Gifts of Youth Adjectives List Summary

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Professora: Fatiha Jaraki 2nd Year Baccalaureate Unit 1 Website www.englishwithfatiha.

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Nouns ]‫[أسماء‬ Adjectives ]‫[نعوت‬ Examples ]‫[أمثلة‬

reliability (‫)الموثوقية‬ reliable (‫)جدير بالثقة‬ -The manager thought he was a reliable person

sociability (‫)مؤانسة‬ sociable (‫)إجتماعي‬ and told him all about the new plan.
unreliability (‫)الموثوقية عدم‬ unreliable (‫)غير جدير بالثقة‬

responsibility (‫)المسؤولية‬ responsible (‫)مسؤول‬ -All pilots are responsible for their passengers’

flexibility (‫)المرونة‬ flexible (‫)مرن‬ safety.

irresponsibility (‫)الالمسؤولية‬ irresponsible (‫)غير مسؤول‬

adventure (‫)مغامرة‬ adventurous (‫)مغامر‬

vigor (‫)قوة الشباب‬ vigorous (‫)قوي‬ -Only ambitious students get the best marks.
ambition (‫)طموح‬ ambitious (‫)طموح‬

rebelliousness (‫)التمرد‬ rebellious (‫)متمرد‬ -From childhood, Hamid was evidently at once
ingeniousness (‫)براعة‬ ingenious (‫) بارع – ماهر‬ rebellious and precocious.
audacity (‫)الجرأة‬ audacious (‫)جريء‬

determination (‫)عزم‬ determined (‫)عاقد العزم‬

open-mindedness (‫)االنفتاح‬ open-minded (‫)منفتح‬ -The Moroccan president is determined to

talent (‫)موهبة‬ talented (‫)ذو موهبة‬ tackle inflation.

old fashion (‫)موضة قديمة‬ old-fashioned (‫)قديم الطراز‬
skill (‫)مهارة‬ skilled (‫)ماهر‬

creativity (‫)إبداع‬ creative (‫)مبدع‬

imagination (‫)خيال‬ imaginative (‫)واسع الخيال‬ -Children are naturally so inquisitive.

innovation (‫)ابتكار‬ innovative (‫)إبداعي‬

inquisitiveness (‫)حب اإلستطالع‬ inquisitive (‫)محب لإلستطالع‬

enthusiasm (‫)حماس‬ enthusiastic (‫)متحمس‬ - I am enthusiastic over a project for building a


energy (‫)طاقة‬ energetic (‫)مفعم بالطاقة‬ new bridge.

nosiness (‫)فضول‬ nosy (‫)فضولي‬

bossiness (‫)التسلط‬ bossy (‫)متسلط‬ -Don’t be so nosy! It’s none of your business.
untidiness (‫)فوضى‬ untidy (‫)غير مرتب‬

steadiness (‫)الثبات‬ steady (‫)ثابت‬ -Salim is a steady young man.

lazy (‫)كسول‬ lazy (‫)كسول‬
silliness (‫)بالدة‬ silly (‫)بليد‬

purposefulness (‫)العزيمة‬ purposeful (‫هادف‬/‫)ذو عزم‬

fear (‫)خوف‬ fearful (‫)خائف‬ -Anna looked purposeful and determined.

success (‫)نجاح‬ successful (‫)ناجح‬

disrespect (‫)عدم االحترام‬ disrespectful (‫)قليل االحترام‬

thoughtlessness (‫)طيش‬ thoughtless (‫)طائش‬ -It was thoughtless not to phone and say you’d

carelessness (‫)عدم اإلكتراث‬ careless (‫)غير مكترث‬ be late.

Selflessness (‫)نكران الذات‬ Selfless (‫)غير أناني‬

maturity (‫)نضج‬ mature (‫)ناضج‬ - In youth the hours are golden in mature years
hard work (‫)عمل شاق‬ hardworking (‫)نشيط في عمله‬ they are silver, in old age they are leaden.

passion (‫)شغف‬ passionate (‫)شغوف‬ -Camelia is very mature for her age.
wisdom (‫)حكمة‬ wise (‫)حكيم‬
ignorance (‫)جهل‬ ignorant (‫)جاهل‬

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