Tled 434 Science Lesson Plan 1

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Science Lesson Planning Template

Name: Sherry Grady Grade: 4th Grade Science Topic: Living Systems/Plants
Brief Lesson Description:
The students will (TSW) learn about important plant structures and how photosynthesis occurs.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
TSW understand the process of how plants are self-sufficient and are able to make their own food, using only sun, water,
ground nutrients and chlorophyll.
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)
This is a universal lesson that is important for all students to learn. It is able to be adapted to meet the needs of any student, whether it
be physical, mental or educational. It is also an important part of understanding why plants are crucial to our environment and to the
well-being of humans and animals worldwide.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Students will have learned about plants and animal adaptations in third grade VA SOL 3.4. All students are familiar with plants as they are
grown both indoors and outdoors. Students should have a basic understanding that plants need water and sunlight in order to grow.
These are the major components of photosynthesis.
Science VA SOL Health VA SOL NGSS (You may have to look to a different grade
level for the connection)
VA SOL 4.2: The student will investigate
and understand that plants and animals have LS1.A-Stucture and Function- Grade 2-5
structures that distinguish them from one
another and play vital roles and their ability LS1.C- Organization of Matter and Energy
to survive. Key ideas include: Flow in Organisms.
a. The survival of plants and animals
depend on photosynthesis.
b. Plants and animals have different
structures and processes for
obtaining energy.
Science & Engineering Practices: (You must tie engineering practices into your plan)

TSW Use Classroom stem materials in order to create and label the parts of a plant that include stem, roots, leaves, and
flower. This utilizes the knowledge they learn in third grade and will be the basis on how they describe the process of
photosynthesis when they complete and share with their classmates.
TSW choose how they would like to describe the process of photosynthesis to their classmates. They may draw a diagram,
make a video, or write out the processes of how a plant uses its parts as well as air, water and sunlight to make its own food
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some students may not believe or understand how it is possible for plants to use sun carbon dioxide and water along with its
own pigment to make food.
Some students may think that a plant needs to be fed by humans in order to survive.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: (Discrepant events are awesome to use here)
TW distribute notes on plant structure and photosynthesis to the students.
TW begin the review of the 3rd grade content by projecting/drawing a basic diagram of a plant (stem, roots, leaves and
flower) on the board. ../../Photosynthesis Diagram.docx
TW ask the students to name the different parts of the plant.
TW ask the students to describe why the different parts are important for the plant’s survival.
TW ask the students what they think plants eat or need to grow.
TSW watch several videos showing and explaining the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis Video, “Photosynthesis
Think Garden” Video, “Vegetation Transformation” Video
TTW will explain the process of photosynthesis by showing a diagram/chart on the board and reviewing the steps of the
process that are outlined in the chapter notes that they have glued into students’ notebooks. Refer to student text provided by
Five Ponds press Grade 4: Food Powered by the Sun (student text p22-23) as well as the student notes linked here.

../../Plant Reproduction 4th grade Science SOL 4.4b.pdf (now VA SOL 4.2 a & b since the new realignment)
TSW Collaborate with peers to show and demonstrate their knowledge of photosynthesis by creating and explaining a
diagram, creating a short video on their iPad, or outlining the steps of photosynthesis in a descriptive paragraph using the
necessary vocabulary words.
TSW share their ideas with their classmates as part of a formative assessment.
TSW complete a short photosynthesis vocabulary quiz at the end of the lesson. ../../4th Grade Photosynthesis Vocabulary
EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:
TSW Be asked to create their own diagram of a plant using various stem materials that are available in the classroom. These
may include pipe cleaners, scraps of colored or tissue paper, glue sticks, markers/crayons, scissors.
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:
TSW will need to learn the definitions of important vocabulary words that pertain to this concept in order to use them to describe the
process of photosynthesis.
carbon dioxide, oxygen, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, glucose, nutrients, stomata, stem, leaves, roots, flower.
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
Using the flower model that they created, the student will explain the process of how photosynthesis occurs to the class.
Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion): As the student is presenting their creation to their classmates the teacher will observe
the student’s presentation and make note of their use of various vocabulary words and how well they can explain the process of
photosynthesis to others.
Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric): TSW complete a short vocabulary assignment by matching the
correct vocabulary word with its definition as an exit ticket.

Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
 Students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders) – the assignment can be adapted to meet
individual student needs by giving answers orally, or using various technology assisted devices where appropriate.
 ELL -the teacher can provide notes in the student’s native language as well as in English.
 Gifted learners – Advanced students can be encouraged to continue researching and studying the chemical breakdown of
Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:
 How will you evaluate your practice? The teacher will observe the students’ presentation and review the vocabulary
assignment for accuracy and thoroughness.
 Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson? Some students may have difficulty in labeling the diagram or may have
trouble describing the process of photosynthesis in the correct order.
 How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning? The teacher could also show a short video to engage the
students in watching the process of photosynthesis and how it affects plants. An example is listed for use.
 There could also be a literacy component added to this by using the following text: Literature Connection: Living Sunlight: How
Plants Bring Earth to Life (Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm)../../FREE Living Sunlight How Plants Bring The Earth To Life.pdf
 Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced? Since plants are universally
important to all cultures as a source of food and natural resources, they should be a topic without bias. Therefore, I believe this
lesson is culturally sustaining.

Materials Required for This Lesson/Activity

Quantity Description Potential Supplier (item #) Estimated Price

1 pack Assorted color construction paper Walmart 4.00
Donated Tissue paper scraps Parents/teacher gifts free
Class set Gluesticks Student supply list free
Assorted Pipe cleaners Walmart 2.00
scissors Student supply list free
Markers/crayons Student supply list free

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