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B2 E-Books For Children LC015

Listen to the recording about the future of children's books. While listening, answer the
questions using a maximum of FOUR words. Write your answers into the boxes on the right.

E-Books For Children

1 How do most children tend to read nowadays?

2 Of all children's books sold, how many are electronic?

What is Poyntner's attitude concerning conventional


What aspect of electronic books does Poyntner


What type of printed children's books did Munro mainly

write? (Give ONE answer.)

What kind of business does Munro's Dutch admirer


Which doors can be opened in the app book Doors?

(Give ONE answer.)

8 How does the reader navigate in the app book Doors?

What determines whether a children's book works well

as an e-book?
(recommended answers – other answers may of course be possible)

1. on a screen 7. space shuttle (door)

2. 13% / 13 per cent fire station (door)
13% and rising door of spaceship
13% of children's books door to fire station
3. he is not optimistic door to space shuttle
books are too expensive doors into different worlds
cost (too) much doors into wonderful worlds
expensive to make (create) flip open space shuttle
negative because of costs into wonderful worlds
paper is (more) expensive of a space shuttle
paper isn't cheap 8. moves finger across screen
producing is too expensive by moving a finger
transport is expensive children touch it
too high costs control with fingers
4. (they are) educational move finger
educate children tapping on doors
educational aspect tapping on the screen
educational for children touch the screen
learning touching with your finger
limited costs using fingers
(they are) cheaper with children's fingers
5. search and find books 9. (about the) content
maze books content(s) of the book
maize books depends on the content
traditional maze books on content
6. a graphics company book's content
graphic(s) company content and topic
graphic(s) enterprise what book is about
own graphic(s) company what it is about

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