Verbul Have Si Have Got

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Verbul Have si have got

O intrebare pe buzele multora dintre cei care invata limba engleza este:
"Care este diferenta dintre "have" si "have got"?"
"Cand folosim "have" si cand "have got"?"
Atat verbul “have” cat si “have got” inseamna a avea, “have got” poarta insa numai
semnificatia de a avea ceva in posesie, a detine ceva.
Se refera la orice avem pentru ca am obtinut, am cumparat, am gasit, am primit cadou,
am mostenit lucruri sau trasaturi fizice... “Have got” este foarte des întâlnit în vorbirea
“Have got” si “have” sunt echivalente în cateva situatii specifice.
“Have got” poate fi înlocuit oricând cu have, nu si invers, atentie!
Verbul “have” este utilizat si in alte cazuri, in care “have got” nu este.
Verbul “have” poate fi folosit si in ale timpuri, pe cand “have got” se poate folosi doar
la Present Simple.
Putem folosi verbul have got în loc de “have” atunci când ne referim la:

1. Posesie

I have a new car/dress/mobile phone/laptop.
= I have got a new car/dress/mobile phone/laptop.

2. Trãsãturi fizice:

I have black eyes. = I have got black eyes.

3. Relatii de rudenie, prietenie, munca:

I have a brother. = I have got a brother.

She has many friends. = She has got many friends.

4. Boli, probleme medicale:

He has a stomachache. = He has got a stomachache.

I have flu. = I have got flu.

I have a small house.
I have got a small house.
I‘ve got a small house.
Do you have a boyfriend? Have you got a boyfriend?
I do not have a headache.
I don’t have a headache.
I have not got a headache.
I haven’t got a headache.
Sa nu uitam ca mai putem folosi “have got” in loc de “have”, cand vrem sa spunem
"trebuie", de data aceasta vor fi urmate de "to".
have to = have got to = must
I have to work now. = I have got to work now.
= I must work now.

Verbul “have” se foloseste in mult expresii, pe cand verbul “have got”, nu.
I have lunch = I eat at noon.
I have dinner = I eat in the evening.
I have a coffee. = I drink a coffee.
I have a pizza. = I eat a pizza.
I have a shower. = I wash myself under the shower.
I have a bath. = I wash myself in the bath.
I have fun. = I enjoy something..
Have a good time! = Enjoy yourself!
Have a rest! = Rest for a while!
Let's have a chat! = Let's talk!

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