼ infinite), ductive point of view by considerable gene flow.
which is correlated with a high gene flow among the We used the FST statistic to determine possible genetic dif-
Andean bear populations from different Provinces across ferences by Province pairs (Table 3). Thirteen out of 66 com-
Ecuador. Thus, there was certain overall significant genetic parison pairs (20.63%) showed significant differences.

Figure 5. Median Joining Network (MJN) with haplotypes found at six concatenated mitochondrial genes for the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) sampled in
Ecuador. Yellow ¼ Western Andean Cordillera; blue ¼ Central Andean Cordillera; green ¼ Eastern Andean Cordillera. Small red circles indicate missing intermedi-
ate haplotypes.

Table 2. Genetic heterogeneity and gene flow statistics across 12 Provinces Azuay seems to be the more differentiated population. Thus,
from Ecuador where specimens of Andean bear, Tremarctos ornatus, were mitochondrial genetic heterogeneity was scarce among the
sampled and analyzed at six mitochondrial genes.
Ecuadorian Provinces.
Genetic heterogeneity
and gene flow statistics Values Probabilities The gene flow comparison pairs (Table 3) showed 5 out of
v2 612.39 df ¼ 394 0.0001 66 comparison pairs (7.58%) with gene flow values lower
HST 0.0393 0.0176 than 1. In contrast, we estimated 19 out of 66 comparison
KST 0.0229 0.0394
KST 0.1029 0.0005
pairs (28.79%) with infinite values of gene flow. This agrees
ZS 2625.537 0.0007 with the fact that the Ecuadorian Andean bear population is
ZS 7.6055 0.0017 basically a genetic unity.
Snn 0.2654 0.0009
cST 0.1886 0.123 The North vs. South mitochondrial genetic differentiation
NST 0.0000 0.147 was significant with the FST statistic (¼ 0.059; p ¼ 0.000001),
FST and GST 0.0000 and 0.0308 0.151 and 0.347 although it was a relatively low value. Related with this, the
Nm-cST 2.15
Nm-NST Infinite gene flow estimate was considerably high (Nm ¼ 7.94). With
Nm-FST and Nm-GST Infinite and 15.74 other statistics, such as GST (¼ 0.011) and cST (¼ 0.031), the
p < 0.05;  p < 0.01, df: degree of freedom; Nm: gene flow statistics. genetic differentiation was not significant, with elevated esti-
mates of gene flow (Nm ¼ 46.37 and 15.50, respectively).
The overall genetic heterogeneity for the three Ecuadorian
However, when the Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction was Andean Cordilleras did not show any case of significant pair
applied, only 6.1% of the Province pairs were significant (4/ differentiation. Due to this very low genetic differentiation, all
66). They were the cases of Imbabura vs. Azuay (p ¼ 0.00001), of the gene flow estimates were extremely high (Nm-GST ¼
Imbabura vs. Morona Santiago (p ¼ 0.00001), Napo vs. Azuay 19.78; Nm-cST ¼ 36.68; Nm-FST ¼ infinite). All of the Cordillera
(p ¼ 0.000001), and Pichincha vs. Azuay (p ¼ 0.000001). Thus, pair comparisons with the FST statistic were null. This puts

forward that the Andean Cordilleras in Ecuador exerted no

Table 3. FST test pairs (below main diagonal) and gene flow estimates (Nm) (above main diagonal) among 12 Ecuadorian Provinces where the Andean bear, Tremarctos ornatus, were sampled and analyzed at six mito-





influence on the ability to generate genetic heterogeneity in


the Ecuadorian Andean bear populations.
Of the three sampling schemes (Provinces, North vs.

South, and Cordilleras), the North vs. South yielded slightly

more genetic heterogeneity. Therefore, for the mitochondrial
markers, the Andean bears constituted one unique popula-



tion in Ecuador.




Genetic heterogeneity among Ecuadorian Andean bear

populations with nuclear microsatellites
Similar to the mtDNA, analysis of the nuclear DNA microsatel-
lites, indicated a low degree of significant genetic heterogen-

eity. By Province, for the exact probability test with genic

differentiation (Table 4), three out of the seven microsatellites



(G10M: p ¼ 0.000412; G10P: p ¼ 0.0464; G10X: p ¼ 0.000566) as




well as the overall seven loci (v2 ¼ infinite, 14 df,

p ¼ 0.000002) showed significant heterogeneity. With the


Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction, only two out of the seven


microsatellites (G10M and G10X) and the set of seven micro-

satellites were significant. The level of gene flow estimated
Santo Domingo

using microsatellites for all the Ecuadorian Provinces studied

was high (Nm ¼ 4.16), which agrees quite well with that


observed for the mt markers.


The exact probability tests for genic differentiation with

the Andean bears by Province pairs can be seen in Table 5.


There was eight out of 21 comparisons (38.09%) as significant







(although with the Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction, this per-

centage was notably reduced; 2/21 ¼ 9.52%). The most out-
standing Province comparison difference pairs were Loja vs.

Azuay (p ¼ 0.0012), and Loja vs. Napo (p ¼ 0.00019). Such as


p < 0.00011 (Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction).


it was also found for mtDNA, there was scarce genetic differ-
entiation among populations of Andean bear throughout the
Ecuadorian Provinces where this species lives.

We did not detect evident genetic differentiation by



Cordillera with the exact probability test with genic differenti-

ation (Table 6). Two out of the seven microsatellites (G10M:
p ¼ 0.0084; G10P: p ¼ 0.0261) as well as the overall seven loci



(v2 ¼ 29.771, 14 df, p ¼ 0.0082) showed significant hetero-

geneity. With the Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction, however,
neither microsatellite nor the set of the seven microsatellites






showed significant genetic heterogeneity.

With microsatellites, we estimated an elevated level of
p < 0.05 (Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction), 

gene flow for all three Ecuadorian Andean Cordilleras






(Nm ¼ 4.09). This was lower than what was observed for the




mtDNA. However, it is a high gene flow for conserving gen-

etic connectivity among these Andean bear populations.
Ecuadorian Provinces analyzed

The exact probability tests for genic differentiation by cor-

dillera pairs showed one case of significant heterogeneity
(WAC vs. CAC, p ¼ 0.0177). Nevertheless, if we applied the
for the Andean bear

Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction, no cases of genetic differen-

chondrial genes.

Santo Domingo

tiation were detected. Henceforth, the Andean Cordilleras did


not introduce any significant genetic heterogeneity for mt




nor nuclear genes in the Andean bears that inhabit



that country.

Spatial structure of the Andean bear in Ecuador In general, the main message of these last results is the
absence of spatial genetic structure for the Andean bear in
The Mantel test showed a very low non-significant correlation
Ecuador, at least, in mitochondrial genes.
between the geographic and genetic distances for this spe-
cies for both mitochondrial and microsatellite loci (r ¼ 0.044,
p ¼ 0.146, and r ¼ 0.029, p ¼ 0.242, respectively). Thus, there Discussion
was no global spatial structure for the Andean bears in
Ecuador for both mitochondrial and microsatellite data. Genetic diversity
The spatial autocorrelation analysis with 10 DCs showed a Mitochondrial genetic diversity was elevated for the
global non-significant correlogram for the mitochondrial Ecuadorian Andean bear population. This level was similar in
sequences (p ¼ 0.256) (Figure 6), which ratified the inexis- those areas where the sample sizes were sufficiently large.
tence of spatial structure of this species in Ecuador. The cor- Also, this genetic diversity was similar in the three
relogram showed a ‘crazy-quilt’ pattern without any spatial Ecuadorian Andean Cordilleras analyzed. The values obtained
significance (Sokal and Oden 1978). Only the 5 DC (54–68 km; for the overall sample in Ecuador of 108 Andean bears (43
p ¼ 0.0246) and the 7 DC (82–95 km; p ¼ 0.029) showed sig- haplotypes, Hd ¼ 0.845 ± 0.033, and p ¼ 0.0104 ± 0.0013) were
nificant negative autocorrelation. The overall spatial autocor- very similar to that detected for a sample of 115 Andean
relation analysis with microsatellites was also non-significant bears in Colombia (41 haplotypes, Hd ¼ 0.895 ± 0.018;
(p ¼ 0.752; Figure 7). Therefore, both mitochondrial and p ¼ 0.0129 ± 0.0015; Ruiz-Garcıa et al. 2020b), although the
nuclear loci showed the non existence of spatial structure for
extension of the Colombian territory studied is considerably
the Andean bear in Ecuador.
higher than the Ecuadorian one.
Although the spatial structure was minimal, we applied a
Cueva et al. (2018) claimed to have found low levels of
MAA for detecting which areas presented some minimal spa-
genetic diversity, based on haplotype (H ¼ 0.705 ± 0.037) and
tial differences for the mitochondrial dataset (Figure 8). The
nucleotide (p ¼ 0.00197 ± 0.00156) diversity statistics, and low
first geographical point with some minimal gene flow restric-
pairwise genetic distances between haplotypes for the 38
tion was the area of Cosanga, Napo (blue barrier; CAC). The
specimens of Andean bear studied near to Quito for the D-
second point was the area of Oyacachi in the Cayambe-Coca
loop region. They concluded the need to establish or revise
National Park in Napo (green point; CAC). The third point cor-
the current conservation strategies in the region because of
responded to Azuay (bluish green barrier; CAC), and the
their results. Nonetheless, with our current results, we believe
fourth gene flow restriction point (lilac barrier) was the area
that these results were misinterpreted by Cueva et al. (2018).
of Bolivar-Can~ar (WAC).
The question is that they analyzed a very local population in
a very restricted area of Ecuador and they had not a more
global view of the population genetic characteristics of the

Table 4. Genic differentiation among the Andean bears from seven Ecuadorian Table 6. Genic differentiation among the Andean bears from three Ecuadorian
Provinces using seven nuclear DNA microsatellites (GID, G10B, G10C, G10L, Cordilleras using seven nuclear DNA microsatellites (GID, G10B, G10C, G10L,
G10M, G10P, and G10X) with exact probability tests. G10M, G10P, and G10X) with exact probability tests.
Locus p-Value SE Locus p-Value SE
GID 0.05442 NS 0.00164 GID 0.75293 NS 0.00177
G10B 0.15676 NS 0.00495 G10B 0.06206 NS 0.00222
G10C 0.18049 NS 0.00206 G10C 0.30625 NS 0.00179
G10L 0.25504 NS 0.00800 G10L 0.95545 NS 0.00153
G10M 0.000412 0.00031 G10M 0.008402 0.00064
G10P 0.046434 0.00472 G10P 0.026098 0.00167
G10X 0.000566  0.00016 G10X 0.11441 NS 0.00291
All loci taken together 0.000002 – All loci taken together 0.00820 –
(v2 ¼ 52.778; 14 degree of freedom) (v2 ¼ 29.771; 14 degree of freedom)
p < 0.05; p < 0.0001, NS: No significant; p-value: Probability value; SE: p < 0.05; p < 0.01, NS: No significant; p-value: Probability value; SE:
Standard Error. Standard Error.

Table 5. Exact probability tests among seven Ecuadorian Province pairs using seven nuclear DNA microsatellites (GID, G10B, G10C, G10L, G10M, G10P, and G10X)
for the Andean bear, Tremarctos ornatus.
Microsatellite comparisons
among Andean bears in
diverse Ecuadorian Provinces Azuay Pichincha Imbabura Loja Zamora-Chinchipe Napo ~ar
Pichincha 0.45285
Imbabura 0.39211 0.39987
Loja 0.00125 0.03417 0.01281
Zamora-Chinchipe 0.04929 0.16918 0.08165 0.02897
Napo 0.00892 0.00756 0.12434 0.00019 0.19839
Ca~nar 0.83817 0.78556 0.88315 0.69605 0.48449 0.34083
p < 0.05, p < 0.0024 (Benjamini-Hochberg’s correction).

Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis Results


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Geographical Distance
Figure 6. Spatial autocorrelation analysis with ten distance classes (DC) for 108 Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) sampled in Ecuador and sequenced at six mito-
chondrial genes.

Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis Results
















0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Geographical Distance
Figure 7. Spatial autocorrelation analysis with ten distance classes (DC) for 92 Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) sampled in Ecuador and analyzed at seven nuclear

Figure 8. Monmonier’s algorithm analysis (MAA) to detect the fourth most important geographical barriers for 108 Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) sampled in
Ecuador and sequenced at six mitochondrial genes. First barrier (blue) ¼ Cosanga, Napo Province (Central Andean Cordillera); second barrier (green point) ¼
Oyacachi, Cayambe-Coca National Park, Napo Province (Central Andean Cordillera); third barrier (green-bluish) ¼ Azuay Province (Central Andean Cordillera); fourth
~ar Provinces (Western Andean Cordillera).
barrier (lilac) ¼ Bolivar-Can

Andean bear across all Ecuador. This species has not low Thus, the mitochondrial genetic diversity is relatively high for
mitochondrial genetic diversity levels at this country as they both populations in Ecuador and Colombia. Still, in the pre-
claimed but, effectively, the degree of differentiation among sent instant, habitat reduction has no effect on the genetic
the haplotypes found is very low (in this result agrees quite diversity of this species. This is good news from a conserva-
well both works) because all the Andean bear sampled in tion point of view.
Ecuador came from an unique genetic source and the colon- Another interesting important point is how microsatellite
ization process of this species in the current Ecuador was diversity within the Andean bear is moderate compared to
temporally very recent as we detected in the historical demo- mitochondrial genetic diversity. Here, we did not show the
graphic and in the temporal split analyses. Therefore, the levels of microsatellite genetic diversity in the Results
scarce nucleotide differentiation among the haplotypes found because this was a topic extensively commented on in Ruiz-
in Ecuador was not caused by recent genetic drift originated Garcıa (2013), and Ruiz-Garcıa et al. (2005, 2020a). For
by human habitat fragmentation or other negative human Ecuador, the average overall microsatellite genetic diversity
influences, but it was caused by how and when the Andean was H ¼ 0.584 ± 0.188. Indeed, this value was lower that the
bear lineages colonized that small area of South America. value obtained for the Andean bear in Colombia

(H ¼ 0.645 ± 0.211). The Ecuadorian value is below to those microsatellite estimate was completed). These estimates are
values found in other bear species. For example, Waits et al. even higher than that detected in Colombia (Ruiz-Garcıa
(2000) showed that the genetic diversity values for several et al. 2020b). By Department in Colombia, the values ranged
brown bear studies across North America and Scandinavia from 2.56–6.50 for mtDNA and 0.97 for microsatellites, whilst
with the same microsatellites employed had an average of by Cordillera the estimate was 5.34–21.53 for the mtDNA and
H ¼ 0.74. Paetkau and Strobeck (1994) determined the micro- 2.01 for microsatellites. The lower gene flow estimates in
satellite genetic diversity for two continental Canadian popu- Colombia relative to Ecuador can be related with the fact
lations of the American black bears, to be around 0.8. that the distance and complexity of the Colombian Andean
However, the genetic diversity level for microsatellites of the Cordilleras is considerably higher than in Ecuador.
Andean bear in Ecuador was considerably higher than that Furthermore, some Colombian Andean bear populations are
estimated for the population of brown bear with the lowest in a peripatric geographical distribution and were isolated
genetic diversity reported in the Kodiak Island (H ¼ 0.265) during certain time with some Pleistocene climatic changes.
(Paetkau et al. 1998). In contrast, this did not occur in the Ecuadorian territory.
A possible explanation to this paradox (high mitochondrial Second, the high gene flow estimates in Ecuador should
genetic diversity, low or moderate microsatellite genetic agree quite well with an explosive and very recent rapid col-
diversity) is the effect of ‘ascertainment bias’ (Ellegren et al. onization in the territory of this country with no time for dif-
1995, 1997; Amos et al. 1996), in which the species to whose ferentiation, whereas in Colombia this colonization was not
microsatellites were applied, usually shows a lower genetic as rapid and/or as recent. The differential action of these two
diversity than the target species. This effect cannot be dis- events in Ecuador and in Colombia is a logical explanation as
carded because the microsatellites used in this study for the to why no spatial structure was found in Ecuador, whilst a
Andean bear were designed for the American black bear and considerable significant spatial structure existed in Colombia
the split for the common ancestor of the two species has for this species.
been estimated to have occurred around 11 MYA (Kumar Cueva et al. (2018), according to the network they
et al. 2017). In order to resolve this question, it is necessary obtained, detected two haplotypes at greater frequencies
to design specific microsatellites for the Andean bear. south of the Guayllabamba River, and other two haplotypes,
which share a common with the other two haplotypes, were
more frequent north of the river, with one of them being
Genetic differentiation and spatial structure for the
found exclusively in the northern zone. They concluded that
Andean bear in Ecuador
this river should be a barrier for the dispersion of the
As we have shown, genetic differentiation within the Andean Andean bear near to Quito. We believe that this result was
bear in Ecuador by Province and by Cordillera was practically not representative of the real dispersion capacity of the
nonexistent, showing that the Ecuadorian Andean bear speci- Andean bear and it is a consequence of the small sample
mens basically conformed one genetic homogeneous popula- size and the very limited area they analyzed.
tion. The phylogeographic analyses correlated well with the
genetic differentiation analyses for both mitochondrial and
Where and when the Andean bear originated
nuclear genes showing weak genetic structure in the Andean
bear in Ecuador. The spatial genetic analysis confirmed the One question of noteworthy importance is where and when
existence of a unique population of Andean bear in Ecuador. the Andean bear originated. The traditional view has been a
Therefore, the entire Ecuadorian Andean bear population follows. After the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI),
should be treated as a Management Unit (MU; Avise 2000), during the last Pliocene, or the beginning of the Pleistocene
meanwhile in Colombia, at least, three MUs should be (3–1.8 MYA), one migration of North American bears colon-
defined (one in the Antioquia Department, one in the Norte ized South America giving rise to Arctotherium (South
de Santander Department, and another for the rest of American short-faced bears). This branch probably lasted
Colombia). Thus, the conservation policies of the Andean until the Holocene. A second immigration event should have
bear in Ecuador should be less complex than in Colombia. given rise to Tremarctos in South America. The most related
The low genetic differentiation degree and the lack of sig- fossil, to the current Andean bear, is T. floridianus. It inhab-
nificant spatial structure for the Andean bear in Ecuador can ited North America from the late Pliocene (2 MYA) until
be explained by two non-mutually exclusive events. First, about 11,000 years ago. About 14,000 YA, this original
gene flow estimates were elevated for both mtDNA and Tremarctos in North America is believed to migrate into
microsatellites. Following Wright (1943), a gene flow estimate South America (Yerena 1987). The absence of Andean bear
of one is enough to assure reproductive and genetic con- fossils from the Pleistocene has been traditionally explained
nectivity among populations. Among Provinces, mt genes by the recent arrival of this species to South America around
revealed values of gene flow ranging from 2.15 to infinity the end of the Pleistocene (Soibelzon 2004; Soibelzon and
and microsatellites estimated a value of 4.16. Among the Prevosti 2013).
Cordilleras, the values were also considerably high with 20 to Nevertheless, some studies have put in doubt this hypoth-
infinity for mtDNA and around 4.09 for microsatellites. For esis in the last years. Mitchell et al. (2016), from mtDNA
North-South, this sampling scheme offered gene flow esti- extracted from a fossil of Arctotherium, showed that this fossil
mates ranging from 8 to 46 (due to small sample size, no was more closely related to the extant Andean bear than to

the North American short-faced bears. . This study revealed a were the product of a small sample size in a very restricted
major relationship of the Andean bear with the South geographical point and they were not representative for the
American short-faced bears. This implies that the Andean overall area of Ecuador.
bear originated ‘in situ’ in South America from a common The estimates of the temporal splits between the two
ancestor with Arctotherium. The findings of Ruiz-Garcıa et al. more important mt haplotypes found in Ecuador ranged
(2020a) that the southern Peruvian and Bolivian Andean bear from 228,000 and 104,000 YA. This period coincided with the
population could be older than the northern Andean bear last phase of the Bonaerense (Ameghino 1889). This was a
population as well as the southern Andean bear population period between 0.5 and 0.13 MYA. It was characterized by a
with a genetic diversity level higher than in the northern great increase of mammals of Holartic origin in South
Andean population. This agrees quite well with Mitchell et al. America (deer and Muridae rodents) and soils supportive of
(2016) because it means that the current Andean bear spe- varied flora. Therefore, this was a period of a certain climatic
cies may have appeared in an area of the current middle- stability with a warm and humid environment. The last large
southern Peru or northern Bolivia and therefore the species Pleistocene glacial period began at the end of this period,
was originated ‘in situ’ in South America. In relationship with which could be related to the haplotype diversification
this, the split between southern and northern Andean bear detected in the Andean bear in Ecuador. The last cold period
populations was estimated to have occurred 500,000–600,000 began approximately 116,000 YA and, around 70,000 YA,
YA, which supports that the Andean bear did not recently large glaciers (Nevados) were present in the northern Andes,
arrive to South America only 14,000 YA as the traditional coinciding with a cold peak during this glacial period
hypothesis mentioned. (Wijmstra and Van Der Hammen 1974). Therefore, the begin-
The current Ecuadorian data did not also completely ning of the haplotype fragmentation in the Andean bear in
resolve the question. The fact that the southern Ecuadorian Ecuador (or proceeding from other areas) occurred before
Andean bear populations yielded higher genetic diversity lev- the beginning of the last large glacial period. Taking into
els than the northern Ecuadorian Andean bear populations is consideration all of the Ecuadorian territory, the process of
in agreement with the new hypothesis that the Andean bear female population expansion with mtDNA was dated to have
originated ‘in situ’ in South America and migrated from south occurred around 24,000 YA, exactly the same estimate for
to north. There is also the fact of two main haplotypes split- Colombia obtained by Ruiz-Garcıa et al. (2020b). These esti-
ting 200,000–100,000 YA with reference to the haplotypes mates agree quite well with that previously obtained with
microsatellites. Ruiz-Garcıa (2003) determined a temporal split
that they generated in the current Ecuador. This supports an
among the Andean bear populations of Venezuela, Colombia
older presence of the Andean bear in South America, much
and Ecuador to have occurred around 15,000–24,900 YA. He
earlier than that claimed by the traditional hypothesis.
also determined a temporal split of these populations to
However, two other points should favor the traditional
have occurred around 24,200 YA with another procedure.
hypothesis. On one hand, the times of population expansions
Van Der Hammen (1985) determined a retreat of glaciers in
were very similar in Ecuador and in Colombia. In fact, some
Colombia beginning an estimated 35,000 YA and ending
Colombian estimates are slightly older than those in Ecuador.
25,000 YA. The overall Ecuadorian Andean bear population
On the other hand, if the southern Andean bear area is older,
expansion should be related with that glacial retreat period.
then the population expansions should be older in these
In fact, the population expansions detected in Azuay (35,000
populations than in the Andean bear populations of the
YA) and in the two main Ecuadorian Andean Cordilleras
northern Andean area. However, this was not the case in
(29,000 YA) are inside this period of glacial retreat in the
Ecuador. The northern Ecuadorian Andean bear population
Andes. Nevertheless, the population expansions detected in
showed a population expansion estimate dated to 25,000 YA,
Imbabura (22,000 YA) or in Napo (17,000 YA) coincided with
whereas the southern population expansion was dated to the strongest cold peak of the last Pleistocene glaciation
12,000 YA (although the most southern Province where the (25,000–14,000 YA). The average temperature in the northern
analysis was done, Azuay, showed the oldest population Andes dropped 5–8  C relative to current temperatures.
expansion, 35,000 YA). Thus, the current data do not permit Precipitation levels were 30% lower than today and it turned
a clear discrimination between the hypotheses. However, a to snow at 4000 masl. In the current Savannah of Bogota
study similar to the current one in Ecuador and Colombia, (2600 masl), there were glaciers and the climatic conditions
but in Peru and Bolivia, could favor one of these were analogous to the current climate at 4200 masl (Dollfus
two hypotheses. 1999). This was a period of massive mammal extinctions in
North America and Eurasia (Lorenzen et al. 2011). However,
Temporal haplotype diversification and this seems not to have affected the Andean bear in certain
population expansion areas of Ecuador and in Colombia (Ruiz-Garcıa et al. 2020b).
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tests, which did not detect any significant population change ized by the temperatures, which increased with a maximum
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