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Incident Management

1. User reports an incident or problem via the OTRS ticketing system using a template ticket.

2. The ticket is forwarded to the Incident/Problem Management and User Support Team.

3. A responsible member of the Business Application or IT Operations team takes over the ticket.

4. The realization process begins, in which the employee analyzes the incident/problem, develops
solutions and resolves the incident.

5. After successful resolution, the ticket is closed and handed over to the user.

6. In the last step, the Closure & Handover phase takes place, in which the entire incident/problem
process is completed and the user is informed that the incident/problem has been resolved.

Change Management

1. User identifies optimization potential or a project and contacts the local Process Expert.
2. The local Process Expert and the Global Process Owner analyze the optimization or project
together and agree on it.
3. If necessary, a Change Request (for optimizations) or a Project Request (for projects) is
created by the Process Owner.
4. The Change Request ends up in the Changes section of the OTRS ticketing system, while the
Project Request is entered in the project management tool.
5. After the Change or Project is submitted, it goes to the Change Approval Board (for Changes)
or Project Approval Board (for Projects) for review.
6. The Approval Board decides on the further procedure, necessary measures and whether the
Change or the Project is approved or rejected.
7. After approval, the Realization Process begins, similar to Incident Management, in order to
implement the optimization or the project.
8. After the Realization Process is completed, the Closure & Handover phase takes place, in
which the Process Owner communicates the solution with the Process Experts and passes on
the information to the users.

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