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Mitochondrial DNA, June 2011; 22(3): 55–65


Divergence at Cyt-b and Co-1 mtDNA genes on different taxonomic

levels and genetics of speciation in animals


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A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok,

(Received 12 October 2010; revised 26 October 2010; accepted 10 March 2011)

Genetic divergence estimates using p-distances and similar measures were generated for 20,731 vertebrate and invertebrate
animal species. The results of this analysis demonstrate that the data series are realistic and interpretable when the p-distance
and its various derivates are used. The focus is on vertebrates and fish species in particular and the newest data set.
Distance data reveal increasing levels of genetic divergence of the sequences of the two genes, cytochrome b (Cyt-b) and
cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (Co-1), in the five groups compared: populations within species; subspecies, semi-species,
or/and sibling species; species within a genus; species from different genera within a family; and species from separate families
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within an order. Mean unweighted scores of p-distances (%) for these five groups are Cyt-b—1.38 ^ 0.30, 5.10 ^ 0.91,
10.31 ^ 0.93, 17.86 ^ 1.36, and 26.36 ^ 3.88, respectively; and Co-1—0.89 ^ 0.16, 3.78 ^ 1.18, 11.06 ^ 0.53,
16.60 ^ 0.69, and 20.57 ^ 0.40, respectively. The estimates show good correspondence with other analyses. These results
testify to the applicability of p-distance for most intra-species and inter-species comparisons of genetic divergence up to the
order level in animals for the two genes compared. Data reviewed provide empirical and theoretical background on
the geographic speciation mode prevalence in species origin and give a framework why per-individual species identification
(DNA barcoding) is usually successful.

Keywords: Nucleotide diversity, p-distance, speciation genetics, mitochondrial DNA, molecular evolution

Introduction family level. These genes proved to be useful for

estimating divergence in taxa up to the order level in
Global initiatives such as the Consortium for
Barcoding of Life (, the many animal groups (Johns and Avise 1998; Graur
International Barcode of Life Project (http://www. and Li 1999; Hebert et al. 2002a,b; Creer et al. 2003;, and the Tree of Life Project Kartavtsev and Hanzawa 2007; Kartavtsev et al.
( stimulated activity in the field 2007a,b, 2008, 2009a,b; Sasaki et al. 2007). A survey
of molecular phylogenetics and evolutionary geno- of the evidence on intra-species divergence of
mics. Databases, especially on cytochrome oxidase mitochondrial genes in 256 vertebrate, mostly sexually
c subunit 1 (Co-1), have increased greatly. The main reproducing species, indicated that 56% of them form
objective of this study is a comparison of genetic distinct intra-species maternal lines, which typically
divergence within species and in a hierarchy of are confined geographically (Avise and Walker 1999;
taxonomical categories. Avise 2000). Thus, the polytypic species or subdivi-
In the past decade, genes of mitochondrial DNA sion into groups of most species is well documented,
(mtDNA) encoding cytochrome b (Cyt-b) and Co-1 and this information is independent of ecological or
proteins have been most frequently used for taxo- demographic data and in good agreement with
nomic and phylogenetic analysis at the species and the latter. These data along with fundamental

Correspondence: Y. Kartavtsev, A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Vladivostok 690041, Russia. Tel: þ 7-4232-311173; fax: þ 7-4232-310900. E-mail:

ISSN 1940-1736 print/ISSN 1940-1744 online q 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.

DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2011.588215
56 Y. Ph. Kartavtsev

biological generalizations made by Dobzhansky data, especially pertaining to mtDNA, show that, on
(1955) and Mayr (1963) provide the basic ideological the one hand, natural hybridization between species
framework for this paper. may lead to introgression of genes from one gene pool
In this paper, I do not consider problems related to the other one. On the other hand, sequences of
to the construction and analysis of phylogenetic trees individual genes exemplify that the variability of DNA
and related phylogenetic issues. This is a specific markers increases with the rank of the taxon (Johns
topic discussed elsewhere (Li and Zarkhih 1995; and Avise 1998; Hebert et al. 2002a; Ward et al.
Swofford et al. 1996; Nei and Kumar 2000; Hall 2005). Hence, I believe it is expedient to compare the
2001; Sanderson and Shaffer 2002; Felsenstein data on nucleotide divergence for several genes, from
2004). Also, a population differentiation in Fst-statistic several data sources, and, in addition, to substantiate
or similar scales is basically out of the scope of the both the variability and distance parameters. The
paper. Nucleotide diversity may be estimated in a latter is important for understanding the essence of
number of ways, for example, with measures such as estimating a divergence at the DNA or other markers
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nucleotide diversity as the per-site measure, p (Nei and its connection to species identification and to
1987), and the proportion of different nucleotide cites at speciation process. Such complications as saturation
a pair of randomly chosen sequences, the p-distance as with mutations and an unequal rate of substitutions
P or its estimate p (Nei and Kumar 2000, p. 33; among sites are able to obscure real DNA variability.
Kartavtsev 2009a,b, 2011). Understanding of DNA There may be other hidden factors too. In particular,
sequence polymorphism as a result of nucleotide various genes may encode different functional proper-
substitution is of primary interest for molecular ties of phenotype (macromolecules firstly), and this
phylogenetics. Amino acid sequence substitution rate is obviously has an impact on distance estimates (Graur
also important to be estimated, but this is basically out and Li 1999; Kartavtsev 2009a, 2011).
of the scope of this paper. If the nucleotide sequence for a particular set of loci
The main focus of this study is to consider the levels or alleles in a population sample is known, then
of nucleotide diversity in animal populations and taxa DNA polymorphism can be assessed in several ways.
of different ranks and to find the possible relation of The best measures of DNA sequence divergence are
For personal use only.

these data with some aspects of genetics of speciation. p and p or its derivates (see details in Nei 1987;
Nei and Kumar 2000; Kartavtsev 2009a, 2011).
Numerical simulations showed that when p-distances
Materials and methods are small (, 20%), different substitution models give
The primary nucleotide sequences of genes similar scores of in-time diversity (Nei and Kumar
(sequences for shortage) and their resemblance and 2000, p. 41). Useful to remember as well is that
difference are the main source of data in this paper. because of heterogeneity of substitution rates along
The conclusions are mainly based on the information sequences and different parts of genes, an important
from the database on p-distances of two genes, Cyt-b correction of the p-distance is gamma correction
and Co-1, presented in recent reviews with necessary (e.g. Nei and Kumar 2000; Felsenstein 2004).
details on source data and analysis (Kartavtsev and
Lee 2006; Kartavtsev 2009b, 2011).
The literature data were screened using the databases Divergence of DNA nucleotide sequences on the intra-
of the Thompson Institute of Scientific Information, species and inter-species levels. As measures for
the Science Citation Index SCI, the SCI database, and comparison, one may employ uncorrected
other sources. Articles within 1995 – 2009 were p-distances, distances of the two-parameter Kimura
examined. Statistical analysis was performed using the model (K2P), or other indices (GTR, General Time
STATISTICA 6.0 software package (Statsoft 2001). Reversible model, TrN, Tamura-Nei model etc.), used
From this package, we employed the basic module in the literature for the genes Cyt-b, Co-1, and others
for calculating mean and variance parameters, as well (Kartavtsev 2009a, 2011). The possibility of their use
as those for parametric analysis of variance (ANOVA, follows from theory and from numerical simulation, as
and the multi-dimensional version MANOVA), noted in Nei and Kumar (2000, p. 41) and outlined
canonical analysis, discriminant function analysis, and earlier (Kartavtsev 2009a, 2011).
Kruskall–Wallis non-parametric ANOVA. Variation rows of pairwise K2P comparisons for
sequences of the Cyt-b gene—presented, for instance, in
a review of data on vertebrate animals—show a far from
Results and discussion normal distribution (Johns and Avise 1998). This
creates additional problems of analyzing this and other
Genetic divergence within species and in a hierarchy
genes, in which the distance distributions also seem to
of taxonomical categories
deviate from the normality. The analysis of their
The biological species concept (BSC) implies that a distribution is based on the data table including
species is an isolated reproductive unity. The molecular 20,731 species (Kartavtsev 2011) for the five groups
Sequence divergence at CO-1 and CYT-B and genetics of speciation 57

of comparison (Groups 1–5) and for genes Cyt-b and below) for the two genes produced a statistically
Co-1, respectively. Five groups of comparison are as significant increase in the p-distances in the hierarchy
follows: Group 1, populations within species; Group 2, of the comparison groups: F ¼ 124.15, d.f. ¼ 4, 279;
subspecies, semi-species, and sibling species; Group 3, p , 0.000001 (Figure 2, top). Interaction of factors in
morphologically distinct species within genera; this data set is not statistically significant: F ¼ 1.82,
Group 4, genera within a family; and Group 5, families d.f. ¼ 4, 279; p ¼ 0.1258. However, this pooling is
within an order. Indeed, original data showed great not quite correct for all of the mtDNA sequences
variability and different patterns of distributions for compared because it includes heterogeneous groups of
both the two genes and groups of comparison (Figure 1). different sizes. Consequently, categorized represen-
In such cases, means of the estimates generally provide tation of the mean values with weighting an individual
more satisfactory variation in row distributions as was score on a sample size (n) for each gene is more correct
indeed obtained (Kartavtsev 2009a, 2011). (Figure 2, bottom). However, both approaches
A one-way ANOVA (model with random effects for showed that the distance for the two genes increases
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groups of the same size) showed that the mean with the rank. Mean unweighted distances (%) for
distances in the five groups analyzed were significantly the five groups were as follows: Cyt-b—(Group 1)
different for the two genes: Cyt-b, F ¼ 2048.60, 1.38 ^ 0.30, (Group 2) 5.10 ^ 0.91, (Group 3)
degrees of freedom [d.f.] ¼ 4, 3138; p , 0.0001; 10.31 ^ 0.93, (Group 4) 17.86 ^ 1.36, and
Co-1, F ¼ 9876.80, d.f. ¼ 4, 19,089; p , 0.0001. (Group 5) 26.36 ^ 3.88; and Co-1—(Group 1)
Pooling data in a two-way MANOVA (see scheme 0.89 ^ 0.16, (Group 2) 3.78 ^ 1.18, (Group 3)
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Figure 1. Cyt-b (top) and Co-1 (lower) genetic distance frequency distribution plotted against different species compiled in the data table
for five groups of comparison, Groups 1– 5 (from Kartavtsev 2011).
58 Y. Ph. Kartavtsev

MANOVA with p-distances weighted by n (factor 1,

comparison Groups 1 –5: see above; factor 2, genes:
Cyt-b and Co-1; also, a model with random effect
of factors was applied; Figure 2, bottom). In this
MANOVA, the effect of factor 1 (i.e. group of
comparison) was significant F ¼ 4964.01,
d.f. ¼ 4, 22,227; p , 0.000001. The effect of factor
2 (mean p-distance differences for two genes) proved
to be non-significant: F ¼ 1.15, d.f. ¼ 1, 22,227;
p ¼ 0.2842. The interaction between factors 1 and 2
was significant too: F ¼ 101.05, d.f. ¼ 4, 22,227;
p , 0.000001. The categorized graph of the distri-
bution of mean weighted p-distance values supported
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the earlier conclusion on the increase in distances

with the rank of the groups compared. Fit of the
bivariate distribution (the taxa rank, “taxa” against
the distance score, “p”) showed that there is
accordance with the linear regression model, although
factorial impact is moderate (67–70%): for Cyt-b,
taxa ¼ 1.9002 þ 0.1201 £ p (rp ¼ 0.84; R 2 ¼ 0.7091;
t ¼ 97.93, d.f. ¼ 3141; p , 0.0001); for Co-1,
taxa ¼ 1.4332 þ 0.1471 £ p (rp ¼ 0.82; R 2 ¼ 0.6717;
t ¼ 198.96, d.f. ¼ 19,092; p , 0.0001). Thus, it is
possible to conclude that there is little, if any, impact
of saturation at both the genes up to the order level
in our data set. The lower graph in Figure 2 clearly
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shows the meaning of the factor interaction: the

p-distance values or its derivates of these two genes
differ among some of the five comparison groups;
that is, the substitution rates are different for Cyt-b and
Co-1 at least in some of the groups of animal
taxa compared. This conclusion, on an extended
data set, validates the same conclusion made earlier
for these two genes (Kartavtsev and Lee 2006;
Figure 2. Resulting graphs of two-way MANOVA and mean
Kartavtsev 2009a).
p-distance values at five levels of differentiation in animal species
(from Kartavtsev 2011). Top: variation among comparison groups The data presented in Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate
without weighting the distance scores on the species number (n). that both the genes show a trend of increasing mean
The main effect (i.e. the differences among five comparison p-distances with an increasing rank of the groups
groups) is exemplified: F ¼ 124.15, d.f. ¼ 4, 178; p , 0.000001. compared from populations to orders. Because of the
Statistically significant is also the difference in mean distance score
importance of this conclusion, the data presented
for the two genes; interaction of two factors is non-significant
(see text). Bottom: variation among five comparison groups with in Figures 1 and 2 were additionally tested using non-
weighting the distance scores on n. Significant are the effects on the parametric Kruskall – Wallis ANOVA. In this case,
group of comparison and the interaction between gene and taxa. unweighted scores were used to have more conserva-
Interaction effect (i.e. the differences among the distance scores at tive estimation. For gene Cyt-b, H ¼ 57.01, d.f. ¼ 4,
two genes in five comparison groups) is exemplified: F ¼ 101.05,
n ¼ 85; p ¼ 0.0001. For gene Co-1, H ¼ 74.05,
d.f. ¼ 4, 22,227; p , 0.0001. Bars are confidence intervals for
the mean (95%). All p-distances and means for five comparison d.f. ¼ 4, n ¼ 103; p ¼ 0.0001. Thus, the comparative
groups at each of two genes Cyt-b and Co-1 are presented in analysis of the data for nucleotide sequences of genes
the original paper (Kartavtsev 2011). Comparison groups: Group 1, Cyt-b and Co-1, performed for groups with increasing
within species, among individuals of the same species; Group 2, the rank for each of the genes separately, demonstrates
within sibling species (plus semi-species, and subspecies),
(with a probability of error p , 0.0001) that, in
Group 3, within genus, among morphologically distinct species of
the same genus; Group 4, within family, among genera of the same animals, genetic divergence increases with the taxon
family; and Group 5, within order, families of a certain order. rank. Heterogeneity of the gene evolution rate, also
significant in our data for the two genes (Figure 2,
11.06 ^ 0.53, (Group 4) 16.60 ^ 0.69, and bottom), is widely known in the literature (e.g. Li
(Group 5) 20.57 ^ 0.40 (Kartavtsev 2011). 1997; Machordom and Macpherson 2004), which
Taking into account variation in sample size (n) was noted previously. An applied outcome has come
for each ith distance measure in comparison from the difference between levels 1 and 3; that is, an
groups (Kartavtsev 2011), we performed a two-way order of magnitude difference that exists in an average
Sequence divergence at CO-1 and CYT-B and genetics of speciation 59

p-distance value between the intra-species and estimates (K2P, GTR, TrN, etc.; Kartavtsev and
inter-species levels suggests that most species may be Lee 2006; Kartavtsev 2009a). However, unmodified
easily discriminated at these mtDNA markers using p-distance must undergo homoplasy faster, that is,
only few specimens. In other words, the vast data be smaller than the expected values of K2P, GTR,
reviewed provide theoretical and good empirical TrN, and so forth (Nei and Kumar 2000, p. 41).
background for per-individual species identification The differences between these groups are also non-
or DNA barcoding. significant, when n is used as a covariance in ANOVA
The differences in p-distance estimates between the of the distance scores. However, the differences
two genes can have the following interpretations. between the groups are significant, if the distance
Firstly, the substitution rate may in fact be different scores are weighted by n: for Cyt-b, F ¼ 231.38;
in the two genes but hidden somehow. For instance, d.f. ¼ 1, 943; p , 0.01; for Co-1, F ¼ 207.60;
the data on taxonomic groups from the most d.f. ¼ 1, 13,888; p , 0.01 (Kartavtsev 2009a). The
representative sources (Johns and Avise 1998; Hebert latter differences apparently are caused by unequal
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et al. 2002a,b), which can differ in divergence level, representation of taxa in compared groups and also
may be differently represented in our database. their different numeric representations. This effect is
Actually, heterogeneity of K2P values at the Cyt-b still obscure; for example, there was no correlation
gene was found for the vertebrate groups examined: detected between the distance score and n:
amphibians and reptiles have the highest variability, r p ¼ 2 0.0122, n ¼ 289; p ¼ 0.6836 (all comparison
and birds the lowest variability (Johns and Avise groups included); and r p ¼ 0.0336, n ¼ 106;
1998). Significant heterogeneity of the nucleotide p ¼ 0.7320 (only genera included). For the Cyt-b
diversity was obtained for Co-1 among flatfish genera gene, all groups consist almost exclusively of
(Figure 3; Kartavtsev et al. 2008). Inter-species vertebrates, which may on average have differed in
heterogeneity of nucleotide diversity estimates at p-distances compared with the invertebrates that were
Cyt-b can be found even within a single fish genus mostly tested on Co-1 (Kartavtsev 2009a, 2011).
(Garcia-Machado et al. 2004). Secondly, in the two
most representative works on Co-1, several different
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Genetic variability, divergence, and introduction of an

measures were used (Hebert et al. 2002a,b). In operational criterion for delimiting a speciation mode
addition, instead of K2P and other similar measures in genetic terms
(expected distance), the non-corrected p-distance
(observed distance) was employed in many studies. Below, I briefly compare molecular genetic and
In general, the shortcoming of analysis of such data biochemical genetics data, and then draw some
array is high biological heterogeneity of the material conclusions from this and above evidence relevant to
and the presence of some unknown or not identifiable speciation genetics.
components of the estimates (some of them were
mentioned above). For instance, p-distances and other
distance measures can differentially represent one An outcome from biochemical genetics data and their
and the same group of comparison. However, non- comparison with nucleotide divergence. Evidence on
weighted p-distances in the most numerous compari- the variability of structural protein-coding genes as
son group (morphologically distinct species within a assessed by electrophoretic allozyme analysis is also
genus) did not statistically significantly differ between useful for measuring genetic divergence. Although
the two groups: the p-distance and other distance they are now not very popular, they give quite a
representative view of variability at nuclear genes.
Mean heterozygosity per individual (locus) has been
recognized as the best measure of variability
(Lewontin 1978; Zhivotovsky 1983; Nei 1987).
Most popular as a measure of taxa divergence during
evolution at this level is the standard Nei’s distance,
Dn, and the inverse measure, normalized similarity,
I (Nei 1972, 1975; Pasekov 1983; Zhivotovsky 1983).
Examination of genetic diversity in wild nature species
requires analysis of both the heterozygosity (diversity)
and distances (differences), assessing different aspects
of variability, which is not always taken into account.
Note, however, that the p-distance and p can be
Figure 3. Plot of p-distances for Co-1 gene sequence data within
used as both the measures of variability and measures
flatfish genera (from Kartavtsev et al. 2008). On the x-axis are
three flatfish groups: 1, Pseudopleuronectes; 2, Verasper þ of distance.
Hippoglossoides; 3, Cynoglossus. On the y-axis are the p-distance A number of surveys give similar data on hetero-
scores for intra-group comparisons. zygosity per individual H, with total mean H ¼ 0.076;
60 Y. Ph. Kartavtsev

in vertebrates, H ¼ 0.054; for invertebrates, divisions or at taxa levels. Secondly, correlated

H ¼ 0.100 (Aronshtam et al. 1977; Hedgecock and evidence suggest that the geographic, allopatric, or
Nelson 1981; Nei and Koehn 1983; Nevo et al. 1984; divergent (D1; Templeton 1981) speciation mode
Hedgecock 1986; Ward et al. 1992; Kartavtsev 2009b; (SM) prevails in nature, implying a common rule of a
and so forth). The H value underestimates the actual gradual accumulation of small genetic differences after
genetic diversity by approximately one-third, owing to the separation of gene pools and differences increase
technical restrictions of protein electrophoresis, which in a hierarchy of taxa levels. This way may be
is commonly used to estimate the variability at that considered the main gate of species origin in the
level (Lewontin 1978; Nei 1975, 1987; Altukhov animal world as followed from the current analysis and
1989, 1999; and others). Coefficients of intra-species classical views (Mayr 1963). Yet, there are facts
genetic similarity or divergence (distance) were warning against simplified conclusions on the modes
estimated in many groups of animals. The mean of speciation. For instance, it has long been known
genetic similarity at this level is I ¼ 0.95 (Lewontin that the genetic “weight” of the species, say, in the
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1978; Nei 1987; Altukhov 1983, 1989; Kartavtsev Dn scale, may be different for different animal taxa.
2009b). According to our database, which comprises For example, Dn is on average 1.1 in amphibian
more than 300 populations of 80 animal species, genera, which is an order of magnitude higher than
I ¼ 0.94 ^ 0.01 (Kartavtsev 2005, 2009b; Kartavtsev the corresponding value in birds (Dn ¼ 0.1; Avise and
and Lee 2006). In the hierarchy of animal taxa, Aquadro 1982). Other examples of this trend can be
subspecies have coefficients of similarity I ranging found (Avise 1994). The range of nucleotide diversity
from 0.6 to 1.0, with a mode of approximately 0.9; the also shows that some animal taxa display a high-
variation range is I ¼ 0.5 – 1.0 (mode about 0.8) for divergence level among the species, while others
semi-species and sibling species; the variation range is are characterized by a low value of this measure.
0.5 – 1.0 (mode about 0.7) for species within a genus; As already noted above, avian taxa are substantially
and 0.0 – 1.0 (mode 0.4) for genera within a family less differentiated at Cyt-b than amphibians and
(Avise and Aquadro 1982; Thorpe 1983; Nei 1987; reptiles (Johns and Avise 1998; see also Kartavtsev
Kartavtsev 2005, 2009b; Kartavtsev and Lee 2006).
For personal use only.

2009a, 2011 and data in the section “Divergence

This means that genetic similarity significantly of DNA nucleotide sequences . . . ”). For the three
decreases with an increasing rank of the taxon and, main geographic phyletic groups of Oryzias latipes,
conversely, distance increases with an increasing taxon the nucleotide diversity of Cyt-b was found to be
rank (Figure 4; Kartavtsev 2005, 2009a,b; Kartavtsev comparable with the within-genus divergence:
and Lee 2006). In other words, the allozyme data are p ¼ 11.3 – 11.8% (Takehana et al. 2003). For the
supportive of long-time accumulation of genetic other gene, Co-1, the species within the genus Cnidaria
differences through typical allopatric speciation and have p ¼ 1%, while in crustaceans p ¼ 15.4% (Hebert
in this BSC. et al. 2002b). The difference for flatfish genera at Co-1
Thus, in general, the current molecular genetic sequences was demonstrated too (see Figure 3), and
evidence (see section “Genetic divergence within in a more wide context the heterogeneity among
species . . . ”) and the results of analysis of protein animal taxa at the level of genus for both Cyt-b and
marker genes support, firstly, the BSC basic idea that Co-1 is available. One-way parametric ANOVA and
taxon formation necessarily requires the isolation Kruskall –Wallis ANOVA proved this conclusion: for
of gene pools followed by their gradual genetic the Cyt-b—F ¼ 265.08, d.f. ¼ 3, 10,654, p , 0.01;
divergence. Within species the differentiation may be Kruskall – Wallis H ¼ 10.87, d.f. ¼ 3, n ¼ 32,
reversed, while it is normally irreversible at upper p ¼ 0.01; and for Co-1—F ¼ 196.91, d.f. ¼ 3,
13,886, p , 0.01; Kruskall – Wallis H ¼ 12.11,
1 d.f. ¼ 3, n ¼ 43, p ¼ 0.007 (Kartavtsev 2009a).
It is possible to conclude that in the animal world
due to the D1 SM prevalence, morphologically
Average (I)

0.6 different or “good” species usually are quite distinct

from intra-species categories in a genetic distance
scale, and on this property the successful genotypic
0.2 identification of a species is based on the individual
0 basis or DNA barcoding. Because of the absence of a
1 2 3 4 universality of a distance scale, there is a need for
Taxa a complex approach to the species definition and SM
delimiting (Brower 1999; Templeton 2001; Kartavt-
Figure 4. Genetic similarity in taxa of different ranks based on
the protein markers: mean for the groups. Group 1, subspecies;
sev et al. 2002; Sites and Marshall 2004; Kartavtsev
Group 2, semi-species and sibling species; Group 3, species; 2009a). One such genetically based approach is
Group 4, genera. exemplified below.
Sequence divergence at CO-1 and CYT-B and genetics of speciation 61

A scheme and an algorithmic approach to dis- diversity and gene expression between the daughter
tinguish SMs (models) on the basis of key population and the parental taxon are absent). Finally, upon some
genetic parameters and their estimates available in the types of speciation, not only variability and genetic
literature have been developed (Kartavtsev 2000, distances but also some quantitative trait loci (QTL,
2009a,b, 2011; Kartavtsev et al. 2002). As a basis for polygenes) are of major importance, which could not
the evolutionary genetic concept of speciation, verbal be distinguished at the molecular level, but lead to the
descriptions of seven SMs were used (Templeton RIB formation. Hence, the next descriptor is
1981). Consequently, a classification scheme for seven introduced: 6. TM (TMþ vs. TM – , an experimental
modes of speciation was developed (Kartavtsev et al. test to detect scores for modifications or RIB
2002; Kartavtsev 2005, 2009a,b, 2011). Here, in this important differences at quantitative traits in nature
paper, I present a revised scheme updated for taxa). This test also allows one to distinguish between
sequence data. In short, an illustration is made of an epigenetic variation and a taxonomically significant
the main elements of this scheme from all seven difference.
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types represented: D1 – D3 (divergent speciation) and Do all data presented above imply that speciation
T1 –T4 (transformative or transilience speciation; always corresponds to the D1 type? Apparently not.
Figure 5). This approach leads to a relatively simple One good example supporting this answer is known
logical and experimental scheme, which allows us to for two trout (Salmo trutta; Ryman et al. 1979). There
organize an investigation of speciation in various are other examples of bursts of fish evolution,
groups of organisms, based on a focused approach documented by molecular markers (Rutaisire et al.
with defined genetic terms and obtain analytic 2004; Duftner et al. 2005). These, as well as other
expressions (equations) for each of the SMs data, for instance from our database of coefficients of
(Figure 5). Using the proposed scheme (Figure 5), similarity, indicate that sometimes small differences in
one can determine two kinds of conditions required structural genes may result in the appearance of RIBs
for the speciation: the necessity conditions and the (and thus reproductively isolated biological entities).
sufficiency conditions, which denote requirement for In the case of the trout mentioned above, the
the mechanisms that control species origin in genetic genetic difference between the two forms Dn is 0.02
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terms and that are sufficient for the formation and (Ryman et al. 1979), which corresponds to the level of
recognition of a species. Importantly, in addition to intra-species genetic differentiation. There are many
the general definition of the sufficient conditions, six other examples for salmonid fishes (Kartavtsev
experimentally measured descriptors are introduced 2009a,b, 2011), supporting the view that in these
(their number including mtDNA and nDNA molecu- fishes, small changes can generate biological species
lar markers can be increased up to appropriate during a short period of time. These evidences also
number) to clarify how, and in which form, these suggest an alternative SM, such as the transforma-
conditions are manifested in a particular case of tional (T1) or other T-modes (Figures 5 and 6),
speciation or in a potential model. For instance, the although in general the D1 SM prevails in this
divergent type of speciation D1 explains classic group too.
geographic (or allopatric) speciation (see Figure 5). The above original developments are close to
As agreed, according to the BSC, the D1 model similar directions in evolutionary genetics. For
implies that large populations are isolated (disruption instance, the method of distance scaling along phyletic
of the gene flow) and evolve separately, accumulating lines was suggested by Avise and Walker (1999). It was
mutations, while reproductive isolating barriers designed for the normalization of taxa weights, and as
(RIBs) are caused by pleiotropic effects. The longer an outcome the unification of Systematics is expected.
the time elapsed from the isolation event, the greater The estimation of gene trees’ cohesion was suggested
the distances between the corresponding taxa. by Templeton (2001) to decide on species boundaries.
Accordingly, in this notation, distance descriptors The approach includes the notion of genetic exchan-
are introduced: 1. DT . DS and 4. pT . pS (where geability and/or ecological interchangeability among
subscripts T and S indicate genetic distances at lineages belonging to the same species (Templeton
structural genes/sites in the putative parental taxon 2001). Both approaches are operational for species
and in conspecific populations or at the higher and delimitation but it seems that these techniques will
lower levels of taxonomic hierarchy in statu nascendi hardly solve the “rigidity” of species and species
situation). Likewise, since upon implementation of boundaries without the formalization of a species
the D1 mode, no significant genetic diversity notion. Some authors reached similar conclusions on
differences appear at either the structural gene or the the basis of independent analysis of different
regulatory part of the genome (because the initial and characters and approaches for species delimitation
derived taxa have large effective size, Ne, and thus a (Ferguson 2002; Wiens and Penkrot 2002; Sites
small rate in diversity decreases), the following and Marshall 2004). In particular, the latter authors
parameters are introduced: 2. HD ¼ HP, 3. ED ¼ EP, emphasize the idea of diffused peculiarities of
and 5. pD ¼ pP (differences in heterozygosity/ the species concept and species boundaries and,
62 Y. Ph. Kartavtsev



Necessary Conditions for Speciation

D or p, Genetic distance at structural
D1. a) Erection of extrinsic D3. a) Selection over multiple
D2. a) Selection on a cline with genes:
Reproductive Isolating habitats with no isolation by
isolation by distance; DT, pT, in suggested parent taxa,
Barriers (RIB) followed by distance; b) Origin of RIB by
b) Pleiotropic origin of RIB DS, pS, among conspecific demes,
gene flow break; b) Pleiotropic disruptive selection at genes,
DD, pD, among subspecies or sibling
origin of RIB in long time determining behavior
HD, πD, Mean heterozygosity/diversity
in suggested daughter population;
Sufficient Conditions for Speciation
HP, πP, Mean heterozygosity/diversity
Mitochondrial DNA Downloaded from by IBI Circulation - Ashley Publications Ltd on 09/05/11

in suggested parent population;

EP, Divergence in regulatory genes
Lack of efficient Lack of efficient hybridization
Lack of efficient hybridization among suggested parent taxa;
hybridization outside the zone inside and outside the
in the zone of contact ED, Divergence in regulatory
of contact zone of contact
genes among suggested
daughter taxa;
1. DT > DS 5. πD = πP 1. DT > DS 5. πD = πP 1. DT = DS 5. πD <= πP +
TM , Test for modification
2. ED = EP 6. TM– 2. ED ≠ EP 6. TM– 2. ED ≠ EP 6. TM– (positive);
3. HD = HP 3. HD = HP 3. HD <= HP TM–, Test for modification
4. pT > pS Φ1 (S) 4. pT > pS Φ2 (S) 4. pT = pS Φ3 (S) (negative).
RIB, Reproductive Isolation
Experimentally measurable features Barriers.
and possible descriptors for the
model (theory), Φ (S)

For personal use only.


Necessary Conditions for Speciation

T1. a) Founder event causing T3. a) Hybridization of in- T4. a) Hybridization of

T2. a) Inbreeding and drift
a rapid shift in previously compartible parental species incompartible parental species
causing fixation of strongly
stable genetic system; b) RIB followed by selection for followed by inbreeding and
underdominant chromosomal
origin as by product of one or maintenance for hybrid state; selection for stabilized
mutatins; b) RIB origin as a
a small number gene b) RIB origin as a cause of recombinant; b) RIB origin as
cause of hybrid disgenesis
substitutions hybrid disgenesis a cause of hybrid disgenesis

Sufficient Conditions for Speciation

Lack of efficient Lack of efficient Lack of efficient Lack of efficient

hybridization inside and hybridization inside and hybridization in the zoneof hybridization inside and
outside the zone of contact outside the zone of contact contact outside the zone of contact

1. DT = DD 5. πD <= πP 1. DT = DD 5. πD <= πP 1. DT > DD 5. πD > πP 1. D T > DS 5. πD < πP

2. ED = EP 6. TM– 2. ED = EP 6. TM– 2. ED ≠ EP 6. TM– 2. E D ≠ EP 6. TM–
3. HD <= HP 3. HD <= HP 3. HD > HP 3. HD < HP
4. pT = pD Φ4 (S) 4. pT = pD Φ5 (S) 4.pT>pD Φ6 (S) 4. p T ≠ pS Φ7 (S)

Experimentally measurable features and possible

descriptors for the model (theory), Φ (S)

Figure 5. Schematic representation of the divergent SM, based on the population genetic principles (from Kartavtsev et al. 2002; Kartavtsev
2009a, with modifications). D1–D3, divergent SMs; T1–T4, transformative (transilience) SMs.

consequently, the necessity and applicability of several criteria of whether species have or have not yet
sets of operational criteria in a multiple approach for originated. Thus, this approach is quite suitable for
species identification (Sites and Marshall 2004). species delimiting as having both a theoretic and
This is also emphasized in the approach suggested empirically operational approach. It has weakness,
here (Figures 5 and 6 and relevant text). The scheme which all current methods, both the non-tree-based
presented in this paper was designed originally to and tree-based, have (Sites and Marshall 2004); that
define a SM. However, it also contains the logical is, in some cases, the approach will require researches
Sequence divergence at CO-1 and CYT-B and genetics of speciation 63

Φ1 (S) ∈ {(DT > DS) ⊂ (ED = EP) ⊂ (HD = HP) ⊂ (pT > pS) ⊂ ( πD = πP) ⊂ TM–} (D1)
Φ2 (S) ∈ {(DT > DS) ⊂ (ED ≠ EP) ⊂ (HD = HP) ⊂ (pT > pS) ⊂ ( πD = πP) ⊂ TM–} (D2)
Φ3 (S) ∈ {(DT = DS) ⊂ (ED ≠ EP) ⊂ (HD <= HP) ⊂ (pT = pS) ⊂ ( πD <= πP) ⊂ TM+} (D3)
Φ4 (S) ∈ {(DT = DD) ⊂ (ED ≠ EP) ⊂ (HD <= HP) ⊂ (pT > pD) ⊂ ( πD <= πP) ⊂ TM–} (T1)
Φ5 (S) ∈ {(DT = DD) ⊂ (ED = EP) ⊂ (HD <= HP) ⊂ (pT > pD) ⊂ ( πD <= πP) ⊂ TM–} (T2)
Φ6 (S) ∈ {(DT > DD) ⊂ (ED ≠ EP) ⊂ (HD > HP) ⊂ (pT > pD) ⊂ ( πD > πP) ⊂ TM–} (T3)
Φ7 (S) ∈ {(DT > DS) ⊂ (ED ≠ EP) ⊂ (HD > HP) ⊂ (pT > pS) ⊂ ( πD < πP) ⊂ TM–} (T4)

Figure 6. Analytic representation of seven SMs (from Kartavtsev 2009a, with modifications). D1–D3, divergent SMs; T1–T4,
transformative (transilience) SMs. Descriptors: D, genetic distances for structural gene; DT, pT, in putative parental taxon; DS, pS, among
conspecific demes; DD, pD, among subspecies or sibling species; HD, pD, mean heterozygosity/diversity in putative daughter population;
Mitochondrial DNA Downloaded from by IBI Circulation - Ashley Publications Ltd on 09/05/11

HP, pP, mean heterozygosity/diversity in putative parental population; EP, divergence at regulatory genes in putative parental taxon;
ED, divergence at regulatory genes in putative daughter taxon; TMþ, test for modification (positive); TM – , test for modification (negative).

to make qualitative judgments because of the variety of less fit. The other limitation is that generalizations
ways for species to originate. Potentially, the approach (deductions) are only possible in a framework of the
developing is close to the Population Aggregation genetic terms defined. But individuals comprising
Analysis (PAA) in Davis and Nixon’s (1992) version species are phenotypes. Thus, genotype/phenotype
because it is based on the population-based correspondence should be defined in an appropriate
parameters such as DT, HD, and so on (see Figures 5 form and genotype-and-environment interaction, or
and 6). However, this PAA1 approach could easily be ecological interchangeability in Templeton’s (2001)
converted to the mode PAA2 as defined by Brower sense should also be introduced somehow. Partly,
(1999). Developed notations (see Figures 5 and 6; it is supposed, when QTL or other complimentary
see also Sites and Marshall 2004) may even have descriptors will be introduced. An advance is that this
For personal use only.

properties of the tree-based method (see below). As approach is wider than many other suggested for
in PAA2, it is suggested to use not only genotypic species delimiting (see Sites and Marshall 2004) in its
scores (character states) but other suitable values of ability to define different SMs (or take into account
descriptors (qualitative, QT and quantitative traits, the differences in species types). Also, by weighting
QTL, etc.); they could be represented as per- the members of equations in a specific way, it is
individual sets of the records or as vector scores for possible to further develop the approach as a frame-
implementing a multi-dimensional analysis (canoni- work for future theory, the genetic theory of
cal, principal component analysis, etc.) with the aims speciation.
of testing a null hypothesis (H1) of the absence of
vectors’ gatherings and, if rejected, the alternative
hypothesis (H2) will be tested for discrimination Acknowledgements
among them and taking solution in the frame of logic This work was supported in part by Far Eastern
suggested (Figure 5); and obtaining a solution Branch of Russian Academy of Science grant number
whether vectors’ genetic ( ¼ phylogenetic) unity is 09-I-P23-07 and the Russian Foundation for Basic
available, both as a distance value and a coalescent Research grants numbers 07-04-00186, 08-04-91200.
signature obtained from a tree; again solving H1 and
H2. To obtain phyletic signal it will be necessary to Declaration of interest: The authors report no
develop new descriptors in Figure 5 scheme and conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible
introduce them in the set of equations D1 – T4 (and for the content and writing of the paper.
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