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ODU Student Observation Form

Lesson Topic: Nutrition Teacher: Emma Welte

Date: 11/28/23
Grade: 8 # of students in class: 48
Observer: Stacey Mata

Answer the following questions/descriptions for each section:

Provide a brief description of activities in lesson and the approximate time for each

MyPlate Nutrition Activity: Different food items with their caloric content were taped on one side
of the gym. A hula hoop was located on the opposite side of the gym. Students were paired up
and assigned a hoop. Students were to create their plate by filling up the sections with the
appropriate foods while sticking to a set caloric limit (500 calories).

Describe the teaching style(s) used

Direct/Command/Student Centered

How does the teacher help students internalize essential knowledge? (ask questions,
have student re-state information, give examples)

Emma reviewed with the students what they needed to do/objectives. Emma used the
white board to show the students MyPlate and reviewed the sections with them. Emma
also had students demonstrate the activity to help visual learners.

How does the teacher encourage critical thinking through emphasizing accuracy and
clarity? (Link information to prior knowledge)

Emma reviewed the necessary components to complete the activity. Each hoop needed
the correct food group as well as meet the specific caloric count.
Describe how the teacher organized and prepared the classroom prior to class.

Emma set up and organized the necessary equipment needed to perform this activity.

What stop/start signals are used?


How are transitions between activities organized and implemented?

Very Good.

How is equipment distributed and collected?

Equipment was set up before introducing the activity. Emma had students help her
collect the equipment.

How does the teacher help students develop a sense of comfort and order?

Emma exhibits a very kind and welcoming nature and students are drawn to her.

To what extent do students demonstrate that they feel positive about themselves, their
peers, their instructor, and the tasks they are assigned?
Students performed very well. They were actively engaged in the lesson. They are
confident enough to ask questions. They listen and respond appropriately to activity

What characteristics does the teacher possess that makes the entire lesson an enjoyable,
productive experience for the students?

Emma is encouraging students to perform their best. Helps them with strategy to be
successful in the game.
Explanation of Activity and Execution: Very Good.Clearly Stated Goals and Objectives of
the workout. Student demonstrators to help visual learners. Students were to run across
the gym, grab a food item, put it in the correct section and calculate the caloric value to
reach a certain number (500 calories).

Feedback: Activity ran smoothly. Students were engaged and working hard to retrieve
the food items.

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