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Johnson 1

Elisabeth Johnson
Professor Fa n Morris Guirguis
ENC-1101 College Composi on I
16 November 2023

Topic 1

“Before your high schooler goes to college, it’s crucial that they have par cular life skills that will
help them thrive.” As a dual enrolled student, I can tes fy that it is indeed a change going from
high school to college. There are many skills I learned in high school that I never thought I would
use in college. Over the years, gradua ng from high school and going to college has been
pushed by teachers and parents. It is hard to find someone who has not done at least one
semester of college. While college is a big adjustment for highschoolers, they can be taught a
few things that will help them to succeed and enjoy their semesters. A high school student
should learn responsibility, me management, and problem solving in high school to be
successful in college.
As men oned before, going from high school to college can be difficult for high school
students. Responsibility helps a high school student adjust to college life. When a student is
responsible, he will want to get good grades. He will not turn in late assignments, and he will try
his best. He will be respec ul to his peers. Also, he will follow the school rules. It is important
that high school students are taught to be responsible so that they can succeed in college.
Another thing that should be taught to students to help them succeed is me management. If a
student knows how to use me wisely, he will not wait to complete all his assignments right
before the due date. Therefore, he will not complete sloppy work. A student who has mastered
me management will put studying before going out with friends because good grades are
important. Time management is a valuable skill that should be taught to high school students
Johnson 2

so that they can be successful in college.

A third skill that should be taught to high school students before they go to college is
problem solving. A er high school gradua on, some graduates will stay home, but others will
get their own apartment or house. They will no longer be able to rely on their parents if the
electricity shuts off or if a pipe busts. The graduates will have to be able to solve the problems
that arise by themselves. This is why it is so important that parents teach their high school
students to be problem solvers and not rely on other people.
A er high school gradua on, going to college may seem daun ng, but if one is taught a
few skills in high school, they will succeed in college. One of these skills is responsibility. They
will be able to understand that good grades are important and to not put off assignments.
Another skill is me management. The high school student should be taught to put school and
studying before relaxa on and recrea onal me. A third skill is problem solving. This is
important for everyday life. If one knows how to problem solve, they will not be reliant on other
people. It is important to give high school students a good educa on involving skills for
everyday life, so that they can be successful in college.

Word Count: 542

Works Cited
“10 Essen al Life Skills for Teens on Their Way to College.” The Scholarship System, 12 Sept.
2023, h ps:// al-life-skills-teach-

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