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The Battle of the Hydaspes River was fought by Alexander the Great in 326 BC against King
Porus of the Paurava kingdom on the banks of the Hydaspes River (Jhelum River) in the Punjab
near Bhera. This battle is considered as Alexander's costliest by many historians. The battle
resulted in a complete Macedonian victory and the annexation of the Punjab, which lay beyond
the confines of the defeated Persian empire, into the Alexandrian Empire. Alexander's decision
to cross the monsoon-swollen river despite close Indian surveillance, in order to catch Porus'
army in the flank, has been referred as one of his "masterpieces". Although victorious, it was also
the most costly battle fought by the Macedonians. The resistance put up by King Porus and his
men won the respect of Alexander, who asked Porus to become a Macedonian satrap. The battle
is historically significant for opening up India to Greek political

The battle took place on the east bank of the Hydaspes River (now called the river Jhelum, a
tributary of the river Indus) in what is now present-day Punjab. Alexander later founded the city
of Nicaea on the site; this city has yet to be discovered Any attempt to find the ancient battle site
is complicated by considerable changes to the landscape over time. For the moment, the most
plausible location is just south of the city of Jhelum, where the ancient main road crossed the
river and where a Buddhist source mentions a city that may be Nicaea.

328 BCE, he began a new campaign to further extend his empire towards India in 327 BCE. Whilst
possessing a much larger army, at the battle, an estimated 6,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry crossed the
river in time to engage the enemy.

Alexander had to subdue King Porus in order to keep marching east. To leave such a strong
opponent at his flanks would endanger any further exploit. He could also not afford to show any
weakness if he wanted to keep the loyalty of the already subdued Indian princes. Porus had to
defend his kingdom and chose the perfect spot to check Alexander's advance. Although he lost the
battle, he became the most successful recorded opponent of Alexander .
Pre-battle maneuvers
Porus drew up on the south bank of the Jhelum River to repel any crossing. The Jhelum River
was deep and fast enough that any opposition to a crossing would probably doom the attacking
force. Alexander knew that a direct approach had little chance of success and tried to find
alternative fords. He moved his mounted troops up and down the river bank each night while
Porus shadowed him. Eventually, Alexander used a suitable crossing, about 27 km upstream of
his camp. His plan was a classic pincer maneuver. Alexander quietly moved his part of the army
upstream and then traversed the river in utmost secrecy, using ‘skin floats filled with hay’ as well
as ‘smaller vessels cut in half, the thirty oared galleys into three’. Alexander mistakenly landed
on an island, but soon crossed to the other side. Porus perceived his opponent's maneuver and
sent a small cavalry and chariot force under his son, also named Porus, to fight them off, hoping
that he would be able to prevent his crossing.

Alexander had already crossed the river, however, and his horse archers impeded the young
Porus's cavalry. Young Porus also faced an unexpected disadvantage: his chariots were
immobilized by the mud near the shore of the river. After his army was routed, young Porus was
among the dead. As news reached the elder Porus, he understood that Alexander had crossed to
his side of the river and hastened to face him with the best part of his army, leaving behind a
small detachment to disrupt the landing of Craterus' force should he attempt to cross the river.

When Porus reached the point where Alexander's army was arrayed, he deployed his forces and
commenced the attack. The Indians were poised with cavalry on both flanks, their center
comprising infantry with elephants towering among or before them in equal intervals. The
elephants caused much harm to the Macedonian phalanx. Alexander started the battle by sending
horse archers to shower the Indian left cavalry wing. Then, he led the charge against the weakened
Indian wing. The rest of the Indian cavalry galloped to their hard pressed kinsmen but at this moment,
Coenus's cavalry contingent appeared on the Indian rear. The Indians tried to form a double phalanx,
but the necessary complicated maneuvers brought even more confusion into their ranks making it easier
for the Macedonian horse to conquer. The remaining Indian cavalry fled among the elephants for
protection, but the beasts were already out of control and would soon retreat exhausted from the field,
leaving the rest of Porus's army encircled by the Macedonian horse and phalanx. At this time, the
phallangitai locked their shields and advanced upon the confused enemy. Porus, after putting up a brave
fight, surrendered and the battle was finally over. Two sons of Porus were killed during the battle, as
well as his relative and ally Spitakes, and most of his chieftains.

The bravery, war skills and princely attitude of Porus greatly impressed Alexander, who allowed
him to rule Hydaspes in Alexander's name. Wounded in his shoulder, standing at over 2.1 m
(7 feet) tall, he was asked by Alexander how he wished to be treated. "Treat me, O Alexander,
like a king" Porus responded.[24] Alexander would indeed treat him like a king, allowing him to
retain his kingship. The Macedonian king of most of the known world founded two cities in this
region, one at the spot of the battle called Nicaea (Greek for Victory) in commemoration of his
success and one on the other side of the Hydaspes called Alexandria Bucephalus, to honor his
faithful steed, which died soon after this battle
Thematic Summary
1. The most notable event in the present connection was Alexander's crossing of the Hydaspes in
face of the Indians on the opposite bank. The complex preparations for the crossing were
accomplished with the use of numerous feints and other sorts of deceptions. Porus was kept
continuously on the move until he decided it was a bluff and relaxed. On every visit to the site of
the crossing, Alexander made a detour inland to stay in secrecy. It was also reported that there
was an Alexander look-alike who held sway in a mock royal tent near the base.

2. By chance a storm occurred on the night of the crossing. It drowned the sounds of the

3. The chariots sent by the Indian army on the far bank got stuck in the mud and were useless.

4. The 200 elephants prevented any frontal attack. Alexander thus launched a mass attack against
Porus's left flank. Alexander surmised correctly that Porus would be forced to move cavalry on
the right wing across to the left. Alexander foresaw this and placed his cavalry, under the
command of Coenus, opposite of them and out of sight. Their job was to break cover and follow
the Indian cavalry, which forced the Indians to divide their force and face both ways.

5. Alexander sent his phalanx to attack the elephants, which were forced back on their own side.
They boxed the Indian infantry and cavalry, many of whom were trampled to death.

6. Craterus and his force in the base camp crossed the river when the way was clear, and they
conducted a chase against those who escaped

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