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NAME_____________________________ CLASS:______________

#Test 1#
I. Choose the best option(5px10=50p):

1. A: Would you like a beer?

B: No, thanks, __________
a) I drive
b) I'm driving
c) I drives
d) I'd be driving

2. Sorry I can't meet you after work. ______ late on Tuesdays.

a) I'm working
b) I working
c) I works
d) I work

3. My eyes _____ tired if _____ too long on the computer without a break.
a) get/ I work
b) are getting/ I'm working
c) getting/work
d) get/working

4. I can't drink wine. ______ me a headache.

a) It give
b) It's giving
c) It giving
d) It gives

5. Did you know that Venice _____? Would you like to live there?
a) sink
b) is sinking
c) sinks
d) are sinking

6. We usually __________(go) for a hike in the mountains, but today we (stay) home and relaxing.
a) go, stay
b) go, are staying
c) are going, are staying
d) goes, stays

7. The company _________(launch) a new product next month. They (work) on the final details at the moment.
a)is launching, works
b) is launching, are working
c) launch, work
d) launches, works

8. She__________ (not like) horror movies. She prefers comedies.

a) does not like
b) doesn’t linking
#Test# Innovations Upper-Intermediate U1

c) not likes
d) is not liking

9. My parents ____________(visit) us next weekend. They (arrive) on Saturday morning.

a) are visiting, are arriving
b) are visiting, arrive
c) visits, arrives
d) visit, arrive

10. The train ____________(leave) at 10:00 AM, so we (hurry) to the station.

a) leave, hurry
b) is leaving, are hurrying
c) is leaving, hurry
d) leaves, hurries

II. Fill in each gap with the adjective from the box. that fits best. Do not use an adjective
more than once(2px10=20 p):

relaxing predictable relaxed iritating, distant straight-forward tricky witty

1. "I like Clare. She's such a good laugh."" Yes, she's great, isn't she? She is really funny, really___.."

2. “How did your exam go?Was it OK?””Well, Paper 1 was fine, but Paper 2 was quite difficult, quite___”

3. "Did you know you're no longer allowed to park in the town centre between 9 and 6?"" I know. It's so
annoying, so____. How do they expect you to go shopping?"

4. "What's your new manager like? Is she alright?"" Yes, she's great! She's really easy going, really___"

5. "Did you have any trouble finding the hotel?"" No it was really, easy really____."

6. “Pete's girlfriend is a bit strange. Isn't she? Yes I know what you mean. She's a bit cold, a bit ______?

7. "What do you think of the new ambassador?" "He's quite impressive. Very sophisticated and ___."

8. “You have to admit that Arsenal are the best team in England at the moment.” “Well they are very
successful, I'll give you that, but they are so boring, so____.”

9. “Did you have a nice time in Greece? It was great. All I did was lie on the beach, reading. It was so
peaceful, so_____”

10. "How do you find working with the new software?" "It takes some getting used to. It's very detailed, very

Total: 50p+20p+30 granted points=100p

#Test# Innovations Upper-Intermediate U1

Answer Key for Version #

1. c) I'm driving
2. d) I'm working
3. d) get/ I work
4. d) It gives
5. d) is sinking
6. d) go, are staying
7. d) is launching, are working
8. d) does not like
9. d) are visiting, are arriving
10. d) is leaving, are hurrying

1. tricky
2. irritating
3. methodical
4. relaxed
5. straight-forward
6. charming
7. relaxing
8. distant
9. predictable
10. witty

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