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Ten years is a period of time that is neither too long nor too short to bring the
country to great development with revolutionary achievements in science and
technology that Vietnamese people master. Ten years later, across the three
regions are hundreds of tall buildings, even skyscrapers. Along with that is the
appearance of neatly planned green urban areas, flat roads stretching like
endless. And hereafter, I will give some key features of the city now and ten
years from now.
The two maps show the same land area. The first map shows the area as it is
today and the second shows the proposed area development for the next ten
The map area ten years later is about 50 square killometers. The most noticeable
difference, is the removal of some factories and the planting of more trees, along
with the construction of a railway.
The current area is factories. In the proposed development, some plants will be
eliminated. In it, the lake and trees will not be removed, not only that, but more
trees will be planted. Near the lake will be built more amusement and
entertainment areas. In addition, roads and railways will be built. A railway line
will be built and no other houses and buildings will be built on the side of the
Besides, looking at the map ten years later will give us a feeling of fresh air,
In conclusion, the two maps show us a rather large difference and in a more
positive direction.

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