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UBBA FMI M1DEC 2022/2023 TD ArchiMate Language part 3

Exercise 1 (Stakeholder, Driver, Assessment): The stakeholder Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is concerned with the
driver Market Share, the stakeholder Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is concerned with the drivers Market Share and
Profitability, and the stakeholder Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is concerned with the driver Profitability. The driver
Profitability is composed of two other drivers: Revenue and Costs. Several assessments are associated with these drivers
(e.g., the assessment Market Share Is Declining is associated with driver Market Share), and assessments may influence
each other in a positive or negative way (e.g., Market Share Is Declining results in Revenue Is Declining, which in turn
results in Profitability Is Declining).

UBBA FMI M1DEC 2022/2023 TD ArchiMate Language part 3

Exercise 2(Goal, Outcome, Principle, Requirement, and Constraint):

The goal Improve Profitability of Service Offering is realized by the outcome Increased Profit. This outcome is influenced
positively by the outcomes Increased Revenue and Reduced Cost of Customer Acquisition. The outcome Increased
Revenue is influenced positively by an outcome Increased Market Share. Both of these outcomes are realized by a
combination of two principles: Serve Customers Wherever They Are and Serve Customers Whenever They Need Our
Help. Both of these principles are realized by a combination of two requirements: Mobile Applications Shall Run On All
Popular Mobile Platforms and Services Shall Be Accessible Through Mobile Browsers. The goal Reduced Cost Of
Customer Acquisition is realized by a principle Respond To Changing Customer Needs, Preferences, And Expectations
Quickly And Efficiently, which in turn is realized by a constraint Mobile Applications Shall Be Built With Cross-Platform
UBBA FMI M1DEC 2022/2023 TD ArchiMate Language part 3

Exercise 3:
Increase Profit is a goal that can be decomposed into a number of other goals: Decrease Costs and Increase Revenue. The
former is related to the Operation Excellence strategy of the company, modeled as a course of action. This is decomposed
into two other courses of action: Centralize IT Systems and Standardize Products. These result in two outcomes: Decreased
Costs and Loss of Customers, which influence the goals in positive and negative ways. This shows an important difference
between goals and outcomes: not all outcomes lead to the intended results. The courses of action are realized by a number
of capabilities: IT Management & Operations and Product Management, and appropriate resources Human Resources and
IT Resources are assigned to the former. The model fragment also shows that these resources are located in the
Headquarters of the organization, in line with the Centralize IT Systems course of action.
UBBA FMI M1DEC 2022/2023 TD ArchiMate Language part 3

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